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If you could rename Morgan, what would you call them?

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Mark! (And not wholly for the FE7 reference.) If I had been born a boy, that's the name my mom had selected for me, haha. So usually whenever I play a male character I name him Mark.

As for FeMorgan... well, it certainly wouldn't be Morgan because of a real life person. Probably would choose whatever female name I fancy at that time.

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I'd probably pick the name Sterling for either Morgan, because my main Female!Avatar is named Silvia and her male counterpart Silver.

Add that with Chrom and we've got ourselves a nice little metal band. :XD:

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I was contemplating on making my MU look like Bulma and then have her marry a Donnel!someone male and give birth to a Morgan with purple hair. Also whoever the child is must be really overconfident and aims to become stronger than Chrom.

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I like Morgan, so I'd leave the name unchanged. Honorable mention to Terry, for both genders.

oh god, I might have just pulled the nerd card.

It's 2013; let's stop pretending "nerd" is still a bad word.

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I like Morgan, so I'd leave the name unchanged. Honorable mention to Terry, for both genders.

It's 2013; let's stop pretending "nerd" is still a bad word.

I didn't mean it in that the word was bad, but that I ... thought I accidentally mentioned my major in an FEA thread lol.

But I guess two internets, for thinking right. Yay for Psych anyway.

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I'd probably have gone with Liz for my Tiki!Morgan, don't know about my other one. Still, if they allowed customization of his/her name, they might as well also allow choosing his/her appearance just like an avatar too, only restricting Morgan to the smallest size of the gender opposite to the avatar's, considering how he/she is already using avatar assets...

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I didn't mean it in that the word was bad, but that I ... thought I accidentally mentioned my major in an FEA thread lol.

But I guess two internets, for thinking right. Yay for Psych anyway.

Yay for Psych indeed! I'm currently working towards that major, so its nice to see others in the field! ^_^

Yes. And then support him/her to Nah.

Seriously, though, I don't mind Morgan. If I really felt particularly inclined to change it on a run, I'd probably find one of those random name sites because I'm kind of bad at coming up with good names.

I don't technically mind Morgan either; I've grown used to it, but if I had the ability I would change it, especially since I play with both Morgans it would be easier to refer to one or the other without using the same name. Plus, I love writing stories as a hobby, so coming up with names for characters comes easy to me and is pretty fun, especially researching the true meanings behind names.

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I really enjoyed the reference to the FE7 tactician, but only for the son; it looks strange in Japanese on the daughter character. If I was the head of the localization team, I would probably name the son Mark and the daughter Morgan, or maybe a feminization like Marcia.

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You know, I dunno what I'd name Morgan. You probably thought I'd say Frederick Jr. or something, but I actually find naming your kid after one of his/her parents to be boring. lol

Though, I do think male Morgan looks a lot like a young Frederick whether he has brown hair or not. He's got similar bangs and a couple little cowlicks.

Anyway, I honestly don't know. I do have favorite boy names, but they don't really sound like names Frederick would want to name his son, whether his wife agreed to them or not. I just don't know. xP

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I'll want to try giving Morgan a name that's more ridiculous than Nah's (like starting with a small kana). But I doubt I'll actually take advantage of that if such feature is present, since I'm a fan of using default names. As far as I am concerned, Marth's bodyguard will always be Chris, and Lyn's tactician will always be Mark. Their gender, birthday and other particulars may change, but their names will stay.

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Well, that would depend on the inspiration for the PT and the name of my avatar.

In my Persona 4 PT I'd call him Yu, because that's who he'd 'play'.

When the avatar is named after me, I'd give her a name I'd give my child,

or for example when she's Olivia's daughter I might call her Rose because of the hair colour.

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I like "Morgan", actually - it just works, especially as it is a gender-neutral (is that the right term?) name.

If I had to pick something else, then "Mark" for MaMorgan, and I have no idea for FeMorgan.

...come to think of it, "Chris"/"Kris" (or maybe "Christine") could work as well, being somewhat gender-neutral (I have female friends who go by Chris, certainly).

I like the idea of naming an aspiring tactician after a legendary tactician - and it would be cool to think that the Avatar stumbled across references to "Chris"/"Kris" in some ancient chronicle or something.

"You wanted to disappear from history, huh Chris? You failed!"

Hmm. I like this idea more and more...

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