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Serge's Pairing Polls Part 2: Elincia!


105 members have voted

  1. 1. Best pairing for Elincia?

    • Elincia X Ike
    • Elincia X Geoffrey

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Yes! It did sound like a perfect ending with bards and all.

Maybe IS had no plan to make a PoR sequel before, so..

I think they might have originally intended to pair Ike and Elincia, but changed their minds at the last minute and fucked it up in RD. The only thing I really dislike about RD's main story is how their close relationship seemed to suddenly be almost nonexistent. I'd have not known they were close friends if I'd played RD first. I say almost because the few precious hints that are there are either only in Japanese or within some death quotes. To me, at least.

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What I bolded, could also be easily said about Elincia/Ike, too. Only replace bromance with friend. Like I never saw Elincia being in LOVE with Ike, just admiring his bravery and leadership-ness. A guy and a girl can just be friends, too, not just two guys. Meh.

I agree that a guy and a girl can be just friends; believe me, I have this same argument with people in other fandoms who insist on pairing two friends together just because they happen to be a guy and girl. When it comes to shipping, I judge on a case-by-case basis. It just so happens that in this case, I happen to see only a really strong platonic connection with Ike and Soren, just as I saw (in PoR, and in some instances of RD) a strong, potentially romantic connection with Ike and Elincia. That doesn't necessarily mean their can't be yaoi or yuri pairings elsewhere; its just that I don't see it here, or in other things I play, watch, read, etc.

I dunno, maybe its just my bad experience with the fan community, but I just get exasperated when the yaoi fangirls insist that almost every possible friendship or connection between two guys is expressly romantic; and the fact that they are so super aggressive about it makes me want to listen to them even less. I'm sure their are fans like that everywhere, but I've just run into those ones far too often...

I think they might have originally intended to pair Ike and Elincia, but changed their minds at the last minute and fucked it up in RD. The only thing I really dislike about RD's main story is how their close relationship seemed to suddenly be almost nonexistent. I'd have not known they were close friends if I'd played RD first. I say almost because the few precious hints that are there are either only in Japanese or within some death quotes. To me, at least.

Its one of the things I actually dislike the most about RD; how the writing was handled. I love the game, but the story was way too rushed and sloppy, which leads to character development and relationships suffering for it. I personally think the reason most of Ike and Elincia interactions were so cut short was either because their was no time spared towards it with the plot bombshells dropping everywhere or the writing direction changed hands into someone with a very different (and unorganized) idea of where to go with the sequel. Or possibly both. Not to mention all of the other relationships and supports that suffered with it; the bare bones convos, the limited amount of paired endings as a whole, and the fact that people didn't even have choice with who have characters end up with (I believe the only "choice" possible was for either Soren or Ranulf with Ike).

Shipping preferences aside, the fact that every character was locked into the story in an immobile way compared to previous titles is enough to speak for the atrocious handling of the writing team....or at least whoever directed it this time around.... :facepalm:

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I agree that male and female can be friends,

heck, some of previous FE's supports can get a couple A without implying love or anything. And still get an ending together.

But for Ike x Elincia, it's just..

It's getting more love vibe than Geoffrey ever be in PoR.

It may be just me though.

Maybe it's the archetype pairing in FE (or most game actually) or maybe Elincia seems to have some crush for Ike in PoR.

Just how many possible couple endings anyway in RD?

comparing to FE 7 & 8 it's quite a small number.

And no choices, it's all fixed pairing.

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Well, I loved the story, Silver Lightning, but I agree it was too rushed.

I agree that male and female can be friends,

heck, some of previous FE's supports can get a couple A without implying love or anything. And still get an ending together.

But for Ike x Elincia, it's just..

It's getting more love vibe than Geoffrey ever be in PoR.

It may be just me though.

Maybe it's the archetype pairing in FE (or most game actually) or maybe Elincia seems to have some crush for Ike in PoR.

Just how many possible couple endings anyway in RD?

comparing to FE 7 & 8 it's quite a small number.

And no choices, it's all fixed pairing.

I agree completely! The lord x Peg knight pairing is pretty common too though. It goes all the way back to the first game with Marth and Caeda. Then we've had possible pairings like Roy and Shanna, Eliwood and Fiora, Hector and Florina or Farina, and even Lyn has an ending with Florina. Ephraim can get with Tana as well. Also, Ike and Elincia have a close relationship and then more recently, we got Chrom and Sumia.

And as for how many pairings are possible in RD. Very few, unfortunately, not counting Ike's endings because they're non-romantic Here's the short list.

Naesala and Leanne

Sothe and Micaiah

Makalov and Astrid

Boyd and Mist

Haar and Jill

Geoffrey and Elincia

Also, they're not fixed, they're all optional. Even Sothe and Micaiah since you can delete the A support that they start with. RD really shitted on pairings. Too few available and no characters with multiple options besides Ike (and even then, as I said before, his aren't romantic). The only actual fixed pairing in RD is LargoxCallil, and that's not due to any ending or supports. They were married between PoR and RD.

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I mean they're fixed because it's only 1 choice for them if we want a paired ending (not counting Ike),

in contrary to the past FE which have multiple spouse choice.

out of 6 pairings, I only get 5 of them.
as I don't really like Astrid x Makalov

...and I did Elincia x Geoffrey only because there's no Ike x Elincia

and Ike x Soren for Soren secret ending~ :P

But I do love Naesala x Leanne so much that I had to bring Naesala and Leanne to endgame to reach A.

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I agree that a guy and a girl can be just friends; believe me, I have this same argument with people in other fandoms who insist on pairing two friends together just because they happen to be a guy and girl.

As a person who has absolutely no interested in romance and has an equal number of male and female friends who are barely interested n romance, I share your frustration. I've been venting on fanfiction.net and fictionpress.com for several years over this.

That said, between Geoffrey/Elincia and Ike/Elincia, I prefer the latter. And part of it may be because I'm biased. I played PoR first, and that story just pulled me in. Ike is still my favorite FE lord and I think he was well-written in PoR. I think Ike and Elincia's interactions were well-written.

Now, I didn't like the writing in RD nearly as much. I guess I'm still kind of stuck with that PoR bias, and I was annoyed that so many of the characters lacked characterization. Yes, I can see Geoffrey/Elincia in RD, but keep in mind that Elincia's part was like only 5 chapters out of, what, 35 or something? (Too lazy to count.) PoR spanned an entire game, and we saw chapters of chapters of Ike and Elincia's reaction. Geoffrey shows up in the tail end of PoR, and so his interactions with Elincia are limited in that game. In RD, Elincia's arc is the shortest and so you don't get to see AS MUCH interaction between Geoffrey and Elincia when you compare it to the entire game length. So maybe that's my issue.

Also, another thing I've argued with people about: different people show love differently. Like, one character may be super romantic and the other one may be much less demonstrative of his love, but it depends on what is romantic for that PERSON. I haven't played PoR or RD in a long time, but one thing to ask yourself is, "are Ike's/Geoffrey's actions towards Elincia romantic FOR HIM?"

In the long run, I guess I don't really care what IS plans as their endings :P:

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Maybe Elincia ends up marrying for solely political reasons, this random prince, and gets stuck in a loveless marriage for the rest of her life.

Marrying for love? pffft

(clearly watching too much GoT)

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Actually, my headcanon is that Elincia and Geoffrey did marry mainly for political reasons. Arranged marriages and other marriages done solely for political reasons were definitely not unheard of for medieval times and we even see it in Tellius (Astrid had an arranged marriage that she succeeded in getting away from). Elincia wouldn't hate the idea of Geoffrey being her husband since they were already close as foster siblings, but she could still have fallen in love with Ike and would have rather married him instead. Unfortunately, it's not as easy for someone like Elincia to get out of an arranged marriage, because, well, she could hurt Geoffrey deeply, hurt her people, anger a bunch of nobles, etc. She might hurt Renning too since he'd likely be the one to arrange the marriage in the first place (also my headcanon). Add in false rumors going around about Geoffrey and Elincia and you've got a potential shit fest erupting if Elincia attempted to back away.

Of course, also in my headcanon, Elincia eventually gives in to her emotions about a bunch of things and decides to get out anyway. But that's a long story, so I'll end this here. lol

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Yeah, that too. Ike can still make friends with some though. He's cool with peeps like Geoffrey, Lucia, and Sigrun. But other than that, yeah.

Edited by Anacybele
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Unfortunately, it's not as easy for someone like Elincia to get out of an arranged marriage, because, well, she could hurt Geoffrey deeply, hurt her people, anger a bunch of nobles, etc. She might hurt Renning too since he'd likely be the one to arrange the marriage in the first place (also my headcanon).

1. When did Renning set it up? He's spent 4 years insane. If it was set up before Elincia was Queen, it would have been mentioned when he's in danger as a reason for rescuing him. And how on Earth would it be set up after she's Queen? No one has a high enough rank to arrange marriages for her, since she has the most authority in all of Crimea, and her word is almost literally law.

2. After Part 2, Elincia doesn't care what the nobles think, so them getting angry means almost nothing to her. Plus, they dislike the idea of Geoffrey with Elincia anyway, so if she didn't want to get married to him, they'd be happy.

3. Geoffrey's entire characterization is he's a nice guy who loves Elincia. If Elincia said she thought of him as a brother, he'd refuse to marry her, especially seeing as he places her happiness over his own.

4. In Crimea, the only person who dislikes Ike is Shinon, and even he respects him. If Ike, the Savior of Crimea, and Elincia, the beloved Queen, decided to get together, no one would argue.

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1. When did Renning set it up? He's spent 4 years insane. If it was set up before Elincia was Queen, it would have been mentioned when he's in danger as a reason for rescuing him. And how on Earth would it be set up after she's Queen? No one has a high enough rank to arrange marriages for her, since she has the most authority in all of Crimea, and her word is almost literally law.

2. After Part 2, Elincia doesn't care what the nobles think, so them getting angry means almost nothing to her. Plus, they dislike the idea of Geoffrey with Elincia anyway, so if she didn't want to get married to him, they'd be happy.

3. Geoffrey's entire characterization is he's a nice guy who loves Elincia. If Elincia said she thought of him as a brother, he'd refuse to marry her, especially seeing as he places her happiness over his own.

4. In Crimea, the only person who dislikes Ike is Shinon, and even he respects him. If Ike, the Savior of Crimea, and Elincia, the beloved Queen, decided to get together, no one would argue.

1. Renning doesn't set it up in the game, it's just my headcanon, as I said. As for why he'd do it after his niece became queen, I never meant that he literally was forcing her to marry Geoffrey. It's more a case of where Renning suggests the idea to them and a lot of people and Elincia feels indirectly forced because of the circumstances.

2. Why would the nobles not like the idea of Geoffrey marrying Elincia? He's a noble, he's chivalrous, and he's the knight general. There's no reason he shouldn't be allowed to court her.

3. As I said, Geoffrey, in my headcanon, doesn't want the marriage either. But he, like Elincia, feels indirectly forced into it for the same reasons.

4. Ike is a common, messy-looking (but hot) mercenary that hates nobles and nobility. Geoffrey is a finely-dressed, chilvarious knight and noble. Which one of these guys do you seriously think the nobles would rather see Elincia marrying? Ike's status as a hero wouldn't matter to people like them. All they see is "messy commoner with no knowledge of politics that insults us."

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1. Renning doesn't set it up in the game, it's just my headcanon, as I said. As for why he'd do it after his niece became queen, I never meant that he literally was forcing her to marry Geoffrey. It's more a case of where Renning suggests the idea to them and a lot of people and Elincia feels indirectly forced because of the circumstances.

2. Why would the nobles not like the idea of Geoffrey marrying Elincia? He's a noble, he's chivalrous, and he's the knight general. There's no reason he shouldn't be allowed to court her.

3. As I said, Geoffrey, in my headcanon, doesn't want the marriage either. But he, like Elincia, feels indirectly forced into it for the same reasons.

4. Ike is a common, messy-looking (but hot) mercenary that hates nobles and nobility. Geoffrey is a finely-dressed, chilvarious knight and noble. Which one of these guys do you seriously think the nobles would rather see Elincia marrying? Ike's status as a hero wouldn't matter to people like them. All they see is "messy commoner with no knowledge of politics that insults us."

I agree that that would be more likely to happen (and in fact did after PoR); apparently Ike saving Crimea just wasn't enough for them. But, IMO, I highly doubt that they could pull that same card twice at the end of RD since Ike has saved the whole WORLD. No one would have the authority, the gall, or the inclination to go against him if he chose to marry Elincia, especially for love on both ends; on the contrary, I'm quite sure it would be popular with the majority of the common folk seeing both their hero and fellow common man marry their beloved Queen who has also gained their love and respect. I don't see how the match could be looked upon unfavorably by the nobles either, since even though Ike is not of noble blood, his exploits, leadership skills, and political ties should be enough to assuage them of him being as capable as another suitor, in fact more so. And if any still looked unfavorably upon it, they would be in the minority and ignored. Its quite obvious that a match of this nature would only bring prosperity to Crimea and Tellius, even more so than Geoffrey would since both parties would actually be in love.

My headcanon is that Ike and Elincia married not too long after RD and even though this would techinically make Ike the King of Crimea, he only accepted the title in being her husband and left all of the sovereignty of the throne in her hands, which makes sense since Elincia is the one who is better trained to handle the political arena. Ike instead continues to lead the mercenaries on missions to help people (more often in Crimea, less often in other nations depending on requests), which gets him even more good rapport with the people since not only is a world savior helping the common folk but their very own King, who doesn't sit around like most tend to. Elincia meanwhile handles things at home; while they don't always get to spend lots of time together because of their work, they meet often enough that it doesn't matter. Ike loved Elincia enough to deal with the nobles he dislikes, but he still gets along with quite a few, as mentioned; it also helps that he doesn't have to be near most of them with his mercenary work taking him elsewhere. Eventually, they have two daughters, one year apart. His first daughter takes after Ike more and dislikes sccession training, so she eventually leaves the title of heir to the throne to her younger sister and joins her father in mercenary work, training under him to one day become the new Commander as well as successor to Greil's sword style. The second princess trains under her mother at the castle to take the throne someday. The family meets often at both the castle and the mercenary fort with all of the mercenaries and Elincia's retainers.

And life goes by like this happily until it leads into my future fan story, but otherwise, this is how I see things happening with those two. Probably not realistic, but its waaaay better to me than Ike leaving for no reason to go nowhere known, especially since abandoning his friends, family and loved ones just went completely against his character...but that's just me. :P

Edited by Silver Lightning
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2. Why would the nobles not like the idea of Geoffrey marrying Elincia? He's a noble, he's chivalrous, and he's the knight general. There's no reason he shouldn't be allowed to court her.

4. Ike is a common, messy-looking (but hot) mercenary that hates nobles and nobility. Geoffrey is a finely-dressed, chilvarious knight and noble. Which one of these guys do you seriously think the nobles would rather see Elincia marrying? Ike's status as a hero wouldn't matter to people like them. All they see is "messy commoner with no knowledge of politics that insults us."

Because they don't like him.

Ike is also the Savior of Crimea, the guy who saved the world by killing a goddess, and is respected by everyone on the known world, and that isn't hyperbole, it's explictily why he's chosen to lead the Apostle's Army. And Ike's status does matter to them. Yeardley used Ike as part of his speech to get those kids in Ohma to become rebels.

Geoffrey's just that guy who co-commands the Royal Knights with his sister.

Yeah. They'd go for Ike, irregardless of their misgivings, because Ike has the backing of most of Tellius, the only expection being them and maybe the people of Daein, whom the nobles hate anyway, at that point.

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Elincia x Geoffrey.

I was Elincia x Ike... then FE10 happened. xD

He turned into "Sir Buff Mcmanroids" in FE10.

Every single lovey-dovey shipping moment in FE9... was like... never there. In their interaction in FE10. AT ALL.

I have to admit... they were SHIPPING THE HELL OUT OF THEM IN FE9. Like no question about that.

It was more shipped than Chrom x Sumia being shoved in your face in FE13.

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Because they don't like him.

Ike is also the Savior of Crimea, the guy who saved the world by killing a goddess, and is respected by everyone on the known world, and that isn't hyperbole, it's explictily why he's chosen to lead the Apostle's Army. And Ike's status does matter to them. Yeardley used Ike as part of his speech to get those kids in Ohma to become rebels.

Geoffrey's just that guy who co-commands the Royal Knights with his sister.

Yeah. They'd go for Ike, irregardless of their misgivings, because Ike has the backing of most of Tellius, the only expection being them and maybe the people of Daein, whom the nobles hate anyway, at that point.

I find this very hard to believe. Maybe they don't like Geoffrey all that much, but I'd still think that they'd dislike Ike more. Oh, wow, ONE noble mentions Ike. That hardly means anything when there are a bunch more that likely have a different opinion. Also, if anything, Ike being so respected and saving the world should make the nobles dislike the idea of him being with Elincia even MORE.

Why? Look at how much power Ike would be gaining. Even if he just took the title of Prince Consort instead of king, he'd have so many people and resources at his fingertips, not only because he'd be a high-ranking noble in Crimea, but also because of all the respect he gained from other nations in the wars. If I were one of those snooty nobles, I wouldn't want a common guy like him to have such power.

Honestly, it isn't like I want the nobles to hate Ike or want Geoffrey to marry Elincia (why would I? I'm a diehard Ike fangirl and IkexElincia fan). This is just how I believe they think.

I agree that that would be more likely to happen (and in fact did after PoR); apparently Ike saving Crimea just wasn't enough for them. But, IMO, I highly doubt that they could pull that same card twice at the end of RD since Ike has saved the whole WORLD. No one would have the authority, the gall, or the inclination to go against him if he chose to marry Elincia, especially for love on both ends; on the contrary, I'm quite sure it would be popular with the majority of the common folk seeing both their hero and fellow common man marry their beloved Queen who has also gained their love and respect. I don't see how the match could be looked upon unfavorably by the nobles either, since even though Ike is not of noble blood, his exploits, leadership skills, and political ties should be enough to assuage them of him being as capable as another suitor, in fact more so. And if any still looked unfavorably upon it, they would be in the minority and ignored. Its quite obvious that a match of this nature would only bring prosperity to Crimea and Tellius, even more so than Geoffrey would since both parties would actually be in love.

My headcanon is that Ike and Elincia married not too long after RD and even though this would techinically make Ike the King of Crimea, he only accepted the title in being her husband and left all of the sovereignty of the throne in her hands, which makes sense since Elincia is the one who is better trained to handle the political arena. Ike instead continues to lead the mercenaries on missions to help people (more often in Crimea, less often in other nations depending on requests), which gets him even more good rapport with the people since not only is a world savior helping the common folk but their very own King, who doesn't sit around like most tend to. Elincia meanwhile handles things at home; while they don't always get to spend lots of time together because of their work, they meet often enough that it doesn't matter. Ike loved Elincia enough to deal with the nobles he dislikes, but he still gets along with quite a few, as mentioned; it also helps that he doesn't have to be near most of them with his mercenary work taking him elsewhere. Eventually, they have two daughters, one year apart. His first daughter takes after Ike more and dislikes sccession training, so she eventually leaves the title of heir to the throne to her younger sister and joins her father in mercenary work, training under him to one day become the new Commander as well as successor to Greil's sword style. The second princess trains under her mother at the castle to take the throne someday. The family meets often at both the castle and the mercenary fort with all of the mercenaries and Elincia's retainers.

And life goes by like this happily until it leads into my future fan story, but otherwise, this is how I see things happening with those two. Probably not realistic, but its waaaay better to me than Ike leaving for no reason to go nowhere known, especially since abandoning his friends, family and loved ones just went completely against his character...but that's just me. :P

You would think that the nobles would think that way. But they're snooty nobles that look down on the common folk for stupid reasons. Also, apparently a marriage with Geoffrey brought peace and prosperity anyway. Elincia's ending never changes, whether she's hitched to him or not. Also, in my headcanon, Ike and Elincia don't actually know exactly how the nobles would react to them being married, they just BELIEVE a lot of trouble would happen after, as you say, the nobles didn't accept him at the end of PoR. So the nobles eventually becoming accepting anyway would still work for me. I just find it hard to believe that that could actually happen.

As for your headcanon, I find it interesting, except I'd have Ike become Prince Consort instead. It's a title I learned about from my co-author and sounds like the one Ike would prefer if he married Elincia. But your story is your story, so you're free to go about with it as you please. :P

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Well, since Geoffrey is the only one that can actually marry her....

Ike just proved his, uh, preference when he totally ignored Elincia classily throwing herself at him for a whole game. Specifically in the last cutscene of POR, it was almost fun to watch his awkwardness with her. It's kind of sad, but I'm glad Elincia can move on and marry Geoffrey.

But who am I kidding, I ship Elincia hard with Caineghis off of the first dialogue they have in POR, so I can't talk.

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The way Ike said he'd literally die for her in their A support is ignoring her? xP

Or how about when he lets her spend so much alone time together with him?

Or when he's suspiciously silent for a moment and then changes the subject when a drunken Shinon blurts that Ike's in love with her?

I got some nice vibes of love from these scenarios and more.

Edited by Anacybele
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Here's the question, do you see any of those sweet moments in FE10 besides... like... a platonic sounding exchange of dialogue at the end of Part 2?

The only thing remotely reminiscent of their "The Princess and the Hero" romantic ship was their exchange in the ending credits. And then Ike goes off and disappears.

FE9 was definitely a ship. That much is clear.

But FE10? I can't really see it.

"I'd love to ship it".

But it's about as canon as Ike x Micaiah.

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The way Ike said he'd literally die for her in their A support is ignoring her? xP

Or how about when he lets her spend so much alone time together with him?

Or when he's suspiciously silent for a moment and then changes the subject when a drunken Shinon blurts that Ike's in love with her?

I got some nice vibes of love from these scenarios and more.

I definitely did too. And I got them to A support, and then Ike takes off and leaves at the end of POR and later again in RD. :/

I frankly think that proves his front.

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And Ike leaving made absolutely no sense to me after how close he'd grown to Elincia. Then I thought of the Ike-with-a-broken-heart idea. And pretty much the rest of my headcanon.

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@Anacybele: I never said her marriage to Geoffrey wouldn't bring peace and prosperity, only that it technically wouldn't be as good as a marriage where both parties love each other mutually. And yeah, the nobles are stupid and stubborn, but I don't believe that they would be as obstinate in going against Ike at the end of RD vs the end of PoR; I listed reasons as to why it would be beneficial for them even if he wouldn't have been their first pick. Plus I'm optimistic enough to believe that not all of the nobles are like that (such as Elincia's retainers), and that a good number would actually care to see it happen. And its not like the dissenters will always be in power; if the younger generation embraces it, I don't see how having the common yet quite legendary blood of Ike be mixed into the royal family would be a problem thereafter. Not to mention the nobles do not have absolute power over these matters; even if Elincia was spineless enough to bend to their will, if the majority of people don't have a problem with it, the nobles don't have enough backing to push their case. Those are my thoughts, anyway...

As for King vs Prince-Consort, I always thought that Prince-Consort applied more to a man who married a princess and into a royal house (like Lissa x anyone in FE13), but not for someone who is marrying a ruling party in a royal house (like how anyone who marries Chrom in FE13 is referred to as Queen at the end even though they aren't royal by blood). Plus, I think King sounds cooler, and its the rule of cool when it comes to Ike in my opinion. Honestly, the only place in my story I could think to use the title of Prince/Royal Consort is whoever marries the true-born Apostles, since I don't think there is a male ruling equivalent since the Apostle is the overall authority.

And I never saw Ike being awkward with Elincia at the end; if anything, Elincia was the awkward one since she was so unsure and hesitant. It's impossible for an awkward person to pep talk another awkward person into not being awkward and unsure, which was the point of the whole cutscene: for Ike to give Elincia confidence again.

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Well, Fire Emblem seems to follow one of the most basic rules of our medieval times. Women who marry kings become queens, but men who marry queens don't become kings. This would explain why Chrom's wife becomes queen, but Geoffrey isn't named king if he marries Elincia (his ending would have stated this if it was so, I'd think).

Don't get me wrong, I think King Ike has a nice ring to it too (I even have Elincia state this in my fic), I just don't feel that it would be within his character for him to take the title. But as I said, you can do what you want. lol

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I find this very hard to believe. Maybe they don't like Geoffrey all that much, but I'd still think that they'd dislike Ike more. Oh, wow, ONE noble mentions Ike. That hardly means anything when there are a bunch more that likely have a different opinion. Also, if anything, Ike being so respected and saving the world should make the nobles dislike the idea of him being with Elincia even MORE.

Why? Look at how much power Ike would be gaining. Even if he just took the title of Prince Consort instead of king, he'd have so many people and resources at his fingertips, not only because he'd be a high-ranking noble in Crimea, but also because of all the respect he gained from other nations in the wars. If I were one of those snooty nobles, I wouldn't want a common guy like him to have such power.

Honestly, it isn't like I want the nobles to hate Ike or want Geoffrey to marry Elincia (why would I? I'm a diehard Ike fangirl and IkexElincia fan). This is just how I believe they think.

That's the only hint of how Crimean nobles view Ike though.

While they may not want Ike to have such power, if Ike and Elincia said they wanted to marry, there isn't a damn thing they could do. Ike has the backing of nearly all of Tellius, and being cowardly and probably only out for their own ends, tjhey wouldn't want even the slighest possibility of being against them. Plus, if Crimea did have Ike in a really high position, Crimea would have a lot of clout, clout that they might want to cash in on. And since Ike doesn't know a lot about politics and such, they could see it as an oppurtunity to act as advisors to try and get their agendas have Ike's backing, whereas Geoffrey would know about poltical matters and they wouldn't have an oppurtunity to do as such.

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  • 6 months later...

Tbh there is no reason to think that elincia and geoffrey don't love each other and aren't happy. That's just something certain fans convince themselves in order to cling to elinciaxIke. I've even see people who are in denial to the extent that they'll pretend that elincia will leave goeffrey in the future and go marry ike despite it clearly saying "he was never seen again"

I don't think it fits the story that he leaves either. There was much more chemistry between ike and elincia. Also it doesn't fit his character that he leaves the mercebaries and mist behind forever. In PoR they are family and nothing is more important and then he just packs and leaves?

Nevertheless it's a written ending so trying to make up alternate fanfic endings is just silly imo

Personally i think IS had Ike leave simply because he is the most popular protagonist to date and they want to leave a door open to be able to use him in the future in a new continent/setting. Probably won't happen but if they ended with "and they lived in peace til the end of their days" it would be written in stone

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