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My Unit for FE 4 Remake Idea.


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My Unit for FE4... I see it as a completely broken (in a bad way) feature. Should the system stay pretty much the same on some key points, the feature would automatically be problematic IMO. The worse being the following things.

1°) Customisation:

First case: Avatar is fixed => Then it's not what we seek in an added character that's supposed to more or less represent you. Some kind of customisation is needed, or what's the point of it?

Second case: Avatar is not fixed, but then how much could we personnalize it?

* Only the face? Yeah so we're pigeonholed into something that don't necesseraly match our tastes. (You wanted to be a heroic knight? Too bad you're forced to be a healbot with no skills) or is outright crappy ( Imagine you are a bow fighter with vantage and fala blood)

* Everything? So we can't really chose since who, in their right mind would make, for example, an Armor Knight with Ulir blood and life as a skill? Some skills would be overpowered and pretty much imposed on you. Same with class and holy blood. On the good side, you could plan for your favorite children, but then it could go overboard (imagine you can make an avatar with high magic growth, pursuit and Ambush, and pass all of those good things to Arthur, with some setup you could trivialize the game even worse than in the original game)

* Something in between? Would pretty much sum the worse of both above options with barely anything on the good side.

2°) Implementation in the pairing system

If Avatar is female, would she have a child? (or two?)

* If yes, what would its/their class be (imagine you want to marry her to Claude but Avatar's child(ren) is/are physical unit(s) and he screwed it/them completely for some reason)? Would we have enough males built for our needs? Lex is quite THE father, but what if you need him (or someone like him) with another female?

* If no, what's the point of being able to pair her? (Being unable to pair Avatar would be a stupid and illogical move)

If Avatar is male, would he add a third child to the girl he marry?

* If yes, what would that child inherit (that's one of the biggest point of pairings in FE4, if it becomes like FE13 where children have static equipement, it would be a huge setback IMHO)? What would be his/her class?

* If no, does it replace one of the children by Avatar's? Which one? If he gives no special children but female does, there's no point in making a male avatar. On the other hand, if none of them gives any special children, what's the point of making a female avatar when you could use a male to boost particular children.

And what about Substitutes?

Wish: Changing hair color for children NOT added.

Edited by Sartek
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If they remake it, I suspect it'd become chapter-based and not have huge-ass maps. That's just a hunch, but it seems like a good one.

In that case, it's easy to just have the penultimate chapter of Gen 1 be the fight against the Prime Minister's armies and then Sigurd's all "Good job! But I got a bad feeling, go with Oifaye and Shanan and the kids dude" to the Avatar. Then the next mission is you have to defend them (along with whatever mothers canonically weren't at the battle) on the way to Isaac and find out about Arvis's betrayal at the end. Then come Gen 2, "Morgan" starts with Seliph's team, and his/her parent has been missing sort of like some of the other unaccounted-for moms were. Make them recruitable later in a side mission or something of course, then they basically serve as a second Finn.

But the big problem right now is the way the pairing stuff works. Women produce two children, and there are far more men than women. In Awakening there's only going to be one or two forever-alones, but in FE4 there were a ton. Throw in a male Avatar to the mix (who is all but certain to be paired) and even more guys are going to languish unpaired. The only solutions I can see to this are either (1) add more female characters, perhaps who only have one child each, or (2) mandatory female Avatar for Gen 1, with an option for male/female child in Gen 2 or a unique child (or pair of children) based on the dad.

I'd also like to see limited reclassing based on father. Like if Lewyn's fathering Patty, let her actually become a class that can use Forseti. Perhaps father could influence what class a character grows into? Like Patty becomes a Trickster-esque tomes-and-thieving class with him as her father, but a Rogue with Holyn as her dad or an Assassin with Jamke.

p.s. Add hair color changes so we don't have blue-haired Lester if his father isn't Lex.

If you include Generic Village-Girl and Chrom, every marry-able person can be paired up, not including characters like Anna, Basilo, or Sayri.

I imagine a remake of FE4 would add a few more female characters, also more class representation such as a fighter in GEN 1.

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I'd be fine with a remake of FE4 featuring another My Unit if My unit had limited reclass options. Maybe you could choose for your MU to have 1 major holy blood or 2 minor holy bloods that determine class options. EX: Odo blood could give Myrmidon, Mercenary, and Thief as class options (just listing a few unmounted base classes that use swords and tend to have high speed).

For a remake of FE4 in general I'd want them to get rid of pursuit (or just make it that you need less speed to double with it than without it), balance weapons (I'd like a good reason to use magic that isn't wind and melee weapons that aren't swords) and give the children different hair colors depending on their fathers(at least for the sons because Lester having Blue hair when his father isn't Lex always bugged me).

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Actually that'd be an interesting change to Pursuit: You double if your Speed is greater than your opponent's. For everyone else, it's +/- 5 like in Awakening. An overkill speedster (such as, say, Ulster class changed to something lacking inherent Pursuit) would have no problem doubling without Pursuit, and it wouldn't be the end-all and be-all for kids.

Granted that would make Forseti Arthur pretty much God + Jesus instead of merely Jesus, since there's no way in hell he wouldn't be doubling even so.

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I'd be fine with a remake of FE4 featuring another My Unit if My unit had limited reclass options. Maybe you could choose for your MU to have 1 major holy blood or 2 minor holy bloods that determine class options. EX: Odo blood could give Myrmidon, Mercenary, and Thief as class options (just listing a few unmounted base classes that use swords and tend to have high speed).

I like this idea.

In all honesty I while I would love a FE4 remake I fear they would take away all the stuff I love about the original and just make it like an everyday Fire Emblem. I love the huge maps, the individual money, I like the idea of pursuit. I could also see them nerfing skills a lot. However, I would love to see support convos(I mean really love), maybe the duel combat thing FE13 has, some new skills, new weapons, maybe some super cool cut scenes, updated character art, etc. The changing the hair color upon the parent like in FE13 is a good idea. For Lester having blue and not having Lex or Fin be the dad maybe someone in his family line had blue hair and it reawakened in him?

I love FE4 but I'm a little nervous with what could happen in a remake. I would settle for an official English translation to the original game though.

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How would you decide reclass options for characters that don't have holy blood? EG: Arden, Beowulf

Hmmm... Maybe characters would have their own class sets like in awakening and holy blood would add classes to them?

Edited by Zelos
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  • 2 weeks later...

My idea for the MU is that:

*You pick a holy blood then you pick a class associated with the holy blood. EX: For Fala: Mage or Fire Mage.

And update the mechanics so their less clunky and more modern.

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