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Final Fantasy Mafia- GAME OVER, Town Wins


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okay i give up on finding anything specific and am just typing this as i go through the thread

His response to scorri makes me feel that if he were a theoretical scum, he was surprised that scorri seemed to knoe his scumteam numbers.

this rubs me the wrong way because it's blatant grasping, why would scum possibly wonder if a claimed numbers knows the scumteam's numbers? it's not exactly a difficult equation >_>

Currently, I'm not really liking the Cam slot because of his "I'mma do a thing and then pull it back and claim that I was acting scummy to get reactions." That's not something a townie should be doing.

while i admit it was a stupid thing to do (it was like 1 am for me so gimme a break -_-) i think you're misrepping me a fair bit here

first off i don't see what was so inherently scummy about what i did. All I did was make a bit of a sarcastic comment/poke at elieson for his response to the rolefishing accusation (and I figured it was a joke, kthx). I figured someone would say something like five minutes after I posted it (that is, five minutes after was when I made that realization) but it was too late to retract so I ran with it. I don't even know what I was thinking when I called it a 'reaction test' because it wasn't anything of the sort, I was actually hoping Elieson would respond to my poke with something funny (hence the "amusing" bit)

leaning town on scorri though

more in 5

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PS, PROTIP for people too lazy to make ISO links (like me): ctrl+f for people's member titles on each page, since it's usually stuff that you won't find anywhere else

>implying i know people's member titles

...yeah i was expecting to have more with this post

UH YEAH but while i'm here i figure i should prod areox for doing nothing (also helios and lucina are still being useless afaict?)


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>go to bed

>come back

>60 posts

>Mancer and JB ragesubbing

what the fuck

@SB: Selfvoting is bad because the purpose of RVS wagons is to get people to react to votes so that we can get out of RVS, selfvoting doesn't work towards that goal.

Also I really do not like this Darros wagon, when a good number of people are getting on your case what are you supposed to do? This feels like the Invisible wagon where people went "Hey dude stop defending yourself where are your SCUMREADS?" and then when he finds people scummy they'll go "Nice OMGUS nerd" when 49% of the players are voting him.

I'm stil not sure why people are ignoring Elieson, his posts are

2RVS things

3 posts for his bout with Cam

His reaction to scorri's role, which is pretty much completely useless

2 joke posts and a post that does nothing

His post defending his post about the Numbers, and saying the only thing he finds weird right now is Cam (yet doesn't vote him?), but what is there to be curious about? Either she's lying and is scum, or is telling the truth and could be whatever.

He makes a second similar post yet still has no reads or anything except "Cam is acting kind of sort of weird"

Then he finally votes Lucina, whose sheepiness is apparently the only thing that happened of note in the 50 posts since his last post. Do you have any opinions at all or are you just going to make snide remarks about roles the entire game?

That's 12 posts and the only thing I've gathered is "Lucina is scummy for being unoriginal and Cam is weird but not weird enough for me to drop my silly RVS vote for"

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e could use the same logic and say that you and Lucina are scumbuddies frankly. Because it seems that you are giving her a town read that she doesn't deserve, which can constitute as defending her.

You kinda are. You're not coming right out and saying it, but you're leaving it there for people to read and take in without actually committing yourself to it.

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No that's bull shit and I like how you are cutting out the important part of that sentence to make me look bad.


Okay Lucina that took forever but I'm satisfied. Basically I was waiting to see if Lucina would bother responding and how much she would respond with to see what kind of vibes I would get from her. With the response I got, I'm leaning a bit towards town with her. I'm really facepalming at myself for not noticing that. However, I've caught myself with another scum read that would tie in nicely if Prims is scum. Which with that post he very well could be. I'll wait until he replies though.

My scumread that I've developed after reading the thread and waiting for Lucina to post is SB. His response to Cam back on page 2 I found very weird. He kind of tried to pressure Cam into voting for Elieson, and when Cam didn't do it, SB jumped on Cam a little bit. What really struck me funny was the timing of his vote. SB held of on voting for Eli until after he got on Cam's case about it, instead of voting for him as soon as he "found him scummy". Of course, we soonafter have Prims saying that he doesn't find SB scummy. I think these two might be scumbuddies.

##Vote: SB

Read the bolded parts.

My post was in regards to Darros who had stated this. I STATED that by HIS THOUGHT PROCESS. Then him and Lucina could be scumbuddies. I didn't state that I think that. I'm null leaning scum on darros and Lucy is not doing anything except skimming/not reading the thread.

I love you you massively misrep me Scorri and that looks awful on you.

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Shinori: I'm explaining *what i got* from your post. I'm not saying there aren't reasons behind what you said but when I read your post what I got was that you were insinuating there could be a scummy connection between Darros and Lucina since you then went on to FoS Darros while still voting Lucina.

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The rest of your case frankly is nothing. I've talked about more than lucina and Darros. And you seem to be putting emphasis on me supposedly forging scumbuddy connections when I'm not. And since that seems to be the biggest part of your case there is really nothing left to respond to. Thus I'm ignoring it.

I haven't commented on what else has happened in the past page because I haven't chose to. I've been playing vidya games. I planned on responded to it later today but your post just ticked me off because it's a load of smelly crap.

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I don't get it. "Levity is probably mafia" >Proceeds to RVS Helios.

What do you think about the entire rest of the situation? This seems like a really weak/easy vote.

##Vote: Prims

Frankly I think that mancer also kind of jumped on elie too fast. Especially since I didn't really see Elie's reactions as scummy. Lucy's post was also quick to jump on Elie and I find that weird. @Lucy: Any other thoughts my lovely canary?

Banana-face is still someone I don't like. His reactions towards Levy seem weird to me. Like he's just trying to force that something scummy is gonna happen but since he's claiming he's town. I don't know. Seems like he put too much emphasis on his role being scummy more than he had to.

I'll post more later I'm feeling kind of weird at the moment. I'm not feeling as awesome as I normally am. I need me my Elie love back.

Literally everything you've said about people that aren't Lucy/Darros. How do you literally have no other opinions?

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xinnidy's fake miller claim was odd, but probably just rvs stuff

SB's reaction to cam was odd, but everyone kinda ignored cam and jumped on either elie or sb. That doesn't change that Cam had an odd reaction to Elie.

cam claims deliberately acting odd to get reactions...

mancer overreacts, but what's new there.

snike's reactions read town to me, i like that slot for now

Darros's poke at me was originally seeming odd, but eh his explaination seems legit.

Currently, I'm not really liking the Cam slot because of his "I'mma do a thing and then pull it back and claim that I was acting scummy to get reactions." That's not something a townie should be doing.


Slight secondary read on Darros and Mancer, but those are largely gut based.

Nice little double standard there. Your reads aren't much and are also in one post. Most of them are all one line long and mostly not needed. Like frankly I don't need you to state your thoughts on mancer considering it just says you are thinking he's overreacting. I'm sorry that I chose not to say varoius little one line sentences about my thoughts on players.

No seriously I like how you claim numbers and then do nothing except this one post then accuse me of doing nothing while you just slide on by on a numbers claim.

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a) I'm not sliding by on a numbers claim. That was you in SF2.

b) If you read the post where I mention my case on you, you'll note that there was also stuff about j00 in that. I'm about to deal with my stuff from Cam's response, and

c) Even if those facts weren't true, I'd still have talked about more people than you.

Now, moving on to Cam,

Cam: Mmm, interesting. See, my reasoning for calling it intentionally scummy was because of your claim of it being a reaction test. Typically, if someone does something then later retracts it as a reaction test, that means they realize they did something scummy and are trying to back track. Also, while you may be well behind, leaving with an empty vote slot does absolutely no one any good. You're not doing anything really to change my opinion.

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And also, Shinori, *even if I'm doing a similar thing* that doesn't make it not scummy and doesn't change the fact that you're doing it and haven't defended against it except by throwing attacks back at me.

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No the point is that you apparently are perfectly okay with double standards.

I don't really feel like posting one liners on every single person in the game as you do/did. Because you know that's totally helpful and not anything like a list post at all and it definitely is as if you are totally helping in the game right?

Oh wait no it's not.

No instead I'd rather push my scum reads and stick with that. I see no reason in commenting on every single player when I can rather press scum reads.

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I uh... didn't post reads on every single player. I commented on things that stuck out to me and then made a vote. So... nice misrep there.

Nope it's just an overexageration because I hate people that are fans of double standards and I hate dealing with them as well.


I do not think posting one liners on multiple people in the game is helpful whatsofucking ever. I think Pressuing SCUM READS and Trying to SCUM HUNT is a lot more beneficial than commenting on a fake miller claim that happened on the first page in rvs after It's definitely far in the past.

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Except I thought it was worth mentioning because everyone ignored it but it stood out to me. I'm not saying I'm a perfect player. I've never claimed that. But, your posts read to me as scummy so I said what I thought. And yeesh emotion. Calm down, back up, it's just a game. There's no need to get angry over it.

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I never said that you weren't allowed to read what I'm doing as double standards. If you think I'm scummy, go ahead, make a case against me. I'm just trying to explain where the confusion might be coming from since I know I'm not scum.

And emotion isn't scummy one way or another, no. You're allowed to be emotional, I just don't want you to get so angry that you quit. Also, I don't want you using your emotion to manipulate people. That's all.

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