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Epilogue Compilation Thread


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So here's the list of characters, and all their possible Endings (S Support). The ones members have already contributed will be erased as they come! So pick out from available ones below. In addition, if you call an unclaimed pair, please notify me either in this thread or PM and I'll list your name next to the pair to let others know it's "IN PROGRESS"

If you're thinking of starting a second play through and don't care much for who's paired with who, look below and see if you can fill any of the requirements?

Alternatively, if anyone manages to get no Gen I units married (aside from Chrom) right before the last level, that would be the most optimal style, since then one can just comb through the various combinations that way. (My file that had this ability got lost in time...)

EDIT: Thanks to all the efforts of the members (and a member named Rose coming in with all the endings anyway, I believe we have all the endings. If anyone wants to double check the list provided, please do so.

I attached Rose's text file as it was already organized. Please give it a look through as a final proofread. The old list is put in spoilers below.

The original list while it was still a WIP

Note: MyUnit is not being compiled (as all combinations are generic), and for special units (those that only support MU) only their individual endings are relevant. They will be separated between Gen I and II below.
Note: There may be redundancies (for ease of listing, pairs are actually listed twice, such as Chrom x Maribelle is under both Chrom and Maribelle).
Note: The video provided very kindly by member "shadowofchaos" should have provided all individual endings aside for Chrom and MyUnit. (I have not watched it yet)
Note: The links to the actual convos will be compiled afterward, I will also upload a notepad file that has all of the above for ease of access.
Note: Characters that still require "Standalone" endings are marked with "*"

Generation I Pairs:

Chrom X ...
-Maiden - Silver Lightning (This is an experiment...)

Lissa X...
Donnel - Anacybele

Frederick X...

Sully X...


Virion X...

Stahl X...

Vaike X...(Done!)

Miriel X...

Kellam X... -- I looked in Knights of Iris; it seems all his supports are just the wife's individual support, and then a generic line tacked on at the end, as users pointed out. So no need to get his combinations.

Sumia X...(Done!)

Donnel X...

Lissa - Anacybele

Lon'qu X...
Panne - EpicPhail
Cherche - Anacybele

Ricken X...

Maribelle X...
Gaius - Anacybele

Panne - Done!

Gaius X...
Maribelle - Anacybele
Cherche -VaikeTime

Cordelia X...
Vaike - Silver Lightning

Gregor X...

Nowi X...

Libra X...(Done!)

Tharja X...

Olivia X...

Cherche X...
Lon'qu - Anacybele

Henry X...

Anna - Complete

Tiki - Complete

Basilio - Complete

Flavia - Complete

Gangrel - Complete

Walhart - Complete

Emmeryn - Complete

Yen'fay - Complete

Aversa - Complete

Generation II:

Lucina X...(Done!)

Owain X...(Done!)

Inigo X (Done!)

Brady X... (Done!)

Kjelle - (Done!)

Cynthia X...(Done!)

Severa ... (Done!)

Gerome X...(Done!)

Morgan (Looking at Knights of Iris, it seems Morgan gets the same tacked on line after their spouse if female, and a generic one if male)

Yarne X... (Done!)

Laurent X... (Done!)

Noire X...(Done!)

Nah X...(Done!)

Endings Credits.txt

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Sure, I'll do what I can! :)

I had already volunteered in the support convo thread to collect FrederickxFemale Avatar, so I'll do the same here. :)

I also have these pairs in my file:

- ChromxOlivia

- GaiusxMaribelle

- DonnelxLissa

- StahlxCordelia

- Lon'quxCherche

I could collect endings for any of these as well. I haven't yet begun working on any other couples I've chosen to do. xP

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I can help.

- Chrom x Sumia

-Frederick x Cordelia

-Virion x Cherche

-Vaike x Miriel

-Stahl x Sully

- Lon'qu x Panne

-Ricken x Nowi

- Libra x Tharja

- Owain x Cynthia

- Inigo x Noire

- Gerome x Lucina

- Laurent x Severa

- Yarne x Nah

- Brady x Kjelle

You will receive them very soonlaugh.gif

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I can help too! I have these paired endings:

Chrom x Female Avatar (Don't think you need avatar endings but I'll list them here anyways)

Male Avatar x Tiki

Lon'qu x Lissa

Frederick x Sumia

Virion x Cherche

Stahl x Sully

Kellam x Miriel

Vaike x Cordelia

Gaius x Maribelle

Ricken x Nowi

Gregor x Panne

Libra x Olivia

Henry x Tharja

Owain x Lucina

Gerome x Cynthia

Yarne x Nah

Brady x Kjelle

Laurent x Noire

Inigo x Severa

Let me know if you need any of them!

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Here are the paired endings I've gotten:

Chrom + Olivia

After Grimma's defeat, Chrom was officially welcomed as Ylisse's new exalt. Queen Olivia gave him a much-needed shoulder to lean on as she traveled the land, dancing and mending the scars of war.

Virion + Lissa

Virion returned home to Rosanne, where he was labeled a traitor and cowards, or else ignored entirely. But none of it fazed his wife, Lissa, who won the populace over with good old-fashioned charm.

Vaike + Maribelle

Vaike returned to the streets that raised him and was welcomed as an hero and brother to all. But people were fonder still of Maribelle, who worked tirelessly to win them equal rights in the eyes of the law.

Sully + Stahl

Sully and Stahl because the left and right arms of Ylisse and conducted crucial missions across the realm. Their red-and-green banners soon became known everywhere as a symbol of justice and strength.

Kellam + Panne

Once the fighting was done, Panne vanished. Some say she returned to her warren alone; others claim she found fellow taguel survivors. Her husband's name has been lost to history.

Lon'qu + Tharja

Lon'qu returned to Ragna Ferox and served as Basilio's right-hand man. The cold Feroxi winters proved too much for Tharja, who left time and again in search of heat more in line with a Plegian desert.

Ricken + Nowi

While continuing to study magic, Ricken realized how childish some of his actions had been. Behind closed doors, people whispered as to how he aged while his wife, Nowi, never did.

Gaius + Sumia

Gaius never lost his sweet tooth, though he ultimately returned to less savory enterprises. His wife, Sumia, raised pegasi, and her flower-petal readings were said to bring good luck to all.

Gregor + Cordelia

After the war, Gregor briefly sank into a life of excess, but when he saw Cordelia working diligently as a knight of Ylisse, he decided to clean up his own act and fight by his wife's side.

Henry + Cherche

Henry settled down with Cherche and turned out to be a surprisingly good father. Their newborn son was said to be quiet, but also fond of wyverns, like his mother.

Donnel + Miriel

Donnel returned to his tiny village and built a happy life with his mother and his wife, Miriel. The latter directed her studies on the local flora; Donny was shocked that trees could have ten-syllable names.

Owain + Lucina

Owain set off on a lengthy quest with Lucina to "stay his sword hand." Did they simply journey to another land, or did they return to their own time? None know for certain.

Inigo + Cynthia

Inigo traveled the world, ever ready with a smile or a solution when trouble started to brew. Cynthia made for an enthusiastic partner, and before long the outrageous duo became a social sensation.

<Avatar> + Tiki

Many wrote of <avatar>'s legendary exploits, but accounts of his origins and character varied. Scholars, poets, and bards agreed on one thing alone-he loved his wife, Tiki, above all else.

Edited by NeonZ
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Frederick x Cordelia

As Ylisse`s new knight captain, Frederick took charge of keeping the peace and training new recruits with his wife.

Teaching was hard for Cordelia, however, as she was forced to neglect her own gifts.

Virion x Cherche

Virion returned home to Rosanne, where he was labeled a traitor and a coward, or else ignored entirely.

But Cherche`s smarts and kindness eventually brought her husband back into good standing.

Vaike x Miriel

Vaike returned to the streets that raised him and was welcomed as a hero and brother to all.

He lived out his days with Miriel, whose sharp mind and tongue refused to be dulled by any change of scenery.

Stahl x Sully

Sully and Stahl became the left and right arms of Ylisse and conducted crucial missions across the realm.

Their red-and-green banners soon became know everywhere as a symbol of justice and strenght

Lon`qu x Panne

Lon`qu returned to Regna Ferox and served as Basilio`s right-hand man.

Panne had no problems with the cold winters and would often forage for rare snow herbs used in steaming pots of tea

Ricken x Nowi

While continuing to study magic, Ricken realized how childish some of his actions had been.

Behind closed doors, people whispered as to how he aged while his wife Nowi, never did.

Libra x Tharja

Many an unfortunate child found joy in the small orphanage Libra and his wife built after the war.

The younger tykes were very fond of Tharja-who feigned annoyance but secretly enjoyed the attention.

Owain x Cynthia

Owain set off on a lengthy quest with Cynthia to `stay his sword hand.`

Their semidelusional journey was said to be one of much mayhem and mirth.

Inigo x Noire

Inigo traveled the world, ever ready with a smile or a solution when trouble started to brew.

For better or worse, he and Noire were said to be a good match, trading doses of glee for doses of glum.

Brady x Kjelle

Brady left the priesthood to become the world`s scariest violinist.

Never one to pass up opportunity for self-improvement, Kjelle took up music, too.

Their tight duets were said to spring from a single muse.

Gerome x Lucina

Gerome and Lucina were married and settles down near Wyvern Valley.

While her husband never minced the few words he had to say, Lucina understood, and the two built a happy life.

Laurent x Severa

Longing to meet his mother`s intellectual standards, Laurent took his wife on an expedition around the world.

Severa set out in search of treasure but instead discovered something much, much greater.

P.S. Messed up the screenshot for Yarne x Nah but since someone else wanted to do it, I`ll leave the task to that person.

P.S.S Spoilers won`t show. HELP PLZ!

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Alright, this is great! I'll be organizing the first post again when I have time tomorrow so we can have a clearer list of completed and incomplete ones, sort of like the Support Thread.

Again, really appreciate the help all, she'll appreciate it too. :)

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Gah, and I just started compiling endings today. x.x Like an hour before this topic was created...

I have some unpaired endings... Text dump incoming...

Lissa - Sprightly Cleric

Lissa's wild nature led her to travel the world and relay its wisdoms to her brother. The princess's exploits live on in many a droll tale told by the crackling fire.

Frederick - Cold Lieutenant

As Ylisse's new knight captian, Frederick took charge of keeping the peace and training new recruits. Few ever forgot his glowing smile and idle quips, even as he doled out tasks that would break a wyvern.

Virion - Archest Archer

Virion returned home to Rosanne, where he was labeled a traitor and a coward, or else ignored entirely. He never battled these claims, but history shows he gave the rest of his life to the people.

Sully - Crimson Knight

Sully continued her knightly duties and soon became a trusted leader on the field and off. Her dashing figure and significant skills made her a hero to women everywhere.

Vaike - Zero to Hero

Vaike returned to the streets that raised him and was welcomed as a hero. His unflinching self-assurance was the perfect medicine for the town's postwar squabbles, earning him the nickname "Brother Vaike."

Stahl - Viridian Knight

Stahl continued his service as an Ylissean knight and led crucial missions across the realm. His placid nature and scatterbrained charm made him a favorite hero of the people.

Miriel - Rapier Intellect

Miriel remained in Ylisse but would vanish for days at a time when her discoveries prompted further inquiry. In her final years, these excursions culminated in a historic invention of supreme import.

Kellam - Oft Forgotten

After the battle was over, Kellam departed Ylisse for a long journey. Of course, it took Chrom and the others several years to notice his absence.

Sumia - Maid of Flowers

With Chrom's permission, Sumia traded her lance for a peaceful stretch of pasture on which to raise pegasi. Her flower-petal readings were said to bring good luck, and many asked her to tell their fortunes.

Lon'qu - Gynophobe

Lon'qu returned to Regna Ferox and served as Basilio's right-hand man. Later, he apparently challenged the West-Khan to a duel, though no record remains of why it was fought or who emerged the victor.

Ricken - Upcoming Mage

While continuing to study magic, Ricken realized how childish some of his actions had been. The sting of that revelation caused him to redouble his efforts, and soon he was a mage of the highest order.

Maribelle - Dire Damsel

After returning home to Themis, Maribelle became a magistrate who demanded equal justice for nobles and commoners alike.

Panne - Proud Taguel

Once the fighting was done, Panne vanished. Some say she returned to live in her warren alone; others claim she eventually found fellow taguel survivors.

Gaius - Candy Stealer

Gaius never lost his sweet tooth, though he ultimately returned to less savory enterprises. Tales of Sticky-Fingers Gaius are still told in taverns everywhere.

Cordelia - Knight Paragon

Not even peacetime could dull the lovely Cordelia's knightly edge, and she became a figurehead for all Ylissean warriors. It was unrequited love that drove her, many said—though she never stated for whom.

Gregor - Swell Sword

With his more epic battles behind him, Gregor soon sank into a life of excess. When his purse got light, he was said to work as a bodyguard to make ends meet.

Nowi - Eternal Youth

Nowi tried living away from human-kind, but she soon longed for their company and set off to find her old comrades around the world.

Libra - Fetching Friar

Many an unfortunate child found joy in the small orphanage Libra built after the war. People believed the kind, beautiful priest to be an incarnation of Naga, and he was courted by women and men alike.

Tharja - Grim Stalker

Tharja's jealous obsession with Robin never subsided, even after her return to Plegia. Anecdotal evidence suggests she devoted most of her effort to hexes and curses that might reunite them.

Cherche - Wyvern Friend

Cherche and her beloved Minerva returned to Rosanne and struggled to reclaim the country Virion had managed to lose. Rider and wyvern were never seen apart.

Henry - Twisted Mind

After Grima's demise, Henry made a cold, clean break with history, never to stain its pages again.

Say'ri - Blade Princess

After returning to Chon'sin, Say'ri worked tirelessly with the other dynasts to secure a peaceful future for the Valmese continent. She was occasionally seen visiting her brother Yen'fay's grave.

Basilio - Intrepid Khan

With Grima a done deed, Basilio returned to Ferox and applied himself to dethroning Flavia. If his army of champions failed, he knew he could always wait for little Lucina to grow up (and lend her a mask).

Flavia - Khan Lioness

After Grima was vanquished, Flavia returned home and did a marvelous job of whipping Regna Ferox back into shape. They say that each time a tournament drew close, she would ask Chrom to lend his sword.

Donnel - Village Hero

Donnel returned to his tiny village and lived a quiet life with his mother. He never took up arms again—a blessing for which he thanked the exalt daily.

Anna - Secret Seller

With nary a word, Anna left the others and returned to her free-spirited merchant life. She was later sighted across the continent, haggling with suppliers and beating down the cost of goods.

Lucina - Foreseer

Lucina disappeared after whispering these words to her infant self: "Yours will be a happy future." Did she journey to another land or back to her own time? ...No one knows for certain.

Tiki - Divine Voice

Exhausted from the war, Tiki returned to the Divine Dragon Grounds and slept for several days. Afterward, she was said to come down and visit the people regularly.

Robin - High Deliverer

The legendary exploits of Robin filled many a saga and delighted children hungry for a dashing tale of heroism. But what was the woman really like? ...Few yet live who remember.

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Here are the paired endings I've gotten:

Chrom + Olivia

After Grimma’s defeat, Chrom was officially welcomed as Ylisse’s new exalt. Queen Olivia gave him a much-needed shoulder to lean on as she traveled the land, dancing and mending the scars of war.

Virion + Lissa

Virion returned home to Rosanne, where he was labeled a traitor and cowards, or else ignored entirely. But none of it fazed his wife, Lissa, who won the populace over with good old-fashioned charm.

Vaike + Maribelle

Vaike returned to the streets that raised him and was welcomed as an hero and brother to all. But people were fonder still of Maribelle, who worked tirelessly to win them equal rights in the eyes of the law.

Sully + Stahl

Sully and Stahl because the left and right arms of Ylisse and conducted crucial missions across the realm. Their red-and-green banners soon became known everywhere as a symbol of justice and strength.

Kellam + Panne

Once the fighting was done, Panne vanished. Some say she returned to her warren alone; others claim she founds fellow taguel survivors. Her husband’s name has been lost to history.

Lon’qu + Tharja

Lon’qu returned to Ragna Ferox and served as Basilio’s right-hand man. The cold Feroxi winters proved too much for Tharja, who left time and again in search of heat more in line with a Plegian desert.

Ricken + Nowi

While continuing to study magic, Ricken realized how childish some of his actions had been. Behind closed doors, people whispered as to how he aged while his wife, Nowi, never did.

Gaius + Sumia

Gaius never lost his sweet tooth, though he ultimately returned to less savory enterprises. His wife, Sumia, raised pegasi, and her flower-petal readings were said to bring good luck to all.

Gregor + Cordelia

After the war, Gregor briefly sank into a life of excess, but when he saw Cordelia working diligently as a knight of Ylisse, he decided to clean up his own act and fight by his wife’s side.

Henry + Cherche

Henry settled down with Cherche and turned out to be a surprisingly good father. Their newborn son was said to be quiet, but also fond of wyverns, like his mother.

Donnel + Miriel

Donnel returned to his tiny village and built a happy life with his mother and his wife, Miriel. The latter directed her studies on the local flora; Donny was shocked that trees could have ten-syllable names.

Owain + Lucina

Owain set off on a lengthy quest with Lucina to “stay his sword hand.” Did they simply journey to another land, or did they return to their own time? None know for certain.

Inigo + Cynthia

Inigo traveled the world, ever ready with a smile or a solution when trouble started to brew. Cynthia made for an enthusiastic partner, and before long the outrageous duo became a social sensation.

<Avatar> + Tiki

Many wrote of <avatar>’s legendary exploits, but accounts of his origins and character varied. Scholars, poets, and bards agreed on one thing alone-he loved his wife, Tiki, above all else.

Well, guess I don't have to get ChromxOlivia then... xP

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Past my bedtime, I'm half asleep, Nah's ending doesn't make any sense right now... Another text dump, I don't know if there'll be duplicates...

Also, poor Kellam. "Her husband's name has been lost to history." So cruel...

Chrom - Newly Exalted

Sumia - Maid of Flowers

After Grima's defeat, Chrom was officially welcomed as Ylisse's new exalt. Queen Sumia lived and breathed for him, and her flower-petal readings were said to bring good luck to all who received them.

Vaike - Zero to Hero


Vaike returned to the streets that raised him and was welcomed as a hero and brother to all. Still, the children were even fonder of his wife, Nowi, who played with them every day and never seemed to age.

Stahl - Viridian Knight


Stahl continued his service as an Ylissean knight and led crucial missions across the realm. His scatterbrained gaffes sometimes got on Panne's nerves, but the two still made a happy life together.

Kellam - Oft Forgotten


Sully continued her knightly duties and led vital missions, soon becoming a role model for women everywhere. Her husband's name has been lost to history.

Lon'qu - Gynophobe


Lon'qu returned to Regna Ferox and served as Basilio's right-hand man. Maribelle, for her part, could not stand her new home's nonsensical laws and eventually guided both khans to an era of reform.

Ricken - Upcoming Mage


While continuing to study magic, Ricken realized how childish some of his actions had been. Miriel's intellect inspired him greatly, and together they unlocked the secrets of the universe.

Gaius - Candy Stealer


Gaius never lost his sweet tooth, though he ultimately returned to less savory enterprises. His wife, Olivia, wandered down more than one dark alley just to make sure he was safe and sound.

Gregor - Swell Sword


After the war, Gregor briefly sank into a life of excess, but when Lissa decided to travel the world incognito, her worldly husband came along to keep the roads safe and the conversation lively.

Henry - Twisted Mind


Henry settled down with Tharja and turned out to be a surprisingly good father. Their newborn daughter's mood was said to shift violently, perhaps a side effect of having two dark mages for parents.

Owain - Chosen One

Owain tried settling down in Ylisse but ultimately set off on a lengthy quest to "stay his sword hand." Oddball heroes matching his description continue to crop up in local legends to this day.

Inigo - Flower Picker


Inigo traveled the world, ever ready with a smile or a solution when trouble started to brew. Lucina journeyed with him, and their home of the moment was always brimming with joy and laughter.

Brady - Daunting Priest


Brady left the priesthood to become the world's scariest violinist. While Morgan's memory never returned, she didn't seem to miss it much, and the two lived out their days most happily.

Kjelle - Fair Fighter

Knowing her battle had not yet ended, Kjelle set off on a new quest of self-discovery. Her sincerity led to much heartbreak along the way, but each painful lesson further hardened her as a warrior.

Severa - Secret Dreamer

Eager to shrug off any kind of intimacy, Severa began a solitary journey—but once a year she was said to visit her family and yell at them for old times' sake.

Gerome - Masked Rider

Gerome and Minerva set out for Wyvern Valley. Many saw the rider and mount through the years, though most described the man as distant and contemplative.

Yarne - Timid Taguel

Yarne traveled the world in search of a safer haven, a journey that was ironically fraught with danger. Nevertheless, he is said to have beaten his fears and lived to a ripe old age.

Laurent - The Elucidator

Longing to meet his mother's intellectual standards, Laurent went on an expedition around the world. His curious nature led to many adventures, which he later put to paper in a rousing novel.

Noire - Miss Personality

Noire stayed with her mother after the war as her assistant. Was she simply trying to protect her infant self from Tharja's curses? Or did Noire find solace with the woman who brought her into the world?

Nah - Little Miss

The manakete Nah still had many human lifetimes ahead, and she availed herself of this time to caution future generations away from the mistakes that led to the return of Grima.

Gangrel - Mag King

With the slaughter done, Gangrel retired to obscurity. While some claim he found another kingdom to rule and ruin, others insist he ended in the gutter. All agree he was dead within a matter of years.

Walhart - The Conqueror

Walhart was said to leave this world in pursuit of new conquests. Some surviving legends go so far as to place him in the Outrealms, where he reputedly found a new continent to subjugate and rule.

Edited by Tsamimi
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Here are my endings (Hopefully I don't double up but I might)

[spoiler=LissaxFrederick]As Ylisse's new knight captain, Frederick took charge of keeping the peace and training new recruits. Lissa often visited his charges in town to report concerns- and transgressions, to her husband

[spoiler=StahlxCordelia]Stahl continued his service as an Ylissean knight and led crucial missions across the realm. Cordelia accepted her husband, scatter-brained gaffes and all, and the two built a happy life together

[spoiler=KellamxCherche] Cherche and her beloved Minerva returned to Rosanne and struggled to reclaim the country Virion had managed to lose. Her husband's name has been lost to history

[spoiler=RickenxTharja] While continuing to study magic, Ricken realised how childish some of his actions had been. Tharja stayed with him and perfected her hexes, and the couple's magical talents soared.

[spoiler=GregorxPanne]After the war, Gregor briefly sank into a life of excess. It was his wife, Panne, who broke the cycle and invited him to see her warren, after which the two travelled from land to land as mercenaries

[spoiler=LibraxSully]Many an unfortunate child found joy in the small orphanage Libra and his wife built after the war. To this day, the children call Libra 'Mother' and Sully 'Boss'

[spoiler=DonnelxNowi] Donnel returned to his tiny village and built a happy life with his mother and wife, Nowi. She loved her new home and scampered through fields and mountains with the fervor of a village cat

[spoiler=InigoxNah] Inigo travelled the world, ever ready with a smile or a solution when trouble started to brew. Nah, the responsible one, ensured they were well packed and always had multiple maps at the ready

[spoiler=MorganxNoire] Morgan's memory never returned, but he didn't seem to miss it much and lived happily with Noire. Later, scholars would speculate that he had come from a different future than the other children

[spoiler=YarnexSevera] Yarne tried desperately to find a safe haven after the battles were done, but even that journey was fraught with danger- especially as Severa continued to take on dangerous jobs to make ends meet

[spoiler=LaurentxKjelle]Longing to meet his mother's intellectual standards, Laurent took his wife on an expedition around the world. As Kjelle ,too, valued self-discovery, the pair were said to be nearly inseperable.

[spoiler=AvatarxVirion]Many wrote of Avatar's legendary exploits, but accounts of her origins and character varied. Scholatrs, poets and bards agreed on one thing alone-she loved her husband, Virion, above all else

And depending on how much I rush on my male file, I could have LissaxRicken, MaribellexStahl, SullyxDonnel, NowixGregor, CordeliaxVirion, FredxMiriel, HenryxOlivia,GaiusxTharja, CherchexVaike, AvatarxLucina (Which is generic) and OwainxNah ready too (They're the ones already S-ranked in this file)

Edited by Wheels
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Thank you so much for posting these endings guys. A lot of these endings are pretty good, but some of them especially Henry, Gangrel, and Kellam's endings sound really morbid and sad. Kellam continues to be forgotten for the rest of his life, Henry very likely committed suicide, and Gangrel dies alone and unloved a few years later. Lucina's unpaired ending is not exactly happy either. Besides those are a lot of good endings. Thanks again for posting these.

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Cordelia x Avatar (M)

Many wrote of Avatar's legendary exploits, but accounts of his origins and character varied. Scholars, poets, and bards agreed on one thing alone--he loved his wife, Cordelia, above all else.

Miriel x Frederick

As Ylisse's new knight captain, Frederick took charge of keeping the peace and training new recruits. Alas, his wife, Miriel, would often vanish for weeks at a time as she pursued her studies.

Sully x Vaike

Vaike returned to the streets that raised him and was welcomed as a hero and brother to all. Still, he was no match for Sully, who dragged her poor husband on countless missions in the name of Ylisse.

Panne x Stahl

Stahl continued his service as an Ylissean knight and lead crucial missions across the realm. His scatterbrained gaffes sometimes got on Panne's nerves but the two still made a happy life together.

Olivia x Lon'qu

Lon'qu returned to Regna Ferox and served as Basilio's right-hand man. When the West-Khan sent Olivia on errands across the globe, Lon'qu accompanied her without fail to ensure her safety.

Edited by Naui
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Do you want single endings as well?

Also all of the final titles for all of the characters

Character Epilogue Titles

Chrom-Newly Exalted
Avatar-High Deliverer
Lissa-Sprightly Cleric
Frederick-Cold Lieutenant
Sully-Crimson Knight
Viron-Archest Archer
Vaike-Zero to Hero
Stahl-Viridian Knight
Miriel-Rapier Intellect
Sumia-Maid of Flowers
Kellam-Oft Forgotten
Maribelle-Dire Damsel
Ricken-Upcoming Mage
Gaius-Candy Stealer
Panne-Proud Taguel
Cordelia-Knight Paragon
Nowi-Eternal Youth
Gregor-Swell Sword
Libra-Fetching Friar
Tharja-Grim Stalker
Olivia-Shrinking Violet
Cherche-Wyvern Friend
Henry-Twisted Mind
Say'ri-Blade Princess
Basilio-Intrepid Khan
Flavia-Khan Lioness
Donnel-Village Hero
Anna-Secret Seller
Owain-Chosen One
Morgan-Gift from Afar
Inigo-Flower Picker
Brady-Daunting Priest
Severa-Secret Dreamer
Kjelle-Fair Fighter
Cynthia-Hero Chaser
Gerome-Masked Rider
Yarne-Timid Taguel
Laurent-The Elucidator
Noire-Miss Personality
Nah-Little Miss
Tiki-Divine Voice
Gangrel-Mad King
Walhart-The Conqueror
Emmeryn-Gentle Heart
Yen'fay-Blade Legend
Aversa-Dark One

Priam-Radiant Hero

Edited by Naui
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Chapter 15 to Endgame (Plus a few paralogues) later, my male file XD I was hoping I'd take a little longer, tbh XD I was hoping to finish around the time of the DLC release in 3 hours. Anyways...

[spoiler=LucinaxAvatar]Many wrote of Avatar's legendary exploits, but accounts of his origins and character varied. Scholars, poets, and bards agreed on one thing alone- he loved his wife, Lucina, above all else.

[spoiler=VirionxCordelia] Virion returned home to Rosanne where he was labelled a traitor and a coward, or else ignored entirely. But Cordelia defended her husband vehemently and ultimately won him a second chance with his people

[spoiler=VaikexCherche]Vaike returned to the streets that raised him and was welcomed as a hero and brother to all. The children were fonder of Cherche, who spent her time feeding and clothing orphans everywhere.

[spoiler=StahlxMaribelle]Stahl continued his service as an Ylissean knight and led crucial missions across the realm. Maribelle was quick to whip his scatterbrained nature out of him and the two lived a long and happy life

[spoiler=KellamxPanne]Once the fighting was done, Panne vanished. Some say she returned to her warren alone; others claim she found fellow taguel survivors. Her husband's name has been lost to history

[spoiler=RickenxLissa]While continuing to study magic, Ricken realised how childish some of his actions had been . He and Lissa learned from these mistakes and grew old and wise together

[spoiler=GaiusxTharja]Gaius never lost his sweet tooth, though he ultimately returned to less savory enterprises. Meanwhile, his wife, Tharja, set up shop and hexed people for a living. The pair were said to get many odd looks

[spoiler=GregorxNowi]After the war, Gregor briefly sunk into a life of excess, but his wife, Nowi, pestered him into traveling the world with her. Their journey was packed with more chaos than the war that preceded it

[spoiler=HenryxOlivia]Henry settled down with Olivia and turned out to be a surprisingly ood father. His newborn son inherited both his father's grin and his mother's undying love for entertaining others

[spoiler=DonnelxSully]Donnel returned to his tiny village and built a happy life with his mother and wife, Sully. The latter established a militia much like the Shepherds to arm the villagers against the threat of brigands.

[spoiler=OwainxNah]Owain set off on a lengthy quest with Nah to 'stay his sword hand'. Nah got much eye-rolling practice during the tiresome journey, but she stayed by her husband's side nonetheless.

[spoiler=InigoxMorgan]Inigo travelled the world, ever ready with a smile or a solution when trouble started to brew. While Morgan's memory never returned, she didn't really seem to miss it

[spoiler=BradyxCynthia]Brady left the priesthood to become the world's scariest violinist. His original rondos caught the heart of Cynthia, who insisted he play them everywhere he went as a sort of theme song.

[spoiler=GeromexSevera]Gerome and Severa were married and settled down near Wyvern Valley. Severa had a knack for landing mercenary work, and as a fighting duo, she and her husband became known throughout the land

[spoiler=YarnexKjelle]Yarne tried desperately to find a safe haven after the battles were done, but even that journey was fraught with danger, especially as Kjelle insisted on facing every foe to better herself as a warrior

[spoiler=LaurentxNoire]Longing to meet his mother's intellectual standards, Laurent took his wife on a expedition around the world. Noire seemed startled at first by many of their discoveries, but knew she was in good hands.

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Hey everyone, first post updated with full lists and possible combinations. I already eliminated the ones the kind contributors above posted. Feel free to pick and do any of the open ones! Will look at what pairings I have at the moment and update you all too. :)

Naui: I believe shadowofchaos's video should cover most the Gen I endings, but there are a few that need standalones (most Gen II, and a few Gen I, check the list at the top) also, thanks for all their titles. :)

Edited by Kirokan
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Henry settled down with Sumia and turned out to be a surprisingly good father. Their newborn daughter was enthralled by her mother's pegasus and was soon begging for a spot on the saddle.

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@Kirokan: Okay, gotcha. I'll keep on updating the final title list when Emmeryn, Yen'fay, Aversa, and Priam each are released.

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*Pokes Head in* Did I come to the right topic? Just making sure.

Newly Exalted- Chrom

Crimson Knight- Sully

After Grima’s Defeat, Chrom was officially welcomed as Ylsse’s new Exalt. Queen Sully rode far and wide on his behalf, her gallant and radiant figure the envy of women everywhere.

Archest Archer-Virion

Wyvern Friend- Cherche

Virion returned home to Rosanne, where he was labeled a traitor and a coward, or else ignored entirely. But Cherche’s smarts and kindness eventually brought her husband back into good standing.

Rapier Intellect-Miriel

Oft Forgotten-Kellam

Miriel Remained in Ylisse but would vanish for days at a time to pursue her studies. In her final years, this lead to a historic invention. Her Husbands name has been lost to history.


Knight Paragon-Cordelia

Lon’qu returned to Regna Ferox and served as Basilo’s right-hand man. Cordelia exibhited her usual resilience toward Ferox’s cold winters and enjoyed a peaceful, happy life with her husband.

Swell Sword-Gregor

Grim Stalker-Tharja

After the war, Gregor briefly sank into a life of excess, but fear of his wife’s hexes led him to resume work as a sellsword. Tharja secretly tagged along and used her talents to keep him safe.

High Deliverer-Jason

Dire Damsel-Maribelle

Many Wrote of Jason’s legendary exploits, but accounts of his origins and character varied. Scholars, poets, and bards agreed on one thing alone- he loved his wife, Maribelle, above all else.

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Yes, that was partly my fault as I made the list after the first few posts (since I wasn't sure if anyone was up for helping)

With the list now live and updated, claim away. :) (See first post)

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Just a note: Sumia's standalone ending and Brady/Morgan are already done. :3 First post has an Asterisk by Sumia and has Morgan still in Brady's options.

Edited by Tsamimi
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Thanks for pointing that out, been fixed. :)

Also I'm close to getting all my Gen II to be able to S support each other, and can systematically comb their endings that way (since right before the last level and all).

Generation I is the harder one to complete first, so perhaps should be the focus first. :)

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