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Epilogue Compilation Thread


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Please excuse the double post, I'm using it for update purposes so others know. :)

So, I *finally* got all Gen II's lined up, and went through some combinations of Gen II pairs.

I didn't do the few that Silver Lightning already agreed to do, even though I could, because that would betray the whole point of claiming.

Also, a few Gen I ones that I promised to do will be first. I'm going to be sick of the last level by the time this is done...

Generation I:

Virion x Maribelle / Maribelle x Virion

"Virion returned home to Rosanne, where he was labeled a traitor and a coward, or else ignored entirely. But his wife, Maribelle, treated the people fairly and equally, and in time, they learned to forgive him."

Gaius x Cordelia / Cordelia x Gaius

"Gaius never lost his sweet tooth, though he ultimately returned to less savory enterprises. As his wife, Cordelia, was in charge of keeping law and order, Gaius dreaded the thought of seeing her on the job."

Gregor x Cherche / Cherche x Gregor

"After the war, Gregor briefly sank into a life of excess, but at his wife Cherche's request, he found work in Valm. After a successful stint there, offers flooded in from around the world."

Henry x Panne / Panne x Henry

"Henry settled down with Panne and turned out to be a surprisingly good father. Their newborn son was far more taguel than human and would come to be known as his dying race's last hope."

Generation II: (In order by Husband)

Owain x Kjelle / Kjelle x Owain

"Owain set off on a lengthy quest with Kjelle to "stay his sword hand" ...the idea was actually Kjelle's, and he was just along while she trained but she had the grace to let his delusions continue."

Owain x Severa / Severa x Owain

"Owain set off on a lengthy quest with Severa to "stay his sword hand." Though Severa nagged her husband mercilessly, she also provided much love and support."

Owain x Noire / Noire x Owain

"Owain set off on a lengthy quest with Noire to "stay his sword hand." Noire worried endlessly about what terrors her husband's sword hand might hold, but as it turned out, there were none."

Inigo x Kjelle / Kjelle x Inigo

"Inigo traveled the world, ever ready with a smile or a solution when trouble started to brew. He and Kjelle continued to perfect their respective skills as crowd pleaser and champion."

Inigo x Lucina / Lucina x Inigo

"Inigo traveled the world, ever ready with a smile or a solution when trouble started to brew. Lucina journeyed with him, and their home of the moment was always brimming with joy and laughter."

Inigo x Cynthia / Cynthia x Inigo

"Inigo traveled the world, ever ready with a smile or a solution when trouble started to brew. Cynthia made for an enthusiastic partner, and before long the outrageous duo became a social sensation."

Brady x Severa / Severa x Brady

"Brady left the priesthood to become the world's scariest violinist. Severa would roll her eyes and gripe about the noise, but the dew in her eyes after a touching melody was perhaps the more honest critique."

Brady x Lucina / Lucina x Brady

"Brady left the priesthood to become the world's scariest violinist. Every new rondo he composed passed first through the ears of his beloved wife and critic, Lucina."

Brady x Nah / Nah x Brady

"Brady left the priesthood to become the world's scariest violinist. Nah, who considered herself quite the singer, often accompanied him: the sheer volume of her strains was said to flatten audiences."

Gerome x Nah / Nah x Gerome

"Gerome and Nah were married and settled down near Wyvern Valley. The wyverns bowed to their new dragonkin mistress, and the couple became the first true lords of the valley."

Gerome x Kjelle / Kjelle x Gerome

"Gerome and Kjelle were married and settled near Wyvern Valley, which Kjelle soon refashioned into her ideal training ground. Many claimed to see her running uphill in full armor for days on end."

Gerome x Noire / Noire x Gerome

"Gerome and Noire were married and settled near Wyvern Valley, Noire was said to be nervous around the wyverns and rarely left her husband's side."

Yarne x Cynthia / Cynthia x Yarne

"Yarne tried desperately to find a safe haven after the battles were done, but even that journey was fraught with danger --especially as Cynthia wouldn't stop challenging brigands in the name of justice."

Yarne x Noire / Noire x Yarne

"Yarne tried desperately to find a safe haven after the battles were done, but even that journey was fraught with danger...despite Noire's best attempts to steer them out of trouble."

Yarne x Lucina / Lucina x Yarne

"Yarne tried desperately to find a safe haven after the battles were done, but even that journey was fraught with danger --especially since Lucina was quick to dash to the rescue of every stranger."

Laurent x Nah / Nah x Laurent

"Longing to meet his mother's intellectual standards, Laurent took Nah on an expedition around the world. Their curious nature led to many adventures, which they later put to paper in a rousing novel."

Laurent x Cynthia / Cynthia x Laurent

"Longing to meet his mother's intellectual standards, Laurent took his wife on an expedition around the world. The hidden wonders they uncovered awed Cynthia, who had known only a world of ruin."

Laurent x Lucina / Lucina x Laurent

"Longing to meet his mother's intellectual standards, Laurent took his wife on an expedition around the world. Lucina was reunited with Tiki and Naga and thanked them for helping to usher in peace."

Phew...that clears quite a few of the Gen II ones...

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Whoops, sorry that I haven't posted my claims yet. I'm stuck doing two essays for class this weekend, but I'll see if I can get a few of them up tonight if I have time.

Also, I don't actually know if they have a paired ending (or if Chrom has a stand alone ending in this case) but should I also look out to see if Chrom x Maiden have an ending? I'm getting close to finishing my male avatar run, and he's married to her on paper in that file (because I refuse to take anyone away from their previous husband and I can summon my female avatar for him anyway).

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You know? I didn't even think about that... you should see if Chrom x RandomMaiden 2.0 have an ending, and if not, would be a good way to see Chrom's "standalone"

Great idea there, Silver Lightning, and no worries about the papers... I have midterms myself this week, won't be anywhere near as fun as epilogue compilation...

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I GOT IT, I GOT IT! Do I win a prize? :D (I should be SHOT for killing his wife...!)

Chrom's "standalone" ending:

After Grima's defeat, Chrom was officially welcomed as Ylisse's new exalt. His unflinching perseverance through countless hardships made him a beacon of hope for his people.

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I can help with some ones, but sorry if it were already posted

Inigo x Severa

Inigo traveled the world, ever ready with a smile or a solution when trouble started to brew. Severa was a vocal opponent of working for free, but she stayed with Inigo and helped him realize his dream.

Vaike x Panne

Vaike returned to the streets that raised him and was welcomed as a hero and brother to all. Still, the people where even fonder of Panne, and she, in turn, grew to love the town's wild and woolly nature.

Sully x Virion

Virion returned home to Rossane, where he was labeled as traitor and a coward or else ignored entirely. But in time he was forgiven, largely thanks to the bold (and slightly terrifying) nature of his wife, Sully.

Ricken x Maribelle

While continuing to study magic, Ricken realized how childish some of his actions had been. Maribelle went on to be a magistrate, and the couple leaned on each other for the rest of their days.

Yarne x Nah

Yarne tried desperately to find a safe haven after the battles were done. While Nah endeavored to steer them clear of trouble, they soon realized the bets place was Ylisse, where their jouney began.

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Frederick x Maribelle

As Ylisse's new knight captain, Frederick took charge of keeping the peace and training new recruits. His wife, Maribelle, did her own part for Ylisse by studying hard and becoming a respected magistrate.

Frederick x Nowi

As Ylisse's new knight captain, Frederick took charge of keeping the peace and training new recruits.His wife, Nowi, frequently came to the training yard to lend a hand or instill terror in a new charge.

Virion x Olivia

Virion returned home to Rosanne, where he was labeled a traitor and a coward, or else ignored entirely. Over time, however, Olivia's dancing managed to bring him back into the populace's favor.

Gaius x Lissa

Gaius never lost his sweet tooth, though he ultimately returned to less savory enterprises.Lissa always insisted on going along, and the two survived many a comically dire predicament together.

Gaius x Sully

Gaius never lost his sweet tooth, though he ultimately returned to less savory enterprises. Sully disapproved and was said to pester for her husband to take the examination for Ylissean knighthood instead.

Henry x Miriel

Henry settled down with Miriel and turned out to be a surprisingly good father. Their newborn son grew up surrounded by his parents' vast library, dooming him to a future as a bookworm.

Morgan x Severa

Morgan's memory never returned, but he didn't seem to miss it much and lived happily with Severa. Later, scholars would speculate that he had come from a different future than the other children.

Kellam x Sully

Sully continued her knightly duties and led vital missions, soon becoming a role model for women everywhere. Her husband's name has been lost to history.

Libra x panne

Many an unfortunate child found joy in the small orphanage Libra and his wife built after the war. The children loved Libra like a mother and often pestered Panne to transform and give them bunny rides.

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Out of the following, whatever pairings that haven't been posted that also aren't claimed I can try grabbing:

[spoiler=List of Pairings]

Chrom X Sumia

Vaike X Sully

Ricken X Maribelle

Donnel X Lissa

Avatar X Miriel

Gaius X Panne

Frederick X Tharja

Lon'qu X Cherche

Stahl X Nowi

Henry X Olivia

Gregor X Cordelia

Gerome X Nah

Owain X Lucina

Yarne X Noire

Laurent X Cynthia

Brady X Severa

Inigo X Morgan

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I'll help! Of the ones I have yet to see on this thread, I'll contribute:

Vaike X Tharja

Gaius X Cherche

Ricken X Maribelle *Just looked at above post*

Just give me a few minutes to beat the game real quick...

EDIT: Okay. Done.

[spoiler=Vaike X Tharja]

"Vaike returned to the streets that raised him and was welcomed as a hero and brother to all. Still, he was no match for Tharja, whose frequent curse slinging put her husband in an understandably foul mood."

[spoiler=Gaius X Cherche]

"Gaius never lost his sweet tooth, though he ultimately returned to less savory enterprises. When her work in Roseanne was done, Cherche would return home and cook for her husband, much to his delight."

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Hey, thanks for the participation people! That knocked a few more off. :)

I updated the main post to reflect MarioKirby's claims and erased those that were posted, thanks a lot, keep it up :) I'll see if I can get a few more on the weekend...

Also; Tsamimi, that's incredibly cruel awesome! Good job there! XD

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Henry x Maribelle

Henry settled down with Maribelle and turned out to be a surprisingly good father. Their newborn son inherited his mother's noble blood- but also her sharp tongue, as time would reveal.

Vaike x Olivia

Vaike returned to the streets that raised him and was welcomed as a hero and brother to all. Still, he was no match for his wife, Olivia, whose modest but mesmerizing dances made her more popular by far.

Olivia - Shrinking Violet

Though she never overcame her stage fright, Olivia danced across the land, mending the scars of war. The flush in her cheeks remained a staple of her beauty.

Stahl x Lissa

Stahl continued his service as an Ylissean knight and led crucial missions across the realm. His scattered nature blended well with his wife Lissa's cheerful banter, making for a happy life indeed.

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[spoiler=Brady: Daunting Priest]Brady left the priesthood to become the world's scariest violinist. His rondos were apocalyptic, and his requiems so full of melancholy that everyone in the room- performer included- burst into tears

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Not much an update but here is Virion x Tharja

Virion returned home to Rosanne, where he was labeled a traitor and a coward, or else ignored entirely.But a few well-placed hexes from his wife, Tharja, eventually brought the populace to their senses.

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Well since I don't see Emmeryn's standalone, here it is! I also updated the Epilogue titles to include her now


Sadly, Emmeryn's fractured memory never fully returned. She took refuge in Ferox after the war and started anew as an ordinary woman--a life that one can hope held fewer pressures than her exalted one.

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Good catch there, Naui. I need to add the others who are MU only up there as well just to let people know they are (mostly) complete. :)

Also updated to reflect Clicks's addition!

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I was going through the topic and didn't see these so... (sorry if I missed them):

Lon'qu x Miriel / Miriel x Lon'qu:

Lon'qu returned to Regna Ferox and served as Basilio's right-hand man.

Miriel went with him and focused her studies on Ferox's unusual weather conditions.

Donnel x Panne / Panne x Donnel

Donnel returned to his tiny village and built a happy life with his mother and wife, Panne.

This new "warren" had more than enough nature to please any taguel and her heart found a home at last.

Libra x Olivia / Olivia x Libra

Many an unfortunate child found joy in the small orphanage Libra and his wife built after the war.

The children especially loved Olivia's vibrant dances, which often filled them with glee.

Seeing all the pretty Queen entries for the other characters that marry Chrom makes me sad that your own character gets a generic one :(

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Ahh.....it really is my own fault for taking this long.....but so many of my claims have been posted.....damn midterms week. I hope I can finally post whatever is left soon now that midterms are over.... sad.gif

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Lon'qu x Nowi

Lon'qu returned to Regna Ferox and served as Basilio's right-hand man. His wife, Nowi, disliked the cold Feroxi winters and used her gift for theatrics to secure everything from fur coats to long tropical holidays.

Gaius x Nowi

Gaius never lost his sweet tooth, though he ultimately returned to less savory enterprises. Nowi found her husband's work intriguing and was said to often come along and help out.

Frederick x Olivia

As Ylisse's new knight captain, Frederick took charge of keeping the peace and training new recruits. His wife Olivia's dances were said to keep his resolve strong and open the minds of his charges.

Kellam x Lissa

Lissa's wild nature led her to travel the world and relay its wisdom to her brother. The princess's exploits live on in many a droll tale told by the campfire. Her husband's name has been lost to history.

Ricken x Cordelia

While continuing to study magic, Ricken realized how childish some of his actions had been. Cordelia herself advanced as a knight, and the couple lived for many long years.

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Frederick X Tharja

[spoiler=]As Ylisse's new knight captain, Frederick took charge of keeping the peace and training new recruits. Tharja's rare appearances at the training yard sent terrified recruits screaming into the night.

Stahl X Nowi

[spoiler=]Stahl continued his service as an Ylissean knight and led crucial missions across the realm. His scatterbrained charm complimented his wife Nowi's constant quips, making for a happy home indeed.

Gaius X Panne

[spoiler=]Gaius never lost his sweet tooth, though he ultimately returned to less savory enterprises. Amazingly, Panne dirtied her hands right along with her husband, using her keen night vision to expedite jobs.

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Here, have Virion/Panne:

Virion returned home to Rosanne, where he was labeled a traitor and a coward, or else ignored entirely. But his wife Panne's dedication did much to bring him back into good standing among his people.

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Pulled these from my brother in-law's file~

Libra X Lissa

Many an unfortunate child found joy in the small orphanage Libra and his wife built after the war. The children loved Libra like a mother and treated Lissa as one of their own.

Donnel X Olivia

Donnel returned to his tiny village and built a happy life with his mother and his wife, Olivia. Their forgotten hamlet glowed during festivals, when Olivia's dancing warmed more than any fire.

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