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Don't you just hate drinking soup/eating spagetti with others?


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I don't usually have the sauce that dense on my noodles. I prefer to spread it all around throughout the plate, so it's more like every inch is covered with sauce fog than having the middle be a sauce lake/swamp. So when I do slurp them (as in when I'm the only one around to witness my shame), the slurping is more just "noisily pulling the noodles in through the tongue" than "dog drying itself" (of sauce).

Adding parmesan (in avalanches, as is my wont) kinda complicates that, admittedly, but usually it doesn't end up much worse than a light dusting on my shirt, just barely enough to make a coke joke.

(I have never taken an etiquette course in my life, I don't know what anyone else's excuse is)

Edited by Rehab
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I don't usually have the sauce that dense on my noodles. I prefer to spread it all around throughout the plate, so it's more like every inch is covered with sauce fog than having the middle be a sauce lake/swamp. So when I do slurp them (as in when I'm the only one around to witness my shame), the slurping is more just "noisily pulling the noodles in through the tongue" than "dog drying itself" (of sauce).

Adding parmesan (in avalanches, as is my wont) kinda complicates that, admittedly, but usually it doesn't end up much worse than a light dusting on my shirt, just barely enough to make a coke joke.

(I have never taken an etiquette course in my life, I don't know what anyone else's excuse is)

You are so SLOVENLY

I sometimes do that .__.

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Hmmm yeah I was kinda confuzzled about the "slurping spaghetti" part because I'm quite used to just rolling it on a fork x3 I guess some people do eat spaghetti the other way~

Noisy eating does tend to annoy me XD I usually manage to eat without slurping noises but I'm sure I do slip every now and then~

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*cough cough*

/eats ramen a lot, so is used to slurping 'cause who in the world rolls ramen around a fork? Heck, who in the world uses a fork when eating ramen? I know, I know, people who can't use hashi.

...So yeah, I'm fine with it because I'm used to it because I do it, too.


Edited by FranticforFreeFruityFruit
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I've never rolled ramen around my fork =o

But I do use a fork~ I don't think you find very many American families that own hashi, do you? x3 I wouldn't even know where you could buy any =D

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*cough cough*

/eats ramen a lot, so is used to slurping 'cause who in the world rolls ramen around a fork? Heck, who in the world uses a fork when eating ramen? I know, I know, people who can't use hashi.

...So yeah, I'm fine with it because I'm used to it because I do it, too.


People always laugh at my lack of skills with hashi. "Oh ha ha, you know Japanese, why do you suck at using chopsticks?"

Then I Stonecold Stun them into submission and they retract their hurtful comments

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I really don't care what people do with their food as long as they aren't slurping up spaghetti and spinning it in circles with their mouth while spewing meatballs out of their noise into my food. But really, it's gotta be gross to make me not want to eat around you.

I hate eating spaghetti because I get self conscious because I'm bad at swirling it on my fork. At least one or two times per meal I look around like, 'did anyone see that, that could've been gross. Shit I can't even tell because I can't look at myself.'

It can be a bad situation.

While we're talking about food, Muscle Milk and Carrots don't mix well. I thought it would be a great combo of healthiness after some pushups. Gave my bowels some running of their own.

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I actually don't mind it much when I'm around people that slurp...I just end up giggling. The more exaggerated the slurping sound is, the more I giggle. But my giggling is usually enough to make them stop after a few slurps.

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People always laugh at my lack of skills with hashi. "Oh ha ha, you know Japanese, why do you suck at using chopsticks?"

Then I Stonecold Stun them into submission and they retract their hurtful comments

haha wow my 90 year old grandfather picked up chopsticks in a few minutes

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People who slurp on soup and spaghetti are scum and ought to be shot.

My only dining table sin is that I sometimes bite the spoon while eating soup.

Bite the spoon sounds like innuendo.

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