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Missing nightmare modules for FE8


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So I'll try to not sound like an idiot, but there are some very useful utilities that are missing from the current nightmare module roster for FE8. Now, I can believe that they may not exist yet, but I wouldn't let that stop me. So anyhow, moving on...

I'm looking for the FE8 variants of the FE7 Spell Association Editor and the Battle Animation Editor. Unless the modules were removed on the latest update, like the palette association editor was recently. If the modules do not exist, it would help it if someone could either explain to me how I can make a module like that myself (and possibly point me to the hex offsets too... ;D), or what I can do to hack Spell Association or Battle Animation myself.

Of course, you may have to put it in novice terms, since I'm not the most experienced or smartest hacker out there, but I'll do my best regardless to understand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

last time I downloaded the editors it had them, but here you go


for some reason the battle animation editor isn't configured to the original location ($8AEFD8) and I don't think it has enough entries so it will need some manual work in order to use conveniently

the regular one might have been lost

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