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Lyndis and Avatar

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At the end of the Smash Brethren DLC when you recruit Lyndis, she seems 100% sure that Avatar and Mark are the same person. Do you think IS is trying to imply that Avatar being Mark from FE7 is canon? It could also always be Morgan (since Mark is their name in the Japanese version), but then again Lyn will always refer to Mark as a different gender than Morgan since Morgan's gender is different from Avatar's.

My theory is that Avatar got sent to Elibe in some timeline somehow and since they when no longer on the same continent as Ylisse, they were safe from Grima. Avatar had lost their memory by then and therefore forgot their name as well. Avatar had had Morgan (aka Mark) already and could only remember their child's name. (Awwwww.) So Avatar took that name as their own once they had awoken in Elibe, possibly without knowing that it was not their name.

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My headcanon is that my female and male avatars are actually the grandchildren of my FE7 female and male tactician. But its a long story on how they are connected.... XD

Honestly though, I think they were only paying homage to the fact that you could have a tactician in FE7, just like how they were paying homage to FE12's tactician in Marth's recruitment conversation. Nothing really canon about it (like the rest of this game).

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When Lyndis mentioned the resemblance I was like...LYN! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH! Then she was going to cry, and I was going to cry after all the fond memories of FE7. Oh, it'd be nice if this theory was somewhat true. For the sake of my love for FE7 I'll go along with it :)

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When Lyndis mentioned the resemblance I was like...LYN! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH! Then she was going to cry, and I was going to cry after all the fond memories of FE7. Oh, it'd be nice if this theory was somewhat true. For the sake of my love for FE7 I'll go along with it :)

That's exactly what it's for. Fanservice to resonate with the player. Nothing more.

Because she's a freaking mute outside her map.

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When Lyndis mentioned the resemblance I was like...LYN! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH! Then she was going to cry, and I was going to cry after all the fond memories of FE7. Oh, it'd be nice if this theory was somewhat true. For the sake of my love for FE7 I'll go along with it :)

I'd have to agree with this for my own wishful thinking. There's actually no reasoning saying they couldn't be the same person, when the outrealm gate exists in Awakening and if Anna and her plethora of sisters can travel, than why couldn't the avatar before being brainwashed.

All the avatars don't have any backstories for the player to fill them in for this very reason, and all of them contain the essence of the player, so they are all essentially the same person. I would not be surprised if IS is hinting that this could be true, especially with the homage and (dare I say it) closure it gives to the series.

There could be cases made for and against it, it's really up to what the player wants to believe.

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Maybe when the Avatar kills Grima (if you go with that ending) s/he ended up in Elibe. It explains how they mysteriously vanish after defeating Grima, how they just popped up in front of Lyn and why they disappear after the events of the game...

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