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How do I find and edit this picture?


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Attached is a picture from the Burning Blade but I replaced Lyn with a new character and want to be able to edit this picture (and the rest of them that are like it). What tools would I need to find and edit it? Are there any good tutorials about it or does it follow the same 16 color rules as the rest of the game? Thanks.

post-6104-006049900 1362153473_thumb.png

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Chapter 19 of the Ultimate Tutorial covers replacing CGs like the one you posted :): If I recall correctly it's not an overly complicated process since all you need to do is insert the CG and repoint the data if you're just doing a reskin hack, but if you're replacing events and everything as well you'll have to learn (some) event hacking.

But yes, like L95 said, if you're not the greatest artist, it might be a better idea to just remove the CG.

Edited by Agro
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