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[FE13] Draft with your Soul


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[6:56:26 PM] Ghost Pickles: PKL: Sully+Kjelle, Cherche+Gerome, Ricken, Lon'qu, Nowi+Nah, Tiki, Basilio
[6:56:29 PM] Ghost Pickles: hahahaha
[6:56:42 PM] Ghost Pickles: my team is so broken

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prologue: 2 turns clear = 2 turns total

P: 4 = 4
two levels for FIGHT, no speed. he even rolled mag with -mag.

1: 4 = 8
frederick stole the boss kill because LEGEND decided to help

chrom/FIGHT c

2: 6 = 14
FIGHT is starting to build up momentum, who cares about other units

3: 6 = 20
sumia got mag

EDIT: 4: 3 = 23

sumia really needed the extra level to farm para1

EDIT2: oh it's a rout!

4: 5 = 25

sumia really needed them extra two levels to farm para1

...fred/virion c?

EDIT3: PARA1: 8 free turns

playtime for sumia

virion got a number of kills too! so did chrom.

FIGHT/sumia C

5: 6 = 31

sumia trashed shit

positive this could have been a turn shorter but it would have required a lot of thinking/resetting

frederick/virion b, virion/lissa c

Edited by Integrity
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I'm going to follow Integ's example, somewhat. See how I picked the best character ever as first pick? :smug:

lol, do I need to explain?
2 turns.
So silly me realized rather late that The Avatar can cleanly 1RKO Mages with a Bronze sword. And, yeah...that defenitely helped.
I had Raven pair up with Chrom for this chapter, while Frederick just did what all Jeigans do. Beast.
3 turns.
Chapter 1
Once again, silly me didn't know the strategy to reliably 3-turn this without relying on BS luck (I thought you had to have The Avatar dodge every single attack, go 2-range against the boss at Enemy Phase and kill him on Player Phase through a series of doubles and Chrom's Dual-Up Procs.).
So yeah, credit goes to PKL for giving me the simplest strategy: Frederick under the influence of Chrom's Pair-Up bonuses 1RKO's the boss, and he only left 1-2 enemies for Raven, who just had to sit out at the forest.
I was actually a little hesitant about this strategy, thinking it would completely leech away valuable experience from Raven.
3 turns.
Chapter 2
Frederick carried Chrom across the map while he slaughtered everything with his awesome Bronze Sword.
Raven and Miriel Paired-Up and got Miriel two kills.
3 turns.
Chapter 3
*more of silly me being a noob at this game*
...Yeah. Turns out that on my first file, I went through it by having my Spd/Def-blessed Raven slaughter the enemies to the left corner and get the Door Key. And then Frederick does what he does.
On my more recent one, it turns out I recruited Kellam (which I forgot to do on my first file, and completely forgot he had a Javelin), and yeah...things ran smoothly from there. Oh, another thing I have to point out is- Since Frederick could only attack the boss at 2-range (hello crappy Javelin Mt), I had to rely on Chrom's Rapier back-up- And it actually worked on the first try. :awesome:
4 turns.
Paralogue 1
So I actually managed to get Donnie a little bit more than a level-up. Miriel also got some action she was wishing for.
Chrom and Raven (ESPECIALLY Raven) just curbstomped this whole thing.
In the end, I didn't think I was going to make it because I messed on two ocassions on both of my files- Surprisingly enough, I made it just in time in both of them (one of them concluded on having Frederick miss a hit on the boss and making up for it on Enemy Phase of Turn 10 by critikilling him).
And hey, I got the treasure (well, in the current file I got the Killer Lance, at least...)
And yeah, the boy stays.
10 turns/It's free
Chapter 4
Fuck. This. Shit.
Had to restart 9001 times for this crap to get the outcome I wanted (a 2-turn). Wanna know what got in the way?
- The Mage to East side. That sonuvabatch kept being a random annoying piece of "AI" and head South like half of the time towards Chrom/Miriel/Donnie who were taking out the two Fighters down there.
- The Fighters. So as if giving Chrom and Donnie a Strength Tonic wasn't enough, the RNG kept trolling me and switching between 27-32 HP/3-4 Def Fighters. It wasn't much of a problem for Miriel and Donnie who teamed up on one of the Fighters, but for Chrom who NEEDED the extra 2 Str to 2HKO them...yeah.
So the main strategy was to just send up Raven and Frederick (Raven fought the whole time tanks to him being able to take a few hits and dodge a few) and kill 90% of the enemies up there, including Lucina who I tend to land a few Dual-Up 1RKO's thanks to Frederick. To be honest, the Mages were harder to deal with because they dealt higher damage than physical enemies and had higher hit rates.
Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Raven                      BEAST               C Frederick
2 turns.

I erased the stat-logs I had because they were from the first file, and it'd probably be confusing for you guys.

I restarted in another file to experiment and see what turns I could shave (namely Ch.1, 4 & 5 and get the Javelin from Kellam which helped out a ton up 'til now).

Edited by Walpurgisnacht
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Premonition - 2/2

Marth Chrom goes up right

Prologue - 3/5

Hannah and Chrom pair and Hannah kills mages (and one axe dude, but mostly mages), while Fred wrecks everything else with his silver.

Chapter 1 - 3/8

Fred pairs into Hannah - they go left (Hannah in the lead turn 1) and Chrom dashes to the fort. Chrom takes two enemies on the left, and Fred takes the left side with the bronze sword to save a few blasts of silver lance.

Hannah and Fred C.

Chapter 2 - 3/11

Stahl and Fred pair, and rush up. Chrom and Hannah mess around killing things down south (okay, mostly Hannah) and Vaike stands there looking for his axe. Stahl was out turn 2, meaning he had a lot of exposure. It also meant I needed to burn way more Silver uses than I needed to - I'm in single digits on it already.

Chrom and Hannah C.

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Chapter 5

Fuck. This. Shit, too.
My first strategy was to send Raven under the influence of Miriel's Pair-Up up the mountain and lolstomp everything. But in this file, he didn't have enough Spd to 1RKO the Myrmidons, which would later result in one of them cockblocking him up the West side. This would usually get me close to a 4-turn, but thanks to stupid reinforcements showing-up on Enemy Phase...yeah. Fuck the 6-turn.
My strategy that did work, however, was to have Frederick (with Chrom by his side) lolstomp the mountain-top instead, meanwhile Raven and Miriel took out the lower parts.

4 turns.

Chapter 6

I had Frederick go down the western hall while Miriel and Chrom paired up and killed most of the enemies at the center chokepoint, eventually leaving some for Panne. Raven went down the eastern hall and took out everything, even managing to critikill Validar (He had 18-19% chances, thanks to my +Mt/Crit. Thunder forge I got him >_>).

3 turns.

Paralogue 2

Took advantage of this Paralogue to train Panne and Miriel.
Raven got the boss kill even though he's really overleveled.

It's free/9 turns.

Chapter 7


Pretty self-explanatory.

3 turns.

Chapter 8

Turns out the lack of fliers really does hurt me in these desert chapters, huh.
Anyway, Raven and Panne paired-up (mostly so Panne can ferry him around, and in exchange, get nice bonuses off him). Frederick followed behind and even managed to kill the boss. Miriel and Chrom, once again paired-up, went South as well to retrieve the Master Seal. Donnie and Gaius paired-up to kill a Brigand and looted the village to the North. Gregor teamed-up with Nowi a bit and got a crappy lvl-up. Thanks alot.

Cue The Avatar and his wannabe-Mage style making me think he would be able to go through the desert without movement penalty.

6 turns.

Paralogue 3

The main point I went through this Paralogue was to train Panne a bit and raise her Axe rank. She was literally 1-2 hits away from D-ranking it.

It's free/9 turns.

Chapter 9

Re-did this as well because I was extremely unsatisfied with my turncount, and looking at others pull 3-4 turns.

So yeah, my new Wyern Rider Panne just blazed through the desert.

I actually had a really rough time here, resetting here and again, finding a strategy to recruit both Libra and Tharja (the latter was hard to recruit). Heck, Panne only had to dodge either a Steel Bow Archer and live, or Tharja. The latter was significantly easier to dodge, and yet, the RNG kept trolling me to hell and back.

To recruit Tharja, and I had Libra paired-up with Chrom get to her. Panne Hammered the boss.

4 turns.

Edited by Walpurgisnacht
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What are the odds?

"what are the odds of missing an 89 then having chrom activate a dual strike at 20ish chance then he misses at i assume more than 80 hit because WTA then avatar misses the other 89, chrom dual strikes again into another miss?"

This just happened to me in Chapter 2 vs a random barbarian.

Edited by Peekayell
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Chapter 3 - 4/15

Fred gets Kellam's Javelin and goes left with Hannah in his saddlebags. Vaike+Stahl go right, to get Stahl some easy kills. Chrom spent the entire map trying to kill a Soldier and kept missing, while I switched to Hannah for the boss to try and get the hammer drop. Ended up ORKOing anyway thanks to Fred duals though, but more exp for Hannah is good exp.

Paralogue 1 - 10

Building Stahl's levels up, letting Chrom and Hannah get some kills and support built too. Got the Killer Lance, said screw Rescue since I can't use it until I pull off some wacky stuff with Henry.

Hannah Fred B, oddly. Despite them never being paired that chapter.

Chapter 4 - 2/17

Fred+Stahl go up with a Javelin, while Str Tonic Vaike and Chrom+Hannah kill things down south. Pretty easy thanks to Stahl's +1 mov, although the Javelin is deadly low on uses too.

Chrom and Hannah B. Huzzah.

Chapter 5 - 4/21

Maybe this could have been 3 turns. I'm pretty sure it's possible, but I can't be bothered to try again. Ricken and Mariabelle ran up turn 1 and died on enemy phase to make everything rush turn 1. Essentially, it came down to Hannah goes up with Chrom, killing most dudes on the map in one round with Thunder and Chrom's help at points (Falchion rocks, even with it's 5MT) while Fred went up and right to kill the odd dude, and Stahl+Vaike took the bottom half of the map.

Paralogue 2 - 10

Training ground for Chrom and Stahl, mostly.

Chapter 6 - 4/25

Fred and Hannah ran down the right side to kill Validar, while Chrom and Vaike went left and Stahl took on the middle.

Chapter 7 - 3/28

Fred ran into things and killed them with Hannah pair up. Chrom and Stahl took out stragglers, and Cordelia nabbed a kill.

Paralogue 3 - 10

Cordelia training ground, yippee.

Chapter 8 - 7/35

Ran everyone down, except for Vaike - who spent the whole chapter killing one enemy, he's so deprived of levels. Cordelia ferried Stahl, and I spent far too long making sure I got the villages. Nowi and Gregor died horribly.

Edited by Serious Bananas
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PARA2: 7 FREE = 31

a beautiful and fun playground run was nearly ruined when the boss randomly decided to crit Frederick (47%/7%) and dropped him to 4 HP. Fortunately, the bulk of the enemies remaining decided a full health LEGEND with Kellam on his back was a bigger threat, so the run stayed. Chrom hates rolling SPD. If he doesn't roll it soon, I will rename him ASSLORD, LORD OF THE ASS.

chrom/bella c, fight/sumia b, lissa/frederick c

6: 5 = 36

validar died to an extremely improbable sumia crits at 13% sumia crits at 13% again fight doubles at 49ish%

also chrom rolled spd killing gaius ;/

7: 4 = 40


sumia went on a rampage with kellam

cordelia get (and no one cares)

chrom/bella b, fight/legend c, skip paralogue for now and get the seals



this will probably adversely impact my everything, switching plans midstroke

8: 5 = 45

skipped the top rescue staff, weighed it against one extra turn taken and it lost

chrom/sumia c, fight/frederick c, nowi/gregor c (activated it just to stop my support button flashing orange, not like either's getting deployed ever again)

PARA3: 8 FREE = 45

sumia hit 20, reclassed to peg

frederick/lissa b

9: 4 = 49

nicely done lads

had this rounded out once and then libra decided he needed to heal instead of killing the half-health archer next to him so the wyverns showed up


chrom/sumia b, maribelle/kellam c

PARA4: 6 FREE = 49

got everything but the mend staff

coulda gotten that too but didn't unequip sumia's javelin so she killed more than intended

fight/virion b, frederick/lissa a


10: 3 = 52

anna ensured that i got MOST of the treasure and shaved a turn with rescue

her base mag is beastly

chrom/sumia a, fight/anna c, maribelle/kellam b, sumia promotes at 10 to falco, fight promotes at 17 to grandmaster

Edited by Integrity
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11: 4 = 56

could have had the bullion but sumia didn't crit either of twice at ~14% and chrom didn't dual either of twice at ~50% so gangrel didn't get 1rkod. fucker.

NO SUPPORTS GET except obvs chrom/sumia s

incidentally when i made FIGHT -mag i forgot the detail that he'd never be able to use hand axes


12: 4 = 60

go go fight and your magic

i guess magic is a form of fight??

kellam got the last kill on the map

fight/anna b, virion at 13 to bow knight, kellam at 12 to great knight

13: 1 = 61

only possible due to anna's magic

fuck yeah anna

chrom/sumia/lucina c, frederick/lissa s


okay frederick/lissa s was really cute

chrom at 18 to great lord

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Premonition 2/2

Prologue 3/5
Same old same old. Made Avatar a female -skl +spd dudette though.

Chapter 1 3/8
Fred charge. Avatar and Sully get some exp.

Chapter 2 3/11
Fred Sully charge.

Chapter 3 4/15
Fred Sully charge again. Door was opened by Banned.

Chapter 4 2/17
Fred Javelins every mofo in the map.

Paralogue 1 10 turns
Goals: Get Sully some exp = done
Get Avatar some exp = done
Get the Rescue and Killer Lance = done
Frederick to C swords = done

Chapter 5 3/20
Fred just charges up then left. Avatar sits on a fort near the center of the map.
Maribelle died.

Paralogue 2 10 turns
Goals: Train Ricken = done
Get some exp with everyone else = done

Chapter 6 3/23
Ricken and Banned pair up and go through the left. Fred goes to share his thoughts with
Validar. Sully+ Chrom helped Lucina.

Chapter 7 2/25
Fred drops Sully and she kills shit, which lures the boss to move. Sully then pairs into Fred and he kills shit.
Ricken OHKO'd 2 crucial wyverns too thanks to the elwind forge. Avatar killed the boss in EP 2 because he doesnt like targetting

Chapter 8 6/31
Welp. This kinda sucked. Got all the villages thanks to Ricken and Fred dropped Lon'qu. Sully killed the boss
with Killer Lance. Banned and Ricken are surprisingly effective together.

Paralogue 3 7 turns
Goals: Get everyone exp = done
Get Sully to D axes as a Wyvern = done
Promote Ricken = done

Chapter 9 3/34
Ricken rescues Wyvern!Sully down and she blazes through the desert with chrom support. Then ricken is traded
by Banned to Sully so he could KO the boss since Sully did like 3 damage x 2 vs Ricken's 22x2. Gogo Ricken.

Paralogue 4 10 turns
Goals: idk, fuck around = done.

Chapter 10 3/37
Rescue Sully with Ricken and she charges towards the boss. The 2 turn isnt possible since
it needs 9 move and Sully isnt promoted and wouldnt have 9 move anyway because fred cant pair with ppl.

Chapter 11 2/39
Olivia pairs into Fred and he drops her south. Ricken rescues Sully who is now a griffon and she just goes down and kills
stuff. She kills the thief in Turn 2 player phase. Ricken was danced by Olivia so he could KO the dudes on the left.
Nowi took down some mages with lon'qu support.

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14: 1 = 62

who cares if i regret not looting/killing later

kellam/maribelle a, lucina to cavalier at 10

cynthia's paralogue appears to be impossible at present :(

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If avatar can only be Tactician and grandmaster I don't think there is much of an issue of it being male/female. The only advantages it fives is pairing with chrome if you want to. Which doesn't affect things THAT much.

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