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How can IS one-up Grima?


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They don't have to 'one-up' Grima in terms of power for next final boss. To take an example from Pokemon, many were wondering how they would top Arceus, the most powerful pokemon in terms of stats. They didn't. They just made different legendaries that are powerful in their own right.

Unless you're talking about story in which case I have to disagree completely as Grima would be pretty easy to one-up in story terms.

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I guess the top poster said Grima is powerful because future Grima has already devastated one world before coming to wake up current Grima. But yeah, in terms of character depth or gameplay power, it's not that great at all.

Though if you count only final bosses, I'd obviously like Grima over generic fire dragon in FE7. Should've ended the story right after Nergal.

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I guess the top poster said Grima is powerful because future Grima has already devastated one world before coming to wake up current Grima. But yeah, in terms of character depth or gameplay power, it's not that great at all.

Though if you count only final bosses, I'd obviously like Grima over generic fire dragon in FE7. Should've ended the story right after Nergal.

Or simply have Nergal transfer his quintessence into the fire dragon.

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Simple: come up with some other fell dragon/fallen god/eldritch abomination, write it so that storywise it is clearly higher up on the food chain than Grima, put even the smallest effort to improving its resonance within the plot, and wham blam thank you ma'am, you have successfully escalated your villain.

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Make sure they don't make the next final boss as stupid as Grima (I mean, really? Grima has been watching the heroes the whole time and fails to hear the plan that will keep Chrom from dying)

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I feel like Ashera had the most build-up without appearance, but Ashnard (lol Ash) had the most story presence of all final bosses (well there's also Julius).

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Nergal doesn't count as an answer to that question does he?

I would say no, since that came out before Awakening. Now, if they either re-made Blazing Sword, or made a prequel to that prequel where it was Nergal in his...younger years?

There can be better examples of a good final boss, but I wouldn't say an older game can "one-up" a newer one, simply it's already out.

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Better writing, and not making the next final boss so easy. Even on Lunatic I had a much easier time killing Grima than I did Ashera or Dheginsea on FE10's normal mode.

well it's not like those two get harder on hard mode or anything

huh maybe I should start a Lunatic playthrough, people keep saying Grima is a joke

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Naga turns evil and wrecks all of humanity

they really don't, Grima's writing was terrible

question for you guys: which final boss had the most story presence?

I want to say Lyon, but unfortunately he's not the final final boss. However, the demon king possessed him, so by answering demon king, does this mean I also give mention to Lyon...?

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Lyon/Demon king had a great presence being indirect/and direct as well, I'd say he was a good villian.

Grima was...hm....well it was having a good buildup but how near the end...that revelation...wasn't really unexpected. so meh.

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