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Your personal Wrecking Crew


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It can be a small team or just two people you have paired up all the time. We all have our own pairs/characters that just wreck everything and use to speed through chapters and such, right? List them here. There's probably already been a topic on this but I don't know what to search.

Personally I just pair up Inigo with Severa and equip them both with Brave Swords and Tomahawks and have them run around the map killing everything. They both have Gale Force and an S Rank Support so I get three turns with them and they deal out a ridiculous amount of damage. 89% chance of Dual Strikes and 30ish% chance of Dual Guards. In just about every new DLC I've had them run into the area with the highest concentration of enemies just to clear them out and they usually survive.

They're both Heroes by the way.

Inigo - Lv20 Hero, Sol, Lethality, Gale Force, Counter, Limit Break (Used to be Astra) All stats maxed

Severa - Lv 20 Hero, Sol, Luna, Aegis, Armsthrift, Gale Force

I didn't optimize Severa's skills because she's just general purpose. I grabbed her Aegis from re-classing and that's it. Don't know why I didn't bother to grab her more skills since she's one of my favorite characters.

Edited by Rawr
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Well I promoted my Avatar instead of reclassing him so he has 32 defence at chapter 10 so for now he's unstoppable.

LMAO really? You're really overpowered. That's like an end-game level of defense if you were playing normally.

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Avatar (Magic strength, Resistance flaw, with boots) with forged Aversa's Night with:

Limit Break (all stats capped)



Astra (or Vantage if I'm going to face some enemies with counter)


Paired with Manakete Morgan (Gaius X Nowi, Nah X Avatar)

Dragonstone +

Limit Break (stats capped)





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On my last Lunatic run it was

Noire+Owain: Sorc and Dread Fighter

Laurent+Kjelle: Sorc and General

Everyone on my team last playthrough had a way to heal themselves in addition to Nos tanking if they were sorcs. It was a fun playthrough.

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Female Avatar+Chrom, Chrom+Lucina, Female Avatar+Lucina, Morgan(M)+Lucina, Female Avatar+Morgan(M), one awesome family, different pair-ups that rule on Normal/Classic.

Also, Inigo+Severa, Owain+Cynthia and Brady+Noire.

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Nowi + Gregor, twice on Sundays.

EDIT: I also like AvatarxChrom and LucinaxMorgan as a Fearsome Four disaster squad. The family that slays together, stays together.

lol, my pair in bold. Like 90% chance of dual strike (or even more?). And Morgan. Doesn't matter if he's paired or not, with his Armsthift and All Stats + 2 (until I get Limit Breaker). Though he's still a Grandmaster.... and still on Normal/Classic. He'll rape more with either Cynthia or Severa (his waifu).

Edited by Cordelia
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It was fun as all hell having Avatar with Vantage, Vengeance and 1 HP paired up with Chrom slaughtering everything on the spikes in Death's Embrace.

And yeah, echoing Interceptor's...Fearsome Four disaster squad. Sumia/Henry was pretty also bombastic until I started training the kids (they don't look AS great anymore : ( )

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For about as far as I am in this game (I haven't been able to play for about 2 weeks now so I'm still only beaten chapter 8 :<) I have MU Chrom and Sully/Fred as my team of destruction. Might swap Fred on to Panne and do SullyGregor tho. Panne's using Kellam right now but it doesn't look like Kellam's getting anywhere with his levels any time soon now that Panne came in and took over the tanking job except with a lot more movement.

But they're the only ones I'm even using other than Anna/Libra and maaaaaaybe Cherche until the kids come in.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I paired Gerome and Kjelle together for kicks. I throw Kjelle in the middle of things, and since she's an Assassin with a Defense stat and Aegis/Pavise, it is hilarious. Gerome is the dodgetank of the pair, and shows up when I have a lot of high-level magic users to axe (Underdog FTW).

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My units get paired up on a battle-by-battle basis (all that can support have A ranks, I'll list S ranks) but here's my team for the time being: (all units have max stats, with the exception of some nonmagic users not maxing magic)

+Luck, -Res FeMU married to Chrom: Forged Aversa's Night, Limit Breaker, Armsthrift, Galeforce, Ignis, Luna

Morgan married to Nah: Forged Aversa's Night, Limit Breaker, Armsthrift, Galeforce, Aggressor, Ignis

Lucina married to Inigo: Gradivus, Limit Breaker, Armsthrift, Galeforce, Aether, Ignis/Pavise/Aegis

Nowi married to Frederick: Dragonstone+, Deliverer, Lancebreaker, Wyrmsbane, Lifetaker, Odd Rhythm/Tantivy

Nah: Dragonstone+, Limit Breaker, Lifetaker, Aegis, Pavise, Luna

Chrom: Exalted Falchion, Limit Breaker, Aether, Rightful King, Defender/Dual Strike+, Aegis

Henry!Cynthia: Thoron, Pavise, Gamble, Galeforce, Lucky Seven, Limit Breaker

Also working on bringing Severa and Inigo into this team, but they're not ripe yet lol

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Depends on the file I'm playing.

My current file, which is built on making a certain Streetpass team... well, I've 10 MUs with Limit Breaks.

...I just now got to Ch 17 (Gonna get 'dem boots, and use the trick to use said boots... 10 times.)

Fun note: I had one certain "Genis" try out his newfangled Limit Break powers... on Mustafa. 237 damage crit....

He's not done grinding his MAG yet.

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Depends on the file I'm playing.

My current file, which is built on making a certain Streetpass team... well, I've 10 MUs with Limit Breaks.

...I just now got to Ch 17 (Gonna get 'dem boots, and use the trick to use said boots... 10 times.)

Fun note: I had one certain "Genis" try out his newfangled Limit Break powers... on Mustafa. 237 damage crit....

He's not done grinding his MAG yet.

So. Much. Win.

Lloyd's map sprite even has the two swords. Although, wouldn't Zelos be more fit as a Hero?

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Personal wrecking crews? Nearly everyone due to a year+ of strategizing for this game. In my Olivia file, my favorite team was Demon/Dread Fighter Azure/Inigo and Hero Severa (Grego fathered). Inigo: Agressor, Galeforce, Ignis, Life Taker. Severa: Astra,Galeforce Life Taker Renewal. Vaike Owain always wrecks because I give him yellow swords (and double him with Morgan). Zerker-mage Richt!Loran/Laurent always pwns with Noire (Bride or Sniper), Luci-Gero always kill together (Str helps when you're Soiree/Sully mothered, and Gerome's a Char Azanabe-style dodgetank). Chrom and Lucy is an excellent team, and Soiree is a nice pair for him as well. Boots Kjelle + Brady is mad fun. AegisPaviseAetherAstra, + Brady's res bonus. Hot dang. She's Lumi's daughter alright. Brady just has Luna Astra Sol Lethality to make up for his sucky stats (except for his nice Res).

However, I get warm tinglies inside with my Aversa file and kill enemies with my wife. Bolt Axe Demon Fighter and Shockstick Dark Flier (or Hector Axe and Gungnir). Morgan on my Luci and Aversa files is super broken. She has an Aether-Pavise-Aegis-Sword/Bowfaire assasin build and Armsthrift Tomefaire Astra Shadowgift sage build. Infi-Aversa Night (which I renamed Aversa's Wuv and handed it max forged to Morgan) decimates Ike's DLC single handedly. Rescue staff use was what was needed for Death's Embrace though.

FeMU gets a special mention. The Strongest Bride, (name to be determined) is marrying Paris for more broken stuff. With Paris being a mage killer and FeMU getting great bonuses, there's death abound. Male Morgan will be like my Aversa file MU, only with 7 more base attack and more defense. Pairing him with his beefcake is fun fun fun~

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Admittingly, I have a LOT of people like this because I grind the hell out of those Risen encounters (mostly for supports, but, ah, the experience is a GREAT plus). Right now I'm on chapter 11, and my Avatar Silvia is Batman'ing up with her Thunder tomes.

She's a Tacitian/Dark Mage/Dark Knight, because I'm aiming for Lifetaker, then I'm going to scale back to Sorcerer and nab Vengence before revisiting the Tacitian class and becoming a Grandmaster.

Add in Great Knight!Chrom, and I'm practically foaming at the mouth for the ultimate powerhouse that shall be my Morgan.

Haaaaaahh. Everything will dieee.

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Gregor and I all day everyday.

He's an ever so manry Warrior, while I'm a fragile +Mag -Def Sage.

If I have a Rally Bot with me, Gregor will use Helswrath or a forged Glass Bow along with Armsthrift, while I wield a Book of Naga or a forged Celica's Gale because I'm pretty stingy about rare weapon/regalia uses.

Otherwise, Gregor goes with a forged Killer Axe and a Tomahawk, while I go with my trusty forged Rexcalibur.

I can't marry him, but our bromance will pierce the heavens!1!one

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Gerome, Owain, Inigo, Severa, and Morgan all spamming Sol (Morgan with Aether as well), wielding Helswaths and Ragnells, rounded out with a Dread Fighter Avatar with a Book of Naga backed up by Ragnell and Helswath. Also, Morgan and Avatar have a forged Bolt Axe and Levin Sword, respectively.

All with Limit Break, and all but Gerome with Armsthrift.

When I'm lazy, Limit Broken Arvis with Vantage/Vengeance, Armsthrift, and a forged Aversa's Night, paired up with my Start/Select buttons.

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