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Your favorite classes


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I love the Hero class. Im not exactly sure why, but if a unit can become it I tend to reclass them to it (at least for a short while)

Mages in general were favored in my game.

I hated the healer classes though. And archers. Archers and healers were a pain in the ass to level (so I'd promote/reclass them the instant I could. Virion never ended up as a sniper in my file)

Manaketes were awsome as well (expecially after I reclassed them to Mages, Sages, Wyvern Riders, and Wyvern Lords)

I did not care for the Taguel class (Panne and Yarne ended up as assassins...)

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Classes I like:

* Sorcerer (Because DARK MAGIC!)

* Dark Mage (Same as above.)

* Dread Fighter (Axes + Magic, and I think it's a good hybrid class. Also, this class is my go-to class for Owain in terms of flavor, usability, and versatility.)

* Berserker (Those skull shoulder pads...)

* Barbarian (Ditto. Also because this is one of the few games where you can have a playable bandit mook [if only through reclassing], though this one's kind of a cross between Brigand and Pirate.)

* Warrior (Always liked axe users, and I kinda like how gladitorial they look.)

* Fighter (See above.)

* Hero (Swords + Axes! Axes are my favorite physical weapon.)

* Mercenary (I like how durable they are in comparison to the Myrmidon.)

* Grandmaster (I like how it looks, and I like how hybrid it is, even if it has balanced stats across the board.)

* Tactician (See above.)

* Dark Knight (Mounted hybrid class, but I like how they named it "Dark Knight", as I feel that gives them a flavor that Jugdral's "Mage Knight" name kinda lack.)

* Wyvern Lord (Always had a soft spot for dragon/wyvern riding units. Also, they can use Axes which, as I've stated above, is my favorite weapon.)

* Wyvern Rider (See above.)

* Dark Flier (I like how all magic-using hybrid classes have something ominous in their name, and I also like what the localization named this class. I was not that fond of Dark Pegasus.)

* Sage (For kinda being like a cross between the usual Sage class and the Bishop class, giving it some religious undertones. As for why I think so, well, Emmeryn's title, and the fact that she is in this class from the Cleric class, made it give me this vibe, and the fact that the Bishop class is gone from Awakening.)

* War Monk/Cleric (I actually find this really cool. Besides, Axes is the closest thing that you come to blunt weapons in this game, which harkens back to the fact that religious figures back in the day were not allowed to use sharp weapons.)

* Trickster (Very flavourful. Also makes good use of Levin Swords, which is probably the easiest 1-2R Sword to come across.)

* Valkyrie (weapons-wise, it's a mounted Sage, which I kinda like. I also like how, just like Sage, this class kinda gets some religious undertones in this game.)

* Bride (Just for the fact that you can beat up enemy units in a very dainty dress, which amuses me.)

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My Current Favorite Classes (including some normal classes)


Great Lord








Great Knight

Pegasus Knight

Falcon Knight




Dark Mage





Edited by SparkNorkx
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1. Falcoknight: I absolutely adore and WORSHIP and LOVE this class. Lancefaire is pretty cool, it's a shame they lost swords. Always been my favorite.

2. Pegasus Knight: ^

3. Dark Flier: Galeforce OP and it's a pegasus, nuffsaid.

"That's it" said Avatar Kappa.png

you also adore someone with a specialty of shooting down falcoknights and other fliers Kappa.png

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Tactician/Grandmaster: That coat...

Assassin: I think it's funny that they have arm blades but they still need swords to attack. Plus the female ones do sexy poses when they win.

Griffon Rider: More for the armor you get to wear. Don't really like the mount so much though.

War Clerics: How do they sit with that cage around their skirts? Plus axe-wielding clerics is the most quirky addition to the game.

Dread Fighter: I look like a ninja, can jump up 50 feet into the air, and have red aura. Also the win pose is so badass.

I have yet to see how bride looks (Aside from a few Youtube Videos) but I can expect that class to land here eventually.

Edited by Naui
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War Clerics: How do they sit with that cage around their skirts? Plus axe-wielding clerics is the most quirky addition to the game.

I always thought that about Lissa, as well as Adele from Arc Rise Fantasia after a certain spoilerific event in the game that I won't mention because, well, it's a pretty big spoiler... But I digress.

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Hero- I do alot for appearences, and female heroes (especially the red ones like Flavia and Severa) look awesome. Plus if you give one galeforce, they're a force to be reckoned with(just had to)

Bride- From what I've seen of this class, I'm pretty exited to reclass even if only to take advantage of the skills

Demon Fighter- Very useful IMO

Tricksters- Set one up with a levin sword and, thanks to their great evasiveness, they're good to go

And War Clerics, though I don't really know why

Edited by The Chosen One
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I have a tendency to use a lot of flying units, likely a habit from my draft days. It becomes problematic when every map throws Bows and Wind magic at you. Wyvern Lord is my favored flying class, but I do commonly use Falcon Knights. I don't really like Griffon Riders or Dark Fliers. Galeforce is cool, but it comes so late and my Dark Fliers don't tend to perform well.

I like Tactician -> Grandmaster for being class that significantly makes use of both Str and Mag, as well as Rally Spectrum. Broken skill.

Assassins are pretty fun to use and Anna makes Tricksters awesome.

I like Bow Knight for being a reliable Bow-using class that isn't locked to Bows.

I loved using Lissa as a War Cleric. She got really lucky early on in her levels with Str so I went the less-traveled route and she eventually made it to A Axes knocking heads. It was pretty dang fun to see.

In a different way, pairing up two fast attacking classes makes dual striking awesome when they just attack one after another so fast. I had Owain and Lucina paired up as Swordmaster and Great Lord and they just tore everthing up so fast.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I have a tendency to use a lot of flying units, likely a habit from my draft days. It becomes problematic when every map throws Bows and Wind magic at you. Wyvern Lord is my favored flying class, but I do commonly use Falcon Knights. I don't really like Griffon Riders or Dark Fliers. Galeforce is cool, but it comes so late and my Dark Fliers don't tend to perform well.

I like Tactician -> Grandmaster for being class that significantly makes use of both Str and Mag, as well as Rally Spectrum. Broken skill.

Assassins are pretty fun to use and Anna makes Tricksters awesome.

I like Bow Knight for being a reliable Bow-using class that isn't locked to Bows.

I loved using Lissa as a War Cleric. She got really lucky early on in her levels with Str so I went the less-traveled route and she eventually made it to A Axes knocking heads. It was pretty dang fun to see.

In a different way, pairing up two fast attacking classes makes dual striking awesome when they just attack one after another so fast. I had Owain and Lucina paired up as Swordmaster and Great Lord and they just tore everthing up so fast.

On the subject of Galeforce, that's why I don't bother having the mothers who have sons and can access the pegasus knight class tree pass it down - it is a good skill, but it's just way too much work for the pay (especially in Olivia's case).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I love spellswords, so the Dark Knight, Grandmaster, Dread Fighter and by some extension, Dark Flier and Trickster are pretty cool to me.

As for pure power? I really dig the Hero and General, design and skill wise.

still would like to see some of the classes from previous games return in the FE14.

Honestly, Halberdier should be the one getting Lancefaire

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I have a tendency to use a lot of flying units, likely a habit from my draft days. It becomes problematic when every map throws Bows and Wind magic at you. Wyvern Lord is my favored flying class, but I do commonly use Falcon Knights. I don't really like Griffon Riders or Dark Fliers. Galeforce is cool, but it comes so late and my Dark Fliers don't tend to perform well.

Not like the skill is really needed anyway unless you do post-game as the Xenologue chapters are already hard enough and needing it especially if you don't use Olivia, like me.



Coolest looking class in the game. Makes you feel like having a ninja in your party. =D


Baddass and another class of the hire for pieces of gold.


The blades of death and another ninja for hire for pieces of gold class.


Another for hire and is "The messenger of death." Gotta love that lethality animation.


Another for hire class and get all around good stats.

Edited by Lady Feena
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I'm a sucker for thief classes, so Assassin would be my favorite (well, really I'm just a sucker for speedy units). Also because of Lethality (looks really cool in this game) and pass (also bows!). Haven't actually tried the trickster class, though.

Swordmasters are pretty cool as well. Heroes are awesome, too, because of the pretty balanced stats. I also like Grandmaster because being able to use swords and tomes is neato. Being able to "reclass" them to Grandmaster again is pretty cool since none of your stats are affected. You're just resetting back to level 1 with the same stats lol. EDIT: So apparently you could do this to all classes... just tried with Gaius and Gregor...

I wish I had monies to get Dread Fighter, though. Sounds like a pretty cool class.

Edited by Cereal Bawks
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I managed to download the Lost Bloodlines pack, I'm glad I did! Dread Fighter is now my new favorite class. Made Morgan into a Dread Fighter, and now he's a beast ninja with all has stats maxed out. I almost want to make ALL the men in my army Dread Fighters, but that would be too much. 8D; I'm using Alm too, he's actually rather useful since he got good stat boosts in my game. Dread Fighter should come with a bit of variety in color, but it still is a cool outfit, and the red aura really adds to the effect.

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13 games in and Paladins are still at the top for me.

Other classes I like:

Obligatory Tactition/Grandmaster,

Swordmaster, (dat jacket)

Dread Fighter

I like the other classes the game has, but these are my favorites.

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Tactician/Grandmaster - I didn't expect to like this one, but now I love how well balanced it is. Also I listed tactician because I like the outfit design much more.

Assassin - I was also surprised how much I like the combination of swords and bows, plus the killer speed and skill stats.

Dread fighter- Basically Grandmaster + axes and other skills. and most men look mighty fine in that outfit.

As for just looks (and some practicality), my favorite is Lodestar (and Lucina as a Lord). Still can't get over how awesome she and the other Marths look in that.

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