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Would it be considered a bad habit to...


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Depends. If it's a Dr. Cox "hnrrrrgh," then it's an acceptable, almost playful display of disapproval. If it's like a protracted, throat-shearing display of territoriality, kinda out there yeah

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The only time I growl is when I am explicitly livid. So I'm guessing you growl when you're uncommonly furious? In that case I'd say it's better then screaming or flying off the handle. But if it occurs when it's not something particularly nasty that made you angry, then you will probably appear to be a little touched in the head to others.

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Depends. If it's a Dr. Cox "hnrrrrgh," then it's an acceptable, almost playful display of disapproval. If it's like a protracted, throat-shearing display of territoriality, kinda out there yeah

More like the former. The 'dog-like' part of it is mainly because I feel 'something' in my throat when I do it. It almost kind of sounds/feels like deep breathing, though with a bit of, for lack of a better word, 'ripple' like effect/feeling.

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Depends. If it's a Dr. Cox "hnrrrrgh," then it's an acceptable, almost playful display of disapproval. If it's like a protracted, throat-shearing display of territoriality, kinda out there yeah

Hey man maybe he's got the spirit of a wolf in his body that is howling to get out.

I would recommend wearing a tail on your shorts everywhere you go. It will display to others that you are an alpha male not to be trifled with. It will not be long after that mates flock to you in droves.

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