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Return of the Emblem Chapter Eleven: Unleash


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Axel was almost in position to set up, what with the road almost in sight, when he stopped dead cold. Ahead, jutting out from a tree branch's leaves, was part of what appeared to be a crossbow. Snipers. Just his luck. The red armored man quickly stripped off his aforementioned red armor and helmet, pulled up the hood of his undercloak and hid the gear in a nearby hollow. Then, rod strapped to his back, the man began to silently approach the sniper's tree, eyes peeled for any of the fellow's allies.


Raquel fell to her knees for a moment, and it looked like she was done running. Of course, then the merchant began to glow, and within moments, she was ready to continue. Blake would have been amazed yet again by the emblem, if they weren't in such a grave situation. Then, there was the realization that Raquel had forgotten her staff. Oh dear.

"... We can have one of the fliers double back to retrieve it, if we have time," Blake spoke up, for the first time that day. "And between myself, Reign, and the others, we should be able to cover you and the rescue attempts until they get back. Since I doubt asking you to stay back is going to work."

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"You mean that wyvern or someone I don't know about?" Norbert asked Amon; he really wasn't sure who Isis was but he vaguely recalled that Haythem was the guy with the wyvern. Either way this presented a dilemma. Frustrated at the situation, the pegasus rider snappishly grumbled, "Grr there's too much to do and not enough people to do them... Even with Rizen's help, I don't know if we could move the wyvern and besides, someone needs to keep an eye out for that dragon! People need to get moving, most importantly... Why aren't they running?!" He gestured exasperatedly towards Shaun, Jamilla and Greta. At least the latter looked like she was helping someone, but the former two were having a disagreement or something.

"Of all the stupid, useless... Grr just tell me what to do, darn it! Do I ferry people away or keep an eye or for a dragon and buy time? I don't like waiting around but it'd be hard to jump into a fight if I've got someone riding with me..." As he spoke, Norbert's gaze kept flitting around, half looking for the dragon and half anxiously glancing at the people trying to escape.


Gytha didn't stop or slow down in spite of Raquel and Reign doing so. The result was her passing them up, but she figured if she just followed the road she'd make it to whatever fight was up ahead...though the lack of the sounds of battle had her worried. 'R we too late?

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Had Garrimor not been hit by the dragon's first spell, he surely would have charged the beast and gotten himself killed. But in a somewhat luckier turn of events, he was instead blasted by an explosion, and smashed his forehead on the ground upon impact. Seeing that they had a brief reprieve from the dark monstrosity, with some effort he staggered back towards the group, taking note of the newcomers, who seemed to be friends of the foreigners. He was confused, dizzy, and wounded, but least he wasn't dead.

The dragon's strength was unbelievable. "I could have stood a chance if the thing use that cheating magic!" Garrimor thought to himself as he felt warm blood trickle down his face. His body was weakened and his pride was crushed, but he wasn't going to get down on himself just yet. He slowly made his way over to his employer.

"I can carry the lad if you want, Boss," Garrimor said to Greta, indicating Haythem. "He needs healing, but if that thing can come back we'd best get out of here. Hopefully these new strangers can cover us." The gravity of the situation sobered Garrimor's attitude significantly. Now wasn't the time for boasts.

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A Man Called Gar

"Or maybe we get lucky and pray the Power means staves are irrelevant. Or it means the dragon isn't a threat at all," Gar sourly commented. All that Emblem Power or whatever was clearly behind Raquel's stamina recovery--and glowing--and it wasn't something he liked.

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As Eli flew over the group, he felt the tight grip of his passenger wrapped around his chest. Judging from the book pressed against him, he figured he was dealing with a mage. They still had a little ways to go; he decided some quick conversation wouldn’t hurt.

“I’m Eli,” he said to Tia. “You’re a mage I presume? Anyways, let me know if you see that dragon or something. The one good thing about this is that it’s just one dragon. It’s the humans I worry about, especially the ones with arrows.”

Little did he know that their enemy was much more than the dragon...


“I don’t like it either,” Jam replied to Shaun, “but your sister wants you out of this no matter what. The only reason we’re not moving is…my ankle…ah.”

The dancer was still on the ground, rubbing her injured right ankle. It didn’t feel broken, but it still hurt like hell. She took a sip of her vulnerary and carefully brought herself up in an attempt to start moving again. The healing salve would take time to work, so Jam would be limping for a bit.

“Let’s start going. The dragon retreated, and Greta has plenty of bodyguards around her. I think we should find a place to rest so we’re ready to get back on the road. I have a feeling we’re walking to Europa…”

Maybe it was her injuries talking, but Jam didn’t really feel sticking around. Of course, she also didn’t want to see who they lost in the altercation…

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"My name is Tia! Water mage extraordinary! I joined up with Raquel a while back when one of her people knocked some of my books into the water and ended up ruining them! So I want them either replaced or mended, but there is just so much interesting stuff going on here! That thing, the Dauntless, is wonderful! It's got these really cool reflector plates that I'd just LOVE to learn how to make one day! Not to mention all the mages and other smart people here as well. I'm hoping I can learn more from them to improve my own techniques as well as see if I can discover any new ones. I get my books back, get to talk to smart people, and see the world! It's awesome!

And I don't see any dragons yet, but I suspect we're getting close. After all, you flew here and, I wager, you're not a dummy. If it really took that long you'd suspect that your teammates were dead. Since you're not, you're either very optimistic or didn't have to fly far so they're probably still alive! I hope both!"

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Not seeing a Shadrak on the pegasus who flew past her, Aneda cocked her head, taking a look back only to see the man... jogging. What an chump. Her passenger also looked with Aneda, if only to make the transition smoother and easier, a small hint of panic as she spoke up, "Aneda, slow down for him or... or lets just go grab him!" "Wait, why, there's an emergency and we, well, Amon's there... Friendship and stuff... Don't give me the friggin loo- God dammit I sai- FINE" With an inner hoorah from Mushirah, Aneda turned this car Hannah around and brought herself up to speed next to Shadrak. "Honestly, just pick sooner next time. Get the fuck on!"

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Hitchhiking Continues

To Shadrak's surprise, Aneda had come back for him. He had no clue why, but apparently something had changed her mind. Maybe seeing Eli ride off without him? Well at least someone cared. He wasn't sure how to safely mount a pegasus on the move and so simply jumped as high as he could in an attempt to get on. A bit of wriggling and very careful gripping got him up behind Mushirah. "Thanks, you two," he quietly said as he waited for Hannah to take them to the scene.

Reprieve Continues

"If you have a vulnerary, I could use that to at least get her back on her feet," Amon suggested. More and more he was wishing he had an extra on him. He was about ready to go and ask Greta for one or better yet, raid the wagon for one while there was still time.

Greta meanwhile handed her entire elixir over to Haythem and said with a stern expression, "Take some of this every thirty seconds until you feel good enough not to slow us down, then give it back to me." Once she'd given it to him, she turned to Garrimor. "If it'll keep you from baiting that dragon for us, sure, carry'em, but don't even think about dyin' over this. We've lost way too much, already," she stressed.

"Not leaving without Isis ... no way. Help her, Greta, please ..." Haythem chimed in weakly.

"... oh fine. I'll be right back," she said before running over to the wagon. She planned to retrieve the last of their medical supplies while she still could, and then treat Isis before moving on to the next injured person she could find. They weren't making good time considering the ability and power of their enemy, but it was better than standing around waiting.

Ayano meanwhile, managed to stand up again. She had no injuries other than a throbbing headache that she was simply ignoring for the most part. She had not only strained herself by forcing back that singularity, but also used up most of her power, leaving her with barely enough to conjure a basic spell. She couldn't even cloak again, she soon realized. "... well this sucks," she muttered with a blank look on her face as her mind continued to cry out in secret.

"Oh no, careful Jamilla. Don't push yourself too hard," Shaun urged. He knew they should be running with complete abandon by this point, but if she just kept falling down along the way, or pushed herself too hard and aggravated the injury further, would good would it do them? Maybe he could help with this somehow? Carrying her was right out; he didn't have the brawn for that. He was also a bit too short to offer an effective shoulder. Where was Alphonse when they needed him? And why couldn't he be more helpful in a situation like this?

When Amon saw Greta making a run for the wagon, he decided to only head over to help her with whatever she was doing at first. If she didn't want to help Isis herself, he would and would ask her for an extra vulnerary to do just that. If she planned on doing it herself, he would try to keep an eye out for the dragon and ... unfortunately, take chances with destiny for the third time that day. Before any of this, however, he spotted Gytha running up the road of all people. At first he was happy, saying, "They made it." Then after thinking about it for a moment, he began to fear they were just setting up a warrior's buffet and added, "We should ... still probably run the second Isis is up, though ...."

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Amon asked if he had a vulnerary or something on him but seeing how things were progressing, that may have no longer been necessary. If that was the case, that was good, since he didn't actually have one Of course,t hat also brought him back to square one: keep an eye out for the dragon or help move people along? He sure as heck wasn't about to lower his guard in either case.

When Gytha arrived at the scene, it was just about as ugly as everyone else had noted. It certainly was a grim sight, though there was no dragon to be seen. People were certainly injured from the looks of things, but the danger seemed to have passed. Wonder what happened... Did th' dragon just up n' leave? In the end, that didn't really matter. This was a great opportunity to get people to the relative safety of the Dauntless which had a big gaping hole in the roof. ... Relative safety.

The mariner made her pistol safe again and holstered it before walking at a brisk pace to the closest people: a woman who looked like she had an injured ankle or knee and a boy. "Hoy, 'r ye a'right? Heard ye were havin' dragon trouble, but that seems t' have passed fer now," she asked them. Part of her wanted to look for Amon straight away, but it would've just been plain discourteous to ignore the ones right in front of her at least until the others arrived.

When the pegasus rider saw Gytha had arrived, he figured the others couldn't be far behind. Good, that black pegasus rider must've delivered the message. That helped him relax a little and decide what to do. If healers and such were on the way, he could focus on keeping a look out for the dragon.

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"Don't thank me, son, I woulda just kept on going since there's a bit of an emergency here but missy back here was giving me the stink eye." Aneda shouted with a scoff as she urged Hannah forward. Mushirah took it upon herself to welcome their new party member onto the pegasus, "Didn't want to leave you on your own... and who knows, maybe we'll need your strength. Especially." she added to try and sweeten the nonexistent deal.

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As Eli reached the field, he found Tia to be very enthusiastic about...everything. She didn't seem the slightest bit nervous of possibly heading towards an angry dragon bent on wanton destruction. It was a good attitude to have, something Eli tried to strive for. Fortunately, their wasn't anything to worry about; the dragon seemingly disappeared.

The first thing Eli saw was Gytha meeting a boy and girl, who recognized as two of the survivors. The girl appeared injured, so as Eli flew overhead, he grabbed his staff and prepared to heal. Another press of his gauntlet drained his physical strength into the physic staff, allowing for maximum healing of Jamilla. He continued to fly off (all of Eli's healings are drive-bys), descending until Betty was galloping towards the wagon. They stopped once they came across another of the injured: Haythem.

"Don't go too far in case we have to leave quickly," Eli told Tia before talking to Haythem. "Ah, you look like a wagon ran over you," he said to the injured, preparing his physic staff for another round of healing.


"Oh, I fell on my ankle," Jam told Gytha as she stood on both her legs. "Hey wait, it's better! But how?" Jam missed the drive-by healing, figuring she had a particularly effective bottle of vulnerary. Wasting no time, she grabbed Shaun by the hand and ran past Gytha with a simple "thanks!" as they headed out of the field.

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Garrimor stifled a growl as Greta ran off. He was used to his recklessness and boisterous attitude being insulted, but coming from Greta it actually bothered him for some reason. Deciding to let it go, he turned to the wounded Haythem. "Alright little guy, don't push yourself too much. Garrimor the Great will be your support!" He gently picked up Haythem as if he was a baby. It was an odd sight, a grown man being carried by another (albeit much taller) man as if he were a small child. Garrimor was prepared to run off, but then he realized that he wasn't sure where to go from here. Were they just going to leave behind the dead horses, wagon wreckage, and corpses? Especially considering that Greta's father was one of the casualties.

Seeing no answer as to what he should do, Garrimor turned to the man in his arms. "Could you tell me what that dragon was? In my many years I haven't seen any beast that powerful."

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Poor sap never saw Axel coming, and in short order, he was unceremoniously taken out. The lancer hid the body a short distance away, took the sniper's crossbow for himself, and began the hunt for the other sharpshooters. Odds were they were spread out on both sides of the road, so it would be best to clear one side first rather than just crossing over and risking early detection.

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Scene of the Ongoing Crime

While Greta gathered the last of their medical supplies from the wagon, Amon made his way over to help speed up the process. "Greta," he called as he came into the wagon behind her. He wanted to make sure she knew it was him and not a stranger; she still had that shot left, after all.

"Here, take this and see to your overgrown wyvern, whatshername," she replied, turning around just long enough to hand off a half dozen vulneraries and a few elixirs. Amon wasn't sure he could actually make it back out of the wagon with all of these, but he was certainly going to try. He quickly got out, minding his balance with everything in hand and set about half of it down right on the spot so he could quickly treat Isis and then come back for the rest.

Once he reached Isis, he approached her head, which was currently sniffing around the ground. She appeared to be trying to assess her injuries some, but was having some trouble. Amon could already tell this was going to turn into one of two very annoying exercises. He would have to either make her drink everything he had right here, or apply them to the wounds directly. He decided making her drink would be wiser at this point since he knew for certain not all of her injuries were external and he couldn't see all the ones that were. "Okay, Isis ... this is going to be a little strange for you, I think, but I need you to drink these vulneraries ... err-all of them."

Whether or not she understood him was irrelevant, she simply hissed aggressively just as he finished his statement. Shortly after that, however, she lowered her head to the ground and closed her eyes. She was in too much pain and had lost too much energy to put up much of a front anymore.

While Amon tried to get Isis to take her medicine, Haythem gave a pained yet unamused look to Garrimor, who was making it more difficult for him to drink his own vulnerary while both carrying and questioning him. Being left where he was might have allowed him to take Eli's advice, but he would most likely have just made his way toward Isis instead. He also made no comment about having been run over by a wagon, since he didn't want to give Garrimor any more reason to keep lugging him around like a sack of potatoes. "I haven't exactly seen a dragon that powerful before, either. My people avoid their kind ... and now I understand more fully why," he explained to his carrier. "Listen ... can you just take me over to Isis? I need to make sure she's alright."

<"Tch ... runners. Sorry, Schwartz, but you're taking too long. These are mine,"> a man hidden by the forest mused aloud in neviskotian before loosing an arrow at Jamilla and Shaun. He quickly readied a second arrow before even gauging the damage of the first and prepared to fire again.

"AHAGH!!!" Shaun fell to the ground, flipping onto his back on the way down. When he reached toward the source of his agony, he felt a long arrow shaft embedded firmly in his chest. He could barely breathe and the more he struggled, the worse it hurt.

Having zeroed in on his first victim again, he said, <"Good, right in the heart. Next."> He slowly shifted his aim onto Jamilla. The only thing that stopped him were new voices coming from the east. He loosened his draw slightly and glanced over in that general direction to see who it was.

"Raquel, slow down, we don't know what we're heading into," Reign pleaded. He could keep up with Raquel just fine, but he feared she'd lose her balance and fall down again if he tried to forcefully slow her with a shoulder grab or something of that nature.

Raquel knew she shouldn't be yelling and calling out to people like this, but she did anyway. "Amon! Ayano!" They were the closest, so they were the ones she called to first.

Ayano just stood there staring at her while Amon nervously waved back. "H-hi ..." I honestly couldn't think of a worse time for a reunion. Wait, what's that yelling? Amon had caught wind of Shaun's scream and looked over in that direction. It was difficult to make out from that distance but he could tell Shaun was on the ground, injured, and writhing in pain. The dragon was nowhere in sight which meant ... "... snipers ..." Oh this is not good. "Raquel, don't come any closer! Get back! Go the other way! Get down or something," he yelled as he flailed at her.

Raquel didn't have time to heed any of that advice, since Reign took the initiative and forced her onto the ground. If she hadn't experienced the same manhandling numerous times during her time in training, she would have been furious. Instead she was only sore. "Stay down for a minute," Reign said as he kept his hand on Raquel's upper back and scanned around as thoroughly as he could for anything that looked out of place among the trees.

The sniper who'd taken down Shaun decided to lie low for a bit and disappeared behind cover. He didn't much care what the others decided to do as long as they didn't get themselves killed.

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Well, that was fortunate. The lady and the lad hurried on by. People were being taken care of now, so Gytha's first thought was to go find Amon. She'd just sighted him when she heard something behind her: a scream of agony. The mariner whirled around to see the boy she'd just seen, though he was a lot less hale than he'd been a moment ago. That really didn't look good...

Gytha hurried over to him and his friend. It was hard to miss the arrow. As soon as she saw it, her eyes widened and she again readied her pistol in an instant, keeping it pointed up in case she had to fire quickly. "Healer! Healer! Th' lad's been shot!" she called as she assumed a defensive stance, shifting around her position as she scanned the trees for snipers.

Hearing that call, Norbert grit his teeth, his attention snapping to that direction for a moment. Shot?! It has help?! "Blast it...!" Hurriedly, the pegasus rider resumed spreading his focus out more. If the dragon reappeared while people were fussing about something else, they'd be taken off-guard.

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A Man Called Gar

And then there was a sniper. Of course. If this didn't make it clear that this was something not-random nothing would. Gar threw off his cloak to let his red cloak paint him as one big obvious target. He hadn't heard a gunshot so it was probably arrows which were less of a problem. "I suppose suggesting just burning the trees down to force the rat out would be shot down?" Gar half-asked.

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Tia gave a nod as she readied her tome. As the cries of a sniper started to fill the air, Tia instantly started to take what water she could and spread it out into a fine mist, trying her best to find them. Quickly she debated in her mind the benefits of telling the others her plan against not telling them. If they knew they could remain still making it easier to find as well as compensate, but if she spoke up, the sniper might overhear, and that would be the end of not only her plan, but the sniper as well. In the end, she decided to go with the latter. It was a simple plan anyways. Expand the mist, keep it fine just in case the sniper tried to stick around and avoid the cloud, and if she saw anything unusual in the mist, there was their sniper!


Robin quickly unslung her bow and knocked and arrow as she dropped down into a ready position. "Gytha! Where did the arrow come from? Did you see? I should be able to spot them if they move, but I need a direction or clue!"

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Veronika arrived and while her first inclination was to locate Amon and the other travelers and check for their safety, the perimeter had to be secured first. There were cries that an arrow had been shot into...someone. That rules out a rogue dragon more than likely, which means Neviskotia truly is sending forces to attack the people of Ursium... She decided to take advantage of this newfound knowledge.

"Soldiers of Neviskotia! I am Veronika Rusayev, daughter of Brigadier General Mikhail Rusayev! As a representative of the Empire of Neviskotia, I demand that you cease fire immediately!" she called out loudly, raising her hands in the air. Technically I'm representing myself, but searching for missing Guardian Corps members and the magical artifact they were looking for is in the best interests of the Empire anyway, she rationalized.

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Axel broke the other southern sharpshooter's bow, as he drug the motionless Neviskotian soldier further into the brush. That seemed to be the last enemy on this side he could see so far- and none too soon, as there was a scream coming from the road. Upon further investigation, a boy had been shot in the heart by an arrow- it came from a sniper in the northern woods, judging by how the child fell over- and it seemed that most people were panicking, what with all the yelling. The armor-less man moved to blend in with his surroundings, drew his first victim's crossbow, and aimed across the road, looking in the general area of where the deadly arrow came from. This task soon expanded into scanning the whole northern side of the forest once Veronika spoke, so as to thwart any attempts to snipe her or the others that were presumably around.


They had finally reached the site of the explosions - it was the main road, albeit littered with destroyed wagons and horribly mangled corpses-, just in time to hear the warning from Amon about... something. There was no dragon present at the moment, but regardless, Reign forced Raquel to the ground and began scanning the treeline... Snipers? Blake caught up with the pair as Veronika ran by and made her announcement. She was apparently the daughter of a Brigadier General, which, while interesting, he wasn't too concerned about for the time being.

"...Would a forest fire work to flush them out, if Veronika doesn't get them to stop attacking us?" Blake asked Reign as he lowered his head. "We'll be sitting ducks otherwise."

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"Find shelter!" barked Wilhelm, who was sadly far away from any himself and near-incapable of walking. He staggered towards a large rock, and waited for death. A dragon... well, a dragon was one thing, but a sniper? All he could hope for was quick and painless.

Rook was grateful he'd strung his longbow before setting out. Standing out in the open to string the two-foot 200-lb-draw monstrosity would've been an invitation to be shot through the throat.

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Jam was leading Shaun into the forest when it happened. He cried out in pain, his grip leaving Jam’s as he fell on his back. She quickly turned to see the horrible state Shaun was in and screamed at the sight.


Jam knelt down before him, oblivious to the fact that the same sniper was prepared to do the same to her. She didn’t even pay attention to the people gathering around them. Her eyes were only on Shaun.

“Shaun, Shaun. Just stay with me, OK?” Jam said to the boy, tears welling up in her eyes. “I was going to teach you some magic when we stopped, remember? And Alphy had a worse injury, but Greta healed him up and he walked it off. You’re going to do the same, OK? You just have to hang on.”

She held tight to Shaun’s hand, as if her grip determined whether he would live or die.

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The dragon appeared to... dissapear, though shortly after Shaun took an arrow to the chest, which caused Angelica to visibly flinch, for obvious reasons. From what she could tell, he was not as fortunate as she had been... when Angelica had been struck, it was the right side of her chest that had been hit, and while it had been painful and damaging, it wasn't fatal... such was not the case for the young boy.

'They shouldn't be able to hit me from here, with the wagon, but... if that dragon comes back this isn't the best place to be...' She noted to herself, as she traced the arrow's trajectory... the woods to the North, huh? As far as she could tell sweeping hadn't begun, and some Skotian woman claiming to be the family of some general went and made herself a juicy target.

'Still... from here I should be able to intercept another shot and trace it... so long as my reaction is quick enough...'

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Garrimor tried to take in Haythem's words. Their people? Their kind? It was all too vague and complicated for him right now. He understood Haythem's request at least, and carried him over to the wyvern Garrimor recognized as his. "Awright kid, I'll lower you down gently. If you want to try standing, lean on me." Garrimor prepared to ease Haythem onto his feet.

At least that's what he was expecting. But then there were snipers. Garrimor ducked, lowering himself and Haythem to the ground. "Sneaking bastards!" He put Haythem down rather ungracefully, and searched around for a target, but he knew he couldn't leave a wounded man undefended.

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Eli simply lifted his staff to heal some of Haythem's wounds, hoping that being carried wouldn't be necessary. He gave a silent nod to the two as they went about checking on Isis. The rider was about to check the rest of the battlefield when screams filled the air. The young boy he had passed coming was on his back, clearly in pain judging from the scream. The dancer's reaction confirmed that something was indeed wrong. As more people gathered around the scene, he learned exactly what it was.

"Snipers," Eli said to himself. When there were snipers, there was more likely a much bigger army waiting to strike. Their situation was about to escalate very quickly. He glanced behind him to see Tia working on some magic spell. He wasn't sure what it was for, but he wasn't liking the results.

"Easy with that mist," Eli said to Tia, nervously looking around. "We need to be able to see our enemy. Now hang on; they need a healer."

Eli urged Betsy forward, galloping to Shaun's aid. He was a bit nervous, heading into the sniper's range, but people needed him. In any case, the rider had his peg grounded to avoid nasty falls.

Once on the scene, Eli dismounted and knelt down next to Shaun (opposite to Jamilla). He had his staff ready, but in this case, it wouldn't help too much. The arrow would have to be removed first, and with it so close to a vital organ, Eli didn't feel he had the expertise to perform the surgery.

"What are you waiting for?! Heal him!" Jam shouted, panicked at Eli's contemplation.

"It would only heal around the arrow. The arrow could still shift and pierce his heart. We need to remove it first. Is anyone here a doctor?" Eli looked around the people gathered around. "Well?"

In reality, he knew that it was a lost cause. The rider was familiar with arrow length; this one was in far too deep to have been a near miss. He attempted to put up a front to instill some hope in those around him. Besides, with the boy still alive, maybe there was something to hope for...

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Mar emerged from the woods into the clearing just in time to see Nika stand up and proclaim that people should listen to her. "Idiot! Get down! There are snipers and they clearly aren't interested in giving people a chance!" She sprinted towards the other woman, planning on knocking her down and out of easy sniping area.

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