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I finally used Levn!Arthur

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that's true, but when there are 8 mages every bit of help is useful

yeah idk if it's actually feasible or not; maybe if i tried again i might go for it and it might work out

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if he promotes he might have a shot at ohko'ing the chapter 4 mages but he probably shouldn't be there in the first place because he gets wrecked by them. Other than that probably not, since you're not getting the hero axe.

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Most of my experiences with LexArthur's training involved VantageWrathEliting the base arena and not actual field combat shit

Don't remember when he promoted though it's been more than a year since I've played FE4

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I don't really care much about efficiency so I wouldn't know but is Lex getting the Brave Axe so unlikely in an efficient run? Wouldn't the returns on it be worth it?

Nah. Getting Lex past the trees would cost like 10 turns, and give you back none most likely. Remember Leg Ring Sigurd does most of the work with his trusty Silver Sword.

Edited by Olwen
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Sigurd is pretty much exclusively using Hero Sword by the time he gets the Leg Ring.

Lol. No he isn't. No efficiency playthrough on Nicovideo has him use that. A Silver Sword with a bunch more kills is simply superior to it. Nor is there any reason to use the Hero Sword when the Silver Sword kills everything.

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Hitting 4x times with the Hero Sword does more damage than hitting twice with the Silver Sword. Sigurd misses out on ORKOs against Armours if he doesn't crit with the Silver Sword, and he can ORKO them easily with Hero Sword even without a crit. And then once the Hero Sword gets crit, it's simply better.

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sigurd can just take the hero sword once it shows up, there's no reason for him not to, he orko's with it anyway and he only really needs the silver sword for some bosses until the hero sword gets crit.

its infinately better, there are some bosses in gen 2 the silver sword misses, so the hero sword is totally worth it. Improves reliability too.

Edited by General Horace
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There's a reason why no efficiency playthrough on Nicovideo has him use the Hero Sword. It's just a waste of kills when the Silver Sword is good at killing everything with crits. Can you name situations in which the Silver Sword isn't enough?

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There's a reason why no efficiency playthrough on Nicovideo has him use the Hero Sword.

Do you know that's the reason or do you assume that's the reason? I've never seen a nico run of FE4 with commentary, although perhaps it existed and I just didn't notice it/couldn't read it.

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I haven't seen the Nicovideo run in a long time, but having crit on the hero sword helps quite a bit on bosses like Langbart who you need two crits on top of his high great shield activation, I'm too lazy to do the math right now, but I'm pretty sure two hero sword crits would do the job, and Ishtar who you wouldn't even need a crit to kill her (and she's pretty evasive as well, the +20 hit helps a lot). I'm sure their Celice had capped speed, but that's more of a luxury, since it isn't too likely to happen, and Cel misses out on doubling some lategame bosses (that I'm sure he OHKO's regardless) but I guess all im really saying now is its more of a luxury than a requirement. But I see no reason not to use the hero sword instead, regardless, and toss the silver onto Oifaye or something for gen 2.

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I usually give it to whomever is going to clear out the orgahill pirates in chapter 3, which gets it ~15 kills immediately + whatever else they manage to kill before the chapter ends, then sigurd can use it to clear out the pegasi in chapter 4, and combined with the axe knights in chapter 5, there's almost 40 kills there alone, and that's if he doesn't use it to kill anything else (and he orko's all pre chapter 4 bosses with Strength ring + hero sword, so there's no excuse to use silver).

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Unless I calculayed wrong on my phone 2 Silver Sword crits (72% each) do 76 damage to Langobart, who has 75 HP. The Hero Sword has 22 crit and has 2 less might. You need 3 crits in 4 hits, lol. Silver Sword is clearly superior vs. Langobart and I really see no reason to ever use the Hero Sword.

I guess Strength Ring would make it even, but the Silver sword is still much more reliable.

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Unless I calculayed wrong on my phone 2 Silver Sword crits (72% each) do 76 damage to Langobart, who has 75 HP. The Hero Sword has 22 crit and has 2 less might. You need 3 crits in 4 hits, lol. Silver Sword is clearly superior vs. Langobart and I really see no reason to ever use the Hero Sword.

I guess Strength Ring would make it even, but the Silver sword is still much more reliable.

you forget great shield. One proc and the silver sword is toast.

the odds would still be pretty close, but the hero sword only gets better and better over time. There's no reason for Sigurd not to have the strength ring, Celice wants it anyway.

although there's pretty much no point in even debating crits in fe4 ltc, every time you need a crit, its going to happen, and great shield will never proc regardless.

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Also, IIRC, SS!Celice can't ORKO Brigands and stuff in C6 without a crit/Strength Ring. I mean, if you've been solely using the Silver Sword, its chances of a crit are pretty high, but as far as reliability goes it's not exactly preferred for your main fighter to have a <100% chance of ORKOing generics.

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It isn't necessary to kill anything unless they're in your path, and if they are, other units can kill them.

Second, Celice has like what, 65 crit per hit with the Skill Ring? Assuming he doubles that's a crapload of reliability right there.

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It isn't necessary to kill anything unless they're in your path, and if they are, other units can kill them.

Second, Celice has like what, 65 crit per hit with the Skill Ring? Assuming he doubles that's a crapload of reliability right there.

I haven't attempted it, but I assume that all of the early kills that Celice can get he should get since he needs to promote asap.

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