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Legend of Zelda series, which is the best?


The best Zelda  

77 members have voted

  1. 1. What's the best Zelda game?

    • Legend of Zelda
    • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
    • Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
    • Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
    • Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Master Quest
    • Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
    • Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
    • Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
    • Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
    • Legend of Zelda: Four Swords
    • Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
    • Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
    • Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
    • Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
    • Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
    • Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
    • Link's Crossbow Training
    • Link and the Faces of Evil
    • Wand of Gamelon
    • Zelda's Adventure

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Zelda's Adventure. It is only one that does not objectify women *shot*

Wind Waker for me. I just enjoy it the most. Thoug if you are asking for my non-subjective opinion. then it would be Majora's Mask. That game was just great.

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The Wind Waker. 'Nuff said.

If only they didn't take out THOSE THREE PRECIOUS DUNGEONS. Even then, EVEN WITH THE TRIFORCE QUEST, it's my favorite game in the series as well as my favorite game of all time.

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I love quite a few Zelda games on this list but when you force me to pick my favorite? Majora's Mask wins hands down. it immerses you so well into the doomed world of Termina. I used to not like Majora's Mask when I was younger, but over the years like a fine wine it got much better to me. I just love the sense of danger it has. The townsfolk you help ranging from the silly to the very touching of sidequests as you embark to save the world from the very moon that hovers above.

This song will always stick with me

Edited by Opinion Leader Jedi
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I always have trouble deciding which is my favourite...

I love Majora's Mask for how deep it is gameplay-wise (the sidequests are simply the best in the series to date) and story-wise (there's so many interesting angles), for how different it is from any other Zelda game...

But I also love the Wind Waker for having a great story that's a lot darker than you would expect, which culminates in what I think is the most memorable final boss battle in the whole series so far (second would be the Majora moon sequence for sure). WW does suffer from having a few temples cut (can't remember if it was two or three), but I have to say I never found sailing boring, nor did I have that much of a problem with the Triforce quest.

I've also always had a soft spot for Link's Awakening. And of course there's OoT and LttP... Skyward Sword was very good too...

Can I just vote for all of these? XD (I think this time I'll vote for MM, but I'm almost sure it'll change in the next poll I come across :P)

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Zelda 1 & 2 are good but a bit too "what the fuck do I do?" for me.

ALTTP is great. My only complaint is that I didn't get to play it back in the day (which is more because I was a kid and my parents and grandparents picked out games for me, so that isn't held against the game. It's just not nostalgic for me like it is with others).

Links Awakening and the oracle's are pretty good (what I've played of them)

OOT is just a classic. There's no denying that it has aged a bit, but it's still pretty good.

Wind Waker is just great really. Love the sailing. Love the art style. Love the characters. Only thing I don't like is the Triforce collecting thing near the end and even then I don't find it as annoying as most others do.

Never played any of the 4 swords.... so yeah...

Can't really remember minish cap. I think I liked it though.

Love Twilight Princess. May not be the most original or revolutionary of the bunch, but there's just something grand about it. I think part of it is the atmosphere. The only 2 things that are "meh" is the slow beggining and the wolf. The wolf isn't bad, but using the sword and items is just more fun.

The DS ones were decent but I remember there being a bit too much tedium in them. I liked the touch controls though.

Skyward Sword was good, but there was something about it that I didn't like. The hub was cool and I enjoyed the controls, dungeons, and items, but it felt like something was missing.

Never played crossbow or any of the CD-i games.

In the end I just feel like I enjoyed Twilight Princess the most. I luv it. If you don't like that then deal with it. =P

Edit: Oh Shoot! I forgot Majora's Mask! I like all the sidequests and masks and stuff, but for whatever reason I find most of the dungeons to be annoying (to hell with stone tower temple). If it weren't for that Majora's Mask would get a lot more love from me. Overall the game is still great.

Edited by Happy_Dingo
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Really tough call for me.

I don't really dislike any games, but my three least favorite would be Wind Waker (great game, but the sailing ruined it for me), and the DS games (touch screen controls and in Phantom Hourglass's case, that dungeon you have to keep repeating.

I didn't like Majora's Mask's three day system, but I still loved the game.

It was not easy to pick between Twilight Princess, Oracle of Seasons, and Skyward Sword, but in the end I liked Twilight Princess the most, so I had to choose it.

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Edit: Oh Shoot! I forgot Majora's Mask! I like all the sidequests and masks and stuff, but for whatever reason I find most of the dungeons to be annoying (to hell with stone tower temple). If it weren't for that Majora's Mask would get a lot more love from me. Overall the game is still great.

Oh no you didn't! I love the Stone Tower!

I'm disappointed in everyone who didn't vote for OoT or ALttP. :Knoll:

Except ZM, Emerald, and BLS because they're cool. And Soul because :awesome:

(Sorry, it had to be done though :P)

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my favorites:

1. Link's Awakening

2. Oracle of Ages

3. Link to the Past

4. Ocarina of Time

5. Spirit Tracks

6. Majora's Mask

7. Wind Waker

8. Legend of Zelda

LA and OoA had my favorite dungeons: the puzzles were engaging without being hair-pullingly difficult. LttP was solid all around but, for me, didn't have the magic that my top two did. I loved the Water Temple, but found the other dungeons in OoT to be kind of bland for the most part. Spirit Tracks was a cute game; the dungeons weren't terribly elaborate, but I found them as well as the overworld to be pretty fun. I hated the three-day aspect of Majora's Mask, but everything else was pretty good. Wind Waker's dungeons weren't very exciting for me, and the sailing was pretty dull (I literally would practice piano while waiting for the boat to arrive to my destination). Didn't like the original much due to its oldies feel--having to go through loads of trial and error to find invisible walls and secret passages doesn't strike me as a test of skill.

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>people actually voting skyward sword


Wnd waker best game by far

The only complaint i ever really had about it was the final bossfight, it was far, far too easy and though fairly cool ambientally (is this even a word) it was pretty anticlimatic when you get down to it

Puppet Ganon though? Holy motherfucking tits that fight rocked.

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Wand of Gamelon

Ocarina of Time, although all the Zelda games are great. I hate saying that since it is a bit overrated and blown up with nostalgia, but it really is a great game. It's really hard to pick the best Zelda game!

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The only reason I chose Skyward Sword as my favourite was because I liked the dungeons more than any of the other's, especially the time-changing puzzles. That, and it was the first time I had found Zelda combat challenging since Zelda II. Otherwise it'd be Majora's Mask or Twilight Princess.

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I loved Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Skyward Sword, and Twilight Princess, but I voted for Twilight Princess (Skyward Sword comes in a VERY close second). It has the perfect blend of beautiful music, captivating gameplay, great story, and lasting appeal. And I mean it when I say the music is beautiful. Seriously, have you LISTENED to this?


Edited by Karaszure
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...I'm shocked at how few votes Skyward Sword has. I thought this game was INCREDIBLE. It's my favorite non-FE game of all time. The characters and story are brilliant, as are the dungeons, gameplay, and items! It IS a rather linear game, but I don't mind. I've always been more for linear-ish games. I don't like games that stick you into an overworld and make you go "what the hell am I supposed to do?" I can never figure out WHAT I'm supposed to do because I'm not given any clues. xP

My list of Zelda games from favorite to least favorite, of the ones I've played.

1. Skyward Sword

2. The Minish Cap

3. Twilight Princess

4. Four Swords Adventures

5. A Link to the Past

6. Ocarina of Time (3D)

7. Spirit Tracks

8. Phantom Hourglass

9. Majora's Mask

10. The Wind Waker

I've also played Link's Awakening, but barely. It's so hard. xP I need to pick it up again. I think I'm going to end up putting it between ALttP and OoT though.

Also, do not bug me about why I hate MM and TWW. I'm sick of people going "but why?" and "who can hate TWW?" and shit. I've had to go over it a million times. I didn't like the games, and that's that, kay? xP

Edited by Anacybele
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Majora's Mask. It's been my favorite ever since i played it. The music still sends chills down my spine to this day. The sidequests, the amount of freedom and the gameplay is glorious. The sense of impending doom, the fleshed out people of Termina, the cool locations, the masks, the dark atmosphere, ok, ill stop. I love everything about it.

As for second favorite, is a tough call. SS captivated me with its well designed dungeons, nice story and cool combat. OOT is an overall amazing game and was my second zelda. Twilight Princess has very nice dungeons and music and WW is a fascinating game. A link to the past was my first zelda and it is also an amazing game. Its tough to choose between them for second place...

Edited by Peekayell
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For me, my favorite game is Majora's Mask, but I think Skyward Sword is the best, currently.

MM is my favorite becuase of how dark and deep the atmosphere of this game is. You become so attatched to everyone, you care for everyone, you do all in your power to save EVERYONE, and it is a satisfying feeling when you do. I hope we can see a 3D or HD remake of this game, MM deserves the touched-up remake more than OOT can ever hope for.

As for SS, I think it's the best because of how wonderful and full the game is! You have wonderful characters, excellent stories, challenging dungeons AND overworld, fun little sidequests, tough boss fights, and fantastic music. This game has it all, and the next non-remake Zelda Wii U game will certainly have a lot to live up to!

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