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FE:A sales in UK looking good


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Firstly im very sorry if this has come up elsewhere, im on a break at work and haven't had the chance to play catch up on recent posts, please be gentle if im behind on this, im just trying to be informative i swear.

Anyway as topic title suggest; FE:A has done a good job so far in the UK as reported by NintendoLife and UKIE. FE:A has finished 3rd on sales across all platforms and as Nintendo Life noted, the debut beat out the debut performance of Luigi's Mansion 2 which only managed a number 5 debut a few weeks back. Of course that doesn't necessarily translate to a greater number of comparative sales, its possible Luigi's release week was a rough week with some big titles dropping, but its does look like a very good start.

Obviously the next questions to ask are how long the game hangs in the top 10 and how performance in mainland Europe is. Either way it does look promising for FE:A to bust the magic 1 million mark.

Edited by Merric
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Oooh, nice~ Yesterday when I picked my copy up from my local store (IN Australia, which is almost Europe XD) there were only 5 copies on the shelf, and mine was the only one out the back.

Still slightly miffed that our artbook is the worst of all the preorder artbooks, but eh XD (Looks the same as the US one, but without the raised cover, it's just a plain old book)

EDIT: I should mention I live in an area where JRPGs of any kind aren't very popular (Other than Final Fantasy)

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Sales overall are amazing for Awakening. The casual mode probably opened it up to a younger audience. Combined with the two interface/detail modes.

I'm excited to see what sort of budget the next Fire Emblem will have.

....what I would do for a $60 PC Fire Emblem game!!!

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Honestly I'm kind of surprised at Awakening's great sales in the west. It's not like past FE titles weren't critically acclaimed.

Obviously there's Nintendo's huge marketing push. I guess it's also been of years since the last totally new FE (Path of Radiance) and the last new handheld FE (The Sacred Stones).

....what I would do for a $60 PC Fire Emblem game!!!

Wait till Nintendo goes third party first : P

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Sales overall are amazing for Awakening. The casual mode probably opened it up to a younger audience. Combined with the two interface/detail modes.

I'm excited to see what sort of budget the next Fire Emblem will have.

....what I would do for a $60 PC Fire Emblem game!!!

Nintendo doesn't focus on PC lol. However I bet that the next title, possibly for Wii U, will be outstanding due to Awakening's sales.

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One thing is for certain, the FExSMT crossover will be getting a good amount of sales from both fanbases most likely after Awakenings huge success.

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Woo-hoo! Feeling good!

.....I just had to copy that

as I mentioned elsewhere, Bioshock (10.2k)>Awakening>Tomb Raider (7.9k), so we have a general range

it is clearly the year of Luigi, nothing shall surpass it

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I can see all the money rolling in for Nintendo and IS.

But it looks like all the hard work paid off. Very good turn out. I just wish there wasn't a shortage of physical copies at first in NA~

Edited by Cordelia
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some Nordic sales!

(lol rather tiny in the overall picture)

Thats an interesting sales chart as it takes into account WoW and PSN vouchers - I dont think I have taken noticed of that before

I have to admit the stats monkey in me is looking forward to finding out some raw sales data.

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To get Awakening, people need a 3DS. I know the 3DS isn't a popular machine in the UK compared to the likes of the 360 and PS3, but for Awakening to reach 3rd is great - that obviously means the 3DS itself is being picked up by more and more people.

By the time Pokemon Gen VI is released, anyone who considers themselves a gamer should have bought a 3DS.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awakening sales tops everywhere~

FE:A is one of the games that make me bought a 3DS.

With this people who wasn't a fan before will search the series.

And the next installment will get much more attention.

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Unfortunate perhaps, but it's still pretty decent considering it is a rather niche and hardcore game.

Also, I've mentioned this a couple of times in the past, but vgchartz is totally unreliable when it comes to actual sales figures. I don't know doubt Awakening is going to break a million, but just don't use their site as a measure : P

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AFAIK, there aren't any reliable sources for North America and Europe, outside of stuff like the NPD data for North America (or whatever the Nintendo PRs tell us). I'm not a sales analyst though, so I might have overlooked something.

For Japanese sales, Famitsu and Media Create are the places to go.

For comparison, in February in NA, the game sold 180K according to Nintendo, while vgchartz has the sales at 163K at around the same time. Then in mid-April (the time the article was posted at least), Reggie states sales are at 240K, while vgchartz has 210K.

I seem to recall the Japanese sales are also similarly off, but I'm too lazy to look into that matter again X D

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