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Least Favorite Pairings?

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I really dislike Chrom/Sumia. I hate it when pairings are shoved down your throat like that. Sumia/Frederick ftw. Fuck canon.

The jealous fangirl in me hates all non-MU Ricken and Henry pairings. 8U But I really hate Maribelle/Ricken, its a stupid "rescue romance" cliche, how dull.

I also hate hate HATE Olivia/Henry, ENG and JP. Its such an overrated pairing, and Henry's supports with Cherche are way more touching than this support could ever hope for. I hate the contrived coincidence in their A support where Olivia randomly gets cursed so Henry can get emotional, its not very believable at all.

That's about all I can think of...

Some guy not on Serenes Forest translated the Olivia/Henry Japanese support. It is somewhat different than the one we have here, I believe.

Olivia was faking being cursed. Henry did figure it out in time for the S Support though. It seems to be genuine in the English version.

Hmm, pairings I hate? Well, I was not fond of Avatar/Tharja in Japanese, and I'm not fond of it in English either.

Gameplay-wise, I'm not that fond of Donnel/Any eligible girl. (Story-wise is a whole 'nother matter.)

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Story: Donnel/Cordelia really, really, really irked me. So far, most of Miriel irritates me too. (The one time I liked Miriel... was when I had an MU named Genis marry her. If you can immediately see what happened there, you get 1 e-cookie)

Gameplay: Donnel/Anyone.

The big Regret: Morgan/Owain. I don't dislike this pairing, it's just I had better options right in front of me, and I didn't jump on them. Namely, Morgan should've been with Inigo, Nah should've been with Yarne, and Owain should've been with Noire.

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I think everyone here knows what's coming...

Henry/Olivia in the English localisation ONLY. The Japanese version of the support is one of my personal OTPs, and not just in Fire Emblem.

I agree. It went from "Olivia helps heal Henry's damaged soul" to "LOL Henry is so wacky and crazy OMG".

I really wish they didn't make Henry 100% comic relief in the English localization.

Edited by Frosty Fire Mage
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Quite frankly I'm not a huge fan of Sumia with anyone. She's just so boring, and her other supports really feel like... You can almost SMELL the fact that they're only there to prevent players from locking themselves out of getting Cynthia by marrying Chrom to someone else. The fact that I'm really not a huge fan of her design either really doesn't help.

Seconding the English!HenryxOlivia, since I loved the Japanese version but hated what they did with the localization. Thankfully I found some solace in the fact that HenryxCherche is actually quite sweet.

I don't like PannexRicken, mostly because I am really not a fan of how they write Ricken's character sometimes. He wants to be treated like an adult, yet he doesn't really even seem to realize that there are other components to that besides combat competence. Kid needs to mature a little bit socially/emotionally if he wants to be treated like an adult. of course the fact that panne is already turks' waifu is a factor too

In general, I'm not really a huge fan of pairings wherein it takes until right before the end of their supports for them to have any sort of change in opinion about each other, if for no other reason than that it feels static to me, and lazy, too.

Also, I usually end up with Frederick and Gregor unpaired, although Frederick did get paired to Sumia once. Frederick is a Jagen so he hits the bench ASAP and almost none of the girls really seem like a good match for Gregor, except maybe Cherche, (actually maybe I should try that pairing this time around,) or Panne, because they're closer to his age. (Before Nowi's brought up, I meant closer to his proportionate age, and NowixAnyone is the second-largest age disparity possible no matter what, second only to M!AvatarxTiki)

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I unfortunately haven't seen the Japanese version of Henry's Supports, but now I'm wondering where I find these for comparison. Rather curious, but I didn't see him as comic relief myself. In the A Support with Olivia, both I and a friend interpreted it as her pretending to be cursed and I really didn't think it was an actual thing since she was just fine after Henry freaked out. What differences are there or where can I read up on these things?

As far as pairings go, I don't hate it, but I'll never do Chrom/Sumia. It just feels scripted and gives me the impression anybody with enough pies can woo Chrom eventually. I feel awkward pairing Noire or Tharja in general.

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Frederick is a Jagen so he hits the bench ASAP

Tsk. You know, just because he's a Jagen doesn't mean he's a horrible unit. In fact, he's actually pretty good when you put work into him. Frederick can also pass down good skills like Luna and sooner than the other potential Great Knights because he's already promoted. Because of this, I strongly advise against leaving him unpaired.

But of course, it's your game, so you don't have to listen to me if you don't want to.

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Chrom X Sumia. Urrrgh. Hatred went into that pair. Let's see...I don't particularly care for Cordelia or her supports. I only shipped her with Donnel for Purple-haired Severa. Other than that, I can't think of anything else.

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As said by many, I detest ChromxSumia with a passion. There is no better way to get me to dislike a pairing than calling it "canon" and shoving it in your face everywhere you go in a game that the way it was designed shouldn't have any canon pairings to begin with. Don't get me wrong, while she is certainly not my favorite character, I like Sumia and she can be endearing to me sometimes (mostly in FrederickxSumia). I just hate her with Chrom. Nuff said.

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Sorry, but I think it's more about her trying and always failing that he was worried about her.

That's a fine sentiment and make Libra x Cordelia sound better on paper, but that doesn't make their supports any less of a boring read. Their C and B supports were essentially the same, and their S wasn't that far off. The only one that was even remotely interesting to me was their A support.

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Plus, PoR had the best supports outside of Awakening, imo.

This is true fax.

Libra x Sully. Wasn't really feeling the chemistry with that one.

That...just doesnt seem right for some reason.

@Virion: Severa's pretty much a jerk because she feels inferior to her mother...well, have you seen all the Cordelia's supports yet?

All of them? No. Cordelia is benched more often than not.

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All of them? No. Cordelia is benched more often than not.

Most of them are pretty bad, especially Frederick.

The only one I liked was Gregor, but it's because it's Gregor and I feel like he can do so much better than with her.

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Tsk. You know, just because he's a Jagen doesn't mean he's a horrible unit. In fact, he's actually pretty good when you put work into him. Frederick can also pass down good skills like Luna and sooner than the other potential Great Knights because he's already promoted. Because of this, I strongly advise against leaving him unpaired.

But of course, it's your game, so you don't have to listen to me if you don't want to.

It's sort of just become a thing that I don't use Jagens at all. Not even the really good ones like Titania and Seth. I just feel like a wimp for using them in the easy early chapters and then in later chapters everyone's better than them so any incentive is gone. Frederick is actually my favorite Jagen so far (or one of them, along with Titania and, well, Jagen) but his archetype still seals his fate as far as my likelihood to use him on my team goes. I'll probably use him a whole bunch to get his supports with Chrom, Lissa and Turks (Avatar), though, because I love the idea of those four as, like, some kind of dynamic foursome or something. I dunno.

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I haven't really been feeling any of Nowi or Kellam's supports. Most of them are short and nothing really happens. In my current file I paired Ricken and Miriel... how bleh. Henry x Miriel is way better qq

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It's sort of just become a thing that I don't use Jagens at all. Not even the really good ones like Titania and Seth. I just feel like a wimp for using them in the easy early chapters and then in later chapters everyone's better than them so any incentive is gone. Frederick is actually my favorite Jagen so far (or one of them, along with Titania and, well, Jagen) but his archetype still seals his fate as far as my likelihood to use him on my team goes. I'll probably use him a whole bunch to get his supports with Chrom, Lissa and Turks (Avatar), though, because I love the idea of those four as, like, some kind of dynamic foursome or something. I dunno.


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It's sort of just become a thing that I don't use Jagens at all. Not even the really good ones like Titania and Seth. I just feel like a wimp for using them in the easy early chapters and then in later chapters everyone's better than them so any incentive is gone. Frederick is actually my favorite Jagen so far (or one of them, along with Titania and, well, Jagen) but his archetype still seals his fate as far as my likelihood to use him on my team goes. I'll probably use him a whole bunch to get his supports with Chrom, Lissa and Turks (Avatar), though, because I love the idea of those four as, like, some kind of dynamic foursome or something. I dunno.

Ah, I see. That's different then. I just don't like when people choose to ignore certain Jagens just because some others are bad. xP

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ChromxSumia - It just didn't click for me. I get what was the idea for the supports but.... yea. Doesn't help that I love ChromxSully and FrederickxSumia so much that I guess it made ChromxSumia lackluster.

MUxTharja - Just not a fan. Then again Tharja is one of the characters I'm not incredibly fond of unless she's with Kellam so I guess that factors in.

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Chrom and Sumia's supports weren't very stellar but I still enjoyed them even if it was just Sumia making lunch for Chrom. Then again she shows her concern for Chrom overworking himself. That's something. I'm not too sure about them really.

The Avatar and Tharja's supports kinda bug me too. Maybe it's because I wouldn't be saying what the Avatar says but that's just me. Although they are rather amusing... Tharja's little giggles in the B support just make my heart melt and their A support starts off in such a way that made me laugh when I saw it ingame.

Not looking forward to Cordelia's at all. She's just so uninteresting it hurts...

Oh crap.

Well my least faves would probably be Cordelia's. Yeah...

Not a big fan of Nowi x Henry. That S support... Even I think that's weird.

Edited by Ein
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I think it's actually kinda funny, the Nowi/Henry S Support. 8D; It makes Nah's C Support with Henry all the more hilarious, because yeah, that's what happened.

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Tharja's little giggles in the B support just make my heart melt

No. Just no. I dont mind the pairing at all, but that B support with the giggles creeped me the fuck out. I was just as put off as Avatar was. NO!! Please give me back my creepy stalker chick over the giggling girl, please! SEVEN, PLEASE!

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Y'know, seeing as how the ChromxSumia pairing is canon, their support convos should've been more interesting than pies.

It's not canon. It's the closest thing TO canon, but it's not absolute canon because Chrom can be paired with other women. Although, I am not especially fond of the pair myself.

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