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How can IS one-up Grima?


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I still prefer FE4's story. It felt so much more cohesive and epic. I doubt they'll actually one-up that story due to certain... important plot elements that might not fly over so well.

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Its kinda funny how some of the most powerful bosses die the easiest. Idoun was probably around the same power level as Grima yet she died in two to three hits from Roy.

ORKO'd by a well-trained Roy, 3HKO'd by base level Roy


......who was the last final boss that was actually challenging?

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ORKO'd by a well-trained Roy, 3HKO'd by base level Roy


......who was the last final boss that was actually challenging?

Julius, if you don't use the Naga tome is fairly challenging imo.

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Julius, if you don't use the Naga tome is fairly challenging imo.

but it does exist

that's like saying Ashnard is challenging if you don't use Wrath/Resolve, except even worse cause getting Naga is easier than setting that up

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but it does exist

that's like saying Ashnard is challenging if you don't use Wrath/Resolve, except even worse cause getting Naga is easier than setting that up

Yeah I know that, but I've never found a final boss in a FE game difficult aside from doing what I said earlier.

Edited by Zelos
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I want to say Lyon, but unfortunately he's not the final final boss. However, the demon king possessed him, so by answering demon king, does this mean I also give mention to Lyon...?

Seems like most of the games that have made it to the west have had a final boss with fairly poor development, but they made up for it by having a second-in-command whose presence was felt pretty much everywhere (Even if you had to dig for it). They probably could have gotten away with Grima being a mindless force of destruction if Validar wasn't.

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I don't think Idoun was at the same power as Grima.

I means seriously.

Idoun is just a brain washed manakete and corrupted to the point where her powers are of darkness.

Grima is just purely opposite of Naga.

(My theory is that Grima is created from Naga's blood and corrupted long after Medusa's reawaken.)

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Lyon/ Demon King wasn't easy... But they weren't hard either, depending on how you lay the game. Now, if one abuses the tower, the whole game can become pathetically easy.

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In terms of character - easy, in terms of power level - easy. In terms of badassery of the last fight - well, they'll figure something out. Other than killing a god(FE10, also Naga specifically stated that Grima and Naga herself aren't gods), Grima's battle on top of a 500 meter long dragon at high speeds in the sky haven't been topped by the any of the previous installments. Also, the music, the final decision, and comraderie/power of friendship/never giving up/blah, blah was also top notch in the series as the last chapter.

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Or by making a prequel to give him a backstory.

Screw Grima I'd rather have a prequel to FE1, 4, and 7. I mean Anri, Baldo, and Hartmut would be more fun to play as than Naga. Grima boring no matter what they do to him. Who wouldn't want to play the chapter called miracle of Darna, and face the entire lopt clan with all of the crusaders.

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Its kinda funny how some of the most powerful bosses die the easiest. Idoun was probably around the same power level as Grima yet she died in two to three hits from Roy.

Gameplay and story segregation. Though we don't know the scale of just how strong her powers are.

I don't think Idoun was at the same power as Grima.

I means seriously.

I agree. I think Medeus would be a better gauge for Idun's strength than Grima is.

Edited by Little Al
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Lyon/ Demon King wasn't easy... But they weren't hard either, depending on how you lay the game. Now, if one abuses the tower, the whole game can become pathetically easy.

Even without grinding, Demon King is pretty easily dispatched by Myrrh, Ephraim with Siegmund, Duessel with Garm or really any trained character with a Sacred Twin weapon. On that subject, I feel like the GBA era had some pretty pathetic final bosses. Idoun can be destroyed by Roy, Fire Dragon can be crushed by Athos with Luna...

More on topic, I agree with what others have said that from a plot and challenge perspective, Grima isn't that hard to outdo. Honestly, having a final boss that simply is something besides a dragon could be considered one-upping Grima.

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Grima's only easy on NM.

He's easy on HM too, just bit tricky to get pass that warrior wall, otherwise, brave type weapons make short work of him in a turn.

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FE12 Medeus is probably the hardest final boss in the series due to the planning that goes into trading around Rescue/Again to recruit the Bishops and get Marth enough attacks to kill him.

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Meh, you don't even technically fight a dragon here; you just fight against his human vessel, atop the dragon's back. You fight yourself.

"We've beaten dragons, demons, gods. Hell, I've even beat MYSELF to a bloody pulp. Nothing can surprise me anymore."

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FE12 Medeus is probably the hardest final boss in the series due to the planning that goes into trading around Rescue/Again to recruit the Bishops and get Marth enough attacks to kill him.

That's still not saying much, considering you still wipe out Medeus in 1-2 turns.

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