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Does anyone go with characters to....


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Giving them skill sets and classes that best suits their personality?

Like for instance...

I'm giving my Florina this....

(Japanese version)

Final Class: Bride

Bride, because she has the softest personality out of any other character I know. This class along with Dark Flier suits her perfectly for her final class.



-Duel Guard+

-Duel Support+



Duel Guard+ and Duel Support+ for her personality as she would have no problem helping someone else in need. ^-^

She gets Demoiselle for her being quite voluptuous and dainty. And she gets Luna as she needs something to defend herself well.

Now for my next nominee, Mist....

I give her these.....

(Japanese version)

Final Class: Valkyrie

She goes Valkyrie as that is her final class and I can't bare to see her in any other class. -.-






Demoiselle for the same reason for Florina. Miracle, because she wouldn't be Mist without it! *wink*

Luna to defend

Next nominee...


(Japanese version)

Final Class: Assassin

For her personality that is mirrored like Asuka's.






This set of skills suits her characteristics perfectly.

My next nominee...Alm

(English version)


I already mention Alm in my summaries topic that I gave him this...

Final Class: Dreadfighter






He gets this set for his Personality saying that he will go forth tenfold if someone tries to hurt him. This set suit him perfectly 100%. <3

My next nominee....


(Japanese version)

Final Class: Sage


-Duel Support+


-Duel Guard+


She is suitable for this skill set for her same reasons for Florina. ^^

Do you give your characters skills and classes that only suits their personalities and appearance? List your characters that you go by this tradition instead of stuff that doesn't really suit them like for example, Linde being a Hero for instance in the end. lol Which she should be a Sage or Sorcerer in the end for both her personality and appearance.

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Giving them skill sets and classes that best suits their personality?

Like for instance...

I'm giving my Florina this....

She gets Demoiselle for her being quite voluptuous and dainty. And she gets Luna as she needs something to defend herself well.

Demoiselle for the same reason for Florina. Miracle, because she wouldn't be Mist without it! *wink*

Mist and Florina VOLUPTUOUS?! How... what... I don't even...

I kid, but I'm still severely baffled.

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I don't see how Florina and Mist are in "voluptuous" in any way. Especially since we see them acting nothing like the sort in their own games.

At any rate, here's what builds I would give to some Legacy Characters.


Axefaire (Because axes are his preferred weapon.)

Wrath (Because of his temper.)

Pavise (Because he's a tank.)

Agressor (See Wrath.)

Vantage (Because he reminds me of Lex and this was one of the skills Lex had.)

Lyndis (both versions)

Swordfaire (Because she's an expert at the sword.)

Astra (Because she would naturally know how to use it. In addition, she does have.)

Luna (Because she does get to know how to use the skill at some point or another.)

Demoiselle (Mainly because of her elegance.)

Vantage. (I can't think of any other reason besides of the fact that this is a Myrmidon skill.) Or maybe Galeforce just because.

That's pretty much all I have for now.

Edited by Little Al
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I don't see how Florina and Mist are in "voluptuous" in any way. Especially since we see them acting nothing like the sort in their own games.

At any rate, here's what builds I would give to some Legacy Characters.


Lyndis (both versions)

Swordfaire (Because she's an expert at the sword.)

Astra (Because she would naturally know how to use it. In addition, she does have.)

Luna (Because she does get to know how to use the skill at some point or another.)

Demoiselle (Mainly because of her elegance.)

Vantage. (I can't think of any other reason besides of the fact that this is a Myrmidon skill.)

That's pretty much all I have for now.

Let's see: Voluptuous -

Of, relating to, or characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure

Yeah, I'm not seeing it either. Nor can I really see Florina as a Bride, simply because she is so uncomfortable around men.

I would make her a Falcon Knight, simply because that's close enough to what she was in FE7, and when I use her, she destroys everything I throw her at. Mostly. Galeforce too, for more destruction, and hit-and-run antics.

Question - Should Lyn be a Swordmaster or Assassin? Swordmaster seems to fit better, but Assassin uses both Swords and Bows, like the Blade Lord.

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Let's see: Voluptuous -

Of, relating to, or characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure

Yeah, I'm not seeing it either. Nor can I really see Florina as a Bride, simply because she is so uncomfortable around men.

I would make her a Falcon Knight, simply because that's close enough to what she was in FE7, and when I use her, she destroys everything I throw her at. Mostly. Galeforce too, for more destruction, and hit-and-run antics.

Question - Should Lyn be a Swordmaster or Assassin? Swordmaster seems to fit better, but Assassin uses both Swords and Bows, like the Blade Lord.

I'm leaning more towards the SM route. Even though her mod set seems pretty flexible.

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SM seem to match her better - Lyn as an Assassin strikes me as downright odd. Also, I think Lyn would despise the very idea of her as an Assassin.

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SM seem to match her better - Lyn as an Assassin strikes me as downright odd. Also, I think Lyn would despise the very idea of her as an Assassin.

Sol Katti being her weapon is a good point, but otherwise I'd go with assassin because bows and also because the whole "raised on a plain by nomads and sets out on a quest for vengeance" seems like more of an assassin thing to me than a swordmaster thing (EDIT: Then again, she does mention that it's a quest for 'honing her skills' which sounds like swordmaster to me).

I've always thought of Swordmasters as being more of a royal knight thing (kinda like FE10 Lucia) but this role definitely varies (Zihark for example would have made a lot more sense as a merc, hell he's even fighting alongside 'Sellswords').

But on second thought, swordmaster seems to be a much more common class than assassin for a sacaen nomads (not just because there weren't any enemy assassins besides Jerme), Guy in particular comes to mind.

I guess you can't really go wrong either way.

Edited by Walhart
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Sol Katti being her weapon is a good point, but otherwise I'd go with assassin because bows and also because the whole "raised on a plain by nomads and sets out on a quest for vengeance" seems like more of an assassin thing to me than a swordmaster thing (EDIT: Then again, she does mention that it's a quest for 'honing her skills' which sounds like swordmaster to me).

I've always thought of Swordmasters as being more of a royal knight thing (kinda like FE10 Lucia) but this role definitely varies (Zihark for example would have made a lot more sense as a merc, hell he's even fighting alongside 'Sellswords').

But on second thought, swordmaster seems to be a much more common class than assassin for a sacaen nomads (not just because there weren't any enemy assassins besides Jerme), Guy in particular comes to mind.

I guess you can't really go wrong either way.

IIRC, Lyn expresses ...surprise that a Sacaen like Uhai would stoop to being an assassin, and I believe she expresses disgust at the profession. Sol Katti being her blade is a good point.

Also, Myrmidon/SM seem to be common classes for mercenaries (not the class) - we've got Rutger, Guy, Joshua, and Marisa, all from the GBA games. Neither Fir, Karel, nor Karla were anything like royal knights - I think they were all "honing their skills" as well, all also from the GBA games.

Then if we go back further, we've got Holyn (is that the common translation?) from FE4, and Navarre from FE1 and FE3. I'm not sure about FE 1, 2, 3, or 5, haven't played 'em.

So it's not exactly uncommon to be a merc/wandering SM.

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Uh, not the characters exactly, but my fan characters? I used Spotpass!Ike to make an alternate Ike that knows some pretty crazy magic.

That's why I'd make him a Dreadfighter in the end. For boys, this class is far better than Hero. As they can use both Swords and Axes in addition to Tomes. Hero's should only be left to the gurls since they can't become Dreadfighters.

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IIRC, Lyn expresses ...surprise that a Sacaen like Uhai would stoop to being an assassin, and I believe she expresses disgust at the profession. Sol Katti being her blade is a good point.

Also, Myrmidon/SM seem to be common classes for mercenaries (not the class) - we've got Rutger, Guy, Joshua, and Marisa, all from the GBA games. Neither Fir, Karel, nor Karla were anything like royal knights - I think they were all "honing their skills" as well, all also from the GBA games.

Then if we go back further, we've got Holyn (is that the common translation?) from FE4, and Navarre from FE1 and FE3. I'm not sure about FE 1, 2, 3, or 5, haven't played 'em.

So it's not exactly uncommon to be a merc/wandering SM.

This makes sense, but I was more referring to people with Lyn's background specifically than to wandering mercenary-type myrms (that is, if we focus more on the tribal part of nomads than on the wandering swordsman part since i consider those to be two completely different archetypes).

When we restrict it to this it's really just Guy that stands out as a swordmaster from a tribal background. But I guess that's still a lot more than can be said about assassin class units from Sacae. I mean, there aren't a whole lot of people from sacae (Uhai, Dayan, Rath, Shin, Sue, Lyn, Guy) and I guess it is pretty significant that the only one besides Lyn that isn't a nomad class (which seems to have been designed almost specifically for Sacae), is a swordmaster.

I think it's interesting to think about what would have changed with regards to sacae if assassins were valid enemies.

We are sort of derailing this topic, but not too much since at least it is a discussion about which class best fits her personality.

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This makes sense, but I was more referring to people with Lyn's background specifically than to wandering mercenary-type myrms (that is, if we focus more on the tribal part of nomads than on the wandering swordsman part since i consider those to be two completely different archetypes).

When we restrict it to this it's really just Guy that stands out as a swordmaster from a tribal background. But I guess that's still a lot more than can be said about assassin class units from Sacae. I mean, there aren't a whole lot of people from sacae (Uhai, Dayan, Rath, Shin, Sue, Lyn, Guy) and I guess it is pretty significant that the only one besides Lyn that isn't a nomad class (which seems to have been designed almost specifically for Sacae), is a swordmaster.

I think it's interesting to think about what would have changed with regards to sacae if assassins were valid enemies.

We are sort of derailing this topic, but not too much since at least it is a discussion about which class best fits her personality.

I'm gonna point out that Rutger is from Sacae:

[spoiler=According to fireemblem.wikia.com:]"Rutger is half Sacaen and half Bern. Although this is very common in Bulgar, Rutger looks more like someone from Bern then he does from Sacae, which is a very rare occurrence. When Bern invaded Sacae, Rutger was the only one spared because Bern's forces mistook Rutger for one of them. He has sworn vengeance on Bern."

I'm gonna point out that Lyndis is also only half-Sacaen.

Also according to fireemblem.wikia.com:

[spoiler=Regarding Karel/Karla]"It is implied in [Karla's] supports with Farina that she and Karel were either born or have lived in Sacae."

In the page on Sacae both Karel and Karla, as well as Fir, are listed as Sacaen.

So we do have some Sacaen Myrmidons/SMs.

It does seem that all the enemy Sacaens are Nomads/Nomad Troopers, though (besides Glass, who is a Mercenary). Although in Binding Blade, you do fight some Sacaen Druids, IIRC.

EDIT: But yeah, I'll stop derailing now.

As far as other characters are concerned, though, I made Saias a Grandmaster, because although I haven't played FE5, I got the impression that he's supposed to be a genius tactician.

Also, for Soren, I had him take some levels in SM, because Astra is the closest thing to Adept.

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The closest I got to this was always having Noire inherit Vengeance from Tharja in my earlier files because it fits her perfectly. I never crafted entire skill sets for their personality and always just went with whatever skills were the best available for them and ended them on either my favorite class or the best class for them to end on.

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I gave my Arvis Tomefaire, Aegis, Pavise, Armsthrift and some filler skill that I can't remember right now....

Does that count, because Double shields is closer to -the- Great Shield, and Tomefaire with a Valflame is +10 MAG boost, like Arvis has. And he never breaks his weapon in FE4.

Sigurd got exploded by that Arvis...who was paired up with Deirdre.

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(Japanese Version)

Next nominee....

King Marth

Final Class: Lodestar





-Rightful King

He has Rightful King at his disposal to give Pavise, Aegis, and Luna better activation rates and getting Luna to best suit his characteristics. Also, DLC Marth gets Aptitude and is smexiest. <33

Aptitude is extremely rare. Only Donnel, his male kid and DLC Marth can ever get this skill. But DLC Marth can't get Rightful King like King Marth can. The Marth versions do have their differences.

Next nominee....


Final Class: Warrior






This would suit him perfectly. he's going Warrior as I would make him that as he doesn't want to entirely get locked to only Axes and Warrior suits his characteristics perfectly. And Legion is my utmost favorite male character next to Zeek (Tear Ring Saga) and Marth. ^^

Next nominee....


Final Class: Sage

Going VincentASM here. I'm using alot of female mages in this run.






This is good for her characteristics. She should be a Sage and nothing else. She wouldn't be fetishy otherwise.

Next nominee....


Final Class: Sage






Going with this set to make her show what she really could do that she couldn't in FE7 as she joins too late. -.-

My rally spammers for the Japanese version...

Next nominee....

Celica (Spotpass)

Final Class: Sage

-Rally Spectrum

-Rally Love

-Rally Mag

-Rally Speed

-Rally Res

The class along with these skills will make her assertive.

Next Nominee....

Katarina (Spotpass)

Final Class: Dark Knight

-Rally Mag

-Rally Spectrum

-Rally Love

-Rally Res

-Rally Speed

Same as above for the Rally's and she's going Dark Knight as it suits her characteristics pretty well.

Next Nominee....


Final Class: Sage

Making him this for good laughs. xD

-Rally Spectrum

-Rally Luck

-Rally Skill

-Rally Def

-Rally Str

He's going Sage and being my next Rally spammer.

Next Nominee....


Final Class: Sage

-Rally Spectrum

-Rally Def

-Rally Str

-Rally Skill

-Rally Luck

Same for Hector and Lewyn will be used for his hotness. Love those bard rags/erm...clothes as well as having such a smexy face. <3

It's no wonder Fury and Sylvia went batshit over u.

Next nominee...


Final Class: Dark Rider

I can't help it. He's just too cool and smexy to ignore. Love his brand mark too as well as his portrait.






Next Future Nominee....

Katarina (DLC)

Final Class: Grandmaster


-Rally Str

-Rally Spectrum

-Rally Def

-Rally Love

Going to register her in my logbook once she is obtained! And she will be my 5th Rally spammer.

This should suit his characteristics pretty well (Soren). Love his sour looking attitude on his portrait! With the exception of Hector, I ALWAYS go with their classes along with skills that best suits their characteristics.

I've dropped a few main-game characters for them and their will be a big surprise of what main story characters that I will still use for the post-game!

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I'm gonna point out that Rutger is from Sacae:

[spoiler=According to fireemblem.wikia.com:]"Rutger is half Sacaen and half Bern. Although this is very common in Bulgar, Rutger looks more like someone from Bern then he does from Sacae, which is a very rare occurrence. When Bern invaded Sacae, Rutger was the only one spared because Bern's forces mistook Rutger for one of them. He has sworn vengeance on Bern."

I'm gonna point out that Lyndis is also only half-Sacaen.

Also according to fireemblem.wikia.com:

[spoiler=Regarding Karel/Karla]"It is implied in [Karla's] supports with Farina that she and Karel were either born or have lived in Sacae."

In the page on Sacae both Karel and Karla, as well as Fir, are listed as Sacaen.

So we do have some Sacaen Myrmidons/SMs.

It does seem that all the enemy Sacaens are Nomads/Nomad Troopers, though (besides Glass, who is a Mercenary). Although in Binding Blade, you do fight some Sacaen Druids, IIRC.

EDIT: But yeah, I'll stop derailing now.

As far as other characters are concerned, though, I made Saias a Grandmaster, because although I haven't played FE5, I got the impression that he's supposed to be a genius tactician.

Also, for Soren, I had him take some levels in SM, because Astra is the closest thing to Adept.

Oops, forgot about Rutger. I vaguely knew about Karel but I wasn't sure, but this clears it up. If Fir and Karla are from Sacae, does that mean that Bartre is too?

But in any case, you're right, swordmaster does seem to be a fairly common class for these type of characters. I do wonder if some of these sacae people would be assassins if that class were more common. I think the point of assassins has evolved over the series, with them being mostly just promoted thieves in FE7 while by FE13 they are primarily combat units and have more strength etc. than their swordmaster counterparts.

</derailing thread>

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(Japanese Version)

Next nominee....

King Marth

Final Class: Lodestar





-Rightful King

He has Rightful King at his disposal to give Pavise, Aegis, and Luna better activation rates and getting Luna to best suit his characteristics. Also, DLC Marth gets Aptitude and is smexiest. <33

Aptitude is extremely rare. Only Donnel, his male kid and DLC Marth can ever get this skill. But DLC Marth can't get Rightful King like King Marth can. The Marth versions do have their differences.

Next Future Nominee....

Katarina (DLC)

Final Class: Grandmaster


-Rally Str

-Rally Spectrum

-Rally Def

-Rally Love

Wasting all of DLC Katarina's battle capabilities on Rallies? Why? She is a Shadowgift toutin' Grandmaster (or sage, if you leave her that way and don't have Morgan to fill that role) for goshsakes! Freakin... at least Armsthrift or something would make that better. Battle mania may be my thing for most of my charas, but the ones I designate as rallybots at least have reasons to be rallybots only. Wasting DLC Katarina's beautiful broken Shadowgift Grandmaster potential saddens me.

As for Marth, I gave him Astra to suit his side-b in Smash Bros. It is a five hit combo (unless you finish it with a down imput) after all. Also is awesome to watch in action. But that one's my prefs. I usually just give him Noble Rapiers or whatever if he needs to smash something that would give him trouble.

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I gave my Arvis Tomefaire, Aegis, Pavise, Armsthrift and some filler skill that I can't remember right now....

Does that count, because Double shields is closer to -the- Great Shield, and Tomefaire with a Valflame is +10 MAG boost, like Arvis has. And he never breaks his weapon in FE4.

Sigurd got exploded by that Arvis...who was paired up with Deirdre.

That's awesome cold; I remember you posted a pic of that earlier.

Hmm. Oh right, one other thing I did was try to match up the FE4 2nd gen characters' skills with the ones I bred onto them in FE4 - the only one I can remember right now is Lakche Larcei, with Sol from Dew, but I'm sure there were others. And I gave Seliph Paragon, because I passed him down the Elite Ring.

...If Fir and Karla are from Sacae, does that mean that Bartre is too?


Bartre is from Pherae, IIRC. He is required to recruit Karla (in Hector mode only), by having both of them survive a single round of combat. Their paired (canon) ending is where they marry.


Aptitude is extremely rare. Only Donnel, his male kid and DLC Marth can ever get this skill. But DLC Marth can't get Rightful King like King Marth can. The Marth versions do have their differences.


Any of Donnel's kids can get Aptitude, if you pass it down. Aptitude Nah FTW.

Shadowgift on a Rally bot seems like a waste, though. Especially since DLC Katarina is unlikely to see combat, you may as well replace it with Rally Speed.

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