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Wishful thinking: Fire Emblem 14


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What i meant was a lord that was locked to only bows until promition.

Oh, my mistake then. lol

Also, if I make a brand new game, I'd make the lord a standalone female, like the one in my fic is. I'm tired of them being forced to share the spotlight with male lords or getting overshadowed by them. Women can be just as great as them on their own.

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As far as topics go, I think nations and their royalty have been kind of static- though it has been noted more than once and in more than one game that a nation's leaders/military don't necessarily represent the desires of its people, those meditations usually don't amount to all that much. There are good lords/kings/queens/whatever, and there are bad whatevers, both of whom usually have the total control and support of their citizens, and the bad whatevers take the fight to the good ones because villainous reasons and so on. It's usually a pretty safe bet that the day is won by the complete vanquishing of the unambiguously villainous enemy nation's army and leader, in a straight fight won by the player's hand.

I'm making this sound a lot worse than it really is, because even if the format doesn't change that much you can wring a lot out of it and make it a satisfying experience for the player, but I get the feeling they don't usually care to mix it up much.

A widespread revolution sounds like a cool way to shake FE up. The thing that specifically comes to mind for me is a breakdown of the social order, say as in the French Revolution: the subjects of a country get fed up with corruption/brutality/lack of (upward, social, or literal) mobility/whatever under the rule of the preexisting lord's regime, and stage a revolt with enough bite that an RPG can be made from it. The player could start as anybody from the presiding ruler of the whole country (or their heir or something), the lord of a local province (or their heir or something), a soldier, or as somebody outside the government, like a mercenary or even just some dude/ette with a knack for surviving fights that have gotten way out of hand. Anybody who finds themselves with no choice outside of fighting which isn't death.

It'd be a neat opportunity to decide what this character stands for, and how they go about it: Do they stand for the order the government is meant to keep, or the freedom of which the revolutionaries dream? Or will they end up going for a power grab, one way/reason or another? /movie trailer guy voice

Of course, I've ended up trying to imagine this stuff in the context of a game that heavily looks to the player to choose what paths to take, and FE hasn't usually been too into that. I guess I have to wonder just what is it I think a FE game should be, a story almost entirely told to me or a story in significant part told by me.

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I actually had a pretty good idea for an FE setting, not too unrelated to other Fire Emblems. The lore is that there are only 2 species of dragons (excluding wyverns) that live upon earth, ice and fire dragons, divine dragons live in a separate realm. But then an evil ice dragon starts an uprising to destroy all the humans and there rival fire dragons, so that they could live in their own frozen world. The ice dragons succeed in freezing the surface of earth, so in order to stop them, the remaining fire dragons fuse into the fire emblem, an object that restores the temperature balance and seals the ice dragons into a single entity, a dragon capable of freezing countries in one breath, but he is sealed into a slumber in a deep cave with the Fire Emblem's power. The game's plot would revolve around the cliche sorcerer or emperor wanting to exploit the powers of the ice dragon, using the Emblem, and there we go, easy cliche Fire Emblem game.

I had also came up with an interesting game play element. Similar to Gaiden but different, the Lord's icon can traverse the overworld, but instead of lines from one place to another, you can freely move across the continent. However, only a certain amount of space can be covered before the army must stop to make camp, during which support convos, trading and management can be done, but these cannot be done while the army is moving. If you're careless where you set up camp, bandits may attack you, or worse, if you're in enemy borders, a nation's army. Also, the group does not heal after every battle unless they make it to a safe castle or conquer an enemy one. This would discourage skirmish spamming because you'd waste a lot of healing resources trying to train, and venturing too far into places you shouldn't would result in many high level enemies killing off your entire army. You also cannot save unless you're at a safe fort or have conquered an enemy fort. The game itself would be semi-linear, some campaign missions can be done in different orders, by having multiple objectives, as well as optional sidequests appearing on the map. Also scripted encounters also can occur while heading to the next objective.

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I want a third Ike game where he comes back as the villain. He also has an amazing beard and his mercenaries are evil with him. He's tired of the corrupt world and so he's go evil to set things right. Meanwhile you play as Elincia's kid leading up an army to fight the once hero turned villain Ike. Now you must thinking Ike or the mercenaries couldn't turn evil but this is Fire Emblem and this kind of crap happens.

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Keep the same class system Awakening has, but change the outfits. "OTL Less sexualized, less over-the-top armor. I also hope units keep their unique color-schemes no matter what they reclass to. And I hope that if we see paid DLC characters again, they damn well better get their own unique models. Lief should be wearing all-white, dammit. "OTL

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I want a third Ike game where he comes back as the villain. He also has an amazing beard and his mercenaries are evil with him. He's tired of the corrupt world and so he's go evil to set things right. Meanwhile you play as Elincia's kid leading up an army to fight the once hero turned villain Ike. Now you must thinking Ike or the mercenaries couldn't turn evil but this is Fire Emblem and this kind of crap happens.

Would play.

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Would play.

Hmmm... Intersting Idea. I don't think there would be much of a reason for that to happen , as Ike is the stubborn hero, and I don't think that anything will give him the motivation to turn evil. Maybe we can fight him from a different side? Like 3-13 in RD? I dunno, I think that will be cool.

I want a continuation of RD (And Dawn of Darkness would definetely be awesome), and the characters should definetely be more balanced. I kinda hated how in RD hard mode, there's no way you can realistically use Edward, since I find him awesome. Supports should be more limited, but with better conversations. There should be much better character development, and a logical plot. I mean, in RD Micky just announced that she was Ynue, and everyone believed her. That makes no sense whatsoever. While we're on the topic of Micky, I think that the characters should be believable, and NO MORE MICKY SUES!

My two cents.

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All I want is no more gender-locked classes. FemZerk and MalePeg let's do it.

Characters written more like human beings and less like anime stereotypes would be great too. Overall more variety in body shapes in characters in terms of design would be nice as well.

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If they did make a third Ike game I could also see something involving the branded colony mentioned in Stephen(however they spell it) ending. I still think it would star new characters but have appearances of past characters. Ike would be the overpowered awesome unit you get at the very end of the game. He would still have a giant awesome beard and he's duel wielding ragnell and alondite. Also duel wielding would be the new feature in the game.

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I think I'd like to see a Civilizations/Radiant Dawn Part 4 hybrid, on which you control an standard sized army in the start... Until the entire continent is caught in a war, and your army must be deployed to strategical positions in the world map in groups and advance (similar to the DB/GM/LA from RD, and the map locations from FE2). Some characters would be obligatory to be in the team, while others should be optional; they also would be fixed in that team until there's an opportunity for two different groups to unite and re-sortie their groups (kind of like Berwick Saga), with some chapters on which a different team joins the battle at some point.

Among other new things there would be:

- The ability to seize a fort, fortress (much more well equipped and guarded than a fort, obviously), villages, cities (different from the villages for their better products and an arena) etc. They would, as you guessed, offer a more strategic positioning for your units, instead of them being scattered in the map randomly (kind of like FE10's Defend/Hold Position missions)

- There would be one (or two, in some cases) small army of generic mooks being sent at the player's group from time to time. They would be seen in the world map while they advance and capture villages/cities/fort/fortresses/etc that are in their way. However, they'd take linear, pre-determined routes.

- There would be loads and loads of characters, much like FE11 and FE12. If a character were to die, a substitute with 10% of their stats inherited with the same class as the fallen unit would join the army in the next chapter, 5 levels below (if the unit was a Level 4 > x second tier unit, the recruit will be a Level 1 second tier unit). There would be a total of 8 substitute units for the entire game.

- There would be a different support system. It would work just like Radiant Dawn, only with two additions: A character would be able to support with two other characters, and there would be a fourth (and permanent) Support Level for one of them, with much more relevant dialogue that would influence their ending together, one much more detailed than an ending with the other character with a lower Support Level.

- Base Conversations would return. Some of them would only be accessible with characters supporting each other, others will be different depending on which characters are still alive. Yes, the player will feel guilty and feel the sting of the consequences he took during the game.

- Actions and consequences. Some choices the player makes during the game will change the story in the end. At first they won't mean much, but when enough choices are made and enough consequences are taken,they'll just pile up and the impact will be much bigger.

- Some characters from the other side can be recruited, much like Yggdra Unison. However, the conditions must be met (and they are not limited to having a character who's related to said unit that may or may not convert to the player's side). Some units will only join the player if he took favorable choices, if he's got enough money, if a certain character is still in the team/alive, if they choose to cope with said character etc. The same would happen with a character in your side: If the player can't afford to pay for the unit, if a certain character in the team died, if the player made a choice they didn't like, among other things, they'd convert to the enemy's side when given the chance (like Jill in FE9, and some characters in FE10).

... Okay, that was mostly a major brainstorm I just had, but I find that idea cool.

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I want a continuation of RD (And Dawn of Darkness would definetely be awesome)

Omigosh, thank you! ^^

I'm so honored that you think so!

Oh, and I agree about base conversations. They should come back! And if the marriage system does too, some base conversations should only be obtainable when characters have an S support.

EDIT: Oh, I had forgotten another thing! I'd bring back third tier classes. Those were so awesome. <3

Edited by Anacybele
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Remake of FE7/6 in the same game.

You play the first half of the game playing FE 7, you as the tactician create yourself a bit like the avatar from FE13, although perhaps not as broken (limited reclassing). Allow for limited reclassing geared towards the storyline. Scrap the whole different promotional items (Knight's Crest, Guiding Ring, Fell Contract, etc.) and replace it with Master/Second Seals. Allow supports with anyone and S supports with marriage for all opposite gender characters.

Your tactician returns in FE 6, and your characters or their sons/daughters will return if the storyline/support allows it. FE 6 would have a much harder difficulty (since you've got returning characters and children characters plus the normal ones you get in FE 6)

Add in a traversal world map, bonus characters

I'd really like to see Nils/Ninian in their dragon forms as playable characters

, and then have some epilogue chapters that are really, really, really, brutally difficult at the end after you beat the game.

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hei gais, der shuld totly b liek a steempunk fier ebmelm

Console Wars meets Fire Emblem? It'd be nice to have a FE with airships and lighsabers!

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I was going to go off on what I would do for a story but it was taking too long so I will cut it down removing what I would do for a story...

*Weapons system:

-Radiant dawn magic system(aka both the regular and anima magic triangles)

-weight would return along with the related heavy weapon versions (blades great lances ect) weight would be guaged so that there should be no impairment (for non heavy weapons) to use the matching grade when it starts to get really common(so that mages don't get useless)

-can forge weapons like recent games but would also be able to repair weapons... for a cost... the more uses restored and the higher thesell value more it costs you...(thus forged would cost more as would weapons near full usage)


>standard weapon grades(all of which could be easily purchased once related progress allows it assuming you can afford it)





>specialist tiers(which would be more expensive and are found in lower quantities all of which you could expect enemies to wield



-class buster(one to use against armor,beast,wyrm for lances,swords and axes)-C

Reaver- reverses the weapon triangle...(why did they ditch these guys?)-B

superior-(I feel these would be useful as a weapon to make you think more boost durability to 20 maybe the bunuses to the wielder could be tweaked)-B


*Tomes 3 categories anima, light, dark... anima magic would have its own triangle but would share a weapon type

anima(standard magic)=

-standard(no prefix)-E

-El series-D

-Arc series-C

-(thoron,Balogone,Tornado series)-B

-Rex series-A(yes I know they were legendary in tellius but..)

light(Valkaries & Bishop lines only)=













-long range tome series-C(extreme weight)
















legendaries(for everything)-S

General notes

My "lord" would be a female Dark magic user with sword skills (hybrid of dark magic user and myrmidon) who would have the strength to counter the weight of both and the speed to double most enemies while hitting hard(at the cost of poor defense resistance and hp) she would be a mercenary leader

-She would have black hair (NOT BLUE)

The Jagen(actually an Ofrey) would be a wyvern lord

Parents are not dead and would be important characters who eventually Join as the Gotoh (swordmaster(father) and Sorcerer(Mother) respectively)

-Instead of scrimishes & paralogues there would be randomly generated mercenary contracts ranging from route bandits threatening a village to defending a keep from a empire. These contacts could be for multiple sides(some on rare occasions might even be from the "enemy faction" rewards include gold, weapons, stat items, skill scrolls and even charecters

-reclassing- can happen but you need would need an item similar to awakening... the item would be extremely rare and far more expensive that a master seal(and could only be bought near endgame) only two alt class lines per character w/out exceptions

-Promotion branched however 3rd tiers are reversed branches promoting similar classes into the same 3dr tier fro example Paladin,Bow Knight, and Great knight would all promote to Gold Knight while Mage Knight and Valkyrie would promote to Silver Knight ect.

End Part 1 cont in later post...(getting long)

Edited by Dragrath
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I think I've mentioned this somewhere else, but I think a Days of Ruin-esque Fire Emblem would be totally awesome. Make the plot somewhat smaller in scale (no typical "save the world" story again), make weapons/items/money harder to come by, have some main characters die, and give a real sense of dread/tension/fear/something through the story and more importantly, the gameplay.

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In game non-scripted Enemy vs Enemy NPC battles. We need to satisfy the NPC battle fetishists like myself

If I can pick a side to murder then yes... hell you should be a mercenary who actually works as a mercenary!

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I want a game where light magic returns and the soldier and summoner classes return too. Also i've always wanted a central female lord that uses axes as her primary weapon and doesn't afraid of anything or Lucina to have her own game and not share the lead role with another character :^_^:.

Edited by Maiden_of_Emblem
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I want a game where light magic returns and the soldier and summoner classes return too. Also i've always wanted a central female lord that uses axes as her primary weapon and doesn't afraid of anything or Lucina to have her own game and not share the lead role with another character :^_^:.

So, Fem!Hector?

Also, fun fact, I think Lucina can even die without giving you a game over.

Personally I just really really really want a main lord who isn't a blue-haired swordfighting royal/noble dude. They have to defy at least three (technically two would be enough if those two were major/had a big effect on the character in relation to other FE protagonists) of those traits to satisfy my desire for a different protagonist, preferably all four. You know, Micaiah actually qualified for this but then she wasn't actually the main character. I was disappointed by that. Stupid spotlight-stealing Ike. At least Marth's sequel didn't fake you out with a different set of main characters in the beginning.

Edited by Starlight36
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So, Fem!Hector?

Also, fun fact, I think Lucina can even die without giving you a game over.

Personally I just really really really want a main lord who isn't a blue-haired swordfighting royal/noble dude. They have to defy at least three (technically two would be enough if those two were major/had a big effect on the character in relation to other FE protagonists) of those traits to satisfy my desire for a different protagonist, preferably all four. You know, Micaiah actually qualified for this but then she wasn't actually the main character. I was disappointed by that. Stupid spotlight-stealing Ike. At least Marth's sequel didn't fake you out with a different set of main characters in the beginning.

Something like that :^_^: but instead of FemHector I prefer a character like Titania without a mount be the main lord in a new game. Let her be strong and convicted but also well mannered. Like you I think that blue haired lords could use a break. I would like a pink red haired female lord ;W;. Or if there is another male lord I prefer him to be a mage :^_^:.

I thought it weird Lucina could die without causing a game over despite her being a lord. My Chrom died once but he caused a game over, it's not fair.

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Something like that :^_^: but instead of FemHector I prefer a character like Titania without a mount be the main lord in a new game. Let her be strong and convicted but also well mannered. Like you I think that blue haired lords could use a break. I would like a pink red haired female lord ;W;. Or if there is another male lord I prefer him to be a mage :^_^:.

I thought it weird Lucina could die without causing a game over despite her being a lord. My Chrom died once but he caused a game over, it's not fair.

I want a dark haired female Dark magic user as the "lord"... (I'm thinking hybrid between Dark mage and Myrmidon (thus high speed high magic decent strength and good skill at the cost of subpar HPgrowth,defense and resistance)... also like Ike they would not be born royalty...

(I want every "typical" lord trait broken...)

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