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What do you think of the SpotPass characters?


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I want Narshen SO BAD but he's not showing up!!! D:

I just use them for my StreetPass team. I don't like that they don't talk, but it would be hard to write dialogue for all of those characters, I think. When I was training Etzel, I realized that SpotPass characters do in fact have a line of dialogue: "...What's this?" when they find an item.

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I want Narshen SO BAD but he's not showing up!!! D:

I just use them for my StreetPass team. I don't like that they don't talk, but it would be hard to write dialogue for all of those characters, I think. When I was training Etzel, I realized that SpotPass characters do in fact have a line of dialogue: "...What's this?" when they find an item.

I got him! I'd give him to you, if I could.

Also, the number of "!" they have on a level up is dependent on the number of stats increased, I believe. I think it's "...!!!" for a really good one.

Edited by Euklyd
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I think DLC is my biggest issue with this game. D8; If they couldn't spring for unique models, why couldn't they at least go with unique textures? Leif should be wearing white, Ephraim's armor should be black, and so on. "OTL Sigh...biggest regret with my game. I oughta shut my mouth about it, I could go on all day. 8U

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I want Narshen SO BAD but he's not showing up!!! D:

I just use them for my StreetPass team. I don't like that they don't talk, but it would be hard to write dialogue for all of those characters, I think. When I was training Etzel, I realized that SpotPass characters do in fact have a line of dialogue: "...What's this?" when they find an item.

Spotpass Units on Streetpass teams cause a bug in most copies. While it's not all copies (mine's one of the few NA version copies that doesn't get the glitch), the ones that don't are... notably rare (Or are Japanese.)

If you want free reclass on your Streetpass teams, use MUs, as those do not cause said glitch (The glitch makes it so your team shows up as an Outrealm Order instead of your team.)

...Hilariously, there's a rather solidly based theory that Owain's "Companions" tag with Lucina causes the glitch (That added a check, which well, moves data, and that can throw off pointers. If Pointers get thrown off, well, glitches start happening). If that's the case, NoA and NoE's translators need to be kicked in the 'nads. Seriously, calling them Husband/Wife is just fine, especially if not doing so causes a bug like this one. >_>;;

And speaking of Glitches, is there any real knowledge on the Tiki bug? (The one that causes her to lose her Manakete class?)

Edited by Airship Canon
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For one thing, I have a problem with content that needs Spotpass to be unlocked.

That's just making you jump through hops in order to unlock stuff you've already pay for. Not to mention that it makes the game dependent on Internet and Nintendo's servers.

With that out of the way, I find it rather disheartening how halfhearted this feature is.

How can you have characters with expressive designs like the Black Knight in the game and then just give them a generic model that doesn't match them at all.

Or include characters and then fail to express their abilities properly.

I consider it quite a problem if a character like Ethlin, who was the original wielder of Leaf's Lightsword, a member of the Baldo bloodline, an A-Rank in swords and promoted into Paladin is turned into someone who can't use swords and fights exclusively with magic. Ethlin didn't even have a magic growth.

I mean, if they can't have unique models and custom classes, then why not at least put some thoughts into which characters can actually be well expressed properly with the engine. They didn't had to use those particular characters.

In the end, all that's left is some recycled art that makes it look like some cheap mod. Doesn't make me feel nostalgic at all. Just pissed, because I think those characters deserve better.

And the amount of Spotpass characters is no excuse.

Quality over Quantity. When you get tummy aches from rotten food, you can't cure it by eating more of it.

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By doing what? Playing until you get up to Chapter 6? If you ask me, that's not asking for much.

I'm afraid I can't follow you. I would assume that I expressed my issues with Spotpass properly in the very second line in my post. They are in no way related to game progress.

Edited by BrightBow
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There is only one thing that really disappoints me about Spotpass, and it's that Joshua isn't available (so I created him as an extra Avatar anyway). It doesn't bother me much that the characters don't make noises or look exactly like their artwork - that's just how it was in the 2D games, and everyone was fine with that (remember Berseker Ross?). At least the hair styles match the original characters, mostly. The only character I wouldn't want to recruit is the Black Knight, because the point of him being the Black Knight is that his armour is black (duh) and you can't see his face. I think he should have appeared as Zelgius instead.

On the topic of Spotpass, I beat and recruited Jaffar today and he is amazing. Lethality and Galeforce on the same guy. Somebody stop him, he's going to break my story mode.

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Not bothered at all by the genericness, because I like having so many favorite characters on my team.

But I don't like the lack of dialogue for them. Anything is better than "....?", and they really don't feel like characters to me because of this.

I still use them, but I don't find them as fun to use. Even if it was just the DLC characters, or all of the Legacy characters shared the same lines, I'd be okay with it.

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Not bothered at all by the genericness, because I like having so many favorite characters on my team.

But I don't like the lack of dialogue for them. Anything is better than "....?", and they really don't feel like characters to me because of this.

I still use them, but I don't find them as fun to use. Even if it was just the DLC characters, or all of the Legacy characters shared the same lines, I'd be okay with it.

This. I love having my favorite characters on the team, but the lack of dialogue makes them less fun to use imo

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I got him! I'd give him to you, if I could.

*snatches* ;A;

Spotpass Units on Streetpass teams cause a bug in most copies. While it's not all copies (mine's one of the few NA version copies that doesn't get the glitch), the ones that don't are... notably rare (Or are Japanese.)

If you want free reclass on your Streetpass teams, use MUs, as those do not cause said glitch (The glitch makes it so your team shows up as an Outrealm Order instead of your team.)

Oh wow, I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the heads up! I haven't gotten very many peoples' StreetPass teams yet; the entire system seems kind of janky.

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I just beated and recruited Matthew and he looked pretty decent. Not a total fit, but close enough for a spotpass character. He's slightly surperior to my Gaius now with slightly higher speed and strength, but much lower skill. Wrath is also rather nice.

Too bad they barely have any lines. Just one or two vs conversations would be good enough in my book.

The dlc characters are a little lame though with no supports and generic models. I can accept it with spotpass guys, since those are free, but just a little more effort would be nice for the dlc guys.

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I just beated and recruited Matthew and he looked pretty decent. Not a total fit, but close enough for a spotpass character. He's slightly surperior to my Gaius now with slightly higher speed and strength, but much lower skill. Wrath is also rather nice.

Oh right! I totally forgot about Matthew - they did do him pretty well, but then again, it's pretty hard to screw him up.

I do like how they give him Wrath though; I'm considering training him up and having him take down Jaffar, just 'cuz he wimped out in their FE7 A support.

*The "wimped out" part is a joke, and while I like Jaffar (as a unit and as a character, although that may be nostagia), I think Matthew would enjoy killing him immensely.

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I didn't really use them because they don't have supports, so I thought all the units from the main story would be better. Also I had only played shadow dragon before awakening, but either the shadow dragon units didn't show up for a while or I somehow ignored them so there were no units I knew about. Maybe next time I start a new file I'll use some.

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