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Apparently there were additional polls in Knights of Iris besides character popularity

I.M. Gei

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A general can be young. Look at Ike. He was made one and we all agree he was pretty young. xP

And I think Donnel is like 14. But I like him with Lissa anyway. They're SO cute. And there's nothing wrong with a woman being with a guy that's a bit younger than her.

Edited by Anacybele
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Technically it would be ephebophilia since age 15 isn't a pre-pubescent age.

Also I believe Japan also has a lower age of consent than America.

But Lissa always appeared to be at least 18 to me. Also what Charlie said.

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Well, nothing says Seth didn't get his promotion because of special reasons. He was a squire yes, but still.

Also, there's Geoffrey. He's a general and I've seen people argue he's younger than Elincia, who's probably Ike's age. I think Geoffster is older than both, but still in his early to mid twenties.

But that's not the point of this thread. I just see too much of an age gap between Frederick and Lissa to feel it reasonable,

Edited by Anacybele
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A general can be young. Look at Ike. He was made one and we all agree he was pretty young. xP

And I think Donnel is like 14. But I like him with Lissa anyway. They're SO cute. And there's nothing wrong with a woman being with a guy that's a bit younger than her.

Ike became a general because he had to. He hadn't been training for that moment his whole life or something, he'd rather be the mercenarie's leader. Meanwhile Seth's been a knight his entire life, though. He's Eirika's bodyguard, too. Those two things alone imply an age gap between the two. Probably not the the extent of Saleh/Eirika, but the gap is still there, probably the same as Lissa/Frederick.

Ricken closer to 13-14 than Donnel is. D: I don't see Donnel being THAT young. He's more like Henry's age, I think (I peg Henry to be 16-17 at least 8U).

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I don't get why you guys think some of the characters are so young. Practically every character you recruit was a commissioned warrior before joining the Shepards. The only ones that I would think are younger than 18 is Ricken (obviously) and Donnel (to a stretch, since he did basically join on a whim and was a farmer).

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And I think Donnel is like 14. But I like him with Lissa anyway. They're SO cute. And there's nothing wrong with a woman being with a guy that's a bit younger than her.

Lol, what?? It's cute for an older woman to be with a younger man, but disgusting for an older man to be with a younger woman? Double standard much...

Donny and Lissa seem more like 18-19 to me, anyway.

Edited by Owain Dark
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Lol, what?? It's cute for an older woman to be with a younger man, but disgusting for an older man to be with a younger woman? Double standard much...

Donny and Lissa seem more like 18-19 to me, anyway.

That's not what I said. The age gap between Lissa and Donnel is like a year. The one between her and Frederick has to be at least ten years. If they were just a year or two apart, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

And imo, Seth looks about the same age as Frederick, but Eirika looks older than Lissa. But this is my opinion. Deal with it. I'm done with this ridiculous argument.

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I always thought Lissa looked 15-16 to me, and that Chrom was anywhere between 18-20. (In their first appearance, of course, which would actually put them at 17-18 and 20-22 after the 2-year time skip.) Either way, the Japanese translation of supports seem to imply that Cherche is over 25 at the least, and I don't see anyone complaining about her getting with Ricken or Donnel who at the very least seem at least 8 years younger than her.

Apologizes if I'm derailing the topic any further, but this has to be said. Anacybele, in all honesty I don't think you mean any harm in what you said. However, you don't THINK before you say it. You don't pause to wonder how this will sound to others, what it will come off as, and what it will make you seem like. Whether you meant it or not, you made it sound to other people here that you are implying that the Japanese as an entire people are into "pedophilia" or a man marrying a woman you consider "too young" for him. This is not okay. You have to realize that people WILL take offense to poorly worded statements such as these and you need to learn when to admit you're wrong and apologize for your tactless word choice. Also, considering that you proudly proclaim how "Freddy bear" is your "hubby" and that you are defensive over him, I'm having a hard time taking a lot of what you say about Frederick seriously because you are seriously biased.

Back on topic, MU actually seems like a pain to cosplay as. Seems easy ... until you realize that the cloak has all sorts of ... interesting patterns that would be annoying to replicate if you wanted to do it EXACTLY. I want to see someone cosplay Lucina cosplaying Marth.

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Let's call that spoiler up there the end of the silly derail, shall we?

(note: that means more fighting is bad.)

((p.p.s. i have a very liberal definition of 'fighting'))

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Actually, I find the idea of Ricken with anyone except Nowi to be disturbing, especially characters like Cordelia, Panne, and Cherche. Donnel, I can't see with anyone but Nowi, Lissa, and Maribelle.

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Back on topic, MU actually seems like a pain to cosplay as. Seems easy ... until you realize that the cloak has all sorts of ... interesting patterns that would be annoying to replicate if you wanted to do it EXACTLY. I want to see someone cosplay Lucina cosplaying Marth.

cosplayception? lol

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Top Villains

Mustafa 21.9%

Gangrel 13%

Walhart 9.6%

Excellus 9.1%

Victor and Vincent 8.7%

Grima 7%

Aversa 6.9%

Cervantes 6.4%

Validar 4.1%

Yen'fay 3.7%

Warms my heart: Best villains get the top three and Gangrel & Mustafa are above Walhart.

As for OliviaxHenry, I actually prefer Lissa or Maribelle, both gameplay-wise (Henry!Owain is just made for the Dread Fighter class, and if you don't have that, he can become a Sorcerer or even a Dark Knight, and Henry!Brady gets Sorcerer and Barbarian which he likes) and support-wise. (Lissa is just d'aww, and Maribelle is hilarious!)

That said, I actually like the American HenryxOlivia translation more than the Japanese version, as American!Henry is just fucking hilarious and awesome, and appeals to quite a bit more people than Japanese!Henry does.

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I'm surprised at:

Favorite pairings:
2 - Virion and Cherche

being #2 because they're so far apart in the story and not as likely to pair, whereas the rest of the pairings had characters you recruit in about the same part of the story.

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I'm surprised at:

being #2 because they're so far apart in the story and not as likely to pair, whereas the rest of the pairings had characters you recruit in about the same part of the story.

Well, Cherche was his vassal before he high tailed it out of Roseanne...

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I want to see someone cosplay Lucina cosplaying Marth.

I am totally going to do this one day (when I'm not flat broke and can afford it). And then I'll make a big deal about taking off the mask whenever I want to and spoil everyone who hasn't played the game. This will be a thing. I will make this happen. XD

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I am totally going to do this one day (when I'm not flat broke and can afford it). And then I'll make a big deal about taking off the mask whenever I want to and spoil everyone who hasn't played the game. This will be a thing. I will make this happen. XD

Don't forget a contact lens with the Brand drawn in it to make it convincing :P

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Don't forget a contact lens with the Brand drawn in it to make it convincing :P

Oh god, I wish. Drawing the brand would be hard enough, but my eyes aren't even close to blue (they're hazel-green), and I wear glasses because I can't wear contacts; I have a major blinking problem and I can't put anything anywhere near my eyes. I wish she had it on the back of her hand or something like Chrom or Emmeryn. Everything else at least will hopefully look authentic, especially Falchion - got major plans for that! :D

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I'm surprised Chrom x Sumia isn't on there since the game seemed to ship it, but at the same time I'm not surprised about Chrom x FeMU. And Gregor x Nowi? I'm sorry, but I feel like that's just...not okay. Truthfully, I can't really see Nowi with any of the characters. The pedophilia factor gets to me.

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I'm surprised Chrom x Sumia isn't on there since the game seemed to ship it, but at the same time I'm not surprised about Chrom x FeMU. And Gregor x Nowi? I'm sorry, but I feel like that's just...not okay. Truthfully, I can't really see Nowi with any of the characters. The pedophilia factor gets to me.

There aren't many Manaketes around her age you know. :[

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There's nothing in the Japanese B Support that suggests Henry is traumatized by his past. It's practically the same as the English B Support. Olivia still worries too much and claims Henry is faking his cheerfulness, and Henry is still insisting that it didn't effect him that bad and he's cheerful anyway.

Honestly, maybe I'm just bad at spotting details, but JP!Henry doesn't seem like a Stepford Smiler to me. People can have bad childhoods and still turn out cheerful and happy with life. I've read through JP!Olivia/Henry a million times, but there's nothing heartwarming about it. And JP!Henry is just as much as a sociopath, if his Japanese Critical/Battle quotes are anything to go by. ("Go die~" "This is fun~" "I'm going to kill you~", not to mention his insane laughing when he crits) Honestly, where are people getting this "it's so heartwarming" vibe when it comes to Olivia/Henry, in any language? It's certainly cute, but it's no tear-jerker like Cherche/Henry is.

Finally, someone else who has the same problems I do with the JP!Henry/Olivia support. I agree that it's not heartwarming at all, and it makes JP!Olivia look bad.

First, the idea that Henry wouldn't be able to tell that Olivia's faking the curse is completely contrived and unbelievable. How many of Henry's supports mention his skill with curses? In his JP!Tharja support, he managed to reverse the curse on her in about two seconds, before she even finished telling him what was going on. And he seriously doesn't realize that Olivia's faking it?

Second, Olivia comes off as a giant manipulative hypocrite in this support. She repeatedly tries to make Henry admit that his cheerfulness is a false front, based on absolutely nothing but Olivia deciding that this is the case. Like you point out, there's nothing in the support itself that confirms or even suggests this. Olivia is right only because the support needs her to be right or the whole thing falls apart. Olivia deciding that she knows Henry better than he knows himself and she knows what's best for him--even though Henry keeps telling her otherwise--is controlling, self-centered and really pretty jerky.

Then, in a support which is all about Henry's "fake" smile being a bad thing and how he needs to show his true face, Olivia shows Henry the error of his ways by faking a curse in order to manipulate him into the result she wants. That's not hypocritical at all.

I have to wonder if the localization team had the same problems with the support since the English translation changes things so that Henry rightfully tells Olivia to back off with the whole trying to change him thing and Olivia really is cursed. It completely removes the plothole about Henry not being able to tell that Olivia's faking it and changes things so that Henry really does show his true feelings--and not because he's been manipulated into it. Olivia even apologises for doubting him, which doesn't show up in the Japanese support either.

E!Henry/Olivia is sweet. JP!Henry/Olivia is not.

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