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Time to cross my fingers for Selena when I get home.

OR IF NOT time to ignore Spotpass for another week until I get the whole team.

Will that even work now that all the bonus box unit batches are out? There isn't another team to stuff ahead of them. Unless it's actually weekly-based then never mind. How did Japan handle that?

Got Ursula for my team. I typically received the 4th strongest character first in my game, so there's that. So far according to the poll I've been running on GameFAQs.

4th strongest = Ursula

Lord = Oliver

5th strongest = Linus

2nd weakest = Travant

If anyone knows what they've gotten in the past, it shouldn't take long to tie together all of the characters.

As I said over there I think it's chronological order. Though I can't find out myself.

4th in placement is Narcian, that's what I got. Don't have the money for the paid DLC so I can't say anything about that yet.

Edited by Forrest
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How long is the ultimate training series again? I think they'll announce bonds or FoD once the last one for this series comes out.

Also on a spotpass note, does Priam finally come out next week? Is the long wait over?

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How long is the ultimate training series again? I think they'll announce bonds or FoD once the last one for this series comes out.

Also on a spotpass note, does Priam finally come out next week? Is the long wait over?

Three episodes long, with Roster Rescue (Palla) next.

I think the fanservice bonds DLC is next, though, looking at the ordering? Future of Despair 1-3 are number 23-25, IIRC.

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How long is the ultimate training series again? I think they'll announce bonds or FoD once the last one for this series comes out.

Also on a spotpass note, does Priam finally come out next week? Is the long wait over?

3 maps - this week's was the second. As to the other two series, I wonder which'll be next...

Oh yes! Oh god YES! I will be the CHAMPION!

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Got Ursula for my team. I typically received the 4th strongest character first in my game, so there's that. So far according to the poll I've been running on GameFAQs.

4th strongest = Ursula

Lord = Oliver

5th strongest = Linus

2nd weakest = Travant

If anyone knows what they've gotten in the past, it shouldn't take long to tie together all of the characters.

Othin already got the order for us last year when he compiled the spotpass enemy data (Others here). It's ordered usually from weakest to strongest, with the main villain in position 9 and main lord in position 10. "Others" is ordered by game, with Lloyd-Linus-Ursula in that order.

I am wondering though. Anna mentions this week's team as the first of many assorted ones. If she had said today, I would assume she meant the other 9 teams one would receive every 24 hours. Then there's Narihiro telling us that there will be more spotpass surprises, when we only have 1 paralogue and a few weapons left to give. Does this mean there will be a round 2 of spotpass?

Edited by Silent Mercenary
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I am wondering though. Anna mentions this week's team as the first of many assorted ones. If she had said today, I would assume she meant the other 9 teams one would receive every 24 hours. Then there's Narihiro telling us that there will be more spotpass surprises, when we only have 1 paralogue and a few weapons left to give. Does this mean there will be a round 2 of spotpass?

I thought it was phrased...oddly, too. But given the tendency of the notifications having all sorts of typos and errors I'm not sure if we should think anything of it. Would be a nice surprise, though.

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Time to cross my fingers for Selena when I get home.

OR IF NOT time to ignore Spotpass for another week until I get the whole team.

"Others" is the Final Team.

There is no "Get all" point for this team, cept for 10 days after you get the team.

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Well, it's more you have to check for each one each day, you can't leave the game off for ten days then expect to have them all in the box. So check your bonus box (You might have to summon the unit as well, but you can dismiss them or buy from them, you don't have to fight), then 24 hours after when you do that, you can get the next the next person.

So basically, just do that once a day around the same time for quickest results.

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Hmm. I got Ishtar, and she has.....Astra? Huh? I don't remember her having that in FE4 - though it combos well with Mjölnir, I suppose.

As does any skill with a Skill-based activation rate, actually

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Well, probably not going to complete this DLC. Too much of a hassle and I lack good fliers (Cynthia is all I got). Oh well, I don't care about these as much anyway. My sight is set on that Bonds DLC, honestly.

Also, I got Petrine or whatever. Funny how it gives me a character from an FE I haven't played.

EDIT: Actually did it while I was taking a dump busy, Galeforce + Fliers makes Five-Anna Firefight extremely easy, much like Vantage + Vengeance makes Death's Embrace a joke.

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I'm confused. Do you mean I get them all after ten days? Because you say there isn't one, except after ten days... So it would be a get all point?

It takes 10 days to individually get each member of a team. Unlike the previous sets, you're not going to get a point where all of the "Others" set becomes availible instantly.

And for all new files, you'll start over with the Others Set, and have to wait it out to get the rest.

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Hmm...Camus is the first person I got from this set. I'm quite pleased with this.

Oooh, and Mystletainn too? Time for Owain to dual wield the "M-Tainn" swords!

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Ishtar, yay~

I haven't even touched Est's DLC yet, let alone Catria's. I'm still in the process of grinding to be able to beat R&R3 (lunatic mode). I'm also filling out the support library while I'm at it (just 1st gen, I'm not gonna bother with all the different parent/child and sibling conversations). Soon, oh yes...

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It is odd that the Spotpass Notification specifically describes it as the "first" of a randomly assorted Spotpass team.

It's even odder and possibly worth mentioning that the Team Name for the "Other" spotpass team actually specifies them as being a "Nemesis," rather than partially using, or actually using the full name name of the official team again, like all the other 12 Spotpass teams have - the ten characters of "Path of Radiance" each have the team name "Path of Radiance", the ten Binding Blade characters have "Binding (JP)" as the team name, and so on.

If it is a sign, however slight, that there will be new Spotpass teams on the way, then it could be an indicator to how these Spotpass teams could be structured. All ten of the "Other" team were significant nemeses in their respective games, after all.

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I actually found the Anna map really easy. Maybe I should try it without Galeforce...

Speaking of the Pegasus sisters, anyone else find Est's new art kind of creepy? I mean... that demonic look... it's like she's staring into my soul and getting ready to consume it. Nightmarish.

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It takes 10 days to individually get each member of a team. Unlike the previous sets, you're not going to get a point where all of the "Others" set becomes availible instantly.

And for all new files, you'll start over with the Others Set, and have to wait it out to get the rest.

That's how it was in the Japanese version, but they might have fixed it in this version. The Japanese version worked that way because it updated the teams to become available instantly two weeks after their original release, and in the Japanese version, the last SpotPass release was just a week after the Nemesis set. In this version, they're releasing the updates after just a week, and there are several weeks' worth of updates left. It's really a question of whether or not they actually want the permanent full wait for the Nemesis set rather than it having been an unintended side-effect of the Japanese version setup. Given the inconvenience with new files, I'm guessing it's not, and the Nemesis set will be instantly available in a week like all the rest.
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