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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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When in doubt: use staff to bash head in.

[spoiler=FE4 Comic]







Marth and Tiki



The Nohr and Hoshido try to decide who Kamui joins for him



Protip: when your brothers are on opposite sides of a war don't get their names mixed up



Everybody wants Tharja except Gaius



More Gaius/Lissa



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[spoiler=If Awakening was a highschool genre manga. Trust me, this hasn't been posted before.]


I love how they made Freddy the teacher xD


Edited by Dragoncat
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They're like all the same age and Frederick is a teacher.

He's probably slightly older than Chrom, but yeah...that wouldn't work. He sure fits the role though.

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Frederick is kind of a teacher for real, but THANKS A LOT TO THAT ARTIST FOR PUTTING MY PAIRING OF HIM AND FEMALE AVATAR IN A VERY AWKWARD POSITION SINCE THAT LOOKS LIKE MY FEMALE AVATAR WITH A MORE BLUISH HAIR COLOR ._. (romance between a student and a teacher is often frowned upon)

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Oh geez. Yeah...that sounds awko taco.

It's frowned upon, but sometimes it still works out. There was this teacher who got put in jail for it. When she got out, the student was of legal age and she married him. Still pretty weird though...

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Yeah, though sometimes the legality of age is bullshit. Like, I definitely don't approve of a 15 year old getting with a 20 year old, but I don't see any problem with a 17-18 year old getting with, say a 19-20 year old even though the law would technically prohibit it.

Anyway, I like the art style of the pic though. It could use better anatomy, that's really it.

Edited by Anacybele
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Hey, at least he's not the janitor! I wouldn't worry too much Ana, it's just a comic!

The FE4 gen 2 pic was pretty cool, especially the Johan/Johalva arm-wrestling match! It's a shame that you can only recruit one in game, I sorta like them both.

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^Yeah, I know, that's why I wasn't seriously upset, it just felt a little awkward to see an Avatar very similar to mine and Frederick presented in such a way. lol

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Yeah, though sometimes the legality of age is bullshit. Like, I definitely don't approve of a 15 year old getting with a 20 year old, but I don't see any problem with a 17-18 year old getting with, say a 19-20 year old even though the law would technically prohibit it.

Agreed but they have to enforce it all equally because there are creepos. It's not really fair to the 17 year old and the 20 year old(18 is the legal age afaik)but they have to draw the line somewhere.

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Yeah, stupid creepos...

Anyway, speaking of pairings, I realized I haven't yet drawn a pic of Ike and Elincia kissing or marrying, yet I have done both for Frederick x Female Avatar. Wut. *adds to art queue right away*

Edited by Anacybele
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^Yeah, I know, that's why I wasn't seriously upset, it just felt a little awkward to see an Avatar very similar to mine and Frederick presented in such a way. lol

Husbandos are serious business.

[spoiler=Roy x Random Touhou girl]royxsanae_by_redchampiontrainer01-d5eqtf


[spoiler=Roy confession]roy_s_confession_scene_by_xkuragarixnikk




[spoiler=Frederick OTPs]fe_a_fredpanne_by_pink_shimmer-d6nam6x.jchromxfrederick__wip__white_day_by_thebi



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Husbandos are serious business.

[spoiler=Roy x Random Touhou girl]royxsanae_by_redchampiontrainer01-d5eqtf

http://redchampiontrainer01.deviantart.com/art/RoyXSanae-327096690 [spoiler=OTPs]chromxfrederick__wip__white_day_by_thebi



that's sanae you butt

also wow that chrom x frederick picture. inb4 ana.

Edited by Dracocoa
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Husbandos are serious business.

[spoiler=Roy x Random Touhou girl]royxsanae_by_redchampiontrainer01-d5eqtf


[spoiler=Roy confession]roy_s_confession_scene_by_xkuragarixnikk




[spoiler=Frederick OTPs]fe_a_fredpanne_by_pink_shimmer-d6nam6x.jchromxfrederick__wip__white_day_by_thebi



That Roy confession, Lilina's dream come true. (Also dream come true for dragon girl, nature girl, Sailor Mercury, dancer girl, and his teacher)

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Husbandos are serious business.

[spoiler=Roy x Random Touhou girl]royxsanae_by_redchampiontrainer01-d5eqtf


The Touhou character is named Sanae Kochiya. She's the miko of the Moriya Shrine.

That said I like this quite a bit, even though I have in-series preferences for both.

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Ooh, Freddy x Panne is cute. ^^

But then again, I think a lot of Freddy pairings are cute (Freddy x Female Avatar, Freddy x Cordelia, Freddy x Panne, Freddy x Cherche, Freddy x Olivia, and Freddy x Emmeryn)! Freddy x Female Avatar is just my top favorite. :P

...Actually, wait, I DO have an Ike x Elincia art where they're kissing, and it was even shared here. XD Derp. I had used a base for it and it's extremely old though. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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Ooh, Freddy x Panne is cute. ^^

But then again, I think a lot of Freddy pairings are cute (Freddy x Female Avatar, Freddy x Cordelia, Freddy x Panne, Freddy x Cherche, Freddy x Olivia, and Freddy x Emmeryn)! Freddy x Female Avatar is just my top favorite. :P

...Actually, wait, I DO have an Ike x Elincia art where they're kissing, and it was even shared here. XD Derp. I had used a base for it and it's extremely old though. XD

Freddy x Emmeryn? They have like 2 exchanges in the entirety of the game don't they? How is that possibly cute?

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