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Australian release date confirmed: 20th April

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As far as I can tell, nobody's posted about this yet anywhere on SF, but I could easily be wrong. Nintendo Australia announced FE13's Australian release date in a press release... eight days ago. I literally didn't hear anything about this at all until just now, when I checked the site on a whim, and I think Vooks may be the only people who reported on it (seriously who even reads Vooks). That's kind of sad.

Anyway, the Australian release date is 20th April, 2013, a day after the European launch (or I guess at least partially the same day taking timezones into account). Nintendo Australia's website now has a catalogue entry up for the game, which needless to say doesn't contain any information that's new to us. For those inclined, here's EB Games's online shop entry for the game.

There's no word on a special edition 3DS bundle of any description so far, but we've still got over a month to go before the release so it's not impossible that something could pop up in the meantime.

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I believe my local EB Store made a mention of the XL bundle when I went in and showed them my US Bundle for it, but they didn't have it in the system or anything. Anyways the 20th date was expected, at least that's what I expected when the 19th came along. We usually have the games released a day later than the Europe date cause of timeline differences, especially with download games because of our store just being a substore of the US store

On the plus side, our games stores are leakier than the Titanic, so street date has probably, I'd say, a 70% chance of breaking?

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I was expecting the 18th. Games usually come out on a thursday and definitely not a saturday.. I will throw down a pre-order at JB anyway and no doubt they will send me a txt on the 15th or 16th to pick it up early :P

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It tends to screw up first-week sale numbers which are often used as a measure of how well a game does, similar to Nielsen ratings. Also, if one store starts selling a really popular game early, then desperate people will flock to that one store, creating unfair business practice. It's why retailers are all allowed to break the street date if one does, though.

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I honestly don't see how a broken street date would impact anybody negatively.

Other retailers, because EB's giving itself an advantage despite Nintendo Australia telling them not to do so?

ie nobody actually cares in the slightest

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Other retailers, because EB's giving itself an advantage despite Nintendo Australia telling them not to do so?

ie nobody actually cares in the slightest

but every store can do it (and they do) so it's not unfair.

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Also the retailers themselves (Except EB because they've got the money to just appease all their suppliers)

If a company breaks street date, the distributors can screw with them by 'losing' their shipments, or giving them incredibly small shipments. I know Target in my hometown received just 2 copies of Starcraft II, after a few years before that, they had broken release date on a WoW expansion or some such. Gametraders got into a big hoohah with Nintendo within the last couple of years too, as they've consistently been selling grey imports before the Australian release when the European release is before ours (LoZ:OoT3DS and the first 3DS Super Mario Bros come to mind, I believe Skyward Sword as well they did this too). So Nintendo responded by refusing to offer them stock, to which Gametraders replied "LOL you do that, we're taking you for discrimination/something like that".

I've got family who owns a Gametraders store, and he basically told me that EB does msot of the street breaking that happens, they just put the blame on other people, and that, his local distributer at least, doesn't like EB all that much, and has on a number of occasions gone "So the word is EB are breaking date on Monday when they get their shipments. Come pick up yours early, and you've got permission to break date when you get them back to the store. We won't be shipping on the weekend, so you'll have the whole weekend headstart"

In the latest leak case, Tomb Raider, I know my store were putting copies out on shelves (Not display cases, to buy cases) about 4-5 hours before they got the email that 'someone' had broken date and was allowed to sell. Not suss at allll guys gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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