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Boston Marathon


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Two explosions(I think two, I could be wrong) near the finish line. At the time I'm posting this I think 2 people had been offically declared dead but that number will likely go up.

Nobody yet knows if it's a terrorist attack or some weird accident.

What the fuck is wrong with people bombing a peaceful event like this?

So much sadness. Praying for the entire community.

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There is no way this is an accident. The who or why is not known (not yet at least), but that someone would premeditate killing random, innocent people like this is sickening. For the people involved, my heart goes out to them.

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There is no way this is an accident. The who or why is not known (not yet at least), but that someone would premeditate killing random, innocent people like this is sickening. For the people involved, my heart goes out to them.

Sadly I think I agree. Fucked up that I would expect it to be a person. But that's this broken world.

Why the hell would you wanna bomb a marathon? Mindless, needless killing. Terrible.

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It happened about an hour's drive away from me. Coming back from school today I had about five people asking me "OMG RU OK" which confused me (until i checked google)

I have friends of friends who actually were running in that race (they're okay, thankfully) but this is just... why?

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Heard about this while I was at work, and it is COMPLETELY unbelievable. My coworker's parents are in Boston but thankfully, they weren't anywhere near the incident. Still, it's completely horrible and tragic... I think it was probably targeted because there would be masses of people that would show up... both the participants and audience. Which is just... completely wrong.

Edited by Cordelia
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Our school cafeteria was playing the news channel on every TV today when I walked in. This sucks, there's no other way to put it. It just sucks that someone would do such a thing, and makes you wonder why needless tragedy like this has to exist in this world.

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It happened about an hour's drive away from me. Coming back from school today I had about five people asking me "OMG RU OK" which confused me (until i checked google)

I have friends of friends who actually were running in that race (they're okay, thankfully) but this is just... why?

That's crazy. I'm glad all your friends were ok. It's just violence for the sake of violence and hate. Unfortunately it's nothing new in the world.

Badass side of the story: People apparently ran the whole marathon and then continued running to the nearest hospital to give blood to victims. Just too cool.

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This is fucking terrible. I've seen some NSFW pictures of the aftermath and fucking hell, it's not something anyone deserves to be involved in.

People fortunate to survive have lost limbs, there's blood on the ground, some will have their lives and families ruined as a result of this. Truly terrible. I hope whoever is responsible for this is found and given the harshest punishment possible.

According to BBC News, there are three deaths and at least 140 injured as a result of two explosions. I would post links to the NSFW pictures, but if you're really that curious, you can go to Reddit and find the links yourself.

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My coworker was supposed to be running in that marathon yesterday. So far no news from him or his fiance via Facebook, but I'm thinking no news is good news right now. Knowing him, he was probably one of the runners who continued running to the hospital if he wasn't injured. Of course, no way of knowing anything until he comes back home, hopefully in a couple days.

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Today's washington post's front page article (argh, used up too many pageviews to navigate the site freely without signing in, and forgot my password) speculated that it wasn't likely Al-Qaeda, whose bombs have been more, uh, "sophisticated" shrapnel-throwers designed to cause really heavy casualties (not that over 100 hit isn't "heavy," but more deadly, I'm guessing was their point). Their money appeared to be on, quote quote unquote, Patriot groups (some referred to as "militias"), supposed far-right anti-government extremist groups that have allegedly been growing in number and been attributed responsibility for a rising number of violent acts elsewhere, often hate crimes, though most all have been smaller in scale than this. Last year's Sikh temple shooting in wisconsin was given as an example. It's been speculated that yesterday's having been Patriot's Day might've had something to do with the timing, as well.

Even if spot-on, that may not exactly narrow it down overmuch, given how many of said groups are supposedly out there, but anyway.

Phew. Hard to wrap my head around it without just going off looking for facts. I kinda wish I was quicker to think about the victims, instead. It all sounds traumatizing as hell, hoping nobody else gets hurt and that the wounded are supported.

which still sounds really dry, but man, it's having a hard time sinking in to me how big it was

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Anyone wanna take a shot at captioning this pic?


This is the guy arrested a short time ago in Watertown. About an hour ago there was a fatal shooting at MIT in which an officer was killed. An hour later, the picture you see.

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I had heard a Chinese woman studying in the States was the third person killed in the bombings, but her name hadn't been released. I was googling this evening, and learned she was Lingzi Lu, a 23-year old graduate student from Boston University. She was a pianist, and studied mathematics and statistics. I believe this photo was taken on the morning of her death, but I'm not sure.


Here's another picture of her.


And another.


There is a longer article about her, here. Her parents are utterly devastated. They said she was the joy of their lives, and this is their darkest hour. They released an incredibly humble and compassionate letter to Boston University, here.

Mr. and Mrs. Lu, I am so sorry.

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The Wrath of God is what's happening =D

You have nothing or nobody to thank other than the people who helped during the madness after the explosions and the police who put their lives on the line to hunt down these two dangerous cuntbags.

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You have nothing or nobody to thank other than the people who helped during the madness after the explosions and the police who put their lives on the line to hunt down these two dangerous cuntbags.

Damned straight.

I've sent BPD a couple tweets requesting the actual numbers by law enforcement agency of everyone involved in what was probably the largest manhunt in U.S. History, Even though the FBI and later the U.S. Military was involved in the manhunt, major props to federal officials and Watertown PD for allowing the BPD to take point when it all started Thursday at midnight. The feds could've easily just said "Fuck it we'll handle it" or just called in the Marines but they didn't.

Major props for allowing the BPD to lead the manhunt =D

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