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What Male-Only Skill to pass to Vaike!Cordelia

Big Klingy

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Okay, so I've just finished the Valm arc, and I thought I'd recruit all the remaining kids before moving on with the story. Severa's is next on my list (I was a little scared to do it earlier due to the whole escort mission thing), but I still can't decide what male-only skill to pass down.

In case you haven't realised, the Vaike is her father. That means she has access to ONE skill from the Fighter or Barbarian trees. Here are my thoughts at the moment:

Wrath: Extra crit chance is always nice. But it requires her to fight at low HP to get maximum benefit.

Counter: Kinda the opposite of Wrath, I can afford to heal her regularly with this, but she actually needs to get hit often to benefit, and Given how crazy most of my kids have turned out that mightn't happen often...

Rally Strength: I don't have many dedicated rally batteries on my team at the moment, and an extra 5 points of Strength to the whole army can make a huge deal of difference. The other rallies she has accss to (excluding Heart) are Skill, Move and Defence. But the Rally Strength + Rally Movement combo sounds the most appealing. That could make for some real carnage.

Axefaire: Uhhh... it's +5 Strength. And I guess she'll be useing axes relatively often. But is that worth giving up one of the other three for?

Others: Probably won't be considered, really. The only one that looks interesting is Despoil, but if she wants that she can just use Leif's Blade. And it's not like gold is hard to find in this game: I've never played Golden Gaffe even once and I STILL get more gold that I ever need out of skirmishes alone.

Oh, I'm on Hard, but by this point the game's difficulty has died a painful death anyway, so I don't really care about main story potential. It's the later DLC like Future of Despair and maybe Strongest One's Name I'm concerned with here.

Edit: Uhh... I'm having a hard time getting the poll to show...

Edited by Big Klingy
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Well depends on her build, if you're making a Sorc Severa, she'll get hit a decent amount, and Counter can help damage the enemy more.

Pretty sure Severa has access to all the breaker skills so she's pretty much dodging anything if you have them all equipped.

Rally Str requires her to be a support unit, which with the kids is probably not what you want. (Unless Galeforce attack then return and rally but that's pretty situational)

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I also have Vaike!Severa. Big fan of pairing Cordelia with Vaike. I passed Axefaire so she can excel with axes as a Hero. The idea of Severa in particular carrying a big axe around pleases me, too. I definitely find it more valuable than Wrath or Counter, since I'm not counting or her to take damage to deal better damage (and I like her to have Sol, so those skills wouldn't work well with each other). But Rally Strength might be of interest depending on what you want to do with her. I imagine anyone getting Vaike's modifiers might as well use them in combat rather than focusing on support, though.

If you're looking for a female Rally spammer, though, any spotpass or DLC female has the advantage of accessing Rally Spectrum and Rally Love.

Edited by Sublime Manic
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I also have Vaike!Severa. Big fan of pairing Cordelia with Vaike. I passed Axefaire so she can excel with axes as a Hero. The idea of Severa in particular carrying a big axe around pleases me, too. I definitely find it more valuable than Wrath or Counter, since I'm not counting or her to take damage to deal better damage (and I like her to have Sol, so those skills wouldn't work well with each other). But Rally Strength might be of interest depending on what you want to do with her. I imagine anyone getting Vaike's modifiers might as well use them in combat rather than focusing on support, though.

If you're looking for a female Rally spammer, though, any spotpass or DLC female has the advantage of accessing Rally Spectrum and Rally Love.

Yeah, I was probably going to use someone Spotpass or DLC for rally spam. Don't want to waste my Avatar kids as supporters given how ridiculous their stats are.

I'm probably going to have her as a more offensive build, given that I have Henry!Inigo as the more magical merc. (He's going to be a Dread Fighter with the Vantage-Wrath-Vengence combo) It'd be a shame to let Vaike!Severa's amazing Str modifier go to waste. If she's going to be on the frontlines often, Counter could work, but as said, she has access to lots of Breakers, so she won't be getting hit much. Axefaire could be useful offensevely too...

I just don'r have many people who are probably going to get Rally Strength. And it seems like a useful Rally to have.

Argh! Severa is basically the ONLY child that I don't have a definate plan on what skills to pass down for. Then again, male-only skills aren't that important in the long run. (Giving male children Galeforce is most important)

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Yeah, I was probably going to use someone Spotpass or DLC for rally spam. Don't want to waste my Avatar kids as supporters given how ridiculous their stats are.

I'm probably going to have her as a more offensive build, given that I have Henry!Inigo as the more magical merc. (He's going to be a Dread Fighter with the Vantage-Wrath-Vengence combo) It'd be a shame to let Vaike!Severa's amazing Str modifier go to waste. If she's going to be on the frontlines often, Counter could work, but as said, she has access to lots of Breakers, so she won't be getting hit much. Axefaire could be useful offensevely too...

I just don'r have many people who are probably going to get Rally Strength. And it seems like a useful Rally to have.

Argh! Severa is basically the ONLY child that I don't have a definate plan on what skills to pass down for. Then again, male-only skills aren't that important in the long run. (Giving male children Galeforce is most important)

Yeah, male-exclusive skills just don't seem to have that much appeal to me.

Bold: I pity you... Let's just say there are reasons I don't care about passing Galeforce down to male children.

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Nice try, but no. It's more the fact that I'd get bored of grinding the respective mothers to get Galeforce before recruiting their sons, really (particularly in the case of Olivia and Female Avatar)... Well, that, and I don't really care about Galeforce itself. And there's Sumia bombing as a Dark Flier... Guh. A crying shame, really, since I kinda like the class.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Nice try, but no. It's more the fact that I'd get bored of grinding the respective mothers to get Galeforce before recruiting their sons, really (particularly in the case of Olivia and Female Avatar)... Well, that, and I don't really care about Galeforce itself. And there's Sumia bombing as a Dark Flier... Guh. A crying shame, really, since I kinda like the class.

After finishing Lunatic mode ingame and playing Lunatic mode postgame for a while it's safe to say that Galeforce is the most overrated skill in the game. You don't have any units that can become a level 15 Dark Flier in time except maybe Cordelia by maybe late mid game and in postgame I'd much rather have an offensive skill or a better skill for enemy phase rather than a skill that's most of the time just a time saver. It's a good skill but not even close to amazing.

Also, Counter on Severa. I benched her but that's what I did. Seems like it would work best on her.

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Out of the list, you'll get the most mileage out of Counter in harder modes, since people will actually be hitting you. And since you don't have Myrmidon if you do Vaike!Cordelia, Wrath won't be as awesome without Vantage. Otherwise, Axefaire works really well, though honestly, once she's capped her strength, she'll be two-shotting everyone at most...

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After finishing Lunatic mode ingame and playing Lunatic mode postgame for a while it's safe to say that Galeforce is the most overrated skill in the game. You don't have any units that can become a level 15 Dark Flier in time except maybe Cordelia by maybe late mid game and in postgame I'd much rather have an offensive skill or a better skill for enemy phase rather than a skill that's most of the time just a time saver. It's a good skill but not even close to amazing.

Also, Counter on Severa. I benched her but that's what I did. Seems like it would work best on her.

I agree that Galeforce is overrated to hell and back. I don't really see Counter as giving much mileage since you have to take a big hit to get much out of it, and that's not what I'd want to be doing - it doesn't help that Counter's useless against the most dangerous foes... All in all, Counter's garbage for the player.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Yeah counter can do that little amount of chip that can make Severa able to OHKO the enemy. And if you don't want to get hit, then you shouldn't even be thinking about any of those skills since you want to equip all the breakers.

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The 10-20 hp damage taken with Counter can still easily let you kill foes.

Yeah counter can do that little amount of chip that can make Severa able to OHKO the enemy. And if you don't want to get hit, then you shouldn't even be thinking about any of those skills since you want to equip all the breakers.

Maybe, but if I'm grinding the parent to level 15 just for a skill, it better be worth the trouble - which is something I do NOT perceive Counter as. And if we're taking The Strongest's Name into account here, Counter's absolutely worthless there.

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You can combo Counter+Vengeance+Lifetaker and attack melee when possible. If you get hit the enemy's dealt damage and you deal extra damage on the second strike. Then you recover half of you max HP for killing the foe. If you add Galeforce to the lot, she can take down two enemies or retreat/switch behind one of your tanks (like Kjelle with Pavise+Aegis, mine also has Sol and Armsthrift thanks to daddy Gregor).

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I'd go Rally Strength over anything else.


If you're looking for a female Rally spammer, though, any spotpass or DLC female has the advantage of accessing Rally Spectrum and Rally Love.

That or MU's children.

(Giving male children Galeforce is most important)

Sometimes we don't bother. As Levant has said, it requires too much work to do so that it really isn't worth it. But for those that can learn Ignis can also have that too instead. You can really only choose one of the two since you need the other slots for Sol, Armsthrift, Vengence, and Limitbreaker.

Yeah, male-exclusive skills just don't seem to have that much appeal to me.

Bold: I pity you... Let's just say there are reasons I don't care about passing Galeforce down to male children.


That's why I haven't passed down Galeforce to Morgan as I'm not in the mood to do all that work for it and Ignis is just as good anyways. Ignis is very useful for "The Strongest One's Name" too! One of the two is all you can choose, really. Since for Morgan you need the other slots for Limitbreaker, Sol, Armsthrift and Rightful King.

I'd much rather have an offensive skill or a better skill for enemy phase rather than a skill that's most of the time just a time saver. It's a good skill but not even close to amazing.

Yeah, like Ignis, Counter and Vengence.

I agree that Galeforce is overrated to hell and back. I don't really see Counter as giving much mileage since you have to take a big hit to get much out of it, and that's not what I'd want to be doing - it doesn't help that Counter's useless against the most dangerous foes... All in all, Counter's garbage for the player.

Counter is dangerous when paired with Vengence/Ignis. =)

Maybe, but if I'm grinding the parent to level 15 just for a skill, it better be worth the trouble - which is something I do NOT perceive Counter as. And if we're taking The Strongest's Name into account here, Counter's absolutely worthless there.

Counter isn't all that helpful there, no. But it can be pretty good when paired with Sol. =]


But out of your options, go with Counter. Cuz it's even more dangerous with paired with Vengence. =]

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Wouldn't Vaike!Cordelia mean Cordelia fathered by Vaike? Should it be Vaike!Severa or VaikexCordelia?

Anyways, I'm normally a fan of Counter, but I'm biased since I don't use rallies.

I wouldn't go Axefaire, though. Even as a Hero Severa. But I also don't like -faires in general.

...I guess I kinda limit my skill use, but that's what I like.

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Nice try, but no. It's more the fact that I'd get bored of grinding the respective mothers to get Galeforce before recruiting their sons, really (particularly in the case of Olivia and Female Avatar)... Well, that, and I don't really care about Galeforce itself. And there's Sumia bombing as a Dark Flier... Guh. A crying shame, really, since I kinda like the class.

This is why we have EXPonential growth. I wouldn't bother skill grinding at all if it weren't for having the DLC, because doing it through Spotpass is just extremely time consuming. With EXPonential growth you can just fly through the map in like 45 seconds, and gain two levels. Rinse and repeat. I guess that's your decision to not like Galeforce though, it is pretty ridiculous and can help out a ton, it's helped me out of many tricky situations before on BowKnight!Severa.

Anyway, as for the OP, I'd go with Axefaire if you're using axes as a main weapon, otherwise Rally Strength. Wrath seems pretty lame, and if she's dodging a lot with high speed BEFORE pairing up, counter isn't so good either. I mean Vaike doesn't exactly have good defense so she'll be able to do decent damage with it ((at first)) but it's still not worth it.

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I wouldn't bother skill grinding at all if it weren't for having the DLC, because doing it through Spotpass is just extremely time consuming.

That's what we have inheritance for. Since your likely not going to re-class more than once throughout the game without DLC installed. Especially on higher difficulties. As the skirmishes EXP is too crappy for that. Unless you have War Knowledge, you should pass down the skills instead. Plus multi re-classing isn't needed anyway if you don't have the DLC episodes. What else is there to do post-game without DLC installed? I can tell you, nothing. We for one don't want to have to play only skirmishes other than the Final Chapter again. That's why that without DLC, there is no point. =)

EDIT: Without DLC/Spotpass, it's just a regular game otherwise. Spotpass don't count, since you only can do encounters with characters from other games.

Edited by Lady Feena
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I have Vaike!Severa and I never regretted it (VaikexCordelia is one of my OTPs), even with the less than stellar pool of male skills to pass on. Dat strength.....but anyways, I passed Wrath on to her because I don't care for Rally skills (unless its spectrum or love), my Severa will ultimately be a bow knight so she can't utilize axefaire, and I already have enough counter tanks. Wrath admittedly isn't utilized too much, but in those rare instances that she gets below half, it makes her twice as dangerous with that godly strength of hers and has saved my butt a number of times. But those are my experiences; if she'll be using axes at all, axefaire is the way to go.

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How does Vaike!Severa have access to all of the -breaker skills? Bow, axe and tome I see, but she doesn't get the Wyvern Rider class to give her sword and lance. Did I miss something?

As for the topic, I'd take Wrath. Rally skills are best reserved for Spotpass/DLC characters, Counter requires her to get hit which you'd rather avoid if possible, and Axefaire isn't as useful as Wrath. Obviously it's best with Vantage, but it's still plenty useful on its own.

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This is why we have EXPonential growth. I wouldn't bother skill grinding at all if it weren't for having the DLC, because doing it through Spotpass is just extremely time consuming. With EXPonential growth you can just fly through the map in like 45 seconds, and gain two levels. Rinse and repeat. I guess that's your decision to not like Galeforce though, it is pretty ridiculous and can help out a ton, it's helped me out of many tricky situations before on BowKnight!Severa.

Anyway, as for the OP, I'd go with Axefaire if you're using axes as a main weapon, otherwise Rally Strength. Wrath seems pretty lame, and if she's dodging a lot with high speed BEFORE pairing up, counter isn't so good either. I mean Vaike doesn't exactly have good defense so she'll be able to do decent damage with it ((at first)) but it's still not worth it.

What if I don't want to resort to the DLC?

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What if I don't want to resort to the DLC?

You make "resort to the DLC" sound like it's a bad thing. You literally have no reason to not go to the DLC, unless you don't have it, of course. And if you don't want to use the DLC regardless of reason, just grind the long way? It's time consuming and would probably annoy me, but you can still get skills from it.

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