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How do I get GIMP?


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I have Photoshop but people say GIMP is better and free and I heard the tools of GIMP are better and I am the type of person who likes better things so...Can someone give me the exact link and directions on how to download GIMP please? Everytime I search I end up downloading the wrong thing soooooo thanks in advance!

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That's it? All I do is just download. Do I have to go to processes like um.......well processes like you download it then you open the file and do some stuff. Get what I mean?

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GIMP is so not better than Photoshop

Just stick with PS IMO unless you have two computers and can't be assed to get PS on one of them

GIMP's about as powerful as a 10-year-old-outdated version of PS (which is still pretty good and open source and all but if you have CS2 or up...) If you have CS6 like me GIMP will most likely be incredibly difficult to use since the UI is a massive step-down.

But if you have Elements or 7 then GIMP may be actually better. I don't work with those though.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Honestly, as Thor Odinson says, GIMP is SO not better than Photoshop. I find it more confusing and more difficult to use. Photoshop can be expensive, but the money's worth it in the end.

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I wouldn't be willing to pay $1000 or whatever ridiculous price Photoshop goes for these days, and honestly, I've been using GIMP so long the interface feels pretty intuitive to me. Clearly I'm not a power user, but for anyone who doesn't want to worry about pirating, and doesn't need the latest bells and whistles, or have an urge to live on the bleeding edge, I honestly think GIMP is an excellent choice.

Edit: A lot of UI and interface stuff is just what you're more used to. I'd really disagree that it's "better" or "worse", at least in this case.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Well, considering you can get CS2 directly from Adobe without paying anything and no cracks whatsoever, I don't see why you would pick GIMP over CS2 for personal use. The interface and functionality of CS2 is as high as anyone needs.

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Well, I'm not telling people to shell out money for PS, but the OP says they have Photoshop already. In that case downloading GIMP when PS is already there is an counterintuitive act to me.

OP, what version of Photoshop do you have?

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Well, considering you can get CS2 directly from Adobe without paying anything and no cracks whatsoever, I don't see why you would pick GIMP over CS2 for personal use. The interface and functionality of CS2 is as high as anyone needs.

Actually you can't. Not legally, anyway, unless you already own a license for CS2.

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Adobe had the CS2 Master package for free a while back where they gave you the keys. I think they stopped though.

CS2 is quite excellent though, I learned PS on that 8 years ago.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I use gimp all the time, and specifically for pixel art and pixel editing, it is "better" in many ways. Mewiyev uses Photoshop and she says it took her a lot longer to edit sprites than just by using something like paint.net. I can edit most pixel art in seconds whereas photoshop is like "way too many features to be of use to anyone other than professional artists".

If you're a pro, use photoshop. If you only need lightcore stuff or need to edit pixel art, GIMP is superior, just IMO.

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Hence why I said personal use. I would not advocate the use of software you don't have licenses for if you're planning on making some sort of commercial products with it. But Adobe did put the CD keys out there and turned off the registration server, so if you're willing to use software that's not optimized for a 64-bit system no one is really going to hunt you down for it. There's sort of a "please don't use me, I'm outdated!" sign hung up on the downloads, but they're there.

If you're planning on doing commercial work, you should have the licenses for the programs you work with, which might mean you should use GIMP if you're not willing to pay for PS.

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Photoshop can pixel fine, you just need to know which checkboxes to deselect is all :B

Been PS-spriting for a few years so if anyone needs me to tell them which checkboxes to select and not I'm available.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Hence why I said personal use. I would not advocate the use of software you don't have licenses for if you're planning on making some sort of commercial products with it. But Adobe did put the CD keys out there and turned off the registration server, so if you're willing to use software that's not optimized for a 64-bit system no one is really going to hunt you down for it. There's sort of a "please don't use me, I'm outdated!" sign hung up on the downloads, but they're there.

If you're planning on doing commercial work, you should have the licenses for the programs you work with, which might mean you should use GIMP if you're not willing to pay for PS.

Yes, no-one will likely prosecute you for it, but you're still not only breaking the law, but you're expressly violating the stated wishes of the intellectual property owner.

[spoiler=second paragraph, second sentence]esg1odZ.png

This isn't like old DOS games where the company has gone defunct, or it's otherwise legitimate abandonware, Adobe still intends to protect its property.

I understand your intent was purely to be helpful, and that a lot of people personally relax their standards on so-called "fair use" or "personal use" cases when it applies to things like this, but I felt that leaving it at that glossed over the actual facts of the issue.

Edited by Balcerzak
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From a security standpoint, I wouldn't touch CS2 because of the lack of support. If you do some research, you'll see just how many security holes Adobe has had to patch.

I've had a chance to work with both GIMP and Photoshop. I prefer GIMP because the interface makes sense to me. It's also open-source and being actively updated, so security holes should get fixed (and if not, then you have the ability to fiddle with the source code and fix it yourself). Lastly, it's free, and I am NOT going to pay Adobe more money to keep up with their software, because I'm a hobbyist, not a professional.

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I wonder, what will you be using it for? Because that kind of affects my answer x3

If you like drawing and whatnot, Paint Tool SAI is a lovely program for that~ It's way cheaper. I haven't had very much experience with photoshop at all, but even if it's a downgrade from PS, I think SAI is still pretty neat and can be quite worth getting.

If it's for stuff like photo editing, I tend to use GIMP for that since I can't afford PS. Again, since I don't have enough experience, I can't really tell you how they are in comparison, but luckily everybody else has covered that by now~

If you're trying to sprite with these programs, I'd say if you use Windows then the easiest thing to use/learn is just paint x3 Idk what it is like spriting in other programs though, but just microsoft paint alone is still quite easy with its eraser and pencil tools.

But if it is spriting and you aren't going for that option already, then I guess that might not be a good recommendation of me to make XD

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Well, I'm not telling people to shell out money for PS, but the OP says they have Photoshop already. In that case downloading GIMP when PS is already there is an counterintuitive act to me.

OP, what version of Photoshop do you have?

I have CS3 Portable I got it from a friend through her thumb drive and it works perfect with XP.

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If you like drawing and whatnot, Paint Tool SAI is a lovely program for that~ It's way cheaper. I haven't had very much experience with photoshop at all, but even if it's a downgrade from PS, I think SAI is still pretty neat and can be quite worth getting.

I like drawing and coloring and adding shades and stuff like that.

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If you got CS3 then I say stick with it. I've used it periodically on my art teacher's computer and it's pretty good (other than the no tabs thing but IIRC GIMP doesn't have it either last time i used it, that's implemented from CS4-on). Not sure which functionalities portable takes out, though, but I can't imagine they took out any of the core drawing/painting stuff.

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