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Return of the Emblem Chapter Eleven: Unleash


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"... Got it," Blake said, lowering his weapon. That poor girl, whichever one it was. "I'm going to go back and talk to my boss for a moment, but I'll be right back." And with that, the swordsman quickly retreated back to where Raquel, Reign, and the downed Zachary were.

"I found three survivors from Amon's group," he informed them, forcing himself to keep his expression neutral. "Do you want me to send them towards the Dauntless, or are we going to have them come along with us on our return?"

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Everything Points East

<"It was a close call, but she's alive. Be happy. As for your objective finding person, she's alive as well. What I don't understand is why you're pretending that this is one big close knit group of travelers that I should spare when it isn't. One came from the west, yours from the east. Why should I spare both exactly, and not just yours?"> Giving him a second to come up with some reason, he focused on the issue they had both brought up.

<"Wait ... you're both talking about Volkov, aren't you?"> He was surprised they weren't talking to each other about this, but it wasn't any concern of his. Frankly, them both bringing up Volkov presented an interesting possibility. He put a paw to his chin as he pondered aloud. <"Until just now, most of us thought Bosconovitch's wife was the closest link we had to the shadow group--I'm pretty sure it's the same organization you're messing with out here. If one of our own has joined up with them, no matter the reason, things could be getting interesting soon, though that's all the more reason for you to go home. I may not know where Volkov is, but I know you're not going to find him in Ursium unless he wants to be found. That's just not likely.">

Meanwhile, Alphonse saw to doing something about Shaun's body. Greta was at a loss for what to do, even about that. There was no guarantee they wouldn't be fighting again soon, and she still only had that one shot. She found herself staring at the dirt while the dragon's voice assailed her ears in the background. Such a casual monster ....

When Blake returned to their temporary hiding hole, he relayed news of several survivors ... that was way too few but a miracle just the same. "If that dragon starts attacking again, the trees are our best chance, so if they're going back to the Dauntless, they should stay off the road at least," Reign suggested.

Raquel looked a little shell shocked, having had way too much time to think about what had actually just taken place, but she still managed to utter a response. Nodding slightly, she said, "Get them back to the Dauntless if you can."

Meanwhile in the southern hiding hole, Amon began to worry about Malik and Fizza. They were gravely injured when he last saw them, and they both would be dead by now if they hadn't managed to treat themselves. Since they hadn't shown up yet, he was worried that they might actually be dead. The smarter thing for either of them to do would have been to hang back and wait for someone to come check one them, but there was always the possibility that they simply succumbed to their injuries back there. The thought was eating away at him. If an enemy sneaked up on them now, he wouldn't even see them coming. I have to know ... but we can't just leave the others like this.

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<"Well, if you want to piss Aisha off, be my guest,"> Axel said, crossing his arms. <"Even though your force is excessive enough. Sorry to say though, your closer link won't be around for much longer if I have a say in it.Though, thank you for reminding me that I need to pay the good general a visit the next time I am in town. The intel on the shadow group from him and his wife could help us along with the objective.">


"... Alright, I'll take them back, but Raquel, you should come with as well," Blake said, turning towards his employer. "It still isn't safe here, and I'd rather not have you be forced to use your power if it can be helped."

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While Alphonse was speaking to Blake about escaping, Jam stood silent, just staring at Shaun's limp body. She was still coming to terms with his death. How could someone do this to him? He wasn't even armed! She only looked up when Alphy mentioned that they could be the only survivors. How was that possible? Their wagon was full of people, and they were just getting to know each other. Were they all truly gone? Even Wilhelm? Gelly? The thought of being the only survivors was rather distressing to the dancer. She grabbed ont Alphy's upper arm and was determined not to let go until they reached somewhere safe. Somewhere away from that infernal dragon...

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<"Aisha, huh? If she wanted her little sancturans to live, then she shouldn't have sent them away from home, now should she? As for Volkov, tch, do what you want to him. Bosconovitch is gonna kick you ass but that's your problem, not mine. Have fun with that. Now, despite how interesting this shadow group business is, it's not even peripherally related to my mission here, so I'll advise you to pass on what you know to the corp before you go after Volkov. As for me ... well I'm about to do something utterly despicable ... fair but ... despicable.">

"Ahem," the dragon began speaking in common so anyone listening still could hear him. "I've decided to let you people decide your own fate here. We'll end this little exchange here and now if you'd like, but on one condition; you must name village or city in Ursium. It's going to take your place. Well, I don't think I can solo an entire city, but I'm sure I'll cause enough damage to make the trip worth while. The settlement you pick, if it suits me, will be my next target and I'll take out my frustrations there instead of on the lot of you."

Shadrak wasn't sure if he was hearing that right. He was going to spare them, but in return they had to name another target for them? So he was going to let them live but not guilt free, was that it? Shadrak had finally found someone more ridiculous and spiteful than Gar. Still, letting them choose just for the sake of leaving them with guilt was a bad move. They could name an old abandoned place Schwartz had never heard of. By the time he realized the ruse it would be too late. Better yet, they could warn the Ursian military and get some slayers sent there to ambush him. That's what Shadrak was thinking, about ready to share this plan with someone.

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There was a lot of information for Veronika to process all at once. So that hooded man was Volkov's former partner? That must be Axel- he was asking Colin about Volkov before. He must have some connection to the Neviskotian military he hasn't told us. In addition to all this, there were revelations about the organization being in Neviskotia. General Bosconovitch and his wife are involved? Does that mean that the Organization has infiltrated the Neviskotian military...or is it the other way around?

Too many questions and little time for answers it seemed, as Schwartz was demanding they name an Ursian town to take their place. It left an ugly taste in her mouth just thinking about it, but throwing their lives away here would defeat everything they've done. Attacking Ursentius or Europa would probably be a suicide mission and we need to restock in Ursaea... Her knowledge of Ursian geography was limited enough that the only other town she could think of was Urden, but she decided to let others answer for now.

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"YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR PUTRID, DERANGED MIND!" Norbert erupted when he heard the dragon's proposition. Immediately, his glare shot to Veronika, venomously spitting, "This was your idea, wasn't it?! There something here that you can't risk destroying?! IS THAT IT?! I'm not going to believe there wasn't some reason you're not telling us for you to have been in Ursium when your dad's so heavily invested in THEIR army!"

Again, his eyes shifted targets, now focusing on the dragon again. He wasn't about to not defend himself if he had to, though letting the dragon attack some town was out of the question for him. Briefly he considered sending Rizen away, but he figured he could use her speed and flight capabilities if nothing else. Though his eyes were on the dragon, he spoke to Veronika, still snappishly, but slightly less lividly, "Why don't you just call off that thing? Or is he someone else's pet?"

Gytha had no idea how to handle the situation. She couldn't agree to sending the dragon off to some town to kill people but their lives were at stake. It was a little weird to hear Norbert voicing all that. She didn't peg him for a patriotic sort or even the sort who'd care if innocents died for something. He seemed to ignore Gar's suggestion, too. She didn't know many town names in Ursium but she'd decided to keep silent on the matter regardless.

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Robin had kept quiet throughout the entire exchange. She was a hunter, an archer, not a diplomat. Her idea of dealing with the dragon was to simply flee as fast as possible. Yet, as the dragon spoke of destroying a town, a twinge of guilty pleasure and shame flowed through her.

"To destroy an entire Urswine city in exchange for our own lives. Such a thing would be wonderful... or at least it would sound so. If an army were to siege it, many lives and innocents would die anyways, but... But to do so simply out of frustration and rage? Does this dragon not have a dragon-pillow to pummel instead? Does he see humans as merely playtoys to break when he's angry? I would call it sick and demented, but with a dragon this may be merciful. Or, maybe, all he wants is to watch us squirm about, faced with tossing aside our lives against those who we do not know and Nika likely considers her enemies, but innocent enemies. There is no true 'right' in this, only a reason why." she thought to herself as she stayed as still as possible, not wanting to draw its attention.

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"Human, I've spend hundreds of years hunting and killing ... hunting aaand killing ... you have got to mix things up every once in awhile or you'll lose interest. Lose your interest, lose your knack," he replied to Bert's outburst.

Then Gar's suggestion registered. "Hahahahaahahahhhh! Oh you ... I've already killed plenty of people in Urcenter. More importantly it's no longer a part of Ursium, at least not as far as our government's concerned. Try again?" Schwartz replied.

Shadrak couldn't wait any longer. Gar had tried something at least a little clever, but the dragon didn't go for it. If he didn't speak out before someone gave him a legitimate target, he would never get another chance. It was now or never as far as he was concerned. He called out saying, "Urseilus! It's a small town up in-" and before he could even finish, Schwartz interrupted him saying, "Doesn't exist. Try again." DAMMIT ALL, Shadrak fumed to himself. What now? They still had the option of sending him to a well fortified place, but it was very likely that was what he was expecting. Maybe it's what he wanted even. "Urrrrgh ..."

"I can appreciate the cleverness, but I wouldn't have bothered with this if I wasn't familiar with this country and its settlements. I swear I'm gonna just kill the next batch of travelers outright instead of wasting time like this," the dragon muttered quietly. "Hmm?" He noticed a man bolting out of the woods a second later. It was one of the snipers. He only had his bow and a small knife in hand. All his arrows were in the quiver.

<"There's a patrol headed this way,"> he called over. <"Pegasus knights, mostly.">

<"Oh? Alright, I'll deal with them. The rest of you, gather up little forest hood's victims and get to the rendezvous. I'll meet you there.">


The closest neviskotians emerged from the trees aiming to go and gather up the injured and then make their escape. "It took nine ambushes and two big explosions but the Ursaeans finally seem to have taken notice of this road's plight. I've milked this spot pretty damn well if I do say so myself. Still, it's time to move onto larger targets ... so pick one already."

"Ursentius," Greta called out angrily. She glared as Schwartz's expression made a slow shift from boredom to surprise. "Massive army, four fortresses, the royal guardsmen, slayers, mercenaries ... he's got all that to deal with, and it's better than havin' an entire village destroyed. Maybe if we can warn them fast enough, they'll be ready for him and cut him down quickly.

Before long, Schwartz was smiling. He knew he couldn't possibly do a significant amount of damage to Ursentius, largest and most well defended human city on the continent, but trying ... that was where the fun was.

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Norbert seemed to insist on making himself a nuisance. Although Schwartz didn't seem too troubled by him for the moment, Veronika thought it prudent to respond. "My reasons for being with this group are the same as they've always been, believe what you will. The thing I'm trying to keep from being destroyed is us- if you want to get yourself killed being an idiot, do so on your own time," she replied to him snappishly. For half a copper piece I'd punch him in the face again, she thought to herself, resisting the urge.

From Schwartz's conversation with the others, Veronika learned that the Neviskotians had taken Urcenter and that they were urging the dragon to go to Ursentius. She considered warning Schwartz of the danger, but decided that if he wanted to attack the largest city in Ursium that was his gamble.

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The choice between them and hundreds of innocent people was not one Jam was willing to make. She wanted out of this, but not at the expense of others. By lineage, Ursium was as much a part of her as the desert, even if she tended to identify herself as Rexian. Thus, she stayed silent.

Greta wasn't so shy about the decision. It was a logical choice, as the capital was likely well fortified. The dragon slayers would no doubt have a field day with him, so Jam did not object. She just hoped her father wasn't traveling in the area...


Eli could not believe what he was hearing. Not only was the dragon offering a ludicrous proposition of sacrificing an Ursium town so that the group may live, people were actually taking him up on it. Though he was thankful that the proposed city was no where near home, the thought of choosing his next target didn't sit well with the rider.

"He means to escalate the war," Eli said aloud. "And we're being dragged right into it. I have no idea what is play is, but I think we need to get to Europa, and quickly..."

Eli decided to urge Betty forward and closer to the group. He wanted to better hear the outcome, and it seemed they would live through the day yet.

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<"I will pass it on. As for Bosconovitch kicking my ass, we'll see about that,"> Axel said, frowning when Schwartz offered the alternative. "<Yes, that is despicable, not to mention irresponsible. Sounds like you'll just be giving more Ursians a reason to join the army, rather than demoralizing them."> Of course, before he could say more, some genius suggested Urcenter, which had already been captured by Neviskotia, as the target, while Norbert the pegasus rider had an outburst mainly directed at Veronika, which would not do should he decide to attack. The hooded man lifted his rod and turned it to the mace wielder's general direction, while Ursentius was picked as the alternate target for the shadow dragon's wrath.

<"I had better not have to haul your scaly ass back to Kievan Rus after this, Schwartz,"> he continued. <"Warp staves aren't as cheap as they used to be.">


The dragon had changed back Common just long enough to tell someone- the survivors of his attack- that they had to choose an Ursian city and he would attack it instead. Blake tried to ignore that, seeing as his priority was to get Raquel and the survivors to safety, but then froze when Urcenter was mentioned as a target. Who said that, and why did they want that city in particular to be razed? There was no time to ponder such questions, as the swordsman's hometown was mentioned again, this time by the dragon. The Neviskotians had captured it, and apparently the monster had killed many people. The mercenaries' face fell, for a second or two, before he forced himself to push his emotions aside.

"Come on, we need to move," Blake said, avoiding eye contact in general.

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Greta watched as the skotian soldiers came out of hiding, some of them, at least. One of them, one with a bow, had shot and killed her brother, but which one? Was it one of those now out in plain view, or was it one of those who were still in hiding? None of the ones passing through even bothered to look at her. She doubted it was one of them. She glanced toward the trees and began to see more figures slipping through, save one. One was standing there, just barely hidden from the sunlight, staring back directly at her with a blank expression on their face. That was the one. That was the one who murdered Shaun in cold blood. As long as she lived, she was never going to forget that face. Before long, he broke eye contact and left with the others.

"Ursentius it is. Now be sure to warn them. If I catch these people completely by surprise, I'll know they didn't get the memo," Schwartz announced. To Axel he said, <"There's always the risk of inspiring instead of terrifying; it's not something you can rely on one way or another, but I'm willing to bet that seeing the capital region in such complete disarray isn't going to do well for the people's confidence in their protectors. If they do take up arms it will be because it's that or die helpless ... and that's preferable anyway. The more ursians there are in uniform, the more I can cut loose. Have fun with your Volkov shenanigans.">

He stopped sitting and held himself up on all fours as if he was preparing to walk off but didn't move just yet. He focused in on Veronika and said, <"We've got a plan and we've made quite a few sacrifices this time around. We're not going to stop until this country surrenders or lies in ruins. You don't want be around for that messy business.">

When Blake suggested moving out, Raquel replied, "Not yet. Zachary's still out cold and Veronika and the others are still over there."

"Just as well; it sounds like help's on the way. Though it might be more appropriate to call them appetizers for that guy. Still, there's no point in loitering here anymore," Reign interjected.

Edited by Phoenix
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While attempting to slip away through the southern part of the woods, Maris stopped dead in his tracks and turned around when he heard the dragon's ultimatum. The dragon was proposing a deal to the group; sacrificing a town or village in order to save themselves. It sounded as though the dragon knew this country well, as he saw right through the shaman's attempt to suggest attacking a nonexistent city. Maris grasped at the rim of his hood as he scowled at the very thought of offering up a city as a meal for that monster. The only choices that were suggested by the desperate survivors were Urcenter, which was on the border and under skotian control(and therefore not an option), or the Ursium capital. Eventually, the dragon announced its decision to march on Ursentius; the only feasible option presented.

"So that's how it is. You traded someone else's life for your own and without them even knowing it to boot." Maris mused as his expression changed to that of a cold smile. "Even though the capital is likely to be heavily guarded, that doesn't change the fact that there will be innocents among the casualties. I guess this is to be expected. We humans will do anything to save our own skin after all..."

After brooding over the events that had transpired, Maris retreated behind a nearby tree as the hidden Neviskotian army had begun to vacate the area. As they passed right by him, he began to plan his next move. "Right, once they are out of sight, I guess I should lend them a hand." Maris thought to himself as his gaze moved to that of the two Rexians that were hiding nearby. "Although, they are likely going to be on edge after what happened, I'm going to have to be careful in dealing with them..."

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Things looked to be almost clear. Slowly, almost tenderly, Rook picked up Marella's body. He glanced involuntarily at her face, before recoiling. Couldn't dwell on it. Had to move forward.

"Cold already..." he murmurred. He blinked away more tears. He couldn't afford to be weak. Not here... not now...

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A Man Called Gar

Not that it was a surprise that Urcenter was flying a different flag but it was nice to have confirmation. But before Gar could enact the second part of his own little plan some other bitch threw out Ursentius and the wonderful arrogant prick went along with it. Because nothing could ever be convenient.

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<"I wish I could,"> Axel said, sighing. As much as revenge could be fun, he had other things to focus on. Namely, one Rusayev who ran away from home.


"And what if the 'help' are Wrathites?" Blake asked, moving his gaze to match Raquel's. "We can't risk getting into a battle split up like this. We need to regroup, and then send back a few people to find the stragglers. Everyone here can hold their own long enough for that to happen."

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<"I will avoid staying in Ursium if possible,"> Veronika responded to Schwartz noncommittally. <"Stay safe."> The last statement felt a little like treason to the group after what they had been through, but she decided that a little courtesy was warranted.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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All Green

<"Well, I know I will,"> Schwartz replied to Axel with a smirk. To Veronika he said, <"Thanks. You too, little Rusayev. Stay away from any underpopulated areas; best advice I can give you for the time being. Despite what I said earlier, I'm the only one with the guts to hit a major hub like Europa or Ursentius, so you should be able to stay relatively safe in the former for a little while longer, but the fighting is going to reach Europa very soon and when it does, you'd best present yourself to whichever general gets there first ... quickly. Oh ... and one more thing ..."> He paused to glance back at Axel. This was clearly for his ears too. <"We don't need the General's daughter being taken hostage, so you'd better make sure that doesn't happen; you kill whoever you have to kill to see to it. And Rusayev, don't go around telling people who you are unless you damn well have to from now on. I should get going. Those pegasus knights aren't going to cut down themselves.">

"I don't think the wrathites are going to beat that guy, but just the same, we don't want to be here for another exchange," Reign noted. Then he got an idea that might at least convince her to go. "Raquel, head back to the Dauntless. I'll try to round up Veronika and the others and meet you back there." He didn't mention Zachary because he really didn't plan on hauling the guy back, not by himself at least. It would be nice if he would just wake up already, but nothing could ever be convenient.

"... alright, if you two aren't going to let up, what choice do I have ...."

"Hey wait," Reign suddenly interjected. He was looking over to Schwartz, who was stretching out his wings in preparation to take off.

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<"You're acting as if I would even allow that otherwise,"> Axel noted, continuing to frown. <"I expect the second part of your advice is going to be harder to fulfill, though. Oh well. Godspeed."


Reign had backed Blake up, and Raquel appeared to cave to their suggestions, when her Rexian friend suddenly interjected while pointing towards the road. The swordsman turned towards it and was surprised. Apparently the dragon was going to be taking off? That was relatively convenient.

"If it leaves, let's just go gather everyone and leave as well, instead of making two trips," Blake said, still staring at the dragon. "Unless there is an immediate threat afterwards, anyways."

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Whatever their business was, it was over with now and it had been decided that the dragon would attack Ursium's capital in their place. Norbert couldn't think of what to do or how to react. All he could do was think to himself about how angry he was. Uersentius... The heart of Ursium... It may be well-defended but a lot of people who actually defend this country are going to die. A lot of my sisters are going to die... A bunch of innocents, too. Sure this country may be flawed and I'm not really a part of its society, but it's still my home and the home of the closest thing to a family I've had, by Wrath! Veronika's home and family are on the other side -- I can't and won't expect either of us to get along while we're both working for our family's survival. Most of them may be jerks and we may not be related by blood, but they're still my sisters! No one has to tell me twice to warn them that that monster's coming... Especially not that needle-brain beast!

With those thoughts, and a "Hyah!" as he pulled on Rizen's reins, he and his pegasus bolted into the sky. His intent was to just get over the trees so he could fly more quickly more easily. Seeing pegasus riders in the distance was unexpected but absolutely welcome. They were fairly close so it didn't take all too long to reach them. There were about nine pegasus riders. It didn't occur to him that he might be mistaken as an enemy, so he simply approached at top speed with complete abandon, then called over to them, "Hey, be careful! There's a dragon over there and a bunch of bowmen! He's going to Urcentius -- send someone to warn them!"

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Two Brands of Departure

"Wrong, I'm over here," came the all too familiar booming voice of Schwartz as he materialized behind the small squadron of pegasus knights. With a swift swipe, he tore a pegasus rider from her mount and an explosion of blood obscured them both. The pegasus knight began plummeting in one direction while her pegasus fell in another, the latter having already lost consciousness. "Hmhm, the men of Ursaea will weep tonight ..."

"Oh gods! Spread out! Spread, dammit," the squad leader called out. If they had only had just a little more time, she could have inquired about this threat to the capital the lone pegasus rider brought to their attention, but right now, she had to focus on keeping herself and the remainder of her squad alive. She had no clue they would be facing a shadow dragon when they came to investigate the explosions.

Those who had been watching Schwartz a moment ago saw him take off and then immediately vanish. That seemed to be the end of it, though Raquel had noticed Bert taking off and wondered where he had flown off to. With the trees obscuring the nearby battle from where she was standing, she felt it safe to come out of hiding and did just that, stepping out a few feet onto the barren road. Then another problem came to mind. Looking at the wreckage that was once Greta's wagon and the area surrounding it, she worried that getting the Dauntless through would be a real challenge. They were going to need an earth mage to even begin to address this problem from the looks of things.

The dragon was gone, and the snipers and soldiers were now gone too, it seemed. Greta closed her eyes and fell to her knees, exhausted, and ruined. Her family was gone, her business was gone. All she had left to her name was a couple of elixirs, the clothes on her back, and a pistol with one shot. "... should'a made that left turn ... heheh." Joking about her poor decision only kept the tears at bay for a few seconds.

Over by the trees, Amon stood tall and began heading west in a big hurry once the dragon was gone. He was willing to risk a confrontation with the skotian soldiers if he had to. He wasn't just worried about whether or not Malik and Fizza had survived their initial encounter with the dragon, he was worried that even if they had, the skotians might have a mind to finish them off. He didn't think he would get there first, but he might be able to stop them if he hurried. Haythem figured the same thing when he saw Amon bolting off in the same direction they'd left in. <"Hey wait, you need help, Amon!">

<"There's no time,"> he shot back in rexian as he picked up the pace.

<"Goddess, I've never seen a man run uphill so fast; I'll never catch up without Isis, but I have no idea where she flew off to ... great.">

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With that ultimatum over and done with, and Angelica no longer finding herself with a reason to try and shut up that madman pegasus rider... for now, The exchange between two of the Rexians, combined with earlier events, lead Angelica to believe this was likely a retrieval attempt for the other two of their little group... but that one would likely have trouble going at it alone, and by the looks of the fatigue and heavy armour on his companion, he wasn't in much state to help.

Still, it would seem that Amon, atleast, was connected to the group that had arrived, which had included Gar, as well as a supposed piece of the Emblem, if her deductions were correct... getting in good with them could only be a boon. And as such, with a few bursts of wind, Angelica was soaring through the air once again, luckily this time not quite as much in danger of being shot down. With the rogue's path being uphill, it didn't take her long to catch up with him, taking a bit of time to run next to him.

'Damn, he has long legs... I'll need to platform just to keep up...' She noted, abandoning the whole running thing entirely by this point.

"You seem like you could use a hand, Amon."

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