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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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Ah, I made Ike brown because his RD tunic is brown. Elincia is white because she wears mostly white in RD and her battle outfit in PoR has a lot of white. Usually, the fur colors on my pony adaptations of human characters are from their main clothing/armor colors. For example, my Frederick pony will be light blue since he mostly wears that color. And besides, making Ike's fur blue while his mane, tail, and eyes are already blue would just be too much blue. lol

Also, male royalty in MLP aren't alicorns. Prince Blueblood is a regular unicorn.

Edited by Anacybele
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Makes sense. When I species swap I make their fur or whatever the color of their hair. But you've done that with their manes so that's fine.

Huh...so alicorns are female only? Interesting. But I guess the artist just made Lissa and Emmeryn alicorns and thought Chrom would look out of place otherwise. And I can't really see him as an earth pony either. A good one for that would be Donnel xD

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So far, yeah. But it could just be that Prince Blueblood hasn't earned his wings yet. I mean, Cadance was born a regular Pegasus before she gained a horn and became a alicorn and she's still stated to be Celestia's niece.

Yeah, Donnel would make a perfect earth pony. I should draw him with Applejack. XD

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I think Chrom is an Alicorn because he's well...the Exalt and all. Despite his lack of magic, he's a Ruler, which tends to be the thing in Equestria. Thats like what I'd assume is the rank of a "princess" at least.

Prince Blueblood is a Prince, but he doesn't own a kingdom or anything

Edited by Sara.
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Twilight doesn't own one either though. She's the princess of friendship, rather than a kingdom, and her "castle" is in Ponyville.

But now that I think about it, Prince Blueblood likely just hasn't earned his wings, as he's pretty much a dick.

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Twilight doesn't own one either though. She's the princess of friendship, rather than a kingdom, and her "castle" is in Ponyville.

But now that I think about it, Prince Blueblood likely just hasn't earned his wings, as he's pretty much a dick.

But it's still her castle. I might not be wordsing it properly, but I'm trying to identify that Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight and Chrom all end up pretty much living in their own castle and acting as their own leader. Blueblood resides more in a Mansion than a Castle, which would be reserved for literal royalty

Also, that's inarguable

Also also, on topic https://www.pinterest.com/pin/52917364347275109/


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Yeah, Donnel would make a perfect earth pony. I should draw him with Applejack. XD

LOL you should! Don't forget his pot helmet xD

Yeah I just realized that a Zelda/FE game would not only be awesome fan service, but it's probably the best way to get people to buy a Wii U FE game.

Problem is, the gameplay is so different. It would go one way or the other, almost impossible to combine it. Maybe they could do like a final fantasy style thing though with both FE and Zelda characters? Another problem: FE has more protagonists/allies/characters in general than Zelda.

An anime or manga might work better.

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Problem is, the gameplay is so different. It would go one way or the other, almost impossible to combine it. Maybe they could do like a final fantasy style thing though with both FE and Zelda characters? Another problem: FE has more protagonists/allies/characters in general than Zelda.

An anime or manga might work better.

Obviously that would have to be addressed, but I don't see where the problem is. It's not like crossover games don't ever get made because of different game mechanics, and lots of FE characters isn't stopping the SMT thing.

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That's the first time I've seen Link in Ike's clothes. XD I'd only seen Link and Marth swapping outfits before that. :P

An FE and Zelda crossover would be amazing! I'd pay a lot of money for that. ^^

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I'm planning on writing a crossover fic with the two someday! It'll feature some original characters from current Zelda and FE fics I have going too. :) We'll get to see the major characters in both interact with each other. ;D

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I thought that Mist and Boyd was going to be like a romantic thing, considering their "canon" paired ending...pleasantly surprised to see it's not! Lol a few pages back me and Ana were discussing Boyd making the peace sign/other gestures and now we have that! The peace sign anyway.

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Lol a few pages back me and Ana were discussing Boyd making the peace sign/other gestures and now we have that! The peace sign anyway.

Hey yeah, that did happen. XD Funny how someone actually drew Boyd doing that. lol

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