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Fate/First Song


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February 4th, 1990 was a moonless night. The city of Forway was graced with a quiet sky, the final moment of peace for some time to come. For this was the start of a bloody war, one of violence and treachery, reaching for dreams of friendship and understanding. High atop Oracle Tower, a silver light shone brightly, forming into the shape of a man. Cyan robes, white hair, he breathed an air of serenity. This man raised an arm forward, speaking to the night...

“Come forth, Spirits of the Throne.” The voice reverberated with an inhuman quality, as if projected through metallic tubes. With the man’s call, a wave of energy radiated outwards from the tower. It was a line of bright green light, followed by a verdant field of shadow, which crept forward in all directions... not swallowing the city, but blanketing. As it passed over and through people, they froze in place, as if time itself stopped... Those who caught sight of the silver light at the top of the tower momentarily felt a tingling sensation through their bodies and minds, and once the green magic boundary covered the entire city, its suburb and the nearby forest, time continued. The people that were looking towards the tower’s light returned to their daily lives as if nothing had happened. They no longer held any memory of the strange phenomenon.

The man standing atop the tower lowered his arm, clasping his hand to his chest. “Gather here, Masters, Forway is the site of the Holy Grail War... may you craft a tale of blood and glory.”

At that moment, the Command Spells branded on seven human magi shone brightly, signaling the start of the war.

A specific office building on the south side of Forway was eerily quiet, even though the halls were expected to be empty in the dead of night. The atmosphere was heavy on the twenty-fifth floor... the air felt like the site of a murder. Musty aromas snaked through the halls and into every empty meeting room and office.

Except for one.

“Das Material ist aus Silber und Eisen.”

A figure stood alone in an executive office, drawing shapes on the floor. It was hard to make out the exact colors and images, but the red on black made it more than apparent that these runes were drawn in blood...

"Der Grundstein ist aus Stein und dem Großherzog des Vertrag. Der Ahn ist mein großer Meister Schweinorg.

Schutz gegen einen heftigen Wind. Schließ alle Tore, geh aus der Krone, zirkulier die Gabelung nach dem König."

The ritual progressed without problem. With all runes painted to the floor, the summoning circle began flickering in the darkness.

“Füll, füll, füll, füll, füll.

Es wird fünfmal wiederholt.

Nur ist es die volle Zeit gebrochen.”

Wreathed in darkness, the person performing the summoning spell stepped backwards, throwing a strange sheet of paper to the center of the circle. A catalyst.


Du überläßt alles mir, mein Schicksal überläßt alles deinem Schwert.

Das basiert auf dem Gral, antwort wenn du diesem Willen und diesem Vernunftgrund folgst.

Liegt das Gelübde hier. Ich bin die Güte der ganzen Welt. Ich bin das Böse der ganzen Welt.”

The circle of blood erupted in a dangerous red light. The floor rumbled, the windows clattered... a great power was ready to emerge.

“Du bist der Himmel mit dreien Wortseelen. Komm, aus dem Kreis der Unterdrückung, der Schutzgeist der Balkenwaage!”

Power erupted from the summoning circle, with a gale of arcane energy nearly knocking the mysterious summoner off balance. The red lights reached up to the ceiling, and gave birth to an existence... a spirit of the past, imposing on the modern world. An invader of time. A Servant.

It was a large, shirtless man, his muscles pulsing in anticipation for the war. The summoner, a Master of the Holy Grail War, smiled in the shade of night.

“Welcome, Servant Saber.”

It was only a matter of time until all seven Servants came back to the living, giving way to unbridled warfare...

Servants of the Holy Grail War, 1990


[spoiler=Saber]Servant Saber









Magic Resistance:


Noble Phantasms:

[spoiler=Lancer]Servant Lancer

Master: Sally Nieves








Magic Resistance: C

Cancels all basic spells and nullifies intermediate spells. Cannot defend against high-level magecraft and rituals.

Recruitment: A

Allows the summoning of an army by drawing power from the spirits of those nearby. The number of "soldiers" summoned is equal to the number of nearby human souls. Each soldier summoned is no stronger than an average human

Noble Phantasms:

Holy Blast: The Crusader's Cause

Anti-Unit rank C

A simple ranged attack using holy light. By sacrificing 25-50 soldiers (determined by intensity of the attack), Lancer can focus divine power through his weapon and launch cross-shaped spear projectiles of holy magic power.

[spoiler=Archer]Servant Archer









Independent Action:

Magic Resistance:

Noble Phantasms:

[spoiler=Rider]Servant Rider










Magic Resistance:

Noble Phantasms:

Gates to Valhalla: Ride of the Valkyries

Anti-Army rank A+

Rider's strongest attack, requiring great amounts of magic energy to activate. Upon summoning this Noble Phantasm, two astral portals open up in the area, as a torrent of valkyrie and einherjar charge forth on their steeds. Upwards of 100 of these warriors ride forth from the first portal and out through the second. Any foes caught within this torrent are sure to be trampled and torn by the hooves and spears of countless mounted wraiths, unless they possess extremely high endurance or can counter this Noble Phantasm in entirety. Consistent backup from a skilled Master is needed to use this Noble Phantasm repeatedly.

[spoiler=Caster]Servant Caster

Master: Amera








Territory Creation:

Item Construction:

Noble Phantasms:

[spoiler=Assassin]Servant Assassin









Presence Concealment:

Noble Phantasms:

[spoiler=Berserker]Servant Berserker

Master: Augustine

Name: Étienne de Vignolles

Strength: B

Endurance: B

Agility: D

Mana: D

Luck: D


Mad Enhancement: C

Rank up for Strength, Endurance and Agility, but in exchange one is unable to think and speak properly.

Battle Continuation: C

The strength of vitality for predicaments. At this rank, Berserker’s fighting skill is not hampered by wounds he receives, but parameters will degrade if he continues on for too long without healing or withdrawing.

Military Tactics: D

Tactical knowledge used for battles where many are mobilized. When facing an enemy’s Anti-Army Noble Phantasm, Berserker temporarily receives a positive modifier to Agility and Luck.

Noble Phantasms:

La Hire, Lord of Fury

Anti-Unit rank B

The weapon in Berserker’s hand carries a two-part ability. When wielding this blade, Berserker receives the passive effect of lowering the rank of his Mad Enhancement skill, with the bonus of keeping the parameter boost of the original skill rank. At lower ranks, it allows Berserker to preserve enough sanity to keep himself under control for the most part, while still possessing strong battle statistics.

The second half to this sword comes as a mental effect against Berserker’s foes. The brandished blade of a mad warrior imposes a Terror effect on the enemies, striking fear into the hearts of those without any sort of mental or magic defense of B rank or higher.

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"I've been waiting for this... so long I've been waiting for this." These words could be heard echoing throughout the small bunker residing beneath a humble plot of land on the outskirts of Forway... or so it would have been were any but a single soul present there. A slender woman walked towards the already prepared summoning circle which adorned the room, her gait oozing confidence as her eyes scanned the all too familiar ritualistic tool, one last check for any flaws that she already knew did not exist.

“Ye first, O silver, O iron.”

As the woman began her incantation, she couldn't help but wonder what sort of Heroic Spirit she would be assigned.

"O stone of the foundation, O Archduke of the Contract.

Hear me in the name of our great teacher, the Archmagus Schweinorg.

Let the descending winds be as a wall.

Let the gates in all directions be shut, rising above the crown, and let the three-forked roads to the Kingdom revolve."

She could have used a catalyst, an artifact to draw a specific hero from times long past...

“Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut.

Five perfections for each repetition.

And now, let the filled sigils be annihilated in my stead!”

... But there was no need.


Let thy body rest under my dominion, let my fate rest in thy blade.

If thou submitteth to the call of the Holy Grail, and if thou wilt obey this mind, this reason, then thou shalt respond.

I make my oath here.

I am that person who is become the virtue of all Heaven.

I am that person who is covered with the evil of all Hades.”

A notable spirit that would clash with her was no use. To one such as her, a spirit that could stand beside her own and emblazon both to shine ever brighter was best.

“Thou seven heavens, clad in a trinity of words,

come past thy restraining rings, and be thou the hands that protect the balance-!”

She was confident that she needed not a catalyst to draw what would be considered a superior servant... if compatibility was the catalyst when one was absent, she was confident her own skill would draw her a Heroic Spirit without equal. Confidence, and faith in it's roots, foreboding to the extent to erase all doubt.

By this time, the bunker in it's entirety had been set aglow with the power of the Holy Grail, the woman, though slight of body held, giving not an inch to the encroaching force. And then... she appeared. A striking maiden cloaked in a radiant light, her body armoured with deftly crafted armaments, her gaze steadfast and fierce. As she gracefully drifted to the floor, her feet covered by boots of heavy armour, which upon landing made nary a sound, her voice rang out, serene as an Angel's bell clefting delusion from a clouded sky.

"Is it you who has summoned me?"

Those words held judgment, the woman knew. The secrecy of the magus... those not fit to witness events such as these... they were quickly cut down... servants, who were imparted with knowledge of the world's workings, must know this fact.

"Yes. I am your master." The woman replied without delay, revealing the command seals, proof of their contract, proof of her dominion over this spirit, atleast for the time at hand. Her reply was a simple nod, followed by an introduction... the single most important piece of information a servant could impart.

"My name is *redacted*, and I am the servant Rider. May my lance and shield guide you to victory, master."

This was the day... the moment that she had been waiting for. The day that she turned fate to it's knees and carved out her place in the world... so that fate would be rewritten to sing her song... not that of any other.

"Yes, Rider. Together, no foe shall stand in our path but to be swept aside." The woman replied, her face turning into a magnificent grin.

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Silently, he slipped into the abandoned building he'd been living in for the past month or so and grinned. Pulling down the scarf from around his mouth, he paced around the circle he'd drawn and checked over and over for the past month. This needed to be perfect. He couldn't misspeak or misstep once or it would all be ruined. He took a breath and glanced around. Muttering quietly under his breath, he gestured towards the door and the windows. Anyone looking in would now see only an empty room. Of course, if they tried to enter, they would pass through the illusion, but it was the best he could do for now.

Taking a breath, he glanced down at his hand. The crossed dagger tattoo stood bright against his skin. Taking a breath, he nodded. He knew exactly what kind of servant he would be summoning. Closing his eyes, he slowly started to chant.

First, the tools of silver and iron.

He took a breath and then allowed the magic of the incantation to flow through him.

Come to me, Spirit of the Grail. Fulfill thy Contract and give me my servant.

He knew that following the traditional summoning would ensure results, but he had never been one for following the rules. Risks sometimes needed to be taken.

The silent wind must come to me,

the shadow hidden in the night.

Two daggers crossed will protect me,

and thy mantle shall hide me.

He reached under his cloak and tossed a carved piece of wood into the circle where it was quickly burned. If one had been paying close attention, they would have seen the wood was shaped like an ancient instrument.

I hold thee.

Under my command shall thall be

and no one else shall be thy master.

Under the oath I bind thee

and by that oath I swear.

I shall be the master of all.

The circle shone bright red shot through with dark lines. He grinned. It was working.

Come now. I call thee from thy resting place.

Come to me and let us fight.

He paused. The ritual was complete. The light flickered and died. But yet... where was his servant? He sighed. Had he failed? He collapsed to the ground and buried his head in his hands. Perhaps the risk was too big. But then a glow caught his attention. Staring at his arms, he noticed that the crossed daggers on his arm had started to glow. And two more sets of crossed daggers had appeared, glowing red. The command seals! But then... He stood up and whirled around. "Where are you? I know you are here!"

"Is it you who have summoned me?"

A voice from nowhere? "Yes, I summoned you." He showed his arms, spinning around again.

"Very well." The air in front of him wavered and then shifted, as if an illusion spell had been dropped, revealing a man. He appeared, well, normal. Thickly woven clothes would protect against some weapons, but not most. He wore bracers on his arms that would allow him to catch a blade and turn it and a pair of daggers rested at his side, but that was all he had. "You know my name. I am the servant Assassin and my skills are in your hands. Use them well."

Grinning, his new master handed him a well crafted lyre. "Oh, don't worry. We have work to do."

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Sitting on the bed in her room at the Kanyon Hotel, a sigil on the floor in front of her, Amera sighed.

Her class was staying at the hotel during their trip, though she most likely wouldn't be going back with them. Getting sucked into the Holy Grail War took precedence. She had been provided blood for the sigil by her teachers, who were more than pleased with this occurrence. They had instructed her as to how to draw it almost perfectly, and given her the text she needed to summon a servant. Now all she had to do was start summoning it.

"Guess I get to test out how well I can read german..."

"Das Material ist aus Silber und Eisen."

So far so good. She read it slowly to get the pronunciation down. She didn't want to screw up with all the expectations placed upon her.

"Der Grundstein ist aus Stein und dem Großherzog des Vertrag. Der Ahn ist mein großer Meister Schweinorg.

Schutz gegen einen heftigen Wind. Schließ alle Tore, geh aus der Krone, zirkulier die Gabelung nach dem König."

She wasn't given a catalyst for the summoning, so there wasn't much she could add to this. The sigil was starting to glow.

"Füll, füll, füll, füll, füll.

Es wird fünfmal wiederholt.

Nur ist es die volle Zeit gebrochen."

Almost there...


Du überläßt alles mir, mein Schicksal überläßt alles deinem Schwert.

Das basiert auf dem Gral, antwort wenn du diesem Willen und diesem Vernunftgrund folgst.

Liegt das Gelübde hier. Ich bin die Güte der ganzen Welt. Ich bin das Böse der ganzen Welt.”

The summoning was coming to a close, and the sigil was glowing brighter than ever.

“Du bist der Himmel mit dreien Wortseelen. Komm, aus dem Kreis der Unterdrückung, der Schutzgeist der Balkenwaage!”

A bright flash and a burst of magic sent her reeling over the other edge of her bed. Pulling herself up off the floor, she peered over the edge of the bed and squinted to see who had been summoned. Before she could tell, a deep voice shot out through her room. "Woman! Are you the one who has summoned me?"

"Y-yes... I am! Who are you?"

"I am Caster! My name is *also redacted*, and I am most powerful. You will do well with me at your side."

"Will I? Let's hope so..."

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February 4th, 1990

A Parisian graveyard.


Shining shackles were conjured from threads of magic, from nothing.


A sword was thrust into the ground. The man holding it, a tall, slender man in a musty black coat gazed into the darkness, eyes turning red with the power of the glamour he was to cast.

To me, spirit of the Grail. Hold to your vows, and render unto me that which I was promised.

As my tribute I offer fire, thunder and blood. No quarter to be given. No mercy for our foes.

A figure flickered in the moonlight, hands bound by the brightly shining shackles. The man's red eyes shimmered.

I command thee.

You shall be my sword, my shield,

answerable only to my power.

I bind you to an oath,

and by it swear my intent

to be Master of you, as I shall be over the world.

The figure bound by shackles flickered into existence again, and this time remained, a shimmering red essence in the darkness. A massive, hulking creature, humanoid but not... altogether human.

Unto me, now! To my banner, to my cause

Fight by my side and we shall take what is rightfully ours!

The shackles snapped. The enchanter grunted, slipping back in the mud, as a massive, bearded man of six and a half foot, broad at the shoulders and rippling with muscle, became a solid, certain object. He wore platemail of brass, and a massive circlet of the same material, with a long black cloak flowing off his shoulders. The silver shackles remained on his wrists, utterly snapped but still in this reality despite that. With a sweeping, contemptuous motion he took hold of the broadsword.

"La Hire," he growled. "The Wrath of God."

"What are you?" whispered the enchanter, breathlessly.

"My name is Étienne de Vignolles. I am strength. I am power. I am brutality. And..." the servant knelt, and bowed his head. "I am yours."

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Strength. Power. Honor.

Eyes of blue, as cold and unyielding as ice, looked down upon the circle of summoning before her. Candles, their light to cast back the darkness which hides corruption. Incense, the scent of the divine meant to bring down justice.

"Purifying Silver."

A single voice spoke, female, strong, and commanding. A small cross, forged from silver and made of the finest craftsmanship from long ago fell into the center of the summoning circle. The candlelight danced across its surface, plain and undecorated, reflecting off into the darker areas and casting light upon a single woman. She looked down upon the cross, her face framed by hair of similar color, the candlelight dancing in her eyes as she continued to speak.

"Strength of Iron."

A second item, a shard of metal, long since rusted over, once made in the shape of a fine blade and made long ago, struck the ground in the middle of the circle. Fine threads of magic suddenly rose up, like a heady smoke and a blazing light mixed together, from the edges of the circle as power started to course through the design. The woman looked down upon the shard, a thin smile upon her face as the light started to rise. This was working!

"Hear me, O Spirit of the Contract.

I am Strength. I am Justice. Hear me as the Arbiter of both, oh Grail.

I give unto you my oath. Bequeath unto me a servant so that we may fight in your name.

Oh Grail. Give unto me the power to bring Justice to this fallen world."

She took a step forwards, towards the circle before her, the light growing stronger as her words caused the circle to respond greater and greater.

"Justice. Justice. Justice. Justice. Justice.

Five times I repeat.

Grant me the spirit of Nobility!"

A sudden burst of light erupted forth from the circle as both shard and cross rose up into the air, the power of magic flowing about them as, at last, the shape and form of a human being started to appear, enshrouded by the light of the circle.

"I command thee. You shall be my servant, and we shall be bound in eternal pact.

I am vengeance, I am the sword of justice. We shall both answer to that call.

You shall be the sword and shield, and I shall be your second, for we will be bound.

Grant unto me the strength I need and I shall grant my power unto you, and we shall free this world from wrongdoings!" she said at last, her voice rising in gleeful triumph until it filled the whole room!

And then the light finally pulled together, cascading outwards as it formed together into the shape of a mighty man. The woman looked up at him. He was a strong person, clad in heavy armor, a full head and a half taller than her. He looked down, a thick mane of golden hair framing his face as he spoke with a mighty voice.

"Witch. Are you the one who has summoned me?"

"I am no witch!" replied the woman, a hint of scorn in her voice. "And yes, Saber, I am your master! My name is Sally Nieves."

"Saber? Pha! No, Sally, I am not Saber. I am Lancer, also known as *Name redacted*."

The woman's face turned pale white as her servant spoke. She took a step back, stumbling as she did so and catching herself upon a wall. "You... You are not... Arthur? But I tried so hard. I worked so hard to get all the right pieces. Did I... mess it up?"

"The Grail makes no mistakes or errors, woman. If the Grail chose you, then it chose you and I. I do not like being bound to a woman either, but such a minor inconvenience is nothing compared to the choice that the grail has made. We have a righteous cause to fight for! Let us fight for it!"

Sally looked up, unsure of what she should say in response. Then, at last, taking a moment to breath. "Then I am your master Lancer, and you are my servant! Let us fight for that cause together!"

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Morning arrived without fanfare. Golden sunlight bounced across the early frost as it did any other day, while the bustle of the city gradually increased to the thick din of an urban environment. However, the peace seemed artificial, especially after the previous night’s convergence of destinies. The Servants were summoned, and could level the city before anyone noticed. It was up to the Masters to keep this from happening... assuming they had any interest in keeping their activities covert. Or would the battle royale unfold as violently as possible?

South Grand Avenue, Urban District. A half dozen men had gathered together in an airy meeting room, locking the door and lowering the blinds behind them. Sitting around a U-shaped table, each of the sharply-dressed men placed manila folders on the place before them, before turning their attentions to the short, wide man standing at the head of the room.

“I’m going to be frank, everyone; our research shows that the final Servant has been summoned. The war is starting.” The men at the table darted their eyes back to each other, muttering conjecture and complaints. One spoke up, eager to learn more of the situation,

“Ah, Mr. Baldursson, is there any way we-?”

“I’m afraid...” the short man cut into his employee’s question, looking somewhat depressed, “We do not have a place in this war. Despite our efforts, none of the seven Masters chosen belong to our organization.” Baldursson sat down on a small, square desk at the front of the room, placing a hand on his knee. He took a deep breath, understanding how disappointed his employees were after hearing the news. “However.”

Everyone looked up from their files, with a glint of hope forming in their eyes. For months, their secret organization of magi had been preparing for the start of the Holy Grail War, as there was so much to be done with the wish granted by the sacred trophy... “However, if we act now, there is a chance we can relieve a current Master from their role. This will require heavy reconnaissance, as we will need to learn everything we can about the Masters: their names, families, occupations, aspirations... we aren’t here to threaten these people, but we do need leverage.”

One bespectacled man wasn’t sure about the idea, and stammered out to his boss, “Wh-what about their Servants, Mr. Baldursson? If things go bad, we could be in a very-”

“Hold up.” Baldursson raised his hand and nodded in acknowledgment to the concerns of the man wearing glasses. “Yes, these Masters are potentially dangerous people... they each walk the earth with a being of unimaginable power. But!” He leaned over on the desk, pressing a button on a phone unit. “Bring them in,” he spoke into the receiver, before closing his eyes.

Moments later, the door opened. A woman stood at the doorway; she was young, maybe twenty years old or so, wearing a dark gray business jacket and skirt. Her blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail, away from her fair skin and crystal blue eyes. But once everyone’s eyes drifted from her, they noticed that she was pushing a wheelchair and... a man? The person in the wheelchair was wearing an all-black leather suit, covering the body from head to toe. Their arms were forced across each other, like a straight jacket would, and their face was covered in a completely black, yet breathable mesh mask sealed tightly to the jacket.

“Mr. Baldursson, who is that?” asked one of the elder employees in the room, likely more curious to learn who the young woman was rather than the enigma in the wheelchair.

“Everyone, this here is my-” Baldursson looked to the blonde girl, who was at least half a foot taller than himself, “This is my daughter Justina. She’ll be interning here at the office for a while.” Justina gave a half-smile to the room full of men, dipping her head just a bit as a sign of respect. “And this...” Baldursson gestured towards Justina, indicating he wanted the door closed.

The man in the wheelchair was pushed to the center of the room, for all to see. “This man was once an Executor of the Church. They don’t function in these parts, so in case you didn’t know, an Executor is a hunter of sorts. They live to destroy heretics, and their dedication always ensures success. But this man... is a monster. He was sentenced to solitary confinement in the highest security magi containment facility, but we’ve called a few people, did some favors, and... he’s ours now.”

“Wha, what do you mean, he’s a monster?!” Cried the glasses-wearing man, shocked and anxious about the turn of events.

Baldursson sighed, before continuing. “His methods proved to be... too much, for the church, and his beliefs redefined extreme. They couldn’t afford to let him walk the earth. But since his imprisonment, he’s received numerous treatments of shock therapy, and we have him on tranquilizers- with this, we hope to use him to ensure our organization’s safety in the face of the unknown Masters.” The bound man in the wheelchair didn’t twitch, or make a noise, and one could hardly tell he was breathing. Hell, he could have been a complete vegetable under all those straps and locks.

Another employee failed to find comfort in this revelation, speaking his mind as well. “But... how do we know that he won’t turn against us? If a Church Executor lives to hunt heretics and monsters, and this one takes it farther than anyone else, isn’t it possible that he could easily view us as... you know?” It was a fair point, as the hunter was obviously not of sound mind and could pose a threat to anyone. But Baldursson seemed at ease, reaching into his pocket to pull out a small black plastic device.

Waving it to the room, he shook his head. “The inner surface of his skull has been engraved with a rune, and a chip planted between brain hemispheres. With this electronic key, the chip will be remotely signaled to activate the rune, thus causing him to disintegrate from the inside out. He knows this, and any efforts to remove the chip will immediately set the rune off. His life bends to our will, now.”

The men at the table once again muttered between themselves, throwing gazes to the Executor, Justina, and even their boss. Who could blame them? All they planned for was the start of the Holy Grail War, but Baldursson brought in a criminal of the Church with a strategy to kill the Masters, if needed... the six men at the table surely were not the violent types, however, and each would do their best to conduct research without the need of a trained assassin watching over them.

“Any more questions?” Baldursson asked, raising an eyebrow. A moment of silence passed, without a single soul speaking up. “Then this meeting is over. We meet again tonight at ten.” He walked to the door, patting his daughter on the back as she gathered the Executor. The men at the table stayed behind for a minute, still trying to absorb what they learned from that meeting.

“This isn’t gonna be easy, boys...” One said, others sighing in despair.

Forway National Forest rarely finds visitors among the thick wood. This status quo was soon disrupted, by the march of a figure headed west through the northern side of the forest.

Servant Saber.

Gruff and imposing, the Servant was born again as a tall man, bearded and scarred. This was a man who has seen battle, for sure. He wore nothing upon his upper body, showcasing a perfect physique that would be admired by any modern bodybuilder. But those such people were merely fakers, showing off weak and inflated muscles. Saber, on the other hand, was the real deal. His body was almost grotesque. His equally well-built legs were clad in cotton hosen, equipped with black greaves and no boots to match. From his belt hung a sheathe, housing a sword- a monstrous sword, at that.

Saber was on a mission of sorts. The first day was not to be one of battle- unless of course, a foolish Servant sought death by Saber’s blade. Saber himself aimed for the ruins on the far side of the Suburbs. The trip would’ve been much easier and quicker if he spirited straight through the Suburbs, but his Master was more than sure that the town was littered with magical detection systems and traps. The forest was the alternative, “safe” path. Saber didn’t like the idea of such cowardice, but it was his Master’s order to trek through the forest. Ah, well, no matter. He would soon be upon the ruins, ready to carry out the second part of his Master’s order.

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He sat, thoughtful, perched on the rooftops, concealed by magic. His opponents were out there, he knew that much. They would likely not show themselves too soon though. Too much depended on knowledge for someone to risk a shot in the dark on a Servant. Glancing at his Servant, he grinned thoughtfully. "Hmm, so, would you be up for some scouting today? Who knows, you might even find some interesting stuff to steal."

His Servant stared at him for a few seconds and then shrugged. "This rooftop is boring. Perhaps spying on our enemies will be more interesting."

"You can't let yourself be seen, not yet."

The Assassin stared at his master with one eyebrow raised.

"Right, right, I know. You won't let yourself be caught. Alright, well, go ahead then. Be careful though."

The Servant bowed and then slipped off into the city. Before the man should have been out of sight, he disappeared completely from both his Master's eyesight and also magical view. His Master sat back and sighed. Drawing a breath, he pulled his coat on over his tan skin, covering both his tattoo and the command seals. Wrapping a scarf around his lower face, he set off into the city to do some of his own scouting.

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"There... that should be enough for now." The woman noted, as she finished setting the last of many small charges across the city of Forway. The phantasmal spirit aside the woman, the spiritual form of Rider, was invisible to anyone but her master.

"So those are intended to flush out other masters and servants, correct?" The servant inquired. It was the stated purpose, but they very may well have others besides.

"Pretty much... I can detonate those charges remotely, and with any luck, an overeager magus will go and check out the flare of prana... it probably won't trick an expert, but if we have any less experience magi participating in the war, we can swoop in and nip them in the bud... worse comes to worse it's always nice to have proximity charges lying about in case an undesirable gets too close." The master explained, as she exited the area.


"I see... so this is your plan." The servant noted, giving a quick nod as her master began assembling the contents of the black case, looking out the window of one of the many skyscrapers which overlooked the city of Forway.

"Pretty much... simple, but hopefully effective." The master replied with a grin, as she eyed the area she had placed one of her charges in, the eagle's eye view showing that it was completely unoccupied at the moment.

"Oh remnant of mine power... heed my call... burst forth and shine!"

Reciting the incantation to detonate her placed charge, a sudden burst of magical energy filled the area which had just before been entirely empty... invisible to those who weren't magically sensitive but the master had no need to draw those types of folk.

"Let the games begin."

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Amera had slept well, but her servant had been awake throughout the night, studying the building and what he could do with it. Waking up to an almost stranger being in your room was a bit of a start for her, but she knew she was going to have to get used to it, at least for the time being. "So... what are you planning for today?" She stretched as she spoke.

"Someone has set off a burst of magic. Most likely a trap... No, we will not go out to meet them. They will come to us, and this building shall suffice." He was already making plans in his mind, thinking about how long it would take him to set up.

Amera yawned. "Yeah, I felt that. Why wouldn't we go out to fight? Isn't that what this holy grail war is all about?"

"Yes, but again, they will come to meet us. It will take a day for me to prepare, but this hotel shall become a mighty fortress for our victory."

Amera looked confused, but then she remembered something. "Ohhhh, is this one of those noble phantasms? Must be pretty good if you think we can just sit around here and wait. I'll trust you to get it started, then. I need to shower..."

"Of course, my mistress..." The tanned man left the room, plans in mind. The people will run as soon as they see a change happening. They fear what they do not understand. He placed a seal at a corner of the building, and went on his way to the others.

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"This is no castle."

Augustine merely sighed. "I appreciate that."

Etienne stared at the artwork. "Why do you collect such trifling things as these? Paintings. Pots. What purpose do they serve?"

The tall, slender Master snapped his book shut. "Beauty has power. Without it, we would all go mad. What else is there to fight for?"

"I fight for the sake of fighting itself," grunted the mercenary.

"At any rate... if it comes down to it, I will make my stand here." Augustine flipped open the book again, to a well-worn page on the mastery of scrying.

"You have no plans to seek out our enemies?" said Etienne, incredulously. "You promised me battle! You promised me blood!"

Augustine eyed the tall, powerfully-built warrior of his. "Oh, I assure you, you will have your tribute. But first we must find our opponents, and I would sooner do so from a position of strength- !"

Etienne drew his sword as Augustine visibly flinched, and a trickle of blood came from his mouth. "Master! What has happened?"

"The taint of magic," muttered Augustine, wiping his mouth with his hand. "Someone is playing their hand... let us see who and why."

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Cool morning air flowed around Sally as she stepped, out from her basement, the full-rays of the rising sun catching her right full in the eye through the front window as she stepped up and out to her main house, causing her to wince in pain.

"Alas, I had expected that the world had changed since I left it, but it seems that the peasantry now lives like kings!" exclaimed Lancer as he followed Sally up and started to look about the house. "Glass, ceramic plates, fine chairs..."

"Just my luck. I get the one servant who decided to ignore the world progress. I pray he does not discover my computer." groaned Sally, rubbing her eyes.

"Tis feminine, but tis glorious, all the fine silk and cool air in this place."

"Okay... Listen... We're going to need a long talk." said Sally, placing her hand on his shoulder as she started to guide him out of the house. She would need to get to know this botched summon a LOT better if she were to end up not utterly failing in this war.

And thusly she and Lancer were out, carefully walking about through the main city streets.

"Amazing, isn't it? How many people live here. This is a strong, good land. I am impressed." said Lancer as they walked, passing people by.

"What? You've never seen a city before?"

"Indeed, I have seen cities before, but never like this. Things so nice and people so happy. Tell me, how well do you know these people? What of that man?" he pointed to a man carrying a large, black, bag Sally knew to be a garbage bag. "Or that hag?" he pointed to an elderly woman with a watering pot in hand, bent over and watering her flowers to sell from her shop.

"I can't say. I don't know them personally." remarked Sally, turning her gaze away from them and back to Lancer. He was strong, she could see that easily enough, but she couldn't seem to quite figure out exactly what his strength WAS. What she had had was a sword-fragment, yet he was not a saber. She knew who he was, but he seemed to... not be as the books remembered him. How could he be who he said he is?

"You should, for all are blessed and valuable. Maybe not on a personal level, but you should understand their needs, wants, and desires. If we are to win, your wish must be in tune with theirs, lest you do naught but bring war, destruction, and death."

"And if we are to lose?" asked Sally, a sudden spark of interest in her eye.

"Then to-..." Lancer suddenly stopped stock still in his tracked, Sally beside him.

"I felt it too." she replied almost instantly. "A fight is starting between servants. We... Should we engage?"

"I don't know." replied Lancer. "But regardless, we can not ignore this so simply. Sally, I think we need to preform one of the most important tasks in any battle right now. Gathering intelligence."

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As if on cue, the black furred tabby also leapt from the shadows, sitting next to it's supposed grey companion, licking at it's paw innocently as it looked to the girl.


"Hmm... so that's definitely one of them... why is the servant not in spirit form...? Oh well, easier on me." The woman noted, as she swivelled her view towards the location of the new interesting occurence.

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"Oh my." remarked Sally, a soft gleam in her eye as she looked down at the two kitties.

"Something wrong?" asked Lancer. "They're just cats."

"Sorry. I just... I think kitties are ADORABLE!"


Meanwhile... Across the street!

I am violence. I am danger. I exist for one purpose. I live for one reason. I was meant to guide massive beasts a thousand times my size and in massive heards! They were horned. They were heavy. They could trample me underfoot. Yet I was victorious! I am mighty! I am stronger than being a thousand times my size. None can conquer me! For I am... CORGI!

Across the street, sitting just outside the flower-shop, right next to the old woman, was a small corgi. Young, happy, tail wagging backwards and forwards as it sat by the pots, eagerly waiting for the woman to finish so she could feed him kibble. But then...


"BARK! BARK BARK!" he suddenly sprung upright as twin animals, the dastardly felinis cattus, started to encroach on his land! HE WAS MIGHTY! HE WAS STRONG! HE WOULD NOT SUFFER SUCH AN INDIGNITY! In a flash the corgi was up and had rushed across the street, not getting hit by any cars or anything, before leaping at the cats.


"Victoire ou mort!"

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In response to the approaching crazy little yapper, the black tabby leapt up onto the girl's shoulder, safe from the small rabid dog thing.


"Weird... oh well, this just keeps getting better and better." The woman noted, keeping an eagle eye on the scene from her perch.

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"BARK BARK!" The corgi sprung up and towards the one cat that was still on the ground, his maw opened wide as he aimed for the cat's neck.

"What in the heck?" asked Lancer. He had expected combat, but not of the pet kind, or so early in the morning!

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"Hmm... now." The woman noted with a smile.

"Oh remnant of mine power... heed my call... burst forth and shine!"


As if on cue, probably because it was, the magical charge placed upon the cat familiar detonated, blowing the small animal to pieces and setting off the equivalent to a flashbang in the face of the girl who's shoulder it was perched upon.

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Meanwhile, back on the ranch in the city...

Amera had taken her shower and gotten herself dressed, wondering if there was anything else for her to do around there whilst her servant set up his master plan. Surely she could walk about the town while he was setting up. No one knew she was a master, and she had a neat pair of gloves that could hide her command seals. Shopping plan in mind, she got her jacket and gloves on and took the time to window shop.


Caster took his time meticulously setting up his seals around all four corners of the hotel. It would take time for them to take affect, and it would take a lot of his mana, but it would be worth it. At least, he thought. He passed Amera on the way back to her room, learned of her plans, and then took himself back there. "Time to put this plan of mine into action." He meditated himself on the bed, releasing his mana into the seals.

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Assassin paused. He heard discussion and sensed magical presence. Hmm... odd. Lets see what that's about.

Climbing up to a nearby rook, Assassin sprung a few roofs over and glanced down at an alley. Spying Lancer, he muttered under his breath. This should be interesting. He's not even trying to hide. Thankfully he can't sense me or there's no way I'd still be alive. Those cats... wonder what's up with them. Ah well. I suppose I shall just wait and see what else happens. I'm sure that other servants are around somewhere.

All of a sudden, one of the cats died and the other cat exploded. With a grin, Assassin settled down to wait to see what would happen next.


Aram was on the other side of the city from Assassin. With his scarf around his face and his hood up, he was barely noticeable. He had felt the large blast of magic, but figured that Assassin would check it out safely. He was more interested in finding other Master/Servant pairs that might be around. He glanced at the building next to him. "Hmm... Faint sense of magic there. I should investigate it later," he muttered quietly under his breath.

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"OH GOD DAMN IT!" Screamed Sally as she collapsed to the ground, her hand covering her eyes as her head screamed out in immense pain from having the optic nerve overloaded. Made worse by the yipping of the victorious Corgi.

"Phoenix! Phoenix! Get back over here!" shouted the old lady, hurrying across the street and freeing one cat body. "Bad dog! Very bad dog!"

"Are you alright master?" asked Lancer, dropping to one knee beside Sally.

"I just had a ****ing cat blow up in my ****ing face and ****ing blinding me like a ****ing firework going off! I got cat all over me and... GAHHHHHHH! I can't see!"

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"Hehe... let's test your reflexes, oh mighty servant~" The woman noted to herself, as she steadied the Barrett M82, equipped with Silencer, and magically reinforced armour piercing rounds. Aiming the shot between the fallen and disoriented girl's eyes, the Master fired her weapon.

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As fast as he could, Lancer stepped in between the bullet and Sally before a resounding 'PING!' followed by the loud yipping of the corgi as the elderly lady screamed out.

"SNIPER! WE HAVE A SNIPER!" as she picked up the dog and tried to rush back to her shop. Her cry had not gone unheard as, all around her, people suddenly started ducking into cover! A flashbang and a sniper round had just been fired! Something was up!

As for Lancer, this was VERY bad! They weren't even out of sight of Sally's house yet and they had been assaulted! This was going to be difficult. Picking Sally up, on the account of her being blinded, he knew he had only one choice. Flee and hide in the panicing masses! At the least, he was fighting one, possibly more, servants who had both the drop, and likely advantage, on him. A VERY unfavorable battle-ground indeed. Maybe, if he could get to the city core, he could turn the tide.

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Assassin blinked. That'd been a bullet aimed straight at the Master on the ground. Glancing around the nearby rooftops, he shrugged. Following the Servant's path along the rooftops, he waited to see if the other Master/Servant pair would appear.

Meanwhile, Aram blinked at the second explosion of magic. Taking a breath, he headed back to his den where he'd been staying. When he reached the outside, he quickly set up some magic on all streets and rooftops leading towards his den, masking the magical traces as best he could. Since the spells were low power, they should remain undetected until someone sprung them, but he didn't want to take any chances.

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Amera had purchased a lovely pair of boots and wandered back up to her room. Caster was still sitting on her bed, meditating quite seriously. "Is there anything I can do to speed this along? I'd hate to just sit here until you're done."

"I fear that with how magically weak you are, any effects from your donation would be unnoticeable. It would perhaps speed it up by five, maybe ten minutes. Simply wait, and let me know if you feel anything. I must concentrate on this... Oh, before I forget." He flew a bit of his mana around the hotel room, encasing it in a barrier that would not only shroud his powers, but would protect against any intruders. "Thank you for breaking my concentration... I'd forgotten entirely to put one of these up."

"Guess I'll just... watch TV, or something, then." Amera sat on the other side of the bed and started flipping through channels.

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"Well, that seems like enough for now, don't you think, Rider?" The woman noted, as she began using her magecraft to imprint the image of that girl's face, taken from the eyes of her familiar, onto a more solid medium, in the form of a film negative. Storing it away and packing her rifle, the woman began to leave the building, her servant in tow.

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