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I have trouble killing insects


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Mice are adorbs

Yeah my house has a no-kill policy on anything that isn't mosquitoes/flies (get away from our food D<)/harmful poisonous shit) so we just catch them and let them outside

Even spiders? You let spiders escape living?

I must hunt you down and destroy you for the bad example you have set

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I don't go out of my way to kill any insects but if there is a spider/fly in the house I will definitely bring my cat over so she can eat it. I cannot stomach spiders at all, and the flies are just dumb. But if I kill a bug I never feel bad about it because there are a gazillion of them out there. Oh, and we nuke the huge flying ants when they come around because we don't want colonies all over the place. Ants are emotionless killers of everything else and have like 25% of the world's population of living creatures. Likewise, wasps and mosquitoes are awful things that should die in a fire.

Bees are cool, though. Bees can live.

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Mice are awesome pets

Momo you've betrayed the cuteness confederacy

they revoked their cuteness liscence as soon as they started invading people's homes. they're a disgusting plague and deserve to be wiped out entirely

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I don't like spiders but you know what I don't like more than spiders

A dead one being gross all over my wall

Dude that is the price to pay to rid the world of evil

i think you're mom should be wiped out entirely

I know you did this intentionally but I still had a heart attack

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Have you heard not the legend of Spiderbro Esau

All propaganda and lies strung together by malicious spiders in a futile effort to prolong their species! I am not so easily swayed! D:<

Aww I like spiders too~

But to me almost everything's cute, so.... I guess that's almost more of a given? =3

They have gotten to you! Another one, corrupted by the evil of the spider community!

Is there no act these fiends will not stoop to

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Well I feel perfectly fine, corrupted, so I don't think it's so bad at all ^~^ As long as I still feel happyyyyyy~

Free's a hedonist!!!

Aren't we all? :P

Being happy's the best... although, it may lead to undesirable consequences sometimes... -_-'

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Spiders and waps are the only ones I don't kill. I'll let spiders live so they can kill all the wasps, mosquitoes, ants, etc. Spiders are our friends.

Meanwhile I just leave a window open so the wasp will leave my house, because wasps are fucking scary.

And because I grew up in a swampy area, I have no problem killing other bugs. There's like millions of the fuckers in my yard alone, and its silly to think a animal life == human life imo.

Edited by redturtle806
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ants included??

i remember curbstomping them down when i was young

Yes, ants included.

I used to do that too, when I was, liek, 6.

Your face is weak D=

Shutup, :smug: is the best thing that happened to me.


Wohoo, posting a pointless, meaningless post. Way to way your time, dipshit.

Watch out, we have a strong man over here.

He's so strong, only he can kill harmless bugs.

That's amazing.

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Sorry Soul but most of us prefer to not be weak so that face doesn't give many a very good impression =<

Also I never said snakes weren't super cool D=

You're the pussy, you're the chicken here.

:smug: is :awesome:


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Wohoo, posting a pointless, meaningless post. Way to way your time, dipshit.

lol getting mad over an off-topic(ish) post in fftf

stay classy soul

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Well I feel perfectly fine, corrupted, so I don't think it's so bad at all ^~^ As long as I still feel happyyyyyy~

Normally I'd agree with Sheryl Crowe but you must be stopped for this sacrilege.

Wohoo, posting a pointless, meaningless post. Way to way your time, dipshit.

Yeah who wayes time these days? I hate waying the day away, it's such a way of productiveness.

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