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Likely a rather simple question...


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Hello, I'm rather a large newbie at this whole ROM hacking business, and mostly I've just messed with things like palettes, names, dialogue, etc etc. Currently I'm trying to rip the FE6 Cass sprite and make it the female Thief sprite (I don't like the assassin-y one). I did what was shown in this topic and Blazer's Ultimate Tutorial, taking the sprites and putting them in. At first things seemed peachy, but the moment I moved over the character, her animation became that of the Leila Thief. I moved her around in all sorts of permutations to test that, and now the problem was that her sprite became Leila again when walking up (otherwise she was FE6 FemThief). I searched around the forums a bit, and when I brought VBA back up she now became a Bandit when animated/walking up. I figured out the problem is that the animated/walking up sprites morph into whatever class I last was looking at. If this is confusing you I captured a video of the problem. The sprites in GBAGE didn't look different from any of the other sets, so what gives?

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you need to change the map sprite pointers for the thief(f) class using a nightmare module

i forgot exactly what it was called but hopefully it'll point you in the right direction; someone else will probably come along and drop a name

Edited by dondon151
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Something's gone wrong with the selected!map sprite that you inserted. Can you show me a screenshot of what that bit looks like in Nightmare? NOT the standing map sprite editor, the other one.

edit: the module is called the "Misc Map Sprite Editor"

Edited by Agro
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What offset did you point the new sprite to and did it have enough free space? Because all sorts of things can be screwy if you overwrite existing data somehow. I was going nuts over map sprites for the past day or so and found out my sprites didn't have quite enough free space just by a small margin. I've been keeping a log of my sprites when I insert their standing and animations. Animations can take up a rather large chunk of space. So I usually go into the hex editor and give my sprites plenty of free space to make sure they work. Go into GBAGE and insert them. Hit save with GBAGE then look in my hex editor at where the data starts and stops. I then fill the space they just occupied with 00. Then adjust the starting location based on the size the sprite is. This way I make sure the data doesn't overwrite anything since I know the exact size it will be. I usually give like 3-4 lines of 00 to help sort it out or in case something happens unexpectedly.

But for instance. Here's a list of some of my stuff,

Axe knight Standing

DFFAC0 - no more free space

Axe knight animation


Great Knight standing


(1E0 length)

Great Knight Animation


(970 length)

Sword Armour Standing

DF6D30 (For some reason data goes to DF6CB0 though)

(130 length) (16x16)

Sword Armour Animation

DF6370 (For some reason changed some data before up to DF61B0

(8B0 Length)

Axe Armour Standing:


(130 length)

I'm inserting different cavalier and such which are 16x32. So they take up a bit more but I'm guessing for Female thief it would probably take up at least around 8B0 length (in hex). So go into your hex editor pick a free space. If your using HxD pick the option Select Block and type in the length. Make sure it doesn't run into any data. Insert and double check it fit into the right size, or once again if it didn't just fill the selection with 00 and then adjust where you start the offset in GBAGE based on the new size you learned.

Literally all map sprite issues I've came across just deal with not having enough space. You plop the sprite into free space then just point to it with the standing and misc map modules in nightmare.

Edited by JFierce
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Something's gone wrong with the selected!map sprite that you inserted. Can you show me a screenshot of what that bit looks like in Nightmare? NOT the standing map sprite editor, the other one.

edit: the module is called the "Misc Map Sprite Editor"


I left the animation pointer alone, cause i really didn't know what to put it to. DD0140 is where i wrote the walking animations (right after standing in the hex editor). I tried setting the animation pointer to DD0140 as well and that crashed the emulator so yeah.

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Animation pointer just tells the sprite how to work so to speak so that could be an issue. Though I haven't seen anything like this where it changes the class, just mainly garbage data. I didn't even think that the sprite was FE6 so that might be a possible cause though not sure how...... I'd try taking the animation pointer from the normal thief first, but if that doesn't work try taking it from FE6 if you can, though I don't know if FE6 has a module for it.

Hmmm..... odd bug to say the least. Have you tried redoing it on a fresh backup before you inserted just in case you messed something up without realizing it?


In the picture it's set to 0x8DD0140 etc.

Edited by JFierce
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describe this emulator crash

plz stahp dun ninja me

Have you tried inserting it somewhere else/changing the animation pointer to an existing one? If it's not working with your inserted sprite then it could be an issue with your copy-pasting.

Edited by CT075
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And to respond to JFierce, this is actually the second backup I've used. First time I'd tried saving over the original FemThief data which put the game on acid trip mode and still had the same problem. I'll try the male theif animation idea...

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As a general rule, inserting over existing data is basically always a bad idea (unless you're very good at managing your data).

At this rate all I can think of is that you're copying the wrong thing/copying it incomplete

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One thing that hit me. When your uploading the sprite sheet. Did you make sure the size in GBAGE is 4 width 64 height. If it's only 32 height for instance it wouldn't upload all the animations. Which I think that might cut out the "walking up" and maybe the standing animation gets screwed up.

So the game might be trying to draw on some kind of animation for walking upwards but it's just not there and glitches out.

Edited by JFierce
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it's not exactly that the dimensions have to be 4 by 64 and more that there have to be 256 tiles (which is the number of tiles needed to completely rip the correct data) total (so you could technically get away by ripping the thing as a 16x16 image etc)

but yes, that would qualify as an instance of "ripping the data incomplete"

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should be 4 by 64 not 4 by 32

also if you make it too tall the image will be bigger than GBAGE's window

It never occurred to me that there would be more revealed if i added to the height. Oh now I feel dumb. Thank you so much for the help!

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