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Chrom/Olivia Minmaxing Advice. (Inigo/FeMU too)


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Personal Introduction

I sort of thought myself into a circle today trying to figure this out. If you are going to comment please have patience with me, still wrapping my head around some of the more complex concepts. Tried to format this post to make it less of a retarded wall of text.

A bit new to the FE: Awakening community so please excuse any social mistakes. I bought a 3DS 4ish days ago and the only game I have is Fire Emblem. I've already played around 24+ hours (waiting on a new job to start) and I am starting a new game on hard/classic. Played up until chapter 16 on normal/casual until I got super bored of that.

With the use of the ! to talk about parents, I believe people use it as Parent!Child, although this confuses me because it would make more sense if reading left to right to begin with the main subject (The actual character) and then have the last part be the parent. But whatever. I'll get use to it! Although I might get it backwards.

Game Information

Some possible relevant information: I have all DLC, and don't mind grinding at all. I enjoy the game enough right now that the grinding is fun for me.

I intend to have Chrom marry Olivia (Through marrying off everyone else before Chapter 11, seems easier than the other method with grinding). Then have FeMU marry Chrom!Inigo. I mostly love the idea of a third generation Chrom!Inigo!Morgan with Rightful King.

The skill inheritance is simple enough. Get Olivia with Galeforce to give to Inigo, and I want FeMU to have Galeforce as well. So Morgan will have Galeforce+Rightful King, same with Morgan.

Olivia!Lucina will obviously then have Galeforce/Aether.

My issue comes to this. I have absolutely very little clue as to what to do with those characters. I mean, I get the skills. You should pair other activated skills with Rightful King. I like the idea of a 100% Armsthrift (Or just a high chance) on a character. I'm not really sure what classes to use for this insane skill sets to really maximize the utility of them. Assassin seems to be the best for..all of them. Stat growth calculations intimidate me a bit, and I'm not sure how big of a deal they are.

Not sure what asset/flaw to use for FeMU either.

If anyone has any idea of what I just tried to explain then I'd gladly appreciate your help. I enjoy discussing this as well, so thats part of the reason for the wall of text. If this is a sort of conversation that works better on steam I'd be happy to chat with you there!

TL;DR What skills and classes should I use for Chrom, FeMU, Olivia!Lucina, Chrom!Inigo, and Chrom!Inigo!Morgan.

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I can't comment on Female Avatar or Chrom!Inigo!Morgan, but I can on Chrom, Olivia, Inigo, and Lucina, as those Chrom and Olivia is the pairing I use,

I'm going off of "maxed out" given "minmaxing".

For Chrom's skills I like Aether and Rightful King, giving him a durability boost. As for the other skills, Dual Strike and Guard + to make him a great support unit. For the final skill, if you can get it, Limit Break. If not, I guess Aegis.

For Olivia, it depends on the class she's in. I have her as a Dancer, but she is a very competent fighter. She has Special Dance, Pass (to get to her target more easily), Astra, and Galeforce. For the fifth skill I use Limit Break, but before then, Swordfaire to compensate for her low Strength cap. If she's any other class, you can do a similar build, just take out Special Dance.

For Lucina, I would go very similar to Chrom, except replace either Dual Strike/Guard with Galeforce. I've also used Astra on her which worked out well. Lucina will always inherit Aether from Chrom, but from Olivia, it would be very hard for her to pass down anything other than Luck +4. That's good though because the other exclusive skill available is Special Dance which is worthless on a non-dancer.

As for Inigo, I use him as a Swordmaster, but he could make a good Hero (his default promotion). Have him inherit Galeforce from Olivia. Given Rightful King, you could put Sol and Astra on him, and he would activate them semi-reliably. Swordfaire also works nicely

Long story short:



Rightful King

Dual Strike+

Dual Guard+

Limit Break/Aegis


Special Dance/Your call




Limit Break/Swordfaire



Rightful King



Limit Break/Dual Strike/Guard+


Rightful King




Limit Break/Swordfaire

I hope that's not too much text :P:

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The more text the better. It means I get to hear more of the reasoning.

I tried to follow other topics on gamefaqs, but there is a ton of misinformation there and people will say things assuming you know why they are saying it. Not good for learning this stuff yourself.

I plan to have Olivia get Astra+Pass early on, as I will be getting many other Galeforce characters. I find the mechanic very fun.

Still not sure what I'll do with FeMU. I'm planning on +Strength -Defense. Skills for MU...not sure. Could do a magic-centered MU.

Any advice on getting a 100% armsthrift+Brave Weapon Dread Fighter Morgan?

Rightful King, Galeforce, Armsthrift, Aggressor, Astra until Limit Breaker? Limit breaker not might impact this build that much as with RK+Max luck you already have 100% armsthrift. Combined with Brave weapons that'd probably be enough. Lol. Could do something like Pavise or Aegis.

If I can get 100% Armsthrift on a Dread Fighter I could have a Brave Axe, Brave Sword, and magic for distance.

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Wall of text, GO!

I'll see about typing up explanations after my answer(s):


Great Lord/Paladin

- Aether

- Luna

- Rightful King

- Aegis

- Limit Breaker*

*Dual Strike+ if you haven't beaten Rogues and Redeemers 3

I like my Chrom as a front-line fighter - you'll certainly want some levels in Paladin to get more Res and Aegis, to offset Chrom's low Res. Rightful King will make any activation skills activate more often, so I like to take advantage of that. Paladin gives +3 Res and extra Move, GL gives +1 Str and Spd, and lets you wield Rapiers.

Aggressor is an option, but it only activates on your turn, and the Enemy Phase is when you'll be killing the most stuff.


Great Lord/Paladin

- Aether

- Astra / Luna

- Rightful King

- Galeforce

- Limit Breaker*

*replace with Luna/Astra, Swordfaire, or Dual Strike+

Basically the same as Chrom. She has access to Swordfaire, but LB is better, and with RK and LB, activation-based skills will mean she's dealing more damage than with +5 Str. You could go Swordmaster, but I like the option of throwing lances for ranged attacks.


There are two routes you could go with Olivia, either supporting as a Dancer, or killing things as a SM/Falcon Knight/Dark Flier

For the first route, you'll want Special Dance and any other support skills you might want (Rally Speed/Movement/Love, etc.).

Or, you could go with Galeforce, a -faire skill, and whatever else helps her kill things.

Chrom|Inigo: (pass down Galeforce)

Hero/Dread Fighter

- Sol / Luna / Astra

- RK

- Armsthrift

- Galeforce

- LB

Heroes are fun. Sol heals, with RK boosting it to 59% (or 69%, with LB) at max Skill. If you want more offense, you could stick Luna or Astra on him (Luna is more reliable, so I generally go with that). Dread Fighter has better Mag and Res, but that isn't really Inigo's forte. Aggressor + Galeforce lets you be more certain of getting a kill, so Aggressor is always an option.

Chrom|Inigo|Morgan (M):

There are a LOT of options here. Galeforce is a good choice, so pass that down. He has access to all sorts of stuff, and will have good Mag from the Avatar, so I might go with Dread Fighter, as that's a bit of a Jack-of-All-Trades sort of class (that's what my Avatar is, and he kicks ass).

Skill set?

- Galeforce

- RK / Sol / Luna / etc.

- RK / Sol / Luna / etc.

- Armsthrift

- LB*

*replace with Sol / Luna / etc. as needed

Morgan can do anything. As this is *just* Hard mode, Sol isn't a necessity, so you can fill that with something more offensive if you want. Dread Fighter means you can rock Swords (Ragnell), Axes (Helswath), and Tomes (Book of Naga/Valflame), while Armsthrift lets you use them forever. Forged Braves are also good.

Res +10 means you can laugh at enemy Sages, even if they have hacked weapons and maxed stats. You won't run into these on Hard mode, only Lunatic (unless you challenge The Strongest One's Name. Then you have other things to worry about).


Whatever the hell you feel like. Just not a Rally Bot. That's what Spotpass and your friends' Avatars are for. Her entire purpose is to kill, kill, kill...with a side of destroy.

The more text the better. It means I get to hear more of the reasoning. [1]


Still not sure what I'll do with FeMU. I'm planning on +Strength -Defense. Skills for MU...not sure. Could do a magic-centered MU.

Any advice on getting a 100% armsthrift+Brave Weapon Dread Fighter Morgan? [2]

Rightful King, Galeforce, Armsthrift, Aggressor, Astra until Limit Breaker? Limit breaker not might impact this build that much as with RK+Max luck you already have 100% armsthrift. Combined with Brave weapons that'd probably be enough. Lol. Could do something like Pavise or Aegis. [3]

If I can get 100% Armsthrift on a Dread Fighter I could have a Brave Axe, Brave Sword, and magic for distance.

[1] Has this been enough text?

[2] Do you mean a) advice on getting there, or b) is it a good idea?

a) Grind Lost Bloodlines 3 with Veteran + Paragon

b) It's a great idea. Yes. Yes it is.

[3] Aegis and/or Pavise are fun, but not super necessary for Hard. It all depends on whether you feel like playing offense or defense. Book of Naga vs. Valflame is similarly dependent on your play-style. Ragnell and Helswath are nice, as they are 1-2 range and Def +5.

/wall of text over

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I love you.

How would you compare 4 attacks with a Brave Weapon vs 2 with those legendary weapons? I suppose giving range would be worth it. But I suppose you could have all 5 if you felt like it.

Also, if I am going to do this, should I do on lunatic? This will be a lot of invested time and I'd hate to put together an insane bunch of characters only to realize I went 50% past what any map would take to defeat.

On top of that, What asset/flaw for FeMU to go with this insane Dread Fighter Morgan?

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I love you.

How would you compare 4 attacks with a Brave Weapon vs 2 with those legendary weapons? I suppose giving range would be worth it. But I suppose you could have all 5 if you felt like it.

Also, if I am going to do this, should I do on lunatic? This will be a lot of invested time and I'd hate to put together an insane bunch of characters only to realize I went 50% past what any map would take to defeat.

On top of that, What asset/flaw for FeMU to go with this insane Dread Fighter Morgan?

In most cases, forged Brave > legendary weapon. Exceptions are for range, and if they boost a particularly important stat (eg Book of Naga, +5 Def & Res, and bonus damage to wyverns).

If I can attack with a Brave weapon and don't need to be able to counterattack at range, I like to do so. Especially since if the Pair-up unit also has a Brave weapon, that's 12 possible attacks right there (or, if the partner has a weapon that deals bonus damage, eg Falchion, Hammer, etc., they can hit 4 times with that). I generally pack at least one Brave weapon and at least on ranged weapon on everyone who can, and if they have a half-decent Mag stat, a magic-based weapon as well.

I would say on Hard, especially with Limit Breaker, this is easily 100% beyond what you would need to beat most maps, maybe 200%. For me, playing on Lunatic, I still trivialize most everything with this sort of set-up (though that says more about LB than about any particular set-up).

I would play through on Hard just so you know what's coming (reinforcements, etc.) for a Lunatic run. The jump in difficulty is insane - the first half-dozen or so chapters of Lunatic are often called "Frederick Emblem" for a reason. More on this can be found in the Lunatic Club thread (warning: 53 pages).

So you may want to play through on Hard, and start a new Lunatic file and do postgame grinding there - that's what I did.

As far as Assets/Flaws, Speed is a good asset - never take it as your flaw. For Lunatic, +Def helps earlygame, but I found myself wishing I had taken +Spd quite a few times; I will make sure to have +Spd for my next file.

Luck seems to be a popular flaw; it has minimal penalties.

When you start the game, your Asset gets +2 base to the base stat, and your Flaw -1 (except Lck and HP, which are +4/-2 and +5/-3, respectively). Here's more info on growths and caps.

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Come here to say Inigo!Morgan is overkill, but not like theres many choice anyway....

These calculations did not take Rallies in the whole thing. Rallies increased stats at the maximum of like.... 10 Stats, which is pretty significant



Dual Strike+

Dual Guard+

Limit Breaker


Filler - Arguably Res+10/Charm/Agressor

Chrom is the exact definition of a supporting character, with acess to Palladin, Great Knight giving acess to DG+, and DS+. He make a good pair up fodder for Lucina, but maybe not Inigo, depending on Inigo's class.

Without DLC, Chrom skillsets are limited to DG+ and DS+

Inigo as a Hero has 45 Speed, which means you can slap AS+2 to Inigo and Double every enemy in the game all the same with Chrom as a pair up, it does not matter much, since Inigo can take other Pair Up fodder as an alternative but..... why not to mention it.


If you REALLY want a frontline Chrom, Great Lord or Palladin is a great choice.

Combat Chrom can take Rightful King + Aether Combo. Throw In Aegis and Res+10 arround and he does fine.

Sniper Chrom has 41 speed, with a Swordmaster Pair up and AS+2, Chrom is capable of Doubling TSON Anna, and its not like there are many choice for that skill slot since he has a rather limited skill pool.




Limit Break/

Rightful King



Going with the Lunatic Offense(as in all out offense) Lucina here. This is arguably the set that make Olivia Lucina the most powerful Physical Lucina ever(Maribelle being the best support Lucina while Sumia produces the best Magical Lucina, and Tank Lucina)

42 STR is acceptable. At 49 Speed, Lucy everything, including TSON Anna with the neccesarry buffs and a Palladin Pair Up(Chrom cough). 51 SKl + LB + RFK translate into 41% chance of activating Aether, which is pretty damn cool. Your weapon of choice is Ragnell and Brave Sword so get ready to grind the Regalia because Lucy happen to lack Armthrift

Luna vs Aether: Luna has 71% chance of Activation vs 41% Aether. The latter is pretty consistent as it is while giving recovery, but if you want Luna, go ahead

This set can be replicated with Great Lord class for more durability should you need some.


With Galeforce and 43 Speed, Lucina has all it takes to become a cool Sniper with Galeforce, AS+2, Limit Breaker, Rightful King, and Aether or Luna. AS+2 allowed doubling of everything including TSON Anna. The weapon of choice is Brave Bow. The real niche of this Lucina is acess to Double Bow, which is arguably the easiest and cheapest way to beat Anna in 2 round of combat.

Supporting Lucina is fine, as a Palladin with Chrom's set, with Swordfaire, DS+, DG+, Limit Break, and AS+2 or Galeforce.

Galeforce is quite a boon for Supporting unit, since killing enemies are so easy in this game, you might as well include some GF action on the mix.


I reccomend staying as Dancer, because its Dancer. You want to boost her usefulness AND durability as much as possible. That being said:

Special Dance

Limit Break




The generic Dancer build. Bond to heal team, Special Dance for some extra power as redundant as it sounds. The rest of the stats is basically filler.

- Galeforce: Nab an extra kill should you want some. Thankfully its not too hard, at 41 speed, and 50 ATK with Brave Sword

- Vantage: Extra Safety skills. Should she get attacked to half health or something

Fighter Olivia

Assassin or Swordmaster

Assassin has better offense, Swordmaster has higher Res. Assassin is arguably better

Limit Break





Generic "Myrmiddon that lacked skills" skillset, as you can seen in almost everyone in gen 1 who can acess the Class Tree. Astra is not that good, but thats the best you can have since Lethality is inconsistent.



Limit Break



Rightful King/Agressor


Perhaps the biggest thing out of this pairing, and the reason why I liked Olivia with Chrom as a Dad. Massive Damage output, 45 Speed to use Zerker Pair Up, Acess to Galeforce, Armthrift, and all this on top of 49 + 10 + 10 = 69% chance to activate Sol. I call hax. As you can see, Inigo surprisingly has a lot of amazing skills that its pretty hard to fit all of them with 5 skillslot. this also means its easier to make non LB/Agressor version of the set out of this.

Not much to say. Braves, Helswath and call it a day.

With the absurd 59% activation(note that this is BEFORE Rallies that ups them to 69 %, Tonics for 71%, and Pair Up adds another 3% at least) It is a viable choice to not use RFK and use Agressor for absurd attack power. RFK is a cool skill, but Inigo did not exactly have the complete skills to really put it to good use.

Luna or Astra can be used should you want more offense. I reccomend Luna.


Limit Break



Rightful King/Agressor


38% Chance of activating your offensive skills of choice means RFK is more usable here, although Agressor is a fine choice. The real reason to use Zerker is to use the still reliable chance to proc those skills while also having absurd offensive power, coming of 52 STR. Its not exactly a good choice, but its there.


Support Berserker/Palladin

Limit Break


Dual Guard+



A Pair Up fodder. Much more amazing than you can imagine.

Use Brave Weapon.


There is no reason to use set ups that is not Hero for Inigo unless you are going for gimmick.


FE stands for Fire Emblem

Lets look at Inigo first






-1 DEF

-1 RES

If you want Morgan to be a Grandmaster, GM has flat 40 stats mods. You need 45 Speed to Double TSON Anna with +3 supporter, the best of which is Dark Flier. Inigo gives 3, which means you need +2 to stack them for Morgan

I reccomend :

+Mag - Luck

-1 STR, +3 Mag, and +2 SPD alongside a healthy boost on Res and no hit on DEF. All for a - Luck, and Luck is a rather useless stats in general, especially if you have Limit Break and Stuff

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3rd generation Morgan is pretty lame IMO. You are essentially trading away a second broken-ass avatar kid for Rightful King. I suppose you could argue that either one is overkill, however. If you are dead set on doing it anyway, I would recommend trying to abuse Lethality+RK.

Also, if you didn't know, you can get 100% Armsthrift even with -Lck and without RK thanks to Limit Breaker.

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3rd generation Morgan is pretty lame IMO. You are essentially trading away a second broken-ass avatar kid for Rightful King. I suppose you could argue that either one is overkill, however. If you are dead set on doing it anyway, I would recommend trying to abuse Lethality+RK.

Also, if you didn't know, you can get 100% Armsthrift even with -Lck and without RK thanks to Limit Breaker.

IMO, Astra >>> Lethality simply because it procs twice as often, and generally kills things just as well. Of course, against Counter it's suicide.

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Sumia produces the best Magical Lucina

...Wait, what??? Just how does that work out???

IMO, Astra >>> Lethality simply because it procs twice as often, and generally kills things just as well. Of course, against Counter it's suicide.

And Astra doesn't need Rightful King to not have its activation rate completely suck.

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Astra doesn't need Rightful King to not have its activation rate completely suck.

I don't understand this. You are saying that...well. The context of.

Did you mean Astra needs Rightful King to have its activation rate not completely suck?

The double negative confuses me.

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I don't understand this. You are saying that...well. The context of.

Did you mean Astra needs Rightful King to have its activation rate not completely suck?

The double negative confuses me.

Actually, I meant that even without Rightful King, Astra isn't completely useless due to not having a godawful activation rate like Lethality does.

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IMO, Astra >>> Lethality simply because it procs twice as often, and generally kills things just as well. Of course, against Counter it's suicide.

Twice as often before Rightful King, that is. My point was that Lethality gains the most benefit from RK, so you might as well run with it. If you want non-gimmicky damage, just go for Luna.

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running a single % based skill+Rightful King is a huge waste, especially when said % based skill is Lethality (especially considering that in TSON Lethality is literally worthless)

.....unless you're Chrom, but even he can put Aether/Aegis to at least get more out of Rightful King

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running a single % based skill+Rightful King is a huge waste, especially when said % based skill is Lethality (especially considering that in TSON Lethality is literally worthless)

.....unless you're Chrom, but even he can put Aether/Aegis to at least get more out of Rightful King

You can add Luna to Chrom as well; I certainly like running that in addition to Aether.

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I love the aigis/pavise/LB/Sol/RK set for MU,

60%+ chance to heal and half damage.

Um, you do know that the Avatar cannot get RK, right? Perhaps you mean Lucina or Morgan?

EDIT: or King Marth or Ephraim?

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I figured you meant Morgan.

Morgan can pull off just about anything better than just about anyone, IMO.

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I find that Chrom!Inigo is an excellent Assassin. My build for him is as follows:


HP: 80

STR: 52

MAG: 41

SKL: 61

SPD: 59

LUCK: 57

DEF: 40

RES: 39

SKILL 1.) Armsthrift

SKILL 2.) Galeforce

SKILL 3.) Lethality

SKILL 4.) Rightful King

SKILL 5.) Limit Breaker

Have fun having a 25% chance to instantly kill an enemy!

Ragnell is a good weapon for him to have 1~2 range as well as a +5 Defense boost.

Brave weapons don't hurt either.

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I find that Chrom!Inigo is an excellent Assassin. My build for him is as follows:


HP: 80

STR: 52

MAG: 41

SKL: 61

SPD: 59

LUCK: 57

DEF: 40

RES: 39

SKILL 1.) Armsthrift

SKILL 2.) Galeforce

SKILL 3.) Lethality

SKILL 4.) Rightful King

SKILL 5.) Limit Breaker

Have fun having a 25% chance to instantly kill an enemy!

Ragnell is a good weapon for him to have 1~2 range as well as a +5 Defense boost.

Brave weapons don't hurt either.

I dunno. I prefer:



- Limit Breaker

- Armsthift

- Galeforce

- Sol

- Rightful King

(with Ragnell/Helswath and forged Braves)

Have fun killing two things per turn, 90+% of the time, then healing completely while your enemies bash their brains out against you on the EP.

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...Wait, what??? Just how does that work out???

And Astra doesn't need Rightful King to not have its activation rate completely suck.

AS a mother, Sumia provides Dark Flier pair up fodder with Dual Guard +

Mod wise, sumia has 3 speed over Maribelle which is deceptively useful(for example, as a Palladin, Lucina reach 45 speed. As for magical class, 47 speed Sage and DF vs Maribelle 44)

2 mag is pretty unnoticable in calculation vs tson anna(the same can be said for almost everything in the game which is going to be killed all the same). Sumia has 1 defense vs Maribelle 1 res. Maribelle has luck without actual acess to luck based skill, and Sumia wins skill

Class wise, its all about having Pavise vs Lifetaker

Do the math. That seems to be a win for Sumia if you ask me(also Sumia has quite a lot of things going for her even in comparison to "best Lucina" from Olivia which convince me that Sumia is really the best mom for Lucina but that's for another day)

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well duh. MU is obvious. Although IMO Male MU's option is almost always better when you considered all the children but I digres

Although the problem for Maribelle Lucina is more on the fact that Brady is terrible with Chrom as a dad(while Cynthia being pretty decent with Aegis and Inigo is pretty cool with RFK).

Sully is IMO worse than Maribelle because Kjelle only gained Aether and Archer with Chroms gene

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