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Hit rates in this game


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One thing I liked about the DS games is that the hit rates were fixed and resembled those of FE7, and you didn't have to flip a coin for your attacks to connect like in FE6 and to a lesser extent other games like FE5 and TRS (FE8 when bosskilling).

How does Awakening compare? Do bosses get much of a throne boost to avoid? Can one equip a Hand Axe and expect to reliably counter on enemy phase? How accurate are the enemies?

I also wanted to ask about the introduction of abilities on enemies on lower difficulties (no Lunatic+). Skills like Gamble make a reset caused by a strat crit terribly likely. Are there any other common enemy abilities that ruin the experience or make it really unreliable?

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If I were you, I would just watch the gameplay or buy the game as soon as possible instead of stressing/asking questions. The game is overall great (and quite worth the money) but it's very different compared to previous games and can't be really compared. The game basically has most of the elements from previous Fire Emblem games.

If you're still so curious, just check the fan wikis (and sources, official game website, reviews etc.).

A little thing I can mention is that bosses don't have thrones and it depends on the "mission objective/map". As for the hit rate/accuracy, really depends on difficultly and your choice/tactics. There's actually nothing ruining the game in my opinion.

Edited by SparkNorkx
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One thing I liked about the DS games is that the hit rates were fixed and resembled those of FE7, and you didn't have to flip a coin for your attacks to connect like in FE6 and to a lesser extent other games like FE5 and TRS (FE8 when bosskilling).

How does Awakening compare? Do bosses get much of a throne boost to avoid? Can one equip a Hand Axe and expect to reliably counter on enemy phase? How accurate are the enemies?

I also wanted to ask about the introduction of abilities on enemies on lower difficulties (no Lunatic+). Skills like Gamble make a reset caused by a strat crit terribly likely. Are there any other common enemy abilities that ruin the experience or make it really unreliable?

1.) I think the ally hit rates are pretty fair. If you've got a hand axe, you can expect to hit most non-myrmidon enemies.

2.) Early game at least, the enemies will usually hit you. My only lategame file thus far did a lot of grinding and as such doesn't face high hit rates, but un-paired-up Flavia (who I just recruited) faces 40-70% usually.

3.)The only skill that I find to be a real pain in the ass is Counter on the enemies. I have a tendency not to notice it, which has gotten me into a lot of trouble...the fact that it always procs is rather silly.

Edited by Recondite
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The hit rate are absolutely pain in the ass when it come to enemy hitting you.


30% You'd normally not expect it to land...lands.

Hell, you have more chances of hitting a 10-40% than 70-80% hit rate.

At least that's what it is for me.

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There are a few bosses who are on thrones: Chs 3, 17, and 20, off the top of my head, though the Ch 20 boss will move off the throne if you enter his attack range.

Skills are not difficult to work around if playing at a difficulty below Lunatic+. If you're doing a LTC run of some sort, certain boss abilities (Pavise, Aegis) may make things slightly less reliable on Lunatic (and maybe Hard), but it's nothing that can't be dealt with. Gamble is only annoying if the enemy has something like Hawkeye to go along with it (which will only occur on Lunatic+).

Enemy avoid is not unreasonable, and the player has many options to stack avoid on playable units: Tantivy, Quick Burn, etc. People have reported facing 0% hit rates against lategame bosses even on Lunatic and without -breaker abilities.

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I see 30% chance hits land rather often.

I played the hell of the demo and saw the 20%-accurate Hammer bandit in Chapter 1 hit Frederick well under 20% of the time, suggesting either a) small sample size or b) a two-number RNG. Unless "rather often" means "well above 30%" then it's hard to say that the game is outright lying to you wrt hit rates.

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The only somewhat iffy thing I've noticed is Avoid+10 on earlygame Myrms can result in like 70% hit rates. Other than that, I've yet to reset due to Gamble/Zeal, mostly because Axe hit rates are low if you use Weapon Triangle against them.

Your own accuracy is usually pretty high with Support, Skill bonuses, and the weapon triangle. Enemy hit is usually high in Lunatic later on, except against lots of avoid stacking.

I think the most RNG dependant thing for LTC will be earlygame maps when Dual Guard/Strike chances are low. So you theoretically could take no damage and one round everything, but the chances are low.

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You should see 30% hit rates hit 30% of the time. It's more than enough to account for it hitting in your battle plan. Like if you rely on a 30% attack not hitting you to survive then you did something wrong.

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Admittedly this is from Normal and a Hard mode file where I grinding a bit but

The only things I've reallly noticed is that axes are pretty bad. You really don't see above like 80 with them, so Libra definately suffers since he already doesn't do much with them. Hand Axes were ranging around 60's for me.

Also, once you get your characters through a few classes/reclasses, enemy hit rates go down the tubes.

I imagine it's worse on Lunatic and you're getting hit everywhere, but I'm not so sure about it/

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from my experience , player hit rates are always up in the 80-100% range while enemy rates typically sink to 0-50%. However, I've found that lunatic challenges the hit rate more than hard mode, making less likely outcomes hit a little more often. This hasn't really changed the way I play, but it does mean that your characters have to be a little better trained. I'm planning on just transfering my maxed Avatar team into Lunatic+ and see how well they faire.

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Hit Rates, yeah...

From my Hard play run, Hit Rates seem to always to be able to hit. Axe Rates for me always usually 50% without axebreaker especially from warriors. It easier to believe both person will be able to hit than relaying on dodging for the most part. Not including breakers which comes in the later part of the game, hit rates for both enemies and allies will be reasonable. (IN THIS GAME 30% is reasonable!) With forged weapons and skills (Breakers and hit 20+) in their disposable, enemies are likely to hit in later chapters. The Skill stat remain high for many enemies, except mostly dark mages and sorcerers.

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Skills like Gamble make a reset caused by a strat crit terribly likely.

It really doesn't. I've had to reset for a lot of things, but a stray crit that wouldn't have existed without Gamble on an enemy isn't one of them (Counter is, though).

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I hated the hit percentages in FE Shadow Dragon.

Because they were absolute lies when it came to the enemy's units. Enemies always had a 90-100% chance of hitting, regardless of what it said.

This game is somewhat like that as well, but not quite as badly.

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