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Legend of Zelda series, which is the best?


The best Zelda  

77 members have voted

  1. 1. What's the best Zelda game?

    • Legend of Zelda
    • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
    • Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
    • Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
    • Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Master Quest
    • Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
    • Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
    • Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
    • Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
    • Legend of Zelda: Four Swords
    • Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
    • Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
    • Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
    • Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
    • Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
    • Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
    • Link's Crossbow Training
    • Link and the Faces of Evil
    • Wand of Gamelon
    • Zelda's Adventure

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Funny, I hardly cared for anyone in Clock Town. I cared more for Romani and Cremia as well as the Zoras and Deku tribe. Well, I suppose I did feel kinda sorry for Mayor Dotour. That meeting's pressure plus his son being missing. Just...geez.

There is one thing about MM that I did totally love though: Ikana Canyon, including Stone Tower Temple. Just. Friggin. Epic.

Edited by Anacybele
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The best is of course Game & Watch Zelda. I wish it was more available.

On a more serious note, Four Swords Adventures, the point has to go to Four Swords Adventures. Nothing beats multiplayer Zelda. Getting the hardware together is a pain though.


Edited by BrightBow
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I'd personally say Majora's Mask is my favorite. I'm not really a big Zelda fan and Majora's mask is the only game in the series I'd put in my top 5 favorite games of all time. The atmosphere, the game world, the characters, the story, the dungeons (while few and far between IMO they have the best design in the series, especially Stone Tower), and the sidequests keep me interested every time I play the game. I do a playthrough every few months, and have beaten it so many times that I can 100% the game without any sort of guide. I cannot say the same for any other game in the series.

Edited by Zelos
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Really I find I enjoy a lot of the Zelda games similar in terms of how much I like them but Windwaker has the Forsaken Fortress so it wins. What do you mean I'm predictable.

I guess Phantom Hourglass has Temple of the Ocean King but that got stale real quick.

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I picked aLttP because it's the only Zelda game I got the Master Sword in, and that moment was pretty cool.

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I loved Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Skyward Sword, and Twilight Princess, but I voted for Twilight Princess (Skyward Sword comes in a VERY close second). It has the perfect blend of beautiful music, captivating gameplay, great story, and lasting appeal. And I mean it when I say the music is beautiful. Seriously, have you LISTENED to this?


Every time I go back to check on this thread I start playing this, I forgot how beautiful Twilight Princess was. It'd definitely be my #1 if it wasn't so easy.

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I vote Twilight Princess.

It's basically an improved OoT, with better graphics, music, dungeon variety...basically everything.

It's a lot like WW in terms of sidequests and exploration, but without that sea slowing you down.

And most importantly, it's not linear and it doesn't reuse old boss battles like Skyward Sword!

Seriously, has any Zelda game ever cut/paste a boss before?

And that's my opinion.

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If I had played it before having played any of the other Zelda games, Twilight Princess would probably be one of my favorites since it feels in many ways like a more polished OoT. And that was the problem for me--Twilight Princess just felt too same-y for it to be memorable.

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If I had played it before having played any of the other Zelda games, Twilight Princess would probably be one of my favorites since it feels in many ways like a more polished OoT. And that was the problem for me--Twilight Princess just felt too same-y for it to be memorable.

You enter a volcanic mine and use iron boots to walk up walls! You use a spinner to glide across rails at exhilarating speeds! You travel across a majestic landscape on horseback! You use a legendary staff to bring ancient statues to life! You use a sword imbued with light to clear darkness in a shadowy dimension! You use a ball and chain to smash stuff in a frozen manor! You scour the land at night for glowing bugs, ghosts, and caverns filled with treasure!

I think you're right, it needs more variety. The next LoZ should be in space, just like Super Mario Galaxy. On second thought, I would actually play that!

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You enter a volcanic mine and use iron boots to walk up walls! You use a spinner to glide across rails at exhilarating speeds! You travel across a majestic landscape on horseback! You use a legendary staff to bring ancient statues to life! You use a sword imbued with light to clear darkness in a shadowy dimension! You use a ball and chain to smash stuff in a frozen manor! You scour the land at night for glowing bugs, ghosts, and caverns filled with treasure!

I think you're right, it needs more variety. The next LoZ should be in space, just like Super Mario Galaxy. On second thought, I would actually play that!

Except more than half of those are used once then never again. Seriously they needed more spinner dedicated rooms. The spinner room is the reason why Arbitar Grounds is my favorite dungeon. The game suffers the get item use it once then throw it away syndrome that is in a lot of the series. Especially the light sword. Also the wolf sections really bogged down the game. I feel they could've done way more with the wolf and designed it to play more fun.

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You enter a volcanic mine and use iron boots to walk up walls! You use a spinner to glide across rails at exhilarating speeds! You travel across a majestic landscape on horseback! You use a legendary staff to bring ancient statues to life! You use a sword imbued with light to clear darkness in a shadowy dimension! You use a ball and chain to smash stuff in a frozen manor! You scour the land at night for glowing bugs, ghosts, and caverns filled with treasure!

I think you're right, it needs more variety. The next LoZ should be in space, just like Super Mario Galaxy. On second thought, I would actually play that!

You're missing my point. The gameplay in TP has no fundamental renovations; you're still exploring eight or so dungeons, you're still killing Ganondorf at the end, etc (I enjoyed the final boss fight a lot, though). You cite one-dungeon gimmicks that don't change the feel of the game as a whole.

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See, that's the thing. For me, each dungeon theme/gimmick made the dungeon feel different to me, Having this variety between dungeons changed the feel of the game for me, because dungeons make up the game. Although more spinner tracks in Hyrule would be nice. At least the spinner gets any out-of-dungeon use at all, as opposed to the whip from Skyward Sword. It steals items from enemies...and that's it.

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Oooh... Tough choice.

I can't decide between Oracle of Ages and Twilight Princess. That's a choice between my first and my favorite.

I'll vote Twilight Princess - Midna was the coolest sidekick. (^__^)

And turning into a wolf was the most epic thing ever.

Edit: And whoever voted for the CD-i Zelda's apparently couldn't wait to bomb some Dodongos...

Edited by Trinity
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Meh, Ghirahim was a great boss still, and although there weren't as many bosses, they were much better. Plus, other than the whip, which still had a few uses, all the other items got good treatment outside of battle, and the slingshot still had uses until you got the bow much later. Twilight Princess had a bunch of things I never used, bomblings, Dominion Rod, slingshot, spinner, fishing rod, wolf form, etc. That was one of my only other issues with Twilight Princess that didn't make it earn my #1.

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aLttP > WW >>> Twilight Princess > Ocarina of Time > original > Skyward Sword > Majora's Mask > Adventure of Link

Would be my order from favorite to least. The praise Majora's Mask gets nowadays is a kind of strange when you consider the reaction of this game 10-12 years ago.

Sure, the Stone Tower Temple was probably one of my favorite dungeons ever, but the whole Great Bay area made me cringe.

Edited by Doga Blockovich
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I vote Twilight Princess.

It's basically an improved OoT, with better graphics, music, dungeon variety...basically everything.

It's a lot like WW in terms of sidequests and exploration, but without that sea slowing you down.

And most importantly, it's not linear and it doesn't reuse old boss battles like Skyward Sword!

Seriously, has any Zelda game ever cut/paste a boss before?

And that's my opinion.

You hate Skyward Sword just because the second fight with Ghirahim is similar to the first? That's just lame. Ghirahim is WAY different the third time you fight him. Did you even get that far? His first fight is only repeated ONCE.

Also, being linear doesn't mean it's a bad game. Have you even played it at all?

Edited by Anacybele
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You hate Skyward Sword just because the second fight with Ghirahim is similar to the first? That's just lame. Ghirahim is WAY different the third time you fight him. Did you even get that far? His first fight is only repeated ONCE.

Also, being linear doesn't mean it's a bad game. Have you even played it at all?

The game was a bit repetitive. Going fetch quest then dungeon. But yeah the Ghirahim reason is a stupid reason.

@Trinity, and yes I couldn;t wait to bomb some dodongos. Lawl joke vote

Edited by Cero
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You're missing my point. The gameplay in TP has no fundamental renovations; you're still exploring eight or so dungeons, you're still killing Ganondorf at the end, etc (I enjoyed the final boss fight a lot, though). You cite one-dungeon gimmicks that don't change the feel of the game as a whole.

So? OoT (and by proxy, most modern Zelda games that don't revolve around masks) is just a 3D version of aLttP, follows the exact same structure, so lazy.

Edited by Refa
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The game was a bit repetitive. Going fetch quest then dungeon. But yeah the Ghirahim reason is a stupid reason.

@Trinity, and yes I couldn;t wait to bomb some dodongos. Lawl joke vote

Well, I had fun with the "fetch quests." I always enjoyed such missions. xP

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So? OoT (and by proxy, most modern Zelda games that don't revolve around masks) is just a 3D version of aLttP, follows the exact same structure, so lazy.

OoT introduced great mini games, horseback riding (which was integrated well into things like the Biggoron's Sword quest), and Gold Skulltulas. TP basically took a lot of these things and just spruced them up a little--which would have been fine in 1999, but not in 2006. We cannot credit TP for doing things that OoT had already done.

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I liked Twilight Princess simply because it was a more refined OoT, and the fact that if you put time into searching, you could always find new things in the overworld, unlike in OoT. Exploring was my favourite thing in Wind Waker and TP, Ocarina's tiny field made finding all it's secrets a task taking only 15 minutes.

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