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Who did you choose to get married to one another?

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This might be a spoilerific thread in terms of supports, so people who do not like spoilers, avert thine eyes!

I'm quite thorough with picking who marries whom, spending majority of my game accumulating supports and choosing the one I find cutest (Because in Hard, stats don't really matter as much, luckily!) I guess this is more of a "Which supports do you like the most?" sort of thread.

Characters I got married in the order they married were:

[spoiler=Chrom x Olivia]I found out the hard way about Chrom's forced marriage in my first playthrough. Had to restart my game because I already went through all his other marriage supports til A; I was dead set on marrying him to Olivia! The reason being that I wasn't too fond of his other supports. Sumia's pie offerings and his bathing mishaps with MU would appeal to some people, but I just didn't like them too much. So I settled on his last possible support in the list. Which turned out great! Inigo and Lucina are cool units as the prince and princess of post-apocalyptic Ylisse xD

[spoiler=Sumia x Frederick]I think I found myself torn between picking Frederick and Gaius for her, because both supports were rather adorable. But I caved for Frederick instead. It's sweet how he treats her in the S support, and I think Sumia needs a person like Frederick to balance out her clumsiness haha.

[spoiler=Lissa x Donnel]I found quite a few of Lissa's supports to be super cute. I was choosing between Vaike, Donnel and Gaius for her (and Stahl as well, but not as much as those three) but Donnel's S confession won me over. There was a bit there about Lissa's willingness to give up everything she had to be with Donnel and I just found it super sweet ; u ;

[spoiler=Maribelle x Ricken]Maribelle had surprisingly nice supports as well. Some that I liked were Gaius (The "I did it to save you even though I didn't know you" was a bit cheesy though haha), Stahl ("I'll help you fulfill your dream!" I really like supports like this where they want to help with each other's dreams. Feels like it has more depth), Vaike and Ricken. In the end, Ricken's S support made me choose him for Mirabelle. The "I've loved you ever since we met" line was... too cute... Also, long S supports always make me feel like a pairing is more cannon than the others. Having Brady refer to Ricken as "Old man" is so jarring though!

[spoiler=Sully x Libra]At this point, Donnel was already married so I was unable to view her S support with him, but I found Sully's support with Donnel interesting as well. Libra and Sully's S though! It basically happens after Sully says that she and Libra need to stick together, because they're like kindred spirits as Sully is the "tomboy to end all tomboys" and Libra is the "most beautiful man" in the country. In S, Libra mistakes this as a confession and they both end up being embarrassed. It was just way too cute. Kjelle even... sort of looks like Libra ;;

[spoiler=Cordelia x Gregor]Cordelia had a few supports that I really liked! Gaius (This support was funny and cute haha), Stahl (They do a harp duet that was strangely out of the blue, but interesting), Vaike and Gregor. I'll be honest. In a lot of Gregor's supports, he comes out as a creeper ahaha... But the S support he had with Cordelia was pretty adorable ;; And it was a huge plus for me that Gregor was one of the guys (if not the only one!) who doesn't go into the whole, "I know I'm no Chrom" spiel.

[spoiler=Miriel x Gaius]I liked a few of Miriel's other supports, like her supports with Ricken (He sympathizes with her plight to prove her mother's theories, connecting it to his family's not-so-amazing-standing as nobles) and Vaike (Miriel is so adorably clueless in the A support). But her Gaius support man! It was super fun to read, the S support especially xD

[spoiler=Cherche x Stahl]I was pretty sold on Stahl and Cherche's supports as soon as I read them, which was more likely the reason why I didn't pair him off to the other girls whose supports were cute as well. Other than Stahl, her support with Henry was... interesting as well. But quite uh, tragic. Randomly! Cherche's pretty scary. Especially when she says something threatening while smiling like, "I'll feed you to Minerva n _ n"

I've yet to marry off Tharja, Nowi anddd Panne. But I'm leaning to Virion for Panne because their A was surprisingly deep. Like, really... It's always a pleasant surprise when Virion doesn't go philandering in all the supports (I was quite close to marrying my MU to him to be honest)

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I've already done like, 4 files. Lol. So I'll do the ones I actually thought about in my most recent file.

[spoiler=Chrom X MU]Because I don't give a crap what the supports contain. Me x Chrom = yesz. It makes a lot more sense out of the plot. (Lucina: All I know is that he was killed by somebody dear to him. --kinda awkward when they're not married, yes?) Plus that makes Lucina my daughter and gives Morgan Rightful King, which then boosts his Armsthrift skill to 102%. :D Plus, it makes the scene where Lucina tries to kill you so much more personal...and emotional.

I also didn't like any of the ways that Chrom's other choices were handled. Olivia gets a flashback confession scene that was improperly placed, IMO. Everyone besides MU, from what I've seen, immediately jump to the wrong conclusion in the scene where Lucina shows herself, and CUE JEALOUSY SCENE. Olivia cries, Sumia is not far off from it, Sully is about to slice Lucina in two, and Maribelle has ghost Sumia popping up where she shouldn't be. MU is the only one (haven't seen Maribelle's scene) that actually trusts Chrom. (Or at least does a good job hiding her jealousy. Also, I could not stand SumiaxChrom's supports. They drove me nuts, for whatever reason.

[spoiler=Lissa x Vaike] Thought process: Owain is odd, slightly egotistic, and speaks in third person occasionally.

Vaike is dumb, definitely egotistic, loves calling himself The Vaike or Teach.

Conclusion: Vaike makes Owain make a little more sense. It also gives him a hair color similar to his mother's.

I also loved Lissa blackmailing Vaike in their A support. "Why did I even buy you this minced pie? T_T" "Blackmail, remember?" lol.

[spoiler=Lucina x Laurent]

Because I'm definitely not marrying my daughter to her cousin (Owain), to the womanizer (Inigo), Yarne is too much of a scaredy rabbit, Brady is meh...olook, Laurent.. And he has a personality I like. LET'S GO WITH HIM.

He also has some sweet supports with her~

[spoiler=Cherche x Frederick]

Because Gerome is srsbsnz. And Lon'qu had already married Cherche is a previous file.

[spoiler=Lon'qu x Miriel]

Was hoping her 'makes everyone her guinea pig...FOR SCIENCE' personality would pull some trollage on Lon'qu. Was not disappointed, though I didn't quite get what I wanted.

[spoiler=Henry x Nah]

Overall, I generally love these two. Their S support had no romance at all. It was a refreshing change of pace. "Hey, let's get married :D" "OKAY!" Plus, it gives Nah a light hair color, which I honestly think looks best on her.

[spoiler=Sully x Stahl]

Because I've already paired Sully up with Virion, Lon'qu and Kellam. :x

For my male file:

Flavia: Be my tactician. Seriously, be my tactician. Eh, never mind. I don't need a tactician.

Sully: *randomly attacks Lon'qu in her C and B supports with him, actually does try to hurt him at one point*

Tharja: *stalkstalk* You will be mine, Jason. >D

Sumia: Oh, oh! Chro--*faceplants*

Miriel: *obsesses over gravity, while walking off with Jason's bag and deaf to his protests*

Lissa: *constant trollage throughout her supports*

Jason: T_T .....

Narration: After some consideration, Jason decided that the only completely sane woman in the Ylissean army was Chrom's daughter.

that's all I care to iist for now, lol.

Edited by MagicLeafy
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Virion x Cordelia

Well I didnt really care for this one all that much, but i made 2 OCs who bear great resemblance to these two some time ago, so it only felt natural.

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MU x Tiki

Out of all the women in this game, I find Tiki the most fascinating.

Chrom x Sumia

This was one of the "leftover" pairings, to be honest.

Lissa x Ricken

Ricken belongs to an impoverished family of nobles. He also has a lot of admiration for Chrom. Lissa is filthy rich and Chrom's sister, so...

Frederick x Cordelia:

Workaholics unite!

Also, it's hilarious seeing these two be the parents of such an impolite young woman.

Sully x Stahl:

They're the Red and Green Cavaliers of this game, so I kind of think of them as a package deal.

Virion or Gregor x Cherche:

Storyline reasons for Virion, shared maturity for Gregor.

Vaike x Maribelle:

Brady's speech patterns and appearance remind me of Vaike.

Miriel x Gaius:

Again, I paired the leftovers.

Kellam x Olivia:

One is rarely seen, the other gets pretty nervous when she's seen. It's a fun contrast.

Donnel x Nowi:

The idea of an ordinary farm boy marrying a girl who can turn into a dragon will never not be funny to me.

Also, Nah is a godsdamned powerhouse.

Lon'qu x Panne:

They're both pretty icy at first, but they'll warm up if you spend enough time with them.

Tharja x Henry:

They're both pretty messed up.

Lucina x Gerome:

I'm a sucker for the "childhood friends become lovers" thing, even though it's psychologically unrealistic.

Owain x Cynthia:

One thing I don't appreciate about Sumia x Chrom is that Owain and Cynthia can't hook up and become a justice-dispensing team of husband and wife. Oh, well. I'm okay with them being villain-hunting BFFs instead.

Inigo x Severa:

Paired the leftovers.

Brady x Kjelle:

Delicate priest gets a big strong knight to defend him.

Yarne x Nah:

I want to see them produce fluffy bunny-dragons, kind of like Falcor from The Neverending Story.

Laurent x Noire:

Noire adds some much-needed spice to Laurent's character. That confession scene had me rolling on the floor.

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Yet another pairing thread too, dang. XD


Frederick x Female Avatar

I'd wanted to pair my Avatar with this lovable hunk of handsomeness since I played the demo. Freddy doesn't trust the Avatar so quickly like the others do, and I thought how awesome would it be if he ended up being the one to fall in love with her and win her heart after that? Then I heard she calls him Freddy Bear and that sealed the deal for me lol. Then when I saw the support, I thought it was absolutely adorable and funny and it's where I began to love Fred as a character. <3 I found his character to be really funny and his confession and some of his other dialogue in the game is so charming! He's a real knight in shining armor, imo. I don't regret this decision, that's for sure!

Chrom x Olivia

To me the idea of hot prince with cute sparkly dancer is just awesome lol. Plus, I had already planned to pair Chrom's other options with other people and I dislike Sumia. I didn't want her with any guy I thought was cool.

Gaius x Maribelle

I love the history these two talk about in their support! And Gaius doesn't mention candy at all, only how he already cared about Maribelle by saving her. So sweet and touching. ^^

Stahl x Cordelia

I actually think Cordelia would be most suited for Frederick (but of course I paired him with my Avatar lol), but Stahl is also good for her, imo, because he appreciates her and gives her company unlike everyone else by asking her to teach him to play a harp. Cordelia is a lonely girl, like me, so I wanted to give her someone I thought would definitely always keep her company and such. I took a gamble with Stahl, and it's working out, imo.

Lon'qu x Cherche

Again, a great piece of history these two share! Cherche also helps this poor guy deal with a painful part of his childhood too. And I thought it was so cute how she asked if he wanted to go on a picnic with her or something. lol

Donnel x Lissa

What can I say? These two appear to be close in age and it's cute farm boy with cute princess! Plus I thought it was sweet how Donnel saved her in the woods.

Gregor x Tharja

I haven't actually started working on these two yet, but I've seen the support, and I like how you learn an interesting bit of history about Gregor and his dead brother here. Seemed like a good reason for him to love Tharja for how she helped him this way.

Ricken x Nowi

These two are both kids, that is all. lol

Henry x Sumia

Was the only option left for Sumia since I paired the rest of her choices with other women. Henry seems to make sense as Cynthia's father anyway as far as I've seen. Plus her with white hair ought to be very interesting.

Kellam x Miriel

The two that were leftover besides Libra, and there was no way I was pairing him with anyone. It would just feel weird. lol

And that's all here. I haven't decided on any child pairings yet.

EDIT: Oh wait, I forgot one lol.

Virion x Panne

I dunno, I just found the idea of a guy like Virion with a cute bunny girl to be appealing. lol

EDIT2: And I forgot one more. Geez, I'm silly.

Vaike x Sully

Both have tough personalities, and Kjelle ought to look good blonde, imo.

Edited by Anacybele
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I forgot about the order..

But here's the pairing for my first run

Mostly I do it for the looks. If they look good together, they will be married. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Cannon. And I've decided for this even before the game's out.

[spoiler="Chrom x Sumia[size=2]"][/size]

Altough all the pies are kinda lame.

A rare choice I guess XD [spoiler=MU [color="#222222]x Say'ri[/color]"]

But I kinda pity Say'ri for not having her own child, so send her a Myrm!Morgan for a daughter.

Fred x Cher is one of my fav pairing actually. XD

[spoiler="[size=2]Frederick x Cherc[/size]he"]

BLACK HAIR GEROME. Plus they look good.

Plus their ending. I don't really remember the exact words, but both Fred and Cherce train Ylisse's army and they both feared by the trainee for their scary smile.

Kellam x Sully

Leftover pairing.

[spoiler="Vaike x Panne[size=2]"][/size]

They both wild... No, it's for the S convo about Vaike don't see Panne as a taguel but as a woman.

They look cute together :3

[spoiler="Henry x Olivia[size=2]"][/size]

I love to see Henry's "So long curse, see ya in hell" XD

They both look noble. Noble marry noble. Just like old time.

[spoiler="Virion x Mariabelle[size=2]"][/size]

They both love their nobility. Nuff said. But Brady look a bit like Virion

Princess x Bodyguard XD

[spoiler="Lon'qu x Lissa[size=2]"][/size]

Now I know where Owain got his look. XD and job.

[spoiler="Gregor x Miriel[size=2]"][/size]

Apperance wise. And Gregor get to teach Miriel something. Altough there's not much love mention DX

Torn between Gaia or Stahl

[spoiler=Gaia x Cordelia]

Actually I had a hard time choosing suitor for her because of Chrom.

I don't want the suitor seems like a rebound.

But it's between Gaia or Stahl for me (most of them paired already, and appearance-wise, I like both with Cordelia)

I chose Gaia because Cordelia sounds like his wife in the support. Other than musical duo with Stahl.


Only Gerome x Lucina so far.

They both look awesome and childhood love? XD

Edited by Fairlee
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Oh boy, another pairing thread. I've answered like 5 of these already, but what the hey?

Chom x Female Avatar

Ok, this one's obvious for me. Usually, I'm not the biggest fan of marrying the main character, but I couldn't help it, Chrom.....is.....just.....too.......sweet.....and......adorkable......gahhh! FEEELS!!!.......Anyways, he's also the only choice that I think makes any sense for Female Avatar and the story. That Chapter 21 scene with Lucina......so sad and beautiful.....was the only scene in FE history that managed to make me cry. Oh, and you can't overlook the fact that that is probably the single most powerful pairing you can make in the game, because Lucina and Morgan are beyond monster, they become Gods! Breaking the game has never been more romantic and sweet! XD

Male Avatar x Tiki

By the sheer and simple fact that this avatar is not female, I chose the next best thing. I always liked Tiki, and felt that she deserved better for all the years she slumbered alone. Why not give her a loving partner that she can respect as much as her beloved Mar-Mar, but still love him just for being him. Her confession just warmed my heart. Plus, you can't ignore that you get the ultimate daughter who can harness both the awesomeness of Avatar and the dragon of doom powers from Tiki. And she is an interesting combination of Grima's and Naga's blood; if you ask me she is far more capable of being an Apocalypse Maiden than her father or mother ever were!

Frederick x Sumia

I like the responsible butler and the klutz together. They make a god pair on and off the battle field. And Cynthia with brown hair is the best Cynthia!

Lon'qu x Lissa

I've always been a sucker for the bodyguard crush pairings. Its funny that Lissa first meets and learn's about Lon'qu's problem in the story, then tries to help him in supports. They are too cute! Owain also becomes a super speed demon!

Virion x Cherche

More bodyguard crush. And their history is interesting too. It seems to me that she understands him best and would make the best wife for him; no one else could keep him in line better than her and Minerva. Gerome turns out good as well.

Stahl x Sully

Green knight and Red knight together at last! Stahl also sees and respects Sully as a superior and eventually an equal regardless of his skill and her gender. They make sense. Kjelle also gets the hair color that compliments her best.

Vaike x Cordelia

Because he finally proves to Cordelia that he can beat Chrom at least in loving and caring about her. Its very sweet. Plus, Severa gets blonde hair. And her parents natures could also explain her very passionate nature as well. Vaike also makes the best daddy to mellow her out.

Kellam x Miriel

Originally a 'pair the spares', but I grew to like them alot. Miriel will keep him in the general view point of others at the very least to study him; he certainly seem happy! Laurent also becomes a very rare durable Sage with Pavise and extra defense.

Gaius x Maribelle

They have a history. I think it would also help Maribelle to get more aquainted with the 'unwashed masses' that she seems so interested in studying. Brady gets orange hair that surprisingly looks right on him....

Ricken x Nowi

Ok, yes, I partially paired them because it would look weird with anyone else (even Donnel). But they do have a nice support; they act more like children and mesh more than anyone else (despite the fact that they both claim to be older). Nah also gets nice red hair and a free Lifetaker!

Gregor x Panne

They both looked to be the older and more mature members of the group. And not even cold Panne could resist the warm arms of Gregor forever; I swear, that man could make anyone feel better!. Yarne gets Sol and a cute red tuft of hair.

Libra x Olivia

They were very sweet in their supports! And it makes sense that pairing two beautiful people would result in the good looking Inigo. His supports with his father are extra funny because he is the son of a priest.

Henry x Tharja

I really, seriously, cannot imagine anyone being with either of them more than each other. These two make the most sense. And it makes for an interesting relationship when they're BOTH yandere for each other rather than the usual one. It makes sense that Noire came out the way she is; but Henry is actually a good father for her since he can more or less control Tharja. Plus she gets his beautiful white hair!

Owain x Lucina

Before anyone jumps on me for this, after I first saw their supports I shipped them before I realized that they were always cousins. And because I still like their relationship, I really don't care, still shipping it. Anyways, its not like its illegal in Japan, where this was made. Not to mention the fact that if they did end up having any children, there would be almost no chance for genetics defects to appear so long as its not repeated every generation thereafter. Just learned that in my Anthropology class the other day, if you were curious.

Gerome x Cynthia

Childhood friends, clashing personalities, both awesome fliers.....yup they make a good couple! Plus, she always was obsessed with heroes, and who do you think he look like? Make perfect sense! I just posted their support in the support thread, so check it out!

Brady x Kjelle

Weak boy and Strong girl. I liked the fact that he did his best to try and impress the warrior woman, and she just decided to train him into her perfect man. Tough love at its finest!

Inigo x Severa

Oh boy, this is one that made me laugh (its tied with LaurentxNoire for funniest). I know most people dislike Severa and tsunderes, but they just make me laugh. Especially when paired opposite a guy like Inigo. He's the only one tenacious enough to make it through all the insults and verbal abuse in order to be the first one to truly touch her heart and bring out the sweetness she hides. One of my favorite pairings of this game! Best quote from their support: (Severa: What must it be like to live in your head? Are their happy ponies in there?) XD

Yarne x Nah

Just look at my sig; its enough to express what I feel. And can you imagine what their children will be like? Half human, quarter taguel, quarter manakete? It'd be so cool if they could shapeshift into both!

Laurent x Noire

The sadist and the masochist. It doesn't get better than this. Just go read their supports; I won't do it justice here..... XD

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My first run was...


Iris (NOT named after Iris Fortner, I assure you)/Stahl











Let's just say the first 5 pairings were the only ones I had really thought about - everything else was "pair the spares".

Edit: Damn my forgetfulness...

Edited by Levant Fortner
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[spoiler=ChromxOlivia]Blue-haired Inigo looks nice, and since Olivia is the best mother for Lucina gameplay-wise, I like to imagine that when she and Morgan have children, they'll be the most broken characters ever.

[spoiler=GangrelxAvatar]He's sexy and Avatar becomes the queen of Plegia (probably) Plus he gives Morgan a nice hair color. Most of the other reasons fall into headcanon, though.

[spoiler=GregorxLissa]This one was mostly to abuse Armsthrift on Owain, but the support decently cute, too. Also I'm probably just a crazy person imagining things, but it seems like Chrom and Gregor started working together in Dual really well once they became brothers-in-law.

[spoiler=FredxSully]Teacher-student romance, and it results in the training family!

[spoiler=HenryxMiriel]Mad science duo! They're made for each other, and Laurent with white hair looks nice.

[spoiler=GaiusxSumia]Wanted to pair Sumia off before Chapter 11 to facilitate ChromxOlivia; Fred was with Sully, and Henry wasn't there yet, and Avatar was Female, which left Gaius. Though I maintain that it's one of her better supports.

[spoiler=RickenxMaribelle]Same deal as Sumia; Since Ricken saved her and she has a magic-oriented child, it thought it was a good match.

[spoiler=StahlxPanne]Eh, they're kind of cute. I can't say I'm a fan of Panne, so all her supports are kinda meh for me.

[spoiler=VirionxCordelia]Meh supports, but screw it, I want Miku!Severa!

[spoiler=KellamxNowi]Turns Nah into a defense god, plus the supports are really sweet. Like she'll always find him, no matter how hard it is. And then he gets lost to history in his ending, but Nowi and Nah so long-lived that he'll be in their hearts long after everyone else has forgotten him.

[spoiler=LibraxTharja]Partly cause it was the first thing I translated, partly because they come in the same chapter, partly because I find the thought of the Priest with the Dark Sorceress amusing, but mostly because I feel like he balances her out well, and is just the kind of father Noire needs. (Pity about those generic supports)

[spoiler=VaikexCherche]Initiallly for a ridiculously strong Gerome, but I like the way he gets along with Minerva from the beginning. And then he agrees to all of Cherche's demands, without realizing she was kidding.

And then for the kids...

[spoiler=Children]MorganxLucina: I have a rule that whenever Morgan ends up royalty of any kind, he's paired with Lucina for awkward future political tensions.

YarnexKjelle: Sully and Stahl are nice together, but I already paired them in my first file, so I'll just pair their kids here.

NoirexLaurent: Same kind of deal as YarneKjelle, but with HenryTharja this time.

GeromexNah: They were the last two children I recruited, so I paired them off. At least they get a badass ending together.

My other pairings were BradyxCynthia, OwainxMikuSevera, but I can't really explain why I did them...

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Ooh goody, I love pairing threads. Here I go:

My Unit Pairings

(I have 6 files, since I have both the downloaded version AND the digital version. That means I have a LOT of My Unit pairings.

[spoiler=File 1 My Unit Maeve x Licht]

I'm gonna be a dirty old woman when I grow up, I'm only interested in dating men who are younger than me. In this game, ain't no-one younger than Licht. 8U I like him, though, he's a lot like characters from random original stories of mine. Plus I always like the "short kid who wants to be treated like an adult" thing, it's too cute. Plus his Japanese voice is too cute. Plus a reddish-brown-haired Morgan is awesome.

[spoiler=File 2 My Unit Aingeal x Henry]Henry is a character I didn't expect to like so much! Before recruiting him for the first time, I was debating on if I should marry Chrom or or wait for Yen'Fey's SpotPass. He appears to be closer to Licht's age, too, though obviously a bit older. He sounds like it, at least his Japanese voice does. Plus I like his insane, kooky personality, and white hair is love dude.

[spoiler=File 3 My Unit Diarmait x Lucina]Lucina is just beautiful and tragic, I love her backstory. In my headcanon, my 3rd file would be the future child of My Unit File 2 Aingeal/Henry, since he has white hair, Brock eyes, and uses the "child/youngest" build. That way it doesn't feel wrong to marry her, since we'd both be "from the future". 8U Anyways, yeah, Lucina is my 3rd favorite lord, and she looks like Marth, so bonus, haha.

[spoiler=File 4 My Unit Maiden x Chrom]In me and my sister's collaborative headcanon, Maiden was a random villager girl until Chrom saved her village in the Prologue chapter. Hey, First Girl Wins, after all, and the generic village girl IS the first girl you see on the Prologue chapter. Maiden would be her actual name, pronounced "may-deen". Yay headcanon, I guess? I like Chrom's other potential wives with other people, so this makes the most sense to me.

[spoiler=File 5 My Unit Kilo x Lissa]Normally I find Lissa to be an annoying and bratty pain in the ass, but I surprisingly liked her supports with My Unit in this game. Plus blonde!Morgan is just the cutest thing ever, and since Kilo has black hair, black-haired Owain is quite handsome. So it's not all bad news.

[spoiler=File 6 My Unit Tiamat x Owain]Like his mother, I found Owain irritating and dumb until I actually went through his supports with My Unit. He was quite a beast, even though Owain's father couldn't be Kilo in this file obviously, Kellam surprisingly makes a good father. Owain with Luna is a force to be reckoned with, I hope!

[spoiler=Deleted, but Fondly Remembered My Unit Runi x Gaius]Gaius's nickname for My Unit has always been cute, regardless of gender. And their supports are just so funny, and unexpectedly "sweet" (haha) is Gaius's confession, it's one of the few confessions where I prefer the English one over the Japanese confession.

...whew. 7 files, so many possibilities. That ends the My Unit pairings. 8U Now onto the normal pairings.

[spoiler=Frederick x Sumia]Their S Support is just beautiful, and you get a brown-haired Cynthia, she is beautiful as a brunette. I think it's sweet how Frederick is looking out for Sumia, encouraging and supporting her so she can hopefully become less clumsy. Plus when they're paired together, they wreck shit. It's amazing.

[spoiler=Stahl x Sully]Finally, pairable Red/Green cavalier knights! They work together so well, and as Silver Lightning says, Kjelle looks best when her father is Stahl, she gets a complimentary hair color. I like how Stahl has always treated Sully with respect, and that Sully can be vulnerable around him without being weak at the same time. Somehow.

[spoiler=Virion x Cherche]They've been together the longest, it makes so much sense to me. Cherche can see past Virion's flirtatious nonsense to the damaged man on the inside. And blue-haired Gerome is quite handsome, and I think the generic support only sounds natural with Virion as the father.

[spoiler=Vaike x Maribelle]When I see Brady, the only possible father for him is The Vaike. How else could Brady have such a noble mother, but look and sound like a delinquent? Not only that, but Vaike and Maribelle's supports are quite nice, I like how they bond.

[spoiler=Lon'Qu x Miriel]Their supports are pure gold, and so hilarious, too. I think it's cute that Miriel likes how her heart races when Lon'Qu rescues her, so she keeps getting into danger. And Lon'Qu gives Laurent black hair, making him devastatingly handsome. Laurent with Astra is rather cool.

[spoiler=Kellam x Cordelia]One of 2 S-Rank supports Cordelia has where Chrom isn't brought up at all. And all throughout Kellam and Cordelia's supports, there's not even one HINT of Chrom-obsessiveness, so this pairing becomes a HUGE bonus for me. Plus it gives you black-haired Severa, and she is beautiful with black hair. Nearly made me marry her instead of Lucina.

[spoiler=Libra x Tharja]They're recruited in the same chapter, which is how I came to like the pairing. Plus it's hilarious how a man of the cloth can marry a woman as scantily-clad as Tharja. And like with Virion/Gerome, I feel the generic supports only make sense with Libra as the father. Blonde!Noire is beautiful, too.

[spoiler=Donnel x Olivia]This is the only pairing where I find Olivia even slightly tolerable, otherwise her hypocrisy (so "shy", wears the skimpiest outfit, seems legit) gets annoying. I like how they bond over their mutual love of singing and dancing, and purple-haired Inigo is just as handsome as blue-haired Inigo.

Phew, I think that's all of them...lastly, onto the Future Children!

[spoiler=Severa x Brady]It seems to be a most unusual pairing, I don't see it mentioned often. But I really enjoyed their supports, Severa's tsundere-ness matched Brady's personality quite well for me.

[spoiler=Cynthia x Inigo]They're a cute pair, and I like how Inigo doesn't just hit on Cynthia, their supports are deeper than that. How Cynthia would rather be mad at Inigo for always flirting than seeing him sad at being rejected.

[spoiler=Noire x Laurent]Laurent's masochism is quite surprising, but it still turned out rather funny in the end, how he falls in love with normal!Noire and demon!Noire. Maybe it's not a healthy relationship, but I still think they're cute together.

[spoiler=Kjelle x Gerome]This is more of a "pair the spares" thing, I'm only on their B-support, but I like what I've read so far.

[spoiler=Nah x Yarne]Any child they have would be most interesting. What would a human/manakete/taguel child transform into? Plus I think these two make the most sense, they'd live longer than anyone else, so neither of them would end up lonely. Assuming taguel age the same rate or similar to manakete, I'm not 100% sure on that...

I think that is everyone! Everyone that can be paired up, at least. Wow, this took a while to type up, I better get back to homework. 8U; But there we go.

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[spoiler=ChromxAvatar]I just felt compelled to do it ever since I first knew of the marriage feature in this game, and I really like it for a lot of story reasons; Lucina and Morgan being übermenschen just makes it icing on the cake. +SPD/-HP on Avatar to absolutely max out the kids' speed without seriously fucking with their other modifiers and it was piss easy to build up their support since they were the first two characters

[spoiler=HenryxSumia]I decided Henry was Sumia's best suitor since Chrom hitched my Avatar, and Cynthia is really magic-oriented. They had pretty good synergy since Sumia gave Henry MAG/SPD/RES and he gave her MAG/DEF/RES. I guess it's also hilarious because I can say Cynthia inherited the insanity and enthusiasm for battle (or borderline bloodlust) from Henry to the point where even he's taken aback)

[spoiler=Lon'qu/Cordelia]mainly eugenics, but Lon'qu was able to keep Cordelia doubling when she got speed-screwed and Severa has pretty crazy SPD and SKL mods (+6 for both). It's also funny because Severa is literally Lon'qu's worst nightmare made his own blood and flesh

[spoiler=Donnel/Sully]Eugenics, Pegasus Knight line and Aptitude for Kjelle, good class sets and decent enough mods, blah blah blah

[spoiler=Gaius/Tharja]Pegasus Knight line for Noire, good enough mods and admit it you totally can imagine her as a ginger

[spoiler=Gregor/Maribelle]This seems really unorthodox but then I guess it's funny to see how Brady inherited the tendency to be mistaken for an enemy from his father? Mainly class sets for this guy, though, and his mods aren't absolutely fucked

[spoiler=Libra/Olivia]Inigo...actually isn't too terrible as a Sorcerer or magic user? It's also pretty funny to see the devout monk being the womanizer's father and scolding him

[spoiler=Frederick/Lissa]I guess it was a pretty cute support, especially the S, and Owain gets good class sets, but ew -1 SPD mod

[spoiler=Virion/Panne]leftovers, per someone else's suggestion, and I'm just making Yarne a Bowfaire Warrior since I don't really plan on using him too much in postgame

[spoiler=Stahl/Cherche]Strength/Defense stacking, support was kind of boring though

[spoiler=Ricken/Miriel]shame Laurent gets screwed out of Galeforce, so I just decided to do Magic stacking with him. This support didn't flow well at all, though, I mean Ricken serves as Miriel's assistant for C to A and then BAM wedding ring

[spoiler=Vaike/Nowi]Nah had to be the odd goat out for Galeforce inheritance so I just paired Nowi with Vaike for modifiers and Armsthrift

all the children are bachelors and bachelorettes

Edited by Integrity
FIXED because i am so brotastic
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On my first file:

Avatar/Cordelia: I knew before I started playing I wanted to marry Cordelia, not only because I love Pegasus Knights but I liked her art. Their supports are really touching, dealing with Cordelia's struggles with always being thought of as perfect (another layer added once I started supporting her and Severa) and, spoiler censored, the events leading to her joining the party.

Chrom/Sumia: I know it's not the most popular pairing, but I like it more than any of the other options for them. Cynthia and Lucina make cute siblings and this family just turns out amazing overall.

Lissa/Vaike: My preferred pairing for these two. I like the sister/rival thing they have going on with Chrom and it seems to me they make an all-around great Owain (especially as a Dread Fighter).

Sully/Virion: I decided to have them marry based on their entrance dialogue. I like their supports alright, especially how Sully calls him Ruffles, but meh, it's really nothing special.

Tharja/Donny: I liked their supports which are pretty much Tharja sending Donny on missions to gather curse-ingredients, but I feel bad for putting innocent alt-Donny in an abusive marriage >_>. At least current-Donny seems to be safe judging from Tharja's A support with Noire.

Maribelle/Ricken: Pretty much due to the hostage/rescuer scenario and the fact that Maribelle is the closest in age to Ricken. It's kind of hilarious having Ricken be Brady's dad hahaha.

Miriel/Kellam: I don't like these two very much so they went together based on that... Although their supports are kind of funny with Miriel trying to put science to Kellam's "elusiveness". Their ending is also funny, though I have a feeling Kellam's is the same with anyone else...

Gaius/Panne: I like them together a lot! The candy tree Gaius puts up in the barracks comes up in their supports so that makes me like them as a couple even more.

Lon'qu/Olivia: I pretty much paired them just because I didn't know who else to pair Lon'qu with, but I did end up genuinely liking them together. Needless to say, Lon'qu and Inigo make an amusing father/son.

Gregor/Nowi: Didn't think too much about this one, just put them together because they joined together. Nothing special, IMO. Nah turned out amazing though.

Henry/Cherche: Also paired them together just based on them joining pretty much at the same time, but I actually love them together! Their supports develop them as characters quite a bit and they make a cute family with Gerome and Minerva. Plus white-haired Gerome looks so cool.

Current file:

Avatar/Chrom: Pretty cute and amusing supports, and it definitely adds another dynamic to the story, but I think I still prefer Sumia with Chrom. Granted, I haven't seen how Lucina and Morgan interact with each other/their parents yet.

Sully/Stahl: I wanted to use Stahl since I didn't last time, and I liked the idea of having the red/green cavaliers together. Their relationship develops more naturally than Sully/Virion for sure!

Lissa/Lon'qu: Put them together foreseeing another kickass Owain only this time with brown hair. Supports are cute enough and they pair up really well on the battlefield, especially after I reclassed Lissa.

Maribelle/Libra: Again, didn't use Libra last time so I wanted to this time (and needed to as I reclassed Lissa and Maribelle away from staves pretty fast). They're at A rank right now, and I love their supports together for developing Maribelle past stuck-up noble.

Vaike/Tharja: Because if anyone has a chance of standing up to alt-Tharja, it must be Vaike... right? Currently at B and their supports are all about the Avatar... not the best.

Gaius/Olivia: I think Gaius would be good with anyone, honestly. Only at C rank, so not much to say about them just yet.

Cordelia/Frederick: Just because I saw a post here saying they make a good couple for both being so obsessed with Chrom XD. I'm so sorry Severa.

Nowi/Ricken: Didn't know who else to pair them with since I find it too creepy to pair Ricken with anyone much older than him... B rank right now and I don't dislike them.

These I'm planning on but haven't started working on yet:

Henry/Sumia: Cuz if not Chrom, who else? I also thought Henry and Cynthia might have a funny dynamic.

Cherche/Virion: Curious to see what they're like together and what silver-haired Gerome looks like.

Panne/Donny: Pairing the spares here.

Miriel/Gregor: Also pairing the spares. Might make for a good Dark Knight Laurent I guess.

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I guess I'll bite. Truth be told, though, there are only a handful of pairings I care about so I'll only list the ones I have any attachment to.


First: yes, I am apparently a dude in video game land. Second, I really like Miriel. I like that she "discovers" gravity in this world, is all science-y, and I like what she says to Robin if he doesn't decide to suicide in the end. Also, Laurent is best son.


I'll be 100% honest, I am mostly indifferent to both Chrom and Olivia. But I don't like Sumia's support with Chrom and I like Maribelle better with Lon'qu. The real reason I like this pairing so much is because Inigo's father support has much more meaning with Chrom as his dad. The mentions of Lucina in the C and B supports seem less ... well, random, and would probably hit harder if she's his sibling. ("Why can't you be more like your sister?")


I think it really brings out the "nice" side of Maribelle. She acts all haughty and highborn, but she really has a kind heart for people. Plus, she proposes to him. Haha!


This pairing just seems to "fit" for me, I guess. I don't know why I like it. I just do.


Started off as me just wanting to pair Libra to someone I liked, but I really did grow to love this pairing. They just go well together, I think. Heck, I like Lissa/Libra more than I like feMU/Libra, and he's my favorite 1st generation character.


My son+Chrom's daughter? Sure.

For a female MU ...

Iona/Libra or Iona/Henry

I dunno.

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Doing MU x Chrom for first run because it's practical since I'm going nogrind and focusing on a centralised team. Also so Lucina comes out well later since my MU has a strength focus so she'd give some much needed STR and less so, but existent DEF bases and growths. On a run where I allow grinding MUxBasilio will probably happen, but as is Chrom is just the most practical partner for her.

Sully x Frederick 'cuz they're the two others on the main team (aka the one that get fielded for combat purposes and not support bonuses) and I liked their support together.

Since I don't actually have the game I'll have to wait and see for the others, but Kellam's probably staying on the main team if he keeps up those levels. Lissa's also on the team and has no partner and Panne will likely actually stay on the team due to bunnies. May do Kellam Lissa for convenience and I like them both anyway, and Panne Gaius for OTP. The other pairs can wait until postgame.

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I'll have to admit, I didn't actually have many preferred pairings. And as such, I'm generally working through the support conversations until I find ones I like. But I will do certain pairs for endgame builds I have in mine. With that said, I do have at least one favorite pair in this game.

[spoiler=Chrom X Olivia]Basically, the only pair I do like in this game thus far would be Chrom X Olivia. Generally I started supporting it out of interest in news that was (unfortunately) debunked. And having read some supports on here... It would mainly because I feel Chrom complements Olivia far more than her other possible suitors do and Olivia complements Chrom more than his other possible wives do. (Yes. Even Sumia, whose supports with the guy admittedly just seem unnatural and out of place for a romantic relationship. I mean really? Of all the reasons for a romantic relationship that are out there, I.S. had to go with the "the only way to a guy's heart is through his stomach" route? Cynthia's paralogue wasn't helping my views on Chrom X Sumia either.) The supports between Chrom and Olivia generally seemed very natural for a growing relationship. And how the relationship plays out is very sweet in my eyes. And there was the fact that Inigo seemed to look more like Chrom than Lucina's other possible siblings. And as far as his father supports are concerned, I'm echoing Sangyul's thoughts here. I mean, I get that Lucina's the only mandatory child character, but it bothers me that he would be compared to someone that his father wouldn't even know all too well. That is, unless if said father is Chrom. If his father isn't Chrom, then I feel that any mentions of Lucina in Inigo C and B supports with his father are just out of place and don't really make sense. Plus, Chrom being Inigo's father gives those mentions of Lucina a little more extra punch, if you know what I mean. Also, I find Lucina's sibling supports make a little more sense if the two of them are siblings. It makes me sad that this pair wasn't the Chrom pair that was pushed by I.S.

Edited by Little Al
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[spoiler=Chrom X MU](Lucina: All I know is that he was killed by somebody dear to him. --kinda awkward when they're not married, yes?)

My friend and I made fun of this before. On how awkward Chrom's wife must feel whenever he announces things like, "We're two parts of one whole!" to Fem!MU who's not his wife xD

[spoiler=Chrom X MU]I also didn't like any of the ways that Chrom's other choices were handled. Olivia gets a flashback confession scene that was improperly placed, IMO.

Y-Yeah. I wish there was a bit more development on their supports in this aspect. But it's so hard to insert a proper support for them when she enters the chapter before the forced marriage... Couldn't Olivia have come in at Chapter 9 haha? I did hear though that the support viewer has additional supports for them? So that's pretty nifty!

Owain x Cynthia:One thing I don't appreciate about Sumia x Chrom is that Owain and Cynthia can't hook up and become a justice-dispensing team of husband and wife. Oh, well. I'm okay with them being villain-hunting BFFs instead.

YEAH! Owain x Cynthia's so amusing. I can just imagine them as husband and wife, fighting evil together as super justice buddies! But the comment about Gerome x Cynthia's making me curious... I want to see their support haha.

Cannon. And I've decided for this even before the game's out. [spoiler=Chrom x Sumia]Altough all the pies are kinda lame.

Yeah... I know what you mean about those pies ;;

I really wanted to like Sumia as Chrom's cannon wife. I really did. (Because let's face it, how can you get more cannon when you're in the intro with a baby with Chom?) But none of Chrom's supports did it for me (And I mean, none of them, including his supports with the other girls!)

Oh boy, another pairing thread. I've answered like 5 of these already, but what the hey?

Hush you! Haha. Pairings are always fun to talk about xD

[spoiler=Chom x Female Avatar] That Chapter 21 scene with Lucina......so sad and beautiful.....was the only scene in FE history that managed to make me cry.

Wow, I can just imagine... I'm actually quite curious how this scene plays out. Must've been so heart-wrenching for poor Lucina D:

[spoiler=HenryxMiriel]Mad science duo! They're made for each other, and Laurent with white hair looks nice.

I found their supports interesting as well. Until they started talking about producing homunculus babies haha... ;;

[spoiler=KellamxNowi]Turns Nah into a defense god, plus the supports are really sweet. Like she'll always find him, no matter how hard it is. And then he gets lost to history in his ending, but Nowi and Nah so long-lived that he'll be in their hearts long after everyone else has forgotten him.

Aw! I did find their support really sweet as well! And you find out Kellam has a semi-tragic past...?! I still want to sift through her other supports first though, but I'm keeping Kellam in mind for Nowi xD

[spoiler=Vaike x Maribelle]When I see Brady, the only possible father for him is The Vaike. How else could Brady have such a noble mother, but look and sound like a delinquent? Not only that, but Vaike and Maribelle's supports are quite nice, I like how they bond.

... Or Gregor. But let's not go there.

[spoiler=Severa x Brady]It seems to be a most unusual pairing, I don't see it mentioned often. But I really enjoyed their supports, Severa's tsundere-ness matched Brady's personality quite well for me.

I found their supports highly amusing haha. Her persistence in organizing the S&B (Snark and Bark...?) club was funny haha.

Maribelle/Libra: Again, didn't use Libra last time so I wanted to this time (and needed to as I reclassed Lissa and Maribelle away from staves pretty fast). They're at A rank right now, and I love their supports together for developing Maribelle past stuck-up noble.

Oh wow! I kind of forgot to mention this in my Maribelle partner choice, but I really liked her Libra support as well.

That part where she mentions that she would never condemn a poor child for stealing food out of hunger were she a judge really got to me because of Libra's past ;; I could just imagine him getting all teary and whatnot. It's amazing how nice Maribelle can be in her supports haha.

Cordelia/Frederick: Just because I saw a post here saying they make a good couple for both being so obsessed with Chrom XD

That's one way to determine pairings, I suppose haha! Can you imagine the stuff they talk about in dinner?

Cordelia: So dear, did you notice how Chrom's hair was a bit too ruffled today? You have to take care of that! You can't let him appearing like so. He has an image to uphold. However will our troops get the morale to fight?

Frederick: Y-You're absolutely right Cordelia! I'll be sure to bring it up right away with Lord Chrom.

Chrom/OliviaThe real reason I like this pairing so much is because Inigo's father support has much more meaning with Chrom as his dad. The mentions of Lucina in the C and B supports seem less ... well, random, and would probably hit harder if she's his sibling. ("Why can't you be more like your sister?")
[spoiler=Chrom X Olivia]Plus, Chrom being Inigo's father gives those mentions of Lucina a little more extra punch, if you know what I mean. Also, I find Lucina's sibling supports make a little more sense if the two of them are siblings.

I wholeheartedly agree with you guys! I think a huge chunk as to why I adore this pairing is the sibling supports Inigo gets with Lucina. Back when I saw Inigo's father support, where he spouts Lucina's name, I actually thought it was somehow customized to Inigo-Chrom, but that thought was quickly corrected when I read that the children supports are generic. It really does feel a bit out of the blue that he mentions her were he not her sibling...

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Chrom x Olivia: Did it entirely for Inigo since I don't care about Lucina at all. Inigo is the man.

MU x Cordelia: I already love Pegasus Knights, now I can marry one? She's also adorable.

Libra x Lissa: Gives him Sorc so he can use his not-gimped Mag cap over his gimped Str cap, and also blonde hair.

And I don't really care for the other kids, I did their pairings purely based on hair colors (basically the only pairing I did with no regards to hair is MU :P)

Edited by PKLucas531
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Seeing how most of the pairings I've gone with are already up here (and with justifications I completely follow/agree with to boot!), I'll just add a few pairs I haven't seen that I've gone with and ended up liking.


I thought this pair made sense since they both have connections to Basilio, which they do mention in their oh-so adorable supports! I am forever amused that Inigo turns out to be such a skirt-chaser when Lon'qu won't go anywhere near women (or at least, ladies who aren't his adorable, dancing wife :D). Plus, his stat growths aren't too bad.


Not going to lie, this was just completely on whim, yet turned out so much better than I expected. Vaike actually proves to be rather keen when it comes to understanding people than he initially lets on. And Tharja's attempt at winning him over in their S-rank support? Not only is it in character, but hilarious to boot. XD.


My goodness, these two are just too adorable. Their S-rank support is just all sorts of sweet, and Lissa comes off sounding rather wise by the end of it. Plus, I can't get enough of the idea Donnel just being confused by Owain's theatrics.

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I'm gonna try and get all the ships because I can and everything's canon to me.


Had I not married Chrom in my Melanie file, I would've married Priam. Because if he seriously have the Ike genes, he's gonna need someone to carry them, and who else but Morgan? (So he can get married to Lucina and they both have amazing blue haired kids who has the bloodline of two legendary FE heroes!)

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Wow, I can just imagine... I'm actually quite curious how this scene plays out. Must've been so heart-wrenching for poor Lucina D:

I'll admit, I came really close to crying when she acknowledged that she was about to commit matricide and felt that lines such as "If you hold any love for Chrom, then let this be done..." held a lot more emotional resonance, and her anguished, whispering "Mother..." voiceclips and the fact that she ultimately just couldn't get herself to do it just drove it all home and made the scene my favorite in the whole game

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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My couples are:

Chrom x FeMU (She's named Trinity.)

Virion x Sully

Vaike x Miriel

Sumia x Henry

Gaius x Cherche

Gregor x Nowi

Morgan x Nah

Frederick x Lissa

Owain x Lucina (I'm happy that in the English version these two are "companions", not married.)

Gerome x Severa

Libra x Panne

Stahl x Cordelia

Lon'Qu x Olivia

I love playing matchmaker.

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Haha, pinkbubblegum I can definitely see that conversation between Cordelia and Frederick happening in-game XD

I forgot to post my child couples so here goes!

Severa/Gerome: I paired them due to similar brooding personalities, but their supports weren't the best until the S rank.

Morgan/Owain: Wanted my daughter to marry my favourite of the kids and they kick ass together so much. Their supports are funny and the S rank is cute.

Lucina/Inigo: Pretty much just paired them so they could pair up well on the battlefield. Plus they seem good together; in their supports Inigo helps Lucina loosen up and it's all quite sweet.

Nah/Laurent: Not my favourite couple... I wanted them together because of their similar personalities, but the actual supports are just weird. Nah goes from calling Laurent a creep (pedophile?) to admitting she liked his attention, and Laurent goes from denying he's paying any extra attention to Nah from confessing he...was. The relationship literally inverts from A to S rank.

Kjelle/Yarne: Again, not the best couple, but compared to Nah/Laurent I love them. Kjelle was occasionally harsh but in the end everything was swell haha.

Noire/Brady: Still working on this one. They were the "spares" of the kids and I didn't like the idea of Cynthia/Brady, so she stayed single. Surprisingly sweet supports between these two!

Edited by Owain Dark
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Well let's give this a shot:

1st gen

Most cases they were picked because of their japanese supports or my own personal matchmaking.[spoiler=Chrom x Sumia]Yeah I went lazy on this one...I had bigger plans for most of the others anyways. So sorry guys for supporting the "canon," I don't like it anymore than you guys do.

[spoiler=Naui (MU) x Cordelia]After I snapped out of my Tharja plans (since it was more for Noire as a daughter), I saw Severa and went, "I want her as my daughter" more. Plus Cordelia is one of the best women in the game for a wife (debatable with Olivia.)

[spoiler=Frederick x Maribelle]The whole butler training was the best!

[spoiler="Donnel x Lissa]Lissa's so selfless to abandon her royalty to be with Donnel, it's really nice. Plus 51 luck cap, Armsthrift Owain

[spoiler="Vaike x Sully] Nothing but the best for "Mrs. The Vaike." Plus Vaike's support with the Male avatar sold this one. Vaike: "It's Sully's horse! Run!" Avatar: "Why meeeeee?"

[spoiler=Gaius x Panne]Panne-knight...nuff said. Plus aside from putting Gaius with Maribelle, they both had a kind of...affinity for each other...you know?

[spoiler=Henry x Tharja]Two dark mages...yeah, so boring. White hair Noire though!

[spoiler=Lon'qu x Olivia]I had to put them together. Their shyness react so nicely. Plus both of them making a womanizer son (though it is Olivia's fault) is hella-funny

[spoiler="Stahl x Miriel]Because...why not? I really have no definitive answer why I chose this one.

[spoiler="Nowi x Ricken]As dirty as I felt putting the two kiddies (by appearance) together, I can't deny that they both make a cute pair.

[spoiler='Virion x Cherche]The only person who could probably keep Virion in line, probably along with Sully.

Edited by Naui
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