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New 3DS Nintendo Direct on April 17th at 7AM PST


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Damn it, I missed it! I actually FORGOT about it. Ugh.

But Yoshi's Island 3? YOSHI'S ISLAND 3? YESSS! I loved the SNES game! It's my favorite SNES game ever!

A Link to the Past Remake? YESSS! Thank you for not choosing MM! :D

EDIT: Mario Party? Awesome too! Though, I'm being cautious with this one. Mario Party is pretty much hit and miss for me. I loved the first and the eighth, but the seventh sucked, and the ninth, well, I haven't played it enough yet, actually.

Edited by Anacybele
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I can do without a Majoras Mask remake.

As great as it was, a remake would just be like OoT 3D: The same game as the one that you can get for 10 bucks on the E-Shop. Just with better textures and less fog.

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Can anybody tell me where I can see the footage of this stuff? I wanna see it before I have to go to work later! And I have job orientation the next morning... xP

EDIT: Nevermind, I found I could still watch the whole Direct. ^^

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Okay. Thanks. ^^

BTW, people, is there anything on Dream Team's release date??? Or was it just more info on it?

(Sorry, my Internet is really slow... so I can't really watch the video unless I want to wait a few hours for it to buffer. And I don't really want to do that, so... X3)

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Here's some more news.

  1. Pikmin 3 set for release on August 4th.
  2. Zelda: Oracle of Ages & Oracle of Seasons set for eShop release on May 30th.
  3. New Super Luigi U DLC for New Super Mario Bros. U set to release this summer.
  4. New Mario Party for 3DS set for release Winter 2013 (meaning before Christmas, at least. If not, then in January/February).
  5. Shin Megami Tensei IV set for release on July 16th. All copies of the game are upgraded to special edition, coming with a hard cover, artbook, sample soundtrack CD, and (maybe) more.
  6. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D gets a May 24th release. It's also going to give players an optional difficulty level, making the game easier.
  7. Animal Crossing: New Leaf gets a June 9th release. There will also be a special 3DS XL bundle released on the same day with the game installed for $219.99
  8. Bravely Default: Flying Fairy confirmed for a North American and European release...in 2014. (NOOOOOOOOOOOO)
  9. Earthbound is FINALLY coming to the Virtual Console and eShop! No set date announced, but will release before the year ends.
  10. Three games by Guild02, Bugs vs. Tanks!, The Starship Damrey, and Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale, are to be released this year. No dates announced, but all three games will be released in monthly succession.

And that's all the news that no one else talked about. Definitely a good cream of the crop we've got here. But no Majora's Mask 3D? Eh, I'll live, at least we're getting an ALTTP sequel.

Edited by Karaszure
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I watched the Europe one, interestingly we've got some pretty good release dates for Bravely Default and Mario&Luigi:Dream Team Bros.

1.Bravely Default Flying Fairy(2013 release for Europe)

2.Mario& Luigi Dream Team bros. 12th of July

Also the Link to the Past 3DS game is confirmed to be a sequel with a new story,dungeons,etc.

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Here's some more news.

  1. Shin Megami Tensei IV set for release on July 16th. All copies of the game are upgraded to special edition, coming with a hard cover, artbook, sample soundtrack CD, and (maybe) more.

And that's all the news that no one else talked about. Definitely a good cream of the crop we've got here. But no Majora's Mask 3D? Eh, I'll live, at least we're getting an ALTTP sequel.

Of the mentioned games, I'm just interested in SMT IV, Dream Team, and the NEW ZELDA GAME!!! (WOOHOO!)

At first, I was disappointed because I thought the game was a remake.

But then... I found out that it's a new game.

So I'm all happy. :D

I need to play the original game, though. ._.

Yeah, I haven't played it yet...

I watched the Europe one, interestingly we've got some pretty good release dates for Bravely Default and Mario&Luigi:Dream Team Bros.

1.Bravely Default Flying Fairy(2013 release for Europe)

2.Mario& Luigi Dream Team bros. 12th of July

Also the Link to the Past 3DS game is confirmed to be a sequel with a new story,dungeons,etc.


Before the US?!

This is an atrocity!

Or not.

NA got Awakening first, so I guess it's fair for EU to get some games earlier, too. ^^

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Oh look, MORE NEWS!!!

  1. A new installment in the Mario VS Donkey Kong series was revealed: Mario VS Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move. It has an eShop release for 3DS on May 9th.
  2. Japan is getting a special Luigi-themed 3DS XL on June 18th, with Mario & Luigi: Dream Team pre-installed. Picture here:


Edited by Karaszure
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Bravely Default and an European SMTIV localization, pretty please.

3DS status = redeemed

Yoshi's Island looks nice too.

Zeldo looks promising except for the wall-fusing gimmick.

I like the seamless transistion between floors.

Enemy density needs to be higher too.

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Yay, Link to the Past remake, now I actually have to get around to playing aLttP. My only issue with all these new titles is it's kind of funny if you try to think of this as a strategy of Nintendo. "Well, our Wii U units are selling like shit, how do we get people to by the Wii U?" "Well, we make new 3DS games of course."

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Yay, Link to the Past remake, now I actually have to get around to playing aLttP. My only issue with all these new titles is it's kind of funny if you try to think of this as a strategy of Nintendo. "Well, our Wii U units are selling like shit, how do we get people to by the Wii U?" "Well, we make new 3DS games of course."

I sort of think they're probably just saving most of the WiiU information for E3 so the Nintendo conference can compete with Sony and Microsoft conferences for their new consoles.

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I sort of think they're probably just saving most of the WiiU information for E3 so the Nintendo conference can compete with Sony and Microsoft conferences for their new consoles.

I have a bad feeling Nintendo's Wii U games just aren't ready yet.

But the competition slant makes sense too.

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Wow, a lot of new titles announced this Nintendo Direct. Yoshi's Island 3DS has my interest the most right now, seeing how I really enjoy Yoshi's Island for the SNES.

I sort of think they're probably just saving most of the WiiU information for E3 so the Nintendo conference can compete with Sony and Microsoft conferences for their new consoles.

Yeah, the main E3 presentation for Nintendo last year was all about Wii U, so I'm guessing they'll continue that tradition for this year, especially since this Nintendo Direct announced a lot of 3DS titles and no Wii U titles.

I have a bad feeling Nintendo's Wii U games just aren't ready yet.

But the competition slant makes sense too.

I wouldn't be worrying about that just yet. They said the 3D Mario for Wii U would be ready for the Holiday Season 2013, and that they'd have playable demos for key 1st party titles (Mario Kart Wii U being confirmed as one of them). I don't exactly know what you mean by ready (ready as in ready to be shown at E3 or ready to be released by the end of 2013?), but if it's the former, I'm pretty sure that they have enough for the E3 previews and demos, especially if you're talking about Miyamoto's and Retro Studio's secret projects since they've been in development since the Wii U was announced (and they said it'd be ready for this E3 last year). I'm actually suspecting that Nintendo's E3 this year will lead with the unveiling of Miyamoto's new IP, similarly to how Miyamoto opened 2011's and 2012's E3s with Skyward Sword and Pikmin 3 respectively (both of which he lead development in).

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I would say Nintendo should be more worried with the Wii U about....getting enough software ready to counter the Xbox720/PS4 holiday barrage

although if the always online/no used games holds true on microsoft's end, i guess that helps nintendo or sony will crush everyone

Edited by shadykid
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The next Smash Bros will have media (screenshots, maybe a trailer?) at E3, and we're likely to see more trailers shown from the last WiiU focused Nintendo Direct. Maybe there will even be a demo of Wind Waker HD on the floor. Nintendo teased a bunch of WiiU stuff so hopefully E3 is going to elaborate on the teasers.

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Here's some more news.

  1. Pikmin 3 set for release on August 4th.
  2. Zelda: Oracle of Ages & Oracle of Seasons set for eShop release on May 30th.
  3. New Super Luigi U DLC for New Super Mario Bros. U set to release this summer.
  4. New Mario Party for 3DS set for release Winter 2013 (meaning before Christmas, at least. If not, then in January/February).
  5. Shin Megami Tensei IV set for release on July 16th. All copies of the game are upgraded to special edition, coming with a hard cover, artbook, sample soundtrack CD, and (maybe) more.
  6. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D gets a May 24th release. It's also going to give players an optional difficulty level, making the game easier.
  7. Animal Crossing: New Leaf gets a June 9th release. There will also be a special 3DS XL bundle released on the same day with the game installed for $219.99
  8. Bravely Default: Flying Fairy confirmed for a North American and European release...in 2014. (NOOOOOOOOOOOO)
  9. Earthbound is FINALLY coming to the Virtual Console and eShop! No set date announced, but will release before the year ends.
  10. Three games by Guild02, Bugs vs. Tanks!, The Starship Damrey, and Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale, are to be released this year. No dates announced, but all three games will be released in monthly succession.

And that's all the news that no one else talked about. Definitely a good cream of the crop we've got here. But no Majora's Mask 3D? Eh, I'll live, at least we're getting an ALTTP sequel.


11. Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy, the last game in the Professor Layton series, was announced for a late 2013 release in Europe and a 2014 release in North America. The crossover was not mentioned at all, although one might hope it's only so they can get the spoilertastic game out of the way first.

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Oh look, MORE NEWS!!!

  1. A new installment in the Mario VS Donkey Kong series was revealed: Mario VS Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move. It has an eShop release for 3DS on May 9th.
  2. Japan is getting a special Luigi-themed 3DS XL on June 18th, with Mario & Luigi: Dream Team pre-installed. Picture here:



I...actually don't like this 3DS much. I'd have preferred it to be all green with a big Luigi L on the front or some such. But it isn't like I'd be getting it anyway. I already have two normal 3DSs...lol

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I am so excited for that LttP sequel. I honestly didn't expect to ever see a traditional "top-down view" Zelda again... I am so glad to see the style isn't dead yet. This game has so much potential.

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