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Return of the Emblem Chapter Eleven: Unleash


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"Why live off bread and water if you can live off wine and catamites? You'll have your pay, that much you can trust me on."

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"Just think about what I've said okay? Please....?" Zach asked Marella, he'd wanted to talk to her more in private, but with Rook showing up like this that really didn't seem to be an option. He'd leave them to whatever it was they would discuss about pay.


"She works fine with others....better than most anyways." The pinky replied, giving a nod towards Rika that going with Norbert would be fine.

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With no immediate threats to deal with, Mireille grabbed turned into the interior of the Dauntless with notebook in hand to continue her literary pursuits in solitude. Only to discover other occupiers engaged in what appeared to be deep conversation. I know some of them but who is that girl? I do not remember seeing her before...

"I apologize for intruding, but if you all do not mind, I shall be quiet in that corner over there, minding my own business" Mireille sat down near the window and began scribbling some new plot points for her novel.

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The sudden fall and accompanying pain caused the semi-conscious Katrina to grimace, followed by her trying to wriggle off her arm which she’d landed on in an uncomfortable position. With Mushirah also trying to shove her off, she rolled halfway off the magician, but stopped helping completely once her predicament was solved. All the while she was mumbling ridiculous things, such as, “Urrrgh, those were bad turtles, weren’t they…. Get the purple rabbits next time… and cheese…” and generally not making any sense whatsoever.

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Tia watched the Dauntless with a worried look. She wanted to get inside and check on her books, but it seemed there was something important going on inside. While checking up on her tomes would mean a lot to her, not interrupting some sort of staff meeting and getting thrown out was a bit more important, especially since she doubted they'd let her keep her books in that event. So, instead, she did the one thing she could. DISTRACTIONS!

There were other mages here, and she was sure talking to one would be helpful. So, she came up close to the first one she saw. Zach. Trying her best to smile, she curtseyed before him. "Hello. I'm Tia. New mage around here. I saw you fighting out there and can tell you're a mage. May I know your name?"

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A Man Called Gar

"If that bastard's half as crazy as he wants us to believe he won't stop at just aiming for the top and letting all of Weyland's employees flounder and seethe with revenge," Gar mentioned.

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Zach... needed someone to talk to, someone he could trust. With Marella currently out of the question, and everyone else busy, that left Katrina. She didn't seem to be doing too well if the way she was sitting on Volga was any indication. First though, this girl was asking him questions "Oh... yeah, I'm a mage, name's Zachary, call me Zach. Uh, if you don't mind though can we hold off on this? I kinda need to see if my friend is all right." Pointing towards the loopy Wyvern Rider.

Walking over and picking up the smaller woman off of Mushirah and setting her against Volga's side for the moment he also offered his hand to the aforementioned Mushi. Crouching down to view Katrina at eye level he asked "Hey, Kat, you okay? Come on, say something rational, how many fingers am I holding up?"

The number was three.... in case you're curious.

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With the weight off of her, Mushirah sighed in contentment. "Thanks a million, sir." she said to Zach, before sitting up when the man started questioning Kat. "Hey hey, slow down there. I think she may be hallucinating or something, she's been talking in her sleep about the absolutely weirdest things. I think maybe she was poisoned...? Though i think it'd have run its course by now..." She thought to interject, at least give the guy something more to go on. If he needed to talk to her, that's his choice, but she'd at least try and help out a little.

Oh you're gonna be like that, huh? Well... fine. I suppose your suspicious behavior will be addressed at a later moment. Aneda scowled as she thought really really hard at him about... hmm... Lets say rats, why the hell not?

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"Oh, good," Norbert commented, "Don't worry about her. I'll keep an eye on her for you while you rest up. You sound like you could really use it."

That said, Norbert took up Rika's reins, remaining in Rizen's saddle. "Let's go talk to Aneda and her pegasus, Rika. Would you like that? Luke just needs some rest," he mentioned to the pegasus.

Rizen, meanwhile, was curious as to why her rider was taking up the other pegasus' reins. It seemed like he was going to keep an eye on her for a while until her rider could look after her again. Since joining this herd, he seemed to do that sometimes. Rizen herself brayed a soft greeting to the other pegasus, introducing herself with a follow-up snort and a swish of her tail.

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"Poison huh...." Zach mused, that wouldn't be good. They only had one restore staff and it was with Raquel, and she was kinda unavailable at the moment. "Could you go look in the wagon to try to find some Anti-Toxin? I'd rather be safe than sorry when it comes to things like this.... and considering I know Raquel is still going to make me buy it, I'll pay her later."

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Frowning but nodding in agreement at the man's suggestion, "Sure, shoulda thought of that earlier... but definitely, I'll go get it right away." She wearily got herself up and sauntered on over to the Dauntless in search of an anti-toxin. Wasn't too difficult but it still took her longer than she was comfortable with, but then she noticed a really miffed kid nearby. "Hey um... Darnit, I never got your name." Well calling her out wasn't helping, so she got a little closer and introduced herself. "The name's Mushirah, but more importantly, what's got you so agitated?"

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"I haven't forgotten, but if Sardis didn't stack up, it wouldn't matter whether he got in a shot before the aureola got off. Either way, it might give the guy pause." Kit replied, as the man then denied any knowledge with regards to Cassandra.

"You don't know, huh? Well, I guess it'll just remain a theory, for now."


"We all know that we need to find protection for Raquel's loved ones, Veronika... but if she collapses from stress, it doesn't help anyone. As important as it is to deal with all this, she needs to take care of herself too." Faatina replied. The red-haired woman could have atleast been a little less blunt about it.

"Anyway, Weyland seems to be our best choice, right? Last I checked you had quite a few people affiliated with him anyway... there shouldn't be any reason you can't get your message to him and not still have a bit of time for yourself." The paladin continued.


As Arietta awoke once again, this time in far less searing pain than before, she noticed an unfamiliar man with a staff, who had presumably been the one to heal her.

"Urgh... did we make it out, Axel? Who is that guy?"

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Dauntless: Interior

Ayano stared blankly at Mireille for about a second, and then her attention went back to Blake and Reign. "Well ... ... it's been a few minutes." This was something of a warning before the tiny lights that always marked her disappearing act appeared yet again.

"Whoa--wait," Reign urged, leaning forward with his hand out.

"I'm not going anywhere ..." She still vanished, but apparently she wasn't 'going anywhere'.

Sighing, Reign said, "You're just more comfortable like that, aren't you?" Memorized that symbol at least ...


Dauntless: Exterior

The second Ringo lowered himself to rest, Gabbie took a seat beside him, using him for back support like usual. It would be nice to leave soon, but for some reason they seemed to want to hold a meeting right here, barely a half mile outside the fortress. She was mostly indifferent, but even she felt it was a bad time unless going back was actually an option. If not, then this was definitely a conversation they could all have later. For now, she just listened and stared off at the fortress.

Since Zachary was helping Katrina and Mushirah was off dealing with the anti-toxin issue, Shadrak took a moment to survey the immediate area. Right away he noticed someone he didn't recognize who hadn't been there before. Probably a friend of Kit's, he immediately guessed. As much as he wanted to investigate that, there were a couple of other noteworthy things also happening close by. Robin was slumped down by the Dauntless looking miserable again, and Raquel was surrounded again which automatically meant there was some important talk going on. The shaman found himself torn between making certain his friend was alright, and figuring out what was going on in general. There was so much that happened, all at once, too. There was the fact that the meeting went south at all after all of those reassurances, the appearance of that one girl who fought Sardis, the man with the overcharged aureola spell, the theft of Raquel's emblem piece by someone he hadn't gotten a very good look at ... so much stuff.

"... urgh." He decided to compromise, though he knew that the way he had to do this was going to make him feel a little guilty at first. He first approached Robin, smiled reassuringly while offering her a hand up and said, "Come on, don't just sit there looking so down. We all made it out alive. Now we need to go over and see what the plan is. There's no way we can listen or chime in from here."

"Well he can't take on all of Weyland Enterprises," Raquel said disbelievingly to Gar, figuring he was saying something to that effect. "I mean, maybe some of them, but that's way too big of an attack just to get back at me ... and it ..." she lowered her voice considerably before saying, "It doesn't affect me--I mean it does, but not in the same way losing family and friends would." Samael's threat was difficult for her to interpret when it was so vague. There was no telling how far it went or even if the threat applied to her 'family and friends' alone. If we could just fight and defeat him NOW none of this will matter anymore, urgh!

If you want to do it now then ... I won't stop you, but there will be casualties, even more than in Chousokabe.

Raquel flinched and then glanced up at the Dauntless' roof where the coffins were secured. There were only two remaining. But if we don't stop him now, he's going to get to some of them before we can, I just know it. How can we protect everyone from that maniac?

... If he actually aims to murder them all, then I doubt you can save everyone. It's up to you to decide how to handle this new threat. Offense, or defense. If you strike now, however, there is a chance you will die as well ... both of us.

Hypnos didn't seem to have much good news for her and she found herself choking up again. This isn't fair ...

Force ... can be utilized defensively as well, Discovery. I want you to know that.

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At first Robin didn't seem to respond, but then, after a moment, she finally starting to look up at Shadrak. Her face was pale and her eyes sunken in causing her to look clearly disturbed. She just looked at Shadrak for a bit, then, suddenly, reached out to hug him.

"I'm not alone." she thought to herself, feeling a bit lighter in the heart as she tried to hug him, not caring if he evaded or accepted.

"I am scared Shade drake. I... I almost died twice today. I have been so close to dying every battle. Shade drake. Am I going to live?" she asked, fear clearly in her voice, but a twinge of hope as well. Hope that he would at least try to reassure her.

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"Part of me wonders why the Organization is even bothering with us at this point, considering they have the emblem piece now. If they considered us a threat, you would think they would have just killed us while they had the opportunity...it's all rather strange. With any luck it was just an empty threat, but we need to take precautions regardless. If Weyland cannot send guards for whatever reason, then we may need to protect these people ourselves." Not that I'm keen on having our numbers dwindle...

Underground Coliseum

"I am sure Lord Valdimarr will return your sister safe and sound before you know it," Erasmus said to the little princess with a kindly smile.

"Yes, I'm sure that he will recover quickly. While he is recovering, I think it may be wise for him to consult the important clans on this matter- we do not go that far north very frequently. To that end, I would like to have a private council with Lord Valdimarr on behalf of Clan Tarren. I know the schedule of a new Sovereign is a busy one, but I was hoping your influence would aid me in this matter," Sigrid said, bowing her head slightly to the empress.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Dauntless: Exterior

"What's to wonder about?! The guy leading them is a complete psychopath and he's just doing this to get back at us for the people they lost," Raquel loudly stated. What was said next was done in a lower more aggravated tone. "I just want to wring his stupid neck!" Then finally, she sighed, easing up, and said, "But it's no use. If we go back in there, a bunch of us will get killed ... assuming anyone follows me back in there. There's no choice at all really. We have to go to Weyland, for a bunch of reasons, not just this. I'll put together a list while we're on the road I guess. We should finish healing and get out of here before something else happens."

Her gaze slowly moved back to the man in the robes. It was an odd time for people to be appearing out of nowhere, but she was starting to get used to oddly timed entrances and began mulling over whether to talk to him herself or not. "Who do you think that guy is ...?"

Meanwhile, relatively close by, Shadrak was surprised by Robin's eventual reaction to his presence. He didn't have the speed or reason to avoid her ambush hug and so was easily overtaken. Her concerns were valid ones, but they also made him sad hearing them like this. "No way, Robin. You're not going to die. I-I know it doesn't always seem like it, but we're all in this together. Remember someone brought you to the Dauntless so you'd be safe and not exposed to the enemy ... and I would have if they hadn't and I hadn't been knocked out myself. Err-all that aside ... it's going to be fine, I promise. We'll train harder, be more vigilant, and nothing quite as bad as that will ever happen again."

[spoiler=Underground Coliseum]"Amazing ... I've never seen anyone fight with injuries like these," one of the female medics chimed in as the group healed what wounds they could all at once. Valdimarr was glowing white with intense brightness coming from the wounds themselves. "But still ... it's cute to see him like this. He's sleeping like a newborn. I like him like this."

"Just wait until he wakes up and tries to bend you over a bench. I hear royals can be pretty rough like that," the lead medic noted.

"... hmm, you think he'll actually try that? We've healed just about everything we could, but he should still be in a great deal of pain when he wakes up. Also, where did you hear that? The part about royals being rough, I mean."

"Eh, somewhere. I don't recall."

"Well that figures. Hmm ..."

Meanwhile, back in the stands ... "I doubt he'll tell anyone who doesn't already know; he didn't the first time he sent a rescue team, but word still got out. It makes no difference to me, but with a potential empress--a rival--held in the north, not everyone who learns of a rescue mission will be pleased. Someone may try to thwart the mission or at least delay it long enough to try and replace the little dove. Since my son has yet to choose a bride, my old seat remains open to almost anyone. With that in mind, not making any kind of formal announcement isn't surprising. Perhaps he'll 'consult' with them once his next team is already on their way," Urd replied, smiling slightly right at the end. Politics bored her, but clever the prospect of clever maneuvers were at least amusing. But will he wait until he has fully recovered and lead the team himself, or assign an elite who can repel Steinn in his stead if it comes to that ...? It's the difference between several weeks of waiting for a final showdown and ... a quick and potentially brutal rescue. I suppose as long as the humans learn not to involve themselves in our affairs and the mission is a success, either outcome is fine.

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I suppose revenge is a possible motive, but is the man who blew up the Dauntless their true leader? It seems there's more at work here than meets the eye, although Raquel seems too frustrated to consider it. "Right, we'll have to pick our battles carefully from now on. I think moving out shortly is a sound plan, did you have a specific destination in mind for tonight?" she asked Raquel.

Underground Coliseum

"Your children are all so lovely Lady Urd. I am a bit too old to find a new mate for myself, but one day I hope to have many little grandchildren to dote on," Erasmus said, bowing his head a little.

I should be more careful with my thoughts... Sigrid warned herself, sweating a bit while Urd was talking. "If Lord Valdimarr chooses to lead the rescue himself, then we will have some time to form a plan. Perhaps Lord Valdimarr does not want to discuss the matter with any of the clans, but having more of their support increases our chances of success significantly. You may frame my meeting with him in any context you like, but it is in your best interests that it occur," Sigrid said with a small smile.

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"I do not know Shade drake. I have had horrible luck ever since I left Ohka. I am worried that, in this next battle, I will end up dead if only because of my horrible luck. Worse, if I do so, I will end up with no one who cares that I am dead." she said, clearly worried that such a thing would come to pass.


Tia looked up at the newcomer. "My name is Tia. Water mage. And... And I'm miffed that Zach just brushed me off like that. I mean, he said it was because he wants to check on his friend and all, but..." she gave a sigh. "I know I have no right for him to respect me or care about me. Just... wish he hadn't brushed me off. Even if I don't know him, we're all supposed to be teammates, right?" Tia shook her head quickly as a smile seemed to return to her face. "Ah well. Doesn't matter I guess. I can wait till he's done. So, Mushirah was it? Looks like we'll be teammates. Do you want to get to know each other a bit better?"

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"We got out of the fort, but not safely away just yet," Axel said, frowning under his helm. "As for him, no idea, but he's apparently here to help, given how no one has attacked him yet."


So, the woman's name was Ayano, but she didn't want to reveal what the symbol on her uniform was. Interesting. That meant that it was her faction's icon, or something. The Kigenese woman didn't want to be healed, either, it seemed.Then, Mireille had entered and moved to a corner of the wagon, set on doing... something, anyways. A moment later, and, with little warning, Ayano disappeared. She was still there, apparently, so not all was lost.

"... Right, well, in that case, I think I'm going to go check on Raquel, and let her know about the situation," Blake said, just as he noticed a hooded man who was incredibly close to the Dauntless. "Aaand ask if we just got a new hire." If not, who the hell was that guy?


"Cute," the hooded man said to Aneda, before responding to Kit. "Well, Sardis is playing a shell game as of the end of the battle, so I doubt it. Anyways, you all should get back into the Dauntless, or your personal mounts, as it sounds like you will be leaving shortly."

Hidden, you were wounded. You should probably come over here so I can completely heal the injury.

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A Man Called Gar

"Yeah that one guy is truly terrible," Gar nodded in simple agreement. "I suppose based on Ms Look-At-Me's warning he's yet another super-duper guy we can't possibly beat in a thousand thousand years so he's probably another leader of the arrogance legion who just let us walk." Gar commented. "Might I suggest our stop be someplace with flowing water, I need to clean the blood out of my coat before getting it repaired."

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"Be good, okay Rika?" Luka muttered before walking towards the Dauntless, man this nap was gonna kick ass. Climbing inside of the metal and steel deathtrap he curled up comfortably in a corner and drifted off to dream land very quickly.

Rika, on the other hand was worried about her rider. Just what exactly had happened while she was gone, this is exactly why Luka couldn't last without him. At least he was going to be safe in the wagon asleep. For the moment she just gave a small greeting back to the other pegasus, following along with her and the winged pony's rider. Seemed like they were going to meet another pegasus as well, this should be interesting.

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Well that makes sense She nodded before going on to answer Tia. "I'd like that, but, well, things are pretty... heavy right now. I think people are just trying to make sure they're OK to keep going and... then I'm not sure where we're going, but we're definitely gonna be moving out. How about this? Shadrak and I were gonna try and grab a bite together at some point, why don't you come along and we can talk then? Anyway, the offer is there, but I've gotta get this to my friend over there, as soon as possible." Mushirah waved goodbye and hurried herself over back to Zach and Kat. "Here um... do you know how to apply it?" She asked a bit shyly.

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Someone picked her up and propped her upright, and Katrina opened her eyes. “Oh, hey Zachy,” she said cheerfully, before squinting at his hand. “Um, is this a trick question? All I see… are carrots. ….Why are there carrots on your hands? Hey, do you think they taste good?” Besides hallucinating, she had an elevated body temperature, was lethargic, and her eyes weren’t quite focused. The wyvern rider had been victim to poison, not once, but twice, with two different types no less. With her smaller body mass it was taking longer to clear from her system.

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Dauntless: Interior

It was a very calculated and swift set of maneuvers as Ayano exited the Dauntless, and Reign didn't see it, but he almost felt it as Ayano moved away from her spot on the floor. She didn't make contact with anyone as she left. "Huh ...?" Reign carefully felt around where Ayano should have been and when he didn't find her there, he sighed and said, "Not going anywhere ... I'm starting to wonder if I misinterpreted that or if she was lying ...."

I'm here.

Dauntless: Exterior

"I know you don't get along well with everyone here, but they aren't so heartless as to not care if you died. More importantly, you're not going to die anyway, so don't worry about it. Don't think of it as bad luck, Robin, think of it as good luck. Most people in your situation would be long dead, but you pulled through every time without fail. You were even inside the Dauntless when it got hit by that light spell and survived. You could have been freaking vaporized but you made it!" That was Shadrak's take on Robin's situation at least.

"We're going to get as far as we can today--heading for Europa, and then make camp once Sandrock and Riley get tired," Raquel answered Veronika. When Gar spoke up again, it sent chills down her spine. "Aah, don't talk like that, Gar! We can beat him and we will ... we have to or who knows how long this will go on ..." She thought she detected sarcasm in what he said, but the very idea that he might be some insanely powerful enemy overrode all sense. He was probably human, at least, she told herself.

[spoiler=Underground Coliseum]"Finished ... more or less," the lead medic told the others. "There's nothing more we can do for him that would be practical."

"Hrg-rrgh ..." Valdimarr began to stir painfully.

"Oh, he's waking up. Let's get him out of here." With that said, two fallen came closer with something that resembled a stretcher and several more worked with them to get Valdimarr onto it as gently as they could. "Steady now ..."

Once they lifted him off of the ground, he woke with a start. "Whoa ... why am I not being straddled yet ...?"

"My lord, please ..." the lead medic pleaded, looking hopelessly tired of this coming up. "At least let us get you out of here before worrying about that."

The look on Valdimarr's face changed from pained surprise to extreme fatigue and he fell back in the stretcher with his jaw hanging open. "Where the hell is Bryn when I need her ..."

With a more full smile, Urd said, "Thank you. They're the only comfort I have in times such as these." Then her expression darkened slightly as she asked Sigrid, "And how is it in my best interest?"

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Aaand judging by what Reign said, Ayano was gone. Best make that report soon, then. Blake left the Dauntless and went around to the front, to find Raquel, Veronika, Faatina, and Gar, all discussing what sounded like Samael. The merchant, at least, did appear to be relatively unharmed, so the swordsman felt a bit better. But not much.

"Hello all," Blake said, forcing his expression to remain neutral. "Update on the invisible girl. She claims to be a neutral party, her name is Ayano, and she has some sort of symbol on her clothing that might be representative of the faction she's working for. She's in or around the Dauntless right now. Anyways, any idea on who the man in the hood is?"


The hooded man lowered his staff over to where the Hidden's wound would be. At that point, it glowed for a few moments, then returned to its' inactive state. Done.

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