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Frustrating Maps, Go!


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Whoa guys; better re-do the chapter, because the Ladle and the Log are pretty important prizes.


It's the Seraph Robe that matters most to me - the other two are just extras.

I KNOW. I'm like, "Chrom, STOP IT. You already made me cry during Chapters 9-11, now STOP. I am NOT going to protect a bunch of brain-dead villagers..."

Next paralogue: "Damn you Chrom, these villagers are idiots and you're making me protect them."

For true pain: try protecting the villagers in Gerome's paralogue. FFFFFFFFUUUUU -

I just use Rescue staves to bring them over to my start position, then intercept the bad gaiz.

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Rescue those villagers when they try to run. Do it again. And Again. And have someone clear out the direction the villagers keep running into.

I actually quite liked Brady's chapter. It was easy to get him EXP rescuing the villagers out of range of the longbows, and I just walled up the entrances with tanks/dodgers.

Chp 2 Lunatic, as has been echoed.

Most frustrating for me - LAURENT'S Paralogue. Flying reinforcements, Warrior reinforcements, all right next to you. Retried it I don't know how many times, was such a pain.

Ch 5 - Maribelle and Ricken, Hard+ (never played normal, but hey, to each their own). I hate this map with such a passion. Introduces you to trolling reinforcements, fliers, moving bosses, and darn Nosferatu Dark Mages - all while trying to keep the delicate troubador and mage alive. It's insanity.

The Chapter with Pheros - I forget which. Another unrelenting rush of reinforcements.

...I'm noticing a trend here.

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Fuckin' hate Brady's chapter.

Just beat it on the first turn. Voila.

Manor of Lost Souls is the only map that consistently bugs me even after I've played the game enough to basically know when and where reinforcements will come in most maps. That shit's just annoying.

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Rescue those villagers when they try to run. Do it again. And Again. And have someone clear out the direction the villagers keep running into.

I actually quite liked Brady's chapter. It was easy to get him EXP rescuing the villagers out of range of the longbows, and I just walled up the entrances with tanks/dodgers.

Chp 2 Lunatic, as has been echoed.

Most frustrating for me - LAURENT'S Paralogue. Flying reinforcements, Warrior reinforcements, all right next to you. Retried it I don't know how many times, was such a pain.

Ch 5 - Maribelle and Ricken, Hard+ (never played normal, but hey, to each their own). I hate this map with such a passion. Introduces you to trolling reinforcements, fliers, moving bosses, and darn Nosferatu Dark Mages - all while trying to keep the delicate troubador and mage alive. It's insanity.

The Chapter with Pheros - I forget which. Another unrelenting rush of reinforcements.

...I'm noticing a trend here.

So am I. Chapters with reinforcements tend to sway the RNG towards their side.

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Lunatic Chapter 5. It's impossible.

Also that one where you get Tiki.

Chapter 5... that's the... OH. THAT MAP. I completely feel you.

Oh hey guys. Who could forget the DESERT chapters. ESPECIALLY NINE. So the chapters I have to use my flying units is the one where you add sneaky bowmen, huh? Screw you too, Plegia.

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Oh hey guys. Who could forget the DESERT chapters. ESPECIALLY NINE. So the chapters I have to use my flying units is the one where you add sneaky bowmen, huh? Screw you too, Plegia.

Don't forget the Arcwind Dark Mage in the corner next to the village on the left. Thought were going to visit that with your Pegasus Knight and make your life easy? Not so, good sir.

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Anyone who had trouble in Fort Steiger needs to rush ther entre army to the left, and utilize the choke point just inside the west entrance.

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Lunatic Chapter 2 because why is Frederick the only one who can actually do something without the risk of dying? At least it doesn't have hammer fighters like some other chapters

Are spotpass paralogues included? Because paralogue 19 has some really stupid reinforcements and a super badass as the commander

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^ That's Ch8, isn't it? Ch9 isn't as bad as it seems if you hug the castle walls; that terrain is Plains, not Desert.

It is? Well, my swordsmen have god-awful movement on that map. The only people who can navigate are Silvia, Lissa, Ricken, Sumia, Tharja, Libra, Miriel and Cordelia (Nowi's movement gets an honorable mention because it doesn't suck at first, but the more you move her the worst it gets). Can't even use Kellam here and Kellam is my super-duper knight-tank destructobot.

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It is? Well, my swordsmen have god-awful movement on that map. The only people who can navigate are Silvia, Lissa, Ricken, Sumia, Tharja, Libra, Miriel and Cordelia (Nowi's movement gets an honorable mention because it doesn't suck at first, but the more you move her the worst it gets). Can't even use Kellam here and Kellam is my super-duper knight-tank destructobot.

Yes, it is; check out the map, that small band of space underneath Virion and above the Wyvern/Soldier is actually Plains. If Sully starts in that spot where he is, she can actually almost make it down to an enemy. So the trick is to get your land-based non-mage units to that part of the map. There's a similar path in the middle of Ch8, though it's wider and more obvious.

Edited by Interceptor
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The Mila Tree

Every. Fucking. Time.

Those reinforcements to the south somehow always catch me off guard.

I had cleared all the map by the time they showed up and had already hit Cervantes, then the reinforcements appear and I think "Hey more free experience", then Cervantes attack, gets killed and the chapter ends. This time was my fault and didn't feel like restarting, but other times the boss moves and attacks so that I can't finish off everyone on the map (I sometimes seem to be Henrier than Henry).

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Chapter 21 was not a fun chapter for me. Tons of siege tome guys I can't hit noooooo thank you.

I can't believe that I forgot about that one as well. Siege tome users are bad enough, but this one ups the ante by making most of them untouchable.

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Yes, it is; check out the map, that small band of space underneath Virion and above the Wyvern/Soldier is actually Plains. If Sully starts in that spot where he is, she can actually almost make it down to an enemy. So the trick is to get your land-based non-mage units to that part of the map. There's a similar path in the middle of Ch8, though it's wider and more obvious.

Gracias! I'll remember that next time, thank you. laugh.gif

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My first playthrough of Brady's chapter was a disaster. Much worse than paralogue 3. Now I just leave that chapter to near-last and deploy the Galeforce squad to clear the chapter in 1-2 turns and wipe out the longbow snipers with no remorse.

Nah's chapter has never given me troubles as far as enemies go but the walls are maximum troll level. Noire's awkward layout also means anyone without wings (and some even with wings) are going to be a non-factor. And of course, Donnel's paralogue, which isn't too hard, but feeding kills to Donnel definitely slows me down.

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Manor of Lost Souls (Nah's paralogue), Inigo's paralogue, Yarne's paralogue, Noire's paralogue...

Heck, the most frustrating ones for me were basically the majority of the kids' paralogues. Chapter 7 also sucked because of the damn wyvern reinforcements that got me the first time around in HM.

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Chapter 2 - Mostly for Lunatic mode. There's just so many enemies ready to kill you right at the start.

Chapter 5 - There's just so much coming at you all at once, There's also so many Wyverns to deal with...

Chapter 9 - A real pain if you have a lot of units that are affected by the desert terrain.

Chapter 12 - I hate this chapter so much. I friggin hate this chapter so much! You barely get any leeway to deal with each group of enemies charging at you. This chapter is EVIL on Lunatic...

Chapter 16 - If your not ready for the reinforcements at the bottom, Prepare to run...

Chapter 19 - Lovely, another map where it's basically an open-field with a bunch of enemies.

Chapter 23 - Yet ANOTHER Map that's basically an open-field with a bunch of enemies.

Paralogue 6 - Might as well come here lategame...

Paralogue 11 - Same thing with Paralogue 6

Paralogue 14 - Cheap Ambush Spawns... yea...

Paralogue 19 - This map really pissed me off when i realized reinforcements can come from Graves... How the hell did they expect me to figure that one out? :/

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Chapter 2 on Lunatic has made me give up on ever getting my game 100% in the near future. I just moved on to my support files and gave up on loony until I have all the support convos.

The Emmeryn assassination chapter sucks if you're trying to solo on anything but easy. Even Frederick got himself killed once.

Tiki's chapter was annoying because I originally didn't have enough units to diamond around her, but once I realized I could triangle around her it became much tamer.

Manor of Lost Souls was annoying for a short bit, the worst it got was: "You opened the final door? ALL THE WALLS WILL FALL NOW. HAVE FUN LUCY." At least the manor is much kinder if risen/spotpass/streetpass spawn there later.

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Paralogue 19 - This map really pissed me off when i realized reinforcements can come from Graves... How the hell did they expect me to figure that one out? :/

Well, given that the Risen are essentially zombies...

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Well, given that the Risen are essentially zombies...

Hah. Good one Nintendo. I see what you did there.

Chapter 12 is the one where you recruit Cherche, right? That one is pretty jarring if you really want Cherche, which most do because she steamrolls anything in armor with that hammer of hers. It has just enough armored units to make you want to keep Cherche in front and JUST enough mages to make your regret your decision if you do.

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Hah. Good one Nintendo. I see what you did there.

Chapter 12 is the one where you recruit Cherche, right? That one is pretty jarring if you really want Cherche, which most do because she steamrolls anything in armor with that hammer of hers. It has just enough armored units to make you want to keep Cherche in front and JUST enough mages to make your regret your decision if you do.

Actually, there are no mages in chapter 12, but you want to watch the 2 bow knights.

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Well, given that the Risen are essentially zombies...

I get the reference, i just didn't expect them to do something like this... Don't think it was ever done before this...

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