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Grandjackal's Second Awakening! Hard Mode

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Welcome to my second Awakening playlog, because damn I love this game.

So, I basically ust finished Paralogue 1 with fantastic results, and as for the reason I'm starting the log even though I'm already to chapter 4 is because no one gives a shit about the chapters prior. ust know my turncounts were 4/3/5/6 for those chapters prior to 4. Reason for the 5 turn of Chapter 2 is because I had Fred support Sully instead of Stahl, and Stahl has the better first turn positioning to wreck one thousand faces while Sully has a much inferior starting position. A 4 turn is usually the norm with Stahl, and a 3 turn if you're just saying "fuck it" and have Fred murder everyone. As for the 6 of Paralogue, as I mentioned in my last log the only reason it wasn't a 5 turn is because my Avatar build did not have the magic to kill the Hand Axe and Archer for Sully to rush the boss, since I am using an odd build for Avatar.

Namely, that buld is +Strength-Luck. I might as well have gone for +Magic really, since with -Luck, Donnel's support would fix any Luck issues I might have. Yes, I still 3 turned chapter 1 even though I didn't use magic. Turns out when you are Buff Bagwell, the fact you even have magic is a nice bonus. Magic is still superior (See Paralogue 1 results), but Strength is still being good to me.

As for the things I wish to experiment with in this playlog.

-Pocket supports: Supports used solely for their benefits, never seeing the light of day in sacrifice to make their partner even better. I might get more later, but for now my current 2 are Fred and Donnel (To be paired with Sully and Avatar respectively). Avatar will most likely benefit most from this, since this means nothing but solo Veteran exp all the way. Fred and Sully is already proving fruitful, though it did cost me a turn in chapter 2.

-I'll be trying to use Miriel again. Having less mouths to feed early should helpher out a bit, and I did find ways for her to be useful in all her chapters so she's off to a much better start now. I found that pulling the archer away from Fred when he's going to the right (or in this case Sully) after they kill the Soldier (dependent on a dual attack, but they're at C by now and Fred has a decent starting skill stat), it allows both to keep moving forward without losing much momentum during chapter 3. Virion's still probably better at this though since he's more defensive and is able to switch into a unit like Vaike while Miriel has to heal herself up, but it's manageable with Miriel.

-ChromxOlivia. More solo exp, yes. Basically the idea is to get Chrom as huge as possible before Olivia shows up, and it shouldn't be hard seeing as so far I haven't actually had him near a female unit aside from Avatar (who I hope can hit S with Donnel before 11). That's probably the one benefit of this pairing: I'm allowed to let Chrom get as much exp as he wants without having to care about a partner, and the support umps to S in a single chapter so I don't even have to keep them together for several chapters, allowing Chrom to still benefit from a far more useful support while at the same time allowing Olivia to run around dancing (which also has it's own exp pool without combat so she can still grow stats on her own for Inigo's sake). The benefits stop there, but hey, might as well check things out.

On with the show then!

Chapter 4

Sully is walking into this chapter level 8, Chrom level 5, Miriel level 3 and Avatar level 12. Sully can use the Silver Lance now, but I have her equip the Javelin instead like I normally would with Fred. I have Fred equip the Silver Lance as to get the best results out of when Marth attacks, killing her turn 1, along with the Armor. The good news is that Sully was able to double the Fighters by now, and I was able to ORKO. So yes, easy 2 turn. Technically made up for that 1 extra turn in chapter 2, though Fred could also just do this on his own...

Avatar and Chrom got a kill. Hooray.

Turns: 2

Barracks offered me nothing useful. Just support points between Fred and Virion. Twice. What are the chances...


UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
Avatar       12.99    27 17 10 13 15 07 12 07 D Sword, D Tome       C Chrom, C Sumia
Chrom       06.10    24 10 03 10 09 08 11 02 D Sword               C Avatar, C Lissa, C Vaike
Sully          10.54     26 12 04 12 13 10 10 06 E Swords B Lances B Fred
Miriel           03.95    19 01 07 06 08 06 03 04 D Tomes               

As you can see, the solo support ideas are coming along quite handily. Sully is already level 10, and Avatar is already skyrocketing. Only issue is Chrom...That speed screwage doesn't help matters.

Sully still not quite as good as Fred yet, but she's quickly gaining on him.

Also, Str and De tonics used on Sully as a just in case.

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I'm on a roll today!

Chapter 5

Real easy chapter, all things considered. Sully can easily reach the dark mage turn 1 thanks to red's +1 Move support, which allows for some positional flexibility since she won't need the most forward position. Avatar can ORKO the Barbarian blocking the path up north turn 1, and Ricken can survive the Myrmidon.

I basically rush Sully towards the boss's attacking position, and it's then that I probably should have conserved Javelin uses. I kinda got hit with a hiccup at the last part, and it killed a turn. Had I more Javelins, I probably would have 3 turned this chapter pretty easy.

Lonqu supported up with Kellam (I gave Vaike to Chrom, seeing as Chrom's speed is in the shitter and they had a support going), and when I could I swapped Ricken over to Miriel (this would actually let Ricken OHKO the Wyverns, though I wasn't about to give those kills to him over Avatar). I gave the Elwind tome to Avatar so she could do it instead. Lonqu was busy soloing the bottom portion of the map due to Kellam.

The mage and Hand Axe reinforcement I suppose would have been cause for concern for me, but no matter. I still cleaned this map out in a reasonable time.

Turns: 4

Avatar and Donnel gain C Support!

Fred and Sully gain A Support!


UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
Avatar          14.57    29 19 11 15 16 08 13 08 D Sword, D Tome C Chrom, C Sumia, C Donnel
Chrom          07.00    25 11 03 11 09 09 11 02 D Sword C Avatar, C Lissa, C Vaike
Sully             12.34     28 14 04 13 15 10 11 06 D Swords B Lances A Fred
Miriel            04.16    20 01 08 06 09 06 04 05 D Tomes      
Lonqu           05.62    22 06 01 12 14 08 07 02 C Swords

Whatever cursed Intereptor's Chrom is now cursing mine.

Sully is done caring. Also, Outdoor Fighter was quite helpful this map.

By the way, it was mentioned in my last playlogue why I don't support Vaike with Lonqu. Reason being that Kellam gives +5 Def, and that matters a lot more than Vaike's extra Str. I can always give Lonqu a Strength Tonic if I ned to ORKO things, while Kellam's extra Def grants Lonqu more time to actually murder things. Even at A support, Vaike does not give as much defense as a neutral Kellam support. With Kellam and a Def tonic if I wanna go that overkill will currently give Lonqu the same Def as Frederick, so I basically don't have to care about physical threats.

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Eh, he's support dependent for sure.

Paralogue 2

I almost 5 turned this, if again I only did something smart like paired up Avatar with something Magic and had her be Magic oriented. However, it also relied on Lonqu getting a crit on the last bandit, so c'est la vie.

Sully with Fred as usual, Donnel with Avatar of course. However, I had to be a bit more creative with the rest of my team. Sumia is a must here because of that idiot bandit on the lower right hand side of the map, and I naturally figured that Lonqu would be perfect. He would fly over the river, kill the mage, kill a bandit, then fly over and kill the last guy on the worst part of the map. Avatar naturally would help clear the bridge along with Sully, then head south to murder the boss and his goons, Sully and Fred heading north to save Anna and the village (Had a playthrough where the Steel Axe Barbarian hit Anna...). Miriel and Chrom stuck around to clear out the beginning area, since that's the only exp that would be available to them.

Even without my +Magic build, I was capable of ORKOing Bandits with Elwind, and in the case that I didn't, Donnel would give that little pinprick to make it work. I actually gave him a kill this map due to a mage being completely free to eat, and even with Veteran, exp is starting to become a bit slow for Avatar. Didn't really hold me up to do, so whatever.

Turns: 6, though possible in 5

Chrom and Vaike gain B support!

Miriel and Kellam gain C Support!


UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
Avatar          17.19    32 22 12 15 17 11 14 10 D Sword, C Tome C Chrom, C Sumia, C Donnel
Chrom          07.90    25 11 03 11 09 09 11 02 D Sword C Avatar, C Lissa, C Vaike
Sully             13.02     29 15 04 13 16 10 12 07 D Swords B Lances A Fred
Miriel            04.79    20 01 08 06 09 06 04 05 D Tomes      
Lonqu           06.45    22 06 01 13 14 09 07 02 C Swords

Ah yes, the famous +Skl and Lck level up from Lonqu...

So, Avatar has already broken the 20s in Str. Her Mag is still pretty good. Can't say I dislike this build, though Mag is still superior.

So uhhh, Sully has caught up with Fred already. In fact, she's starting to make him look like a fool. I'm almost to C Swords as a note.

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Chapter 6

Having a high level Avatar kinda rips this map in half.

Basically I had Vaike and Chrom go left (to recruit Gaius of course), Lonqu chugged an Str Tonic to...Well normally he'd gained Str by now and he'd be able to ORKO without support, but the game was not so kind to me today so I had to rely on a crit. Avatar and Donnel basically solo the right side of the map, so everyone else converged down the center to mow through the mob that's trying to break through that dinky chokepoint.

Validar went to Sully. Avatar's level 19, I have 2 chapters to work around before promotion, and I don't want to deal with Donnel. In the least, it does mean I get to let him pick off some extra kills between here and chapter 9, if only cause Avatar is so close to capping levels.

Chrom and Vaike was actually a good pairing here. Vaike let Chrom OHKO Cavaliers with a Rapier. and Chrom gave Vaike enough speed to double Dark Mages with a Hand Axe so that I could actually kill them after recruiting Gaius.

Turns: 4

Avatar and Donnel gain B support! If I can continue with this 2 chapters pace, I could get S between them before chapter 11. That'll be nice, because then I can pair her up with Anna to blow Gangrel's face apart.

Sully and Fred gain S support! Considering Sully is now basically strong enough to handle herself, I think it's time the two seperate off each other and find other supports to bolster themselves. Wonder if I can get Sully to 20/5 before Kjelle shows up. Man, that's Luna+Defender...Actually, she can just have Outdoor Fighter. I'd prefer extra avoid over lolLuna.


UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
Avatar          19.06    33 23 13 16 18 12 16 10 D Sword, C Tome C Chrom, C Sumia, B Donnel
Chrom          08.65    26 11 03 12 10 10 11 02 C Sword C Avatar, C Lissa, B Vaike
Sully             14.84     30 16 05 14 16 11 13 07 C Swords A Lances S Fred
Miriel            05.36    20 01 09 07 10 07 05 05 D Tomes      
Lonqu           07.29    23 07 01 14 15 10 07 03 C Swords
Panne           06.80    28 08 01 09 10 08 07 03

Off the books, but Fred gained his first level here. It was an unimpressive level.

Not much else to say really. Numbers tell the tale.

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Chapter 7

The usual is 3 turns, and I flubbed it because wyvern decided to stay outside of anyone's reach by floating over the pits. That annoyed me because he targetted someone who couldn't just kill him. Got me a kill on Donnel though, so he's level 3 now.

Fred and Sumia still worked here due to flight, and since he wasn't outright killing (most of the time), it did allow me to feed some easy exp to my other units.

I forgot to feed Panne tonics sine she's supporting with Gaius, but he was nice enough to chip in so that was a bit of a lucky me situation. However, the lack of Def tonic did have to make me switch to Gaius at one point, so that kinda slows Panne's progression. Oh well, I plan on actually using Gaius anyways.

Lonqu supported Chrom. Chrom ORKOing Dracos means more than Lonqu killing random scrub enemies here.

Turns: 4


UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
Avatar          19.55    33 23 13 16 18 12 16 10 D Sword, C Tome C Chrom, C Sumia, B Donnel
Chrom          09.61    27 12 03 12 11 11 11 03 C Sword C Avatar, C Lissa, B Vaike
Sully             16.03     31 17 05 14 17 13 14 08 C Swords A Lances S Fred
Miriel            06.34    20 02 10 08 11 07 05 05 D Tomes
Donnel         03.30    18 06 01 03 05 13 04 01 E Lances B Avatar
Lonqu           07.40    23 07 01 14 15 10 07 03 C Swords
Panne           07.87    29 08 01 09 11 09 08 03
Gaius            05.79    22 07 00 13 15 06 05 02 D Swords

Yeah, I have 2 more chapters where Avatar is basically not doing much due to hitting the level cap. Because of this, I now added Donnel to my leveling table.

Sully will probably be 20 by the time the next Master Seal appears.

Wonder if I can still get Panne to level 10 before chapter 8. Usually I get her there after chapter 8 since chapter 8 isn't that big a deal for non-fliers, but we'll see.

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Paralogue 3

Have I ever mentioned I HATE the boss of this chapter? I could have this chapter done around 4-5 turns, but this idiot dodged so much that it ramped up to 7. Luckily it effected generally no one other than wasting a vuln use, so number-wise it doesn't really effect my results.

I had to do a bit of rigging with Cordelia, namely riggng Fred to hit the far right armor with a Hammer while Cordelia threw Javelins. Annoying, but whatever. Fed a lot of tonics here. Panne chugged a Str tonic, Miriel a Def and Mag (doubles Fighters with Lonqu support, a vuln allowed her to survive a Merc attack then still deal with the armor the following turn), Donnel and Avatar hung out at the start with Thunder to kill the Archer on the left side of the map, then Sully and Chrom tag teamed the Pegasi and Armor with a Rapier, killing the last guy with Falchion.

Cordelia killed the archer near the boss then went for the boss himself, Panne killed aformentioned merc then headed south to apprehend the one coming up from the forest, Miriel mopped up and got the Blessed Bow. Real basic and clean..Aside from ya know, the boss being an asshole. Ahh right, also turn 1, thanks to Gaius giving +1 move, Panne could move through the forest to kill the Archer turn 1, thus keeping Cordelia safe.

Also, Donnel got another kill. Thank you, dual attack.

Turns: 7, though more the boss being a dick than actual failure.

Chrom and Sully gain C support!

Robin and Donnel gain A support!

Panne and Gaius gain C support!


UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
Avatar          20.00    34 24 14 16 18 13 17 11 C Sword, C Tome C Chrom, C Sumia, A Donnel
Chrom          10.98    28 13 04 12 12 12 11 03 C Sword C Avatar, C Lissa, B Vaike
Sully             16.11     31 17 05 14 17 13 14 08 C Swords A Lances S Fred
Miriel            07.18    21 02 10 09 11 07 05 05 D Tomes
Donnel         03.89    18 06 01 03 05 13 04 01 E Lances A Avatar
Lonqu           07.40    23 07 01 14 15 10 07 03 C Swords
Panne           09.20    31 09 01 09 12 09 09 03          C Gaius
Gaius            05.89    22 07 00 13 15 06 05 02 D Swords C Panne

So much for Lonqu getting solo action, huh?

Avatar has finally hit 20. Time to see what magic I can pull with Donnel now. As a note, they are at A support already. I had a sparkly spot, though really, Donnel is so terrible and his support is awful, I doubt it will change much of anything other than increased dual attacks which is always welcome.

Chrom got some much needed exp so now he's doing fairly well.

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Chapter 8

Had a very nice setup to get Donnel a couple kills near the start, but I won't go into details about it. Miriel and Lonqu went down the left side, Avatar and Donnel just kinda hung around, Fred and Cordelia flew down the left to take out a Dark Mage while Sully and Chrom with Panne and Gaius barreled down the center.

With some defensive tonics, this chapter pretty much belonged to Cordelia, though anyone flying with Frederick can bulldoze this chapter. In fact, that's basically what happened. Cordelia and Fred mowed down damn near everyone while everyone else got some auxillery. The bosskill went to Cordelia.

Turns: 5, though 4 was possible (Fred got nailed with a crit off the Killing Edge and I wasn't willing to risk certain things. That and I wanted all the villages)

Frederick and Cordelia gain C support!

Miriel and Lonqu gain C support!

Nowi and Gregor gain C support!


UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
Avatar        20/1.00    38 27 17 18 20 13 19 13 C Sword, C Tome C Chrom, C Sumia, A Donnel
Chrom          10.98    28 13 04 12 12 12 11 03 C Sword C Avatar, C Lissa, B Vaike
Sully             16.26     31 17 05 14 17 13 14 08 C Swords A Lances S Fred
Miriel            08.34    22 02 10 09 11 08 06 05 C Tomes C Lonqu
Donnel         04.79    19 06 02 03 06 14 05 01 D Lances A Avatar
Lonqu           07.40    23 07 01 14 15 10 07 03 C Swords
Panne           11.15    33 10 02 11 13 10 09 03          C Gaius
Gaius            06.06    22 08 00 14 15 06 05 02 D Swords C Panne
Cordelia       10.54    28 10 03 13 14 09 09 09 C Lances C Fred

Figured I'd post up Cordelia if only for posterity, seeing as she is getting a good amount of use in thesechapters.

Donnel could have potentially gotten another kill, had he dodged a Flux and then gotten a tag attack. Oh well.

I'm starting to think I'mma dump the whole Lonqu+Cherche thing as much as I wanted to. He'd normally see more action than this, but Miriel is making great work from him. Might just have them pair up and Miriel gets as much time as she can before she goes to Henry. At least it was a backup plan.

So on a scale of 1 to boned, how screwed is Lucina?

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Uhhh, boned? This also won't exactly reflect well on Inigo...

Well Inigo is a unit that comes so late that chances are Chrom will have recovered by then. The issue however is that all of Chrom's good supports happen to be female, but Olivia puts a huge constraint on you so you just end up with these supports that Chrom can't really make good use of.

So yeah uhhh, this is why people don't support Chrom with Olivia.

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Just saying, Olivia has the highest priority out of the candidate, as long as Chrom hit the point where they unlocked the "imaginary" C support

That being said, right after Chrom marriage, you can unlock the Chrom's support girl of choice's C support

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Well Inigo is a unit that comes so late that chances are Chrom will have recovered by then. The issue however is that all of Chrom's good supports happen to be female, but Olivia puts a huge constraint on you so you just end up with these supports that Chrom can't really make good use of.

So yeah uhhh, this is why people don't support Chrom with Olivia.

And I'd say it doesn't help matters that Lucina doesn't get enough advantages from being mothered by Olivia to make up for the drawbacks.

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Chapter 9

So, you basically bring in 3 fliers and then you roll this map. Clean 4 turn...Well, would have been. Stupid me misplaced Chrom so I couldn't recruit Tharja quick like usual. Wound up with a Wyvern attacking a supportless Cordelia. Oh well, nothing major.

Only Miriel really saw any action without requiring a mount or a mage transport. Everyone else was basically OSL. I positioned Avatar to the bottom right location to be closest to the plains path to get her to the boss.

Turns: 5 accidentally

Avatar and Donnel hit S support! However, I believe I also had gotten this support due to a sparkly spot so for posterity reasons I will have them supported for Paralogue 4. Also, the marriage angle between them is ludicrous.

Sumia and Sully gain C support!

Panne and Gaius gained B support!


UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
Avatar        20/2.32    39 28 17 19 21 13 19 13 C Sword, C Tome C Chrom, C Sumia, S Donnel
Chrom          11.85    29 14 04 13 12 13 12 03 C Sword C Avatar, C Lissa, B Vaike
Sully             17.20     32 18 06 15 17 14 14 08 C Swords A Lances S Fred, C Sumia
Miriel            08.86    22 02 10 09 11 08 06 05 C Tomes C Lonqu
Donnel         04.85    19 06 02 03 06 14 05 01 D Lances A Avatar
Lonqu           07.40    23 07 01 14 15 10 07 03 C Swords C Miriel
Panne           02.39    35 16 02 14 14 10 15 01 E Axes B Gaius
Gaius            06.87    27 10 00 14 15 08 05 02 C Swords B Panne
Cordelia       10.69    28 10 03 13 14 09 09 09 C Lances C Fred

Libra joins the team and now I have a staff user.

Might be wondering where Gaius got a sudden jump in stats. Well, I gave him the Energy Drop, the Goddess Icon and the Seraph Robe....What? Everyone else is practically god mode, no one else really needed em. He's also getting this new Dracoshield, because now with his Wyvern Rider support, he can have actual durability so in a pinch I can switch out.

Ok, so Sully won't quite be at promotion, but she's closer than anyone else.

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Paralogue 4

Just seems to be a map that is eternally 6 turned. I feel like it can be done in 5, but I'm not sure.

I got real cute on this map, like recruiting Anna turn 1, then having Panne fly Gaius to the door so that Anna could get the chest immediately. Then I rescued Anna to unlock a door and bust through the center. Gaius and Panne went for the upper left chest, Anne went with basically the rest of the group for the northeastern ones.

To my surprise, Avatar didn't double the boss. Oh well, no biggie cause the kill went to Sully instead. This may prove to be most beneficial as the next crest is coming up and she's nearly 20.

Tharja died because I didn't really give a shit. Didn't change anything cause I had a couple units halfway through pretty much weren't doing anything else, namely Miriel and Libra. I'm not using Tharja this time around either, so whatever.

Turns: 6


UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
Avatar        20/3.36    40 28 17 19 21 14 19 14 C Sword, C Tome C Chrom, C Sumia, S Donnel
Chrom          12.95    30 14 04 14 13 14 13 03 C Sword C Avatar, C Lissa, B Vaike
Sully             19.04     34 19 06 17 17 15 16 00 C Swords A Lances S Fred, C Sully
Miriel            09.33    23 02 10 11 12 09 06 06 C Tomes C Lonqu
Donnel         05.43    20 07 02 04 07 15 06 02 D Lances S Avatar
Lonqu           07.40    23 07 01 14 15 10 07 03 C Swords
Panne           03.33    36 16 02 14 14 11 16 02 E Axes B Gaius
Gaius            08.58    29 11 00 16 16 08 07 02 C Swords B Panne
Cordelia       10.83    28 10 03 13 14 09 09 09 C Lances C Fred

Donnel got another kill. At the rate I'm going, Avatar will be higher level than Interceptor's while still having a uhh..."reasonably" leveled Donnel. However it's pretty much official now. They hit S rank. Time to part ways. Wonder if I can get Avatar to hit the 30s in Str before Morgan arrives...

Chrom's staging a comeback, thanks to Cordelia being the one female he doesn't support. Good thing too, he's still kinda lagging behind.

Sully is pretty much a chapter away from promotion. Hitting level 5 promoted might be a stretch, but not by much.

I've also decided to support Miriel with Libra. More magic means more Rescue range, and Miriel can get by pretty well on Speed tonics if I absolutely must.

Starting to have some free space in my party...

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Chapter 10

4 turns indeed.

Rather humorous map really, cause Donnel was dicking around not doing much. I'mma try and get him what levels I can while Anne and Robin have all the fun on their own. Anyways, Anne paired up with Avatar to get a deep Rescue for Sully+Lonqu so I could charge her into the thick of the action to the left where she would inevitably get her level. Kinda rescued Donnel as well cause Libra wasn't doing much else and might as well get him near some exp. Chrom flew around with Cordy, Sumia reinforcing with Fred where he was needed, and Panne+Gaius pretty much solo'd the entire right hand side themselves. Panne even hit D axes, and Gaius hit level 10. These two level so damn fast.

Avatar got the boss kill because it was really easy. This map is easy.

Turns: 4

Fred and Sumia gained C support!

Sully and Lonqu gained C support!

Panne and Gaius gained A support! Awwww yeah, this is where things get good.


UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
Avatar        20/4.74    41 28 17 20 22 16 20 14 C Sword, C Tome C Chrom, C Sumia, S Donnel
Chrom          14.48    31 16 04 15 13 16 14 03 C Sword C Avatar, C Lissa, B Vaike
Sully           20/1.00     42 23 07 19 19 16 19 16 C Swords A Lances S Fred, C Sully
Miriel            09.44    23 02 10 11 12 09 06 06 C Tomes C Lonqu
Donnel         05.69    20 07 02 04 07 15 06 02 D Lances S Avatar
Lonqu           07.63    23 07 01 14 15 10 07 03 C Swords
Panne           05.33    38 17 02 15 15 11 17 02 D Axes A Gaius
Gaius            01.00    31 14 02 21 20 08 10 03 C Swords A Panne
Cordelia       10.83    28 10 03 13 14 09 09 09 C Lances C Fred
Libra              03.55   41 15 17 15 15 10 13 16 C Axes C Staffs
Anna             02.53   36 13 18 24 22 27 08 11 C Swords D Staffs

Chrom catching back up. Lowest I eve had him before Lucina shows up is 17, and it seems I will be around there if not higher this time around.

Awwww yeah, Sully has promoted and it is time to punch all the face. I have absurd Str, but everything else is looking oh so pretty.

Why yes, I did reclass Gaius into a Myrm. I lose the +1 Move, but I can quickly get him to 10 anyways and if I want to I can promote him there as well into an Assassin and get that move back. This however lets him be better a combatant in the meantime. I got others to do the real heavy lifting anyways, the+1 move for Panne isn't all that important.

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How does Gaius lose 1 move? He gets to take the skill with him when he reclasses.

Or are you referring to pair up? Sorry to burst your bubble but, Assassin doesn't give move with pair up, only Trickster does.

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Oh my god, this new interface is killing me. Trying to get my level tables back is stupid because apparently crushing boxes into tiny things that you need to stretch out manually is a good idea for a forum.

Also, sorry for the sudden drop in activity.

Chapter 11

So for those of you wondering how to get Olivia and Chrom to that Imaginary C, Chrom must pair with Olivia and see a good amount of action. This means...no dancing. This map is so short that it practically doesn't matter, but it does kill turns. Luckily it also goes straight to S, so I never have to deal with it ever again. If anyone can find a way to get this to C-S while still doing quite short on turns, I would love to hear it cause it is pretty handy how you can just jump straight to S. This also proves that Chrom can support females prior to Olivia showing up, only deal is those ladies gotta get married to someone else. So if you got pairings going and planned that will hit S before 11, feel free to let Chrom buddy up when appropriate.

One thing to note is that you can pull Gangrel on turn 1 with a far enough Rescue of Avatar+Anna to get them to that fort just in Gangrel's reach. Even more humorous is with Ignis and Anna possibly chipping in, I could actually ORKO Gangrel (Gangrel is so damn hard to kill that this is the only possible way I can imagine ORKOing him, and not only do I have to rely on luck to even do it, I have to not miss all 4 attacks as well. Easier said than done on a fast bastard like Gangrel who also has Lucky 7). Unfortunately in order to get Chrom and Olivia to C...I had to Rescue them instead of Avatar Anna. So my 1 turn on Gangrel was not possible.

Otherwise it's prety clinical. Killing Edge on Chrom for the mercs (with the support and a speed tonic, he thankfully could double Mercs. The hero was lucky, but I ORKOd with a crit anyways), then he ducks into the forest to deal with wyverns fighters and mercs. Fred and Cordy headed to the right to deal with mages with a hand axe, and Panne+Gaius flew down the middle to get into the action along with get to the right chest (from that fortress I mentioned, Avatar with Anna's move boost can get the left chest immediately after).

There are a lot of axes in this map now that I realize it. Chrom and Gaius actually put in some real good work. Even more with their support, Gaius was packing 20 Def so outside of Magic hitting him, he was actually proving to be really durable. I continue to like this pairing. Only thing it can't really adjust to is ranged attacks, so that kinda sucks.

Miriel is pretty much stuck in Libra's back pocket, so it just reinforces my feelings that Miriel might as well just rush 10, promote as soon as one can willingly manage, and then just have her be a support. She's just not worth giving the extra effort.

Donnel paired up with Gregor this map. Figure I might as well still get him kills while Avatar is off on her own with Anna, kicking assand taking names. It's actually a lot simpler dealing with Donnel this way than trying to spoonfeed him everything ASAP. You have better supports by now that are doing much less than Avatar, and you have a lot more flexible space in some later maps for him to get an occasional pickoff. He's still garbage, but I'm not using Donnel for serious longterm here.

Anyways, I basically was finished with this map by turn 4 so I wasted at least 1 turn. I had to kill another turn though because a Thief was left on the field. that annoyed me.

Turns: 5, but was pretty much done turn 4.

Chrom and Olivia bounce all the way to S Support!

Avatar and Anna gain C support!

Barracks offered me a Superior Axe and a Log. Funny story with the log cause Stahl gets it, and when Stahl finds random garbage, he says the following.

"Huh, what's this? Is it edible? I haven't eaten in minutes"

Stahl you dumbfuck goat.


UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
Avatar        20/6.31    43 28 19 22 22 16 21 17 C Sword, B Tome C Chrom, C Sumia, S Donnel C Anna
Chrom          17.21    39 17 04 15 16 19 15 04 B Sword C Avatar, C Lissa, B Vaike
Sully           20/1.83     42 23 07 19 19 16 19 16 C Swords A Lances S Fred, C Sully
Miriel            09.44    23 02 10 11 12 09 06 06 C Tomes C Lonqu
Donnel         06.29    21 07 02 05 08 16 07 02 D Lances S Avatar
Lonqu           07.63    23 07 01 14 15 10 07 03 C Swords
Panne           05.44    38 17 02 15 15 11 17 02 D Axes A Gaius
Gaius            03.23    33 15 03 22 22 08 12 03 C Swords A Panne
Cordelia       11.05    29 10 03 14 15 09 10 10 C Lances C Fred
Libra              04.30   42 16 17 16 15 11 14 17 C Axes C Staffs
Anna             02.97   36 13 18 24 22 27 08 11 C Swords D Staffs

On the bright side, Chrom's back in the saddle. Might even get him to promotion before Lucina shows up.

I really should have had Sully take on the right side instead of Fred. The hell was I thinking? I might redo this map if only for that reason.

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Ok, redid the chapter. Had redone the chapter. Had Sully take the right side instead of Fred, paired her with Sumia. Pretty much made the entire right hand side ignorable because Sully was immune to magic with all that res. Didn't quite have the luck to critkill big things with Chrom. Got it down to 4 turns instead of 5, so overall it was an improvement. Even got Donnel two more kills. Had him pair with Fred, worked out pretty well.


UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
Avatar        20/6.10    43 29 17 22 23 16 21 16 C Sword, C Tome C Chrom, C Sumia, S Donnel C Anna
Chrom          16.50    38 18 04 17 14 18 15 03 B Sword C Avatar, C Lissa, B Vaike, S Olivia
Sully           20/2.26     44 24 07 20 20 17 20 16 C Swords A Lances S Fred, C Sully
Miriel            10.03    23 03 10 11 13 10 07 06 C Tomes C Lonqu
Donnel         07.43    22 09 02 06 09 17 06 03 D Lances S Avatar
Lonqu           07.63    23 07 01 14 15 10 07 03 C Swords
Panne           05.58    38 17 02 15 15 11 17 02 D Axes A Gaius
Gaius            02.43    32 15 03 21 21 08 10 04 C Swords A Panne
Cordelia       10.90    28 10 03 13 14 09 09 09 C Lances C Fred
Libra              04.00   42 16 18 16 15 11 13 16 C Axes C Staffs
Anna             02.80   36 13 18 24 22 27 08 11 C Swords D Staffs
Hardeehar, I could get Donnel to level 10 before the end of chapter 13 anyways
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Well Inigo is a unit that comes so late that chances are Chrom will have recovered by then. The issue however is that all of Chrom's good supports happen to be female, but Olivia puts a huge constraint on you so you just end up with these supports that Chrom can't really make good use of.

So yeah uhhh, this is why people don't support Chrom with Olivia.

Oh, and regarding Inigo, I'd say Inigo's case isn't helped by arguably having the hardest paralogue of the children characters.

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Chapter 12 and 13

Took advantage of the fact Chrom was Buff Bagwell and had him solo most of the let side of the map. Had he not been speed screwed, I'd imagine he'd have actually kept in tempo with my team while being supported with Fred and having used a Speed Tonic. Instead, I kinda flounder at the last part and don't deal with the upper left portion of the map too quickly. However, Chrom did promote.

Donnel got some serious luck this map. Supported him with Cherche, and she helped him out. Tried to have him cling to Avatar as much as possible for the support boosts and it worked. Also, enemies in this map are slow. So slow in fact that Donnel was able to actually double armors and have existing offense thanks to crit from Avatar. I got retardedly lucky, and it shows with the results you are about to see.

Otherwise it was Sully devastating the right hand side of the map feat Avatar+Anna. Cordelia decided to be very unhelpful, as she didn't chip in for a single attack that Sully did. This sucked against the armors that had Javelins. Regardless, safe to say I will have Defender before Kjelle arrives.

I also promoted Miriel. She was 10, figured might as well. Get her and Libra to 5 and make Laurent a really shitty rally staff bot.

Turns: 6

Chrom and Fred gained C Support!

Miriel and Libra gained C Support!

Panne and Gaius hit S rank! Awwww yeah


UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
Avatar        20/6.10    43 29 17 22 23 16 21 16 C Sword, C Tome C Chrom, C Sumia, S Donnel C Anna
Chrom       20/1.00    46 25 04 20 17 21 20 06 B Sword C Avatar, C Lissa, B Vaike, S Olivia, C Fred
Sully           20/4.94     45 25 07 22 21 17 21 16 C Swords A Lances S Fred, C Sully
Miriel           10/1.00    27 04 13 13 16 10 09 08 C Tomes E Staffs C Lonqu, C Libra
Donnel         10.05    25 11 04 07 11 20 07 04 C Lances S Avatar
Lonqu           07.63    23 07 01 14 15 10 07 03 C Swords
Panne           08.71    41 19 02 16 18 12 19 02 D Axes S Gaius
Gaius            04.00    34 16 03 23 23 10 11 05 C Swords S Panne
Cordelia       10.90    28 10 03 13 14 09 09 09 C Lances C Fred
Libra              04.54   42 16 18 16 15 11 13 16 C Axes C Staffs C Miriel
Anna             03.17   36 13 19 24 23 28 09 12 C Swords D Staffs
To note, Gaius was given another Goddess Icon. If Gaius has a problem, it's that his luck is shit.

I also gave Libra a Spirit Dust, just because.

At least Chrom is super buff to make up for his sheer lack of speed...Sorry, Lucina.

Here we see the strength of Panne and Gaius: They level so damn fast. They are effortless in how much they get going so quick. Gaius didn't even see that much action and he still managed to get 2 levels. Also, the added durability from this support really does erase the durability issues. I know I gave Gaius a Robe and a Shield, but he really just doesn't take dangerous damage even if I didn't.

Call me crazy, but I'm contemplating getting Underdog for Donnel. Don't know why, but I'm thinking about it. Probably not gonna follow through with it. Probably just reclass to Fighter, feed him a Scroll, then drop Fred after the next chapter. He's pretty much served his purpose.

Chapter 13 was super standard, and Donnel did nothing so reclassing him wouldn't have made a difference here. REALLY standard. Fly two people to the sides, have people protect the south, some god rushes north to kill the boss. Was Chrom in this instance paired with Sully going north, Panne flyng Avatar to the right and Cordelia flying Fred to the left. Again, she was not feeling helpful.

3 turns.

Lucina gains C Support with Chrom and Olivia!

Chrom gains B Support with Sully! I didn't even notice I had a C!

Avatar gains C Support with Panne!


UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
Avatar        20/9.15    46 32 18 24 25 17 22 16 C Sword, B Tome C Chrom, C Sumia, S Donnel C Anna, B Panne
Chrom       20/2.60    46 26 04 21 17 21 21 06 B Sword C Avatar, C Lissa, B Vaike, S Olivia, C Fred, C Lucina, B Sully
Sully           20/5.38     46 25 07 22 22 18 21 17 B Swords A Lances S Fred, B Chrom
Miriel           10/2.33    28 04 14 13 17 10 09 08 C Tomes E Staffs C Lonqu, C Libra
Donnel         10.05    25 11 04 07 11 20 07 04 C Lances S Avatar
Lonqu           07.63    23 07 01 14 15 10 07 03 C Swords
Panne           08.93    41 19 02 16 18 12 19 02 D Axes S Gaius
Gaius            06.20    36 18 03 24 23 11 11 05 C Swords S Panne
Cordelia       10.90    28 10 03 13 14 09 09 09 C Lances C Fred
Libra              05.00   43 17 21 17 15 11 13 17 C Axes C Staffs C Miriel
Anna             03.63   36 13 19 24 23 28 09 12 C Swords D Staffs
Meet Lucina! *Scared to look*


Lucina level 10

31 HP, 13 Str, 3 Mag, 16 Skl, 13 Spd, 15 Lck, 11 Def, 4 Res

Luck+4, Dual Attack, Charm, Aether

HUAAGH!! Oh gawd, I'm so sorry Lucina. I don't think I can even reclass her.

Anyways onto the other units. Chrom at least has recovered...Sort of. If I weren't speed screwed, Lucina would at least have 14 speed which is...Workable. Not great, but workable. I'm shocked that he has 26 Str and Lucina only has 13 Str out of it. That sucks bad. Damn you, Olivia!

Defender Get!

So uhhh, Avatar is gonna be 15 almost quicker than before, and Donnel's actually doing somewhat ok level wise.

Fred offscreen got level 5, and that's as high as I care to get him since next map is Kjelle.

Behold: Gaius is a real gangsta.

Libra hit 5. I'm fine with that.

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Meet Lucina! *Scared to look*


Lucina level 10

31 HP, 13 Str, 3 Mag, 16 Skl, 13 Spd, 15 Lck, 11 Def, 4 Res

Luck+4, Dual Attack, Charm, Aether

HUAAGH!! Oh gawd, I'm so sorry Lucina. I don't think I can even reclass her.

Guh... that's.... of course, I saw this coming. At least her defense isn't as bad as I feared it'd be...

Edited by Levant Fortner
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