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If the characters on this game have jobs in real life...

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I always imagined Lucina in school as the school president with all the other future children with her there filling in roles you know? Like Inigo being the playboy all the girls want, and Owain is the anime fanboy. But if you only want jobs than I guess Vaike would be in something that has to do with sports or wrestling. I mean look at those muscles <3

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Sully... something usually reserved to guys, maybe mecanician?

Boxer or programmer+tumblr user IMO

Henry for head of Scientology

Tharja for

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Virion: One of those flamboyant fashion designers

Cherche: His lovely assistant who does all the management

Sumia: Owns a Pie bakery by day and a flower fortune shop by night

Panne: Pet shop owner

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Lissa.. some maid cafe's waitress? or kindergarten teacher.

Virion is prosecutor (like Edgeworth)

With constantly tripping, I don't know what Sumia and Cynthia can do :|

Cherche's going to be a CEO's secretary

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I can see Maribelle as an instructor in one of those "How to act like the high-class" things.

Kellam would totally be a spy. Come on, that stealth is just unnatural. Any government would love to get his hands on someone like him... if they can find him in the first place.

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I can sort of see the other jobs

Random ideas:

Stahl would be a homeless dude begging for money

Flavia would be the first woman president

Basilio would be the former president before Flavia and now just a governor

Sumia would be a fortune-teller, duh :P

Cynthia would be her support I don't know very much about her

Inigo would be a mercenary because I don't see him doing anything but fighting

Lon'qu would be any job where he doesn't have to deal with women lol

Maribelle would be a member of high-society and civil rights activist

Cordelia would be that new girl in the office who gets a raise a couple weeks after joining because she's that good (as for what office job she has, use your imagination)

Nowi would... nvm. Forget Nah too.

Tiki would be a religious figure maybe >_>' trying to fit a dragon girl into a more real-world job is hard...

Walhart would be the CEO of Google, trying to conquer all the other sites and become one of the if not the most dominant website ever.

Gangrel would be that guy who was born into a good situation but totally screwed up his situation because he never grew up and ends up being the downfall of the family fortune, ultimately leading to his homelessness

The Vaike would be a gym teacher. Maybe double as a football coach.


the Avatar would either be a business manager, the person who analyzes various situations, funds, etc., and makes decisions on what is the next best move for the business to take, or s/he would be the job of their creator meaning a student for a LOT of people, I bet

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Walhart would be the CEO of Google, trying to conquer all the other sites and become one of the if not the most dominant website ever.


either CEO of Walmart (come on, it's so obvious) or Microsoft, cause those monopolies

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Owain will be a fry cook at McDonalds.

Virion will be a politician.

Gerome will be a rich idiot with no day job.

Nowi will be a circus clown.

Tharja will be an therapist.

Henry will be a serial killer.

Kellam will be a mannequin.

Gregor will be a door to door salesman.

Severa will be popstar.

Frederick will be Chrom's technologically challenged butler.

Chrom will be the next internet meme after Frederick accidently posts salacious pictures of him online.

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Stahl works in a cubical

Walhart is definitely CEO of Walmart

Gerome would be batman (it is a real job)

Frederick would definitely be a butler

Cherche would be Virion's personal assistant

Virion would be a Kardashian (get paid for being vain)

Henry would definitely be a serial killer

Kellam would be a coatrack

Miriel would be a librarian then host Jeapordy after Alex Trebbec gets assassinated

Libra would be a priest

Gaius would definitely own a candy shop

Emmeryn would be a therapist

Vaike would be a gym teacher

Donnel would be a farmer

Anna would be a banker

Owain would be an actor

Laurent would be a lawyer

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Violinist!Brady all the way. Gotta live out the dream.

Inigo as a model, maybe?

Owain as a private investigator or a police officer!

Gerome as the young businessman who goes vigilante in the night--

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Gaius steals from the rich and gives to the needy;

Takes a wee precentage but he's not greedy;

He rescues pretty damsels (MAN he's good!);

(unintelligable) Gaius Hood!

But seriously, if he ran a candy shop, he'd eat everything. If anything he'd be a subject of study on how he's yet to die of diabetes.

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