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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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Yet another Smash Bros/Fire Emblem Fan art... well, comic.

[spoiler=Obligatory Comic Spoiler]


i'm sorry but that's great

Hmm... that's odd. I did a reverse image search on pixiv. It should have found that image. Oh well.

Have more Miiverse art.


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this one too

Edited by Koishi Komeji
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Honestly? I thought you had to ally yourself with one side on that one. I had no idea you could do that.

You can choose to ally with neither and you end up fighting both. That way you get all the villages and twice the EXP.

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We now bring you Nah, whether you like it or not.



I agree, I'm sick of seeing Lucina fanart.

As long as I post on this forum, you will see Lucina fanart. Since there is a piece of Lucina fanart in my signature, as long as my signature doesn't change, there will be Lucina fanart. If that's not enough, my avatar contains Lucina fanart.

I am sorry for the inconvenience.

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As long as I post on this forum, you will see Lucina fanart. Since there is a piece of Lucina fanart in my signature, as long as my signature doesn't change, there will be Lucina fanart. If that's not enough, my avatar contains Lucina fanart.

I am sorry for the inconvenience.

I could just turn off signatures so that I don't see it. Except that will still leave your icon showing.

I personally don't mind Lucina spam, but I would love to see non-Awakening fanart for a change (except most, if not all, newer noteworthy fanart on pixiv is Awakening, so..?).

Edited by Kiseki
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I meant Lucina fanart in this thread. And I also see a fuck ton of it in my DA messages because I'm a part of a Smash group there. Literally almost every set of new deviations added to it has at least one Lucina artwork.

So yeah, I also really wish to see less Awakening fanart for a change.

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Well, haters will hate *shrug*

Complaints or no, post whatever you want. So long as it's on topic~

I don't mind who it is or which game it's from or even if they're all from the same game. I just love looking at art~! (especially the pretty pretty art ^o^)

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Here's some Lucina because... well I like Lucina so why not. (Adorable Pixel artwork!)


EDIT: Changed the image to a link since the artist requested not to repost her artwork.

Also, Smash Bros. Comic:



Edited by Jave
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This image is cute. This is an objective fact that cannot be denied



I meant Lucina fanart in this thread. And I also see a fuck ton of it in my DA messages because I'm a part of a Smash group there. Literally almost every set of new deviations added to it has at least one Lucina artwork.

So yeah, I also really wish to see less Awakening fanart for a change.

I knew what you meant. I was making a joke that apparently flopped.

Edited by Hunter Nightblood
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This image is cute. This is an objective fact that cannot be denied

I agree. Also, why is that Marth doll blushing? Unless... it's the REAL MARTH! Lucina must have done something to his Einherjar card to miniaturize him.

Matthew and Leila fanart





Edited with spoiler. Thanks to The Geek.

Edited by KMT4ever
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So I herd you wanted fanart of something other than Awakening:





You do spoilers by going

(spoiler=Some witty comment about how large the image is)



Just use brackets instead of parentheses.

Edited by The Geek
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