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Ana Evaluates the Characters!


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Yeah, I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this one. I think Marth's Falchion looks pretty cool. I like Chrom's(and subsequently Lucina's), although the guard on theirs looks...iffy to me. And the way it glows is a bit odd in my opinion. It's neat, just not my cup of tea. I'm an old-fashioned man.

Carry on. =D

what, Exalted Falchion is amazing and you should feel bad

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what, Exalted Falchion is amazing and you should feel bad

I just don't like the way it glows. I think it should have had a different glow or something. :\

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I...have to disagree on why Chrom might be carrying candies in his pocket when he recruits Gaius. It's not like he was carrying A LOT of candies. Maybe Lissa just gave him a few and he just stuffed them in his pockets. Sure it doesn't seem too realistic in wars, but again, doesn't have to be a lot. I don't think IS ever specified the exact amount... Plus, he did tell Gaius something along the lines of asking Lissa for more? I think. I might be wrong there, but I don't think there's anything wrong with carrying a few snacks.

Not gonna really comment on the other things since people have either already said what I thought of saying or just... personal bias.

Would never be able to do one considering I'll never use Frederick. Well, with the exception of Lunatic mode but I wouldn't really use him fully enough.

I also play on Normal mode even if I consider myself an experienced player. I was just lazy and wanted to get a feel for things. I also like to enjoy the story. But this isn't really a comment directed to the OP than the other posters.

Edited by Cordelia
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I personally LOVE the fact Chrom is like a royal Ike personality-wise... Porbably because Ike's personality was the biggest thing that attracted me to him. And his costume design might make no sense in the first place, but I did noticed his left side (our right)represents him being a Prince, and his right side represents him being the Shepherds' captain. Also, garter gags.

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100% of the royal family doesn't really act like royals, considering how Lissa's personality does not remotely resemble a "normal" princess

I would say Emm acts like a royal, both the good and idiotic sides of it.

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Micaiah as well (although somebody disagrees with that), but then again tome-wielding lords are pretty unique anyway

Technically Micaiah was a main character, not a LORD, right? I usually just skip through all of Radiant Dawn's cutscenes...lol... I've played it so many times and I don't even know what's going on.

Anyway my point is still there

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Technically Micaiah was a main character, not a LORD, right? I usually just skip through all of Radiant Dawn's cutscenes...lol... I've played it so many times and I don't even know what's going on.

Anyway my point is still there

How are we defining "lord"? For all intents and purposes mechanics-wise, she's a lord. She just doesn't have the class name "lord."

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If their death results in a game over for all chapters they are a playable unit, then they're a lord?

I think they also need to be able to seize, but Ike can't seize chapters and Geoffrey can, so.....I guess you're right. It's also the main reason why I consider Sothe to be a lord.

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I think they also need to be able to seize, but Ike can't seize chapters and Geoffrey can, so.....I guess you're right. It's also the main reason why I consider Sothe to be a lord.

sorry, Sothe's death doesn't cause a game over in the tower

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Geezus, this thread is on page three and I've only done ONE evaluation so far? o_O

Eh, whatevs. Time to carry on. Here's Freddy Bear!



Ah, Frederick. He's this game's Jagen, as in the early pre-promote that guides the main character and such. He's also my favorite character in the game and my second favorite character in the whole FE series along with Kieran from the Tellius games. And Freddy's design is one of the things I love about him. I find him to be the sexiest and hottest character in the game and imo, he's one of the few armored characters in Awakening that actually has some kickass looking armor. Screw Cavaliers and Knights, Great Knight armor in this game just rocks, imo, even the generic model's armor. Also, Frederick's armor is blue, my favorite color. But that's a bonus for me. lol (yes, this might seem strange since I was just complaining about seeing too many blue-haired lords in Chrom's evaluation, but I can get tired of even my favorite color, you know)

Anyway, Frederick is also very well dressed, as fits his sophisticated lifestyle. He wears nice dark blue pants with a dressy-ish white shirt and black bow tie. This guy's neatness is like a vast parallel to Chrom's lazier, less formal appearance, which I like. He's the prince, but ironically, Frederick is the one that's most like a noble or royal out of him, Chrom, and Lissa. Frederick's name even comes from a German name that means 'peaceful ruler.' And some of his concept art shows him with a unique sword that matches his armor. This actually leads me to believe that Frederick may have originally been intended to be the main character while Chrom was going to be the Jagen, only to have these roles swapped during development, probably early.


Oh man, I gotta say this right now. I LOVE Frederick's character. Unlike your typical Jagen, Frederick isn't the generic chivalrous knight that shows only little bits of their character and backstory and he's not as bland as past Jagens. We learn a lot about Frederick and though he might seem bland and cold at first, we find that he's actually a pretty complex character and hardly two-dimensional. Most notably, Frederick is a butler-like knight that's obsessed with his duties and sometimes does the most ridiculous things ever in order to try pleasing Chrom and Lissa. It's not easy to gain his trust and he's got the endurance of a modern day bridge.

But that's just the surface of what we get to see of Freddy's personality. His support with the Avatar reveals his sensitivity to gamey meat and that he sometimes starves himself so he doesn't have to eat it. He's very afraid of wild animals because of an incident that happened in his boyhood as shown in his support with Panne. And even still, he turns into a drama llama when he's met with one of his fears. So all in all, one side of Frederick is a tough, hardworking wall, another is a sensitive, fearful young man, and yet another is a traumatized drama fest. And we can even make good guesses about what kind of family he came from too. Frederick most likely grew up in a high-class noble family that was greatly dedicated to serving Ylisse's royal family. His father might have trained him in the ways of a knight and brought him up on tough schedules to make him have as much energy and endurance as he does and his mother was probably the reason he's so obsessed with his duties and does so much to be a good retainer. I mean, he cleans, he lays out clothes, he polishes armor, he makes naked Chrom posters. Seriously. xP

There is one thing that kind of irked me about Fred though. The naked Chrom poster bit. Yeah, it was damned hilarious, but also rather perverted. I mean...really Frederick? Ya kinda disturbed me there.

Stats and Playability

Ah, now we get to how Freddy performs in battle. People seem to look at him and go "oh, he's the Jagen, better avoid using him, since he'll end up sucking later." Which is honestly pretty stupid since past Jagens like Seth and Titania have actually been very good even at the end of their games. They're not even giving poor Fred a CHANCE here. And there's nothing wrong with using Jagens at all, really. In fact, they're often placed in high tiers on tier lists, and Frederick is no different. He's also required for lunatic mode.

However, even in normal mode, this guy is a friggin tank and can actually end up being one of your best first gen characters. Now, Frederick comes in with trashy bases, probably so he wouldn't be Seth 2.0 and totally broken. So how is it possible for him to end up beating the shit out of the enemy while hardly being touched? Awakening's new reclass system, of course. Actually, you don't even have to reclass Freddy. You can just send him back to lv. 1 Great Knight once he hits lv. 20 for the first time and keep going from there. But he would benefit from a real reclass or two. Frederick can get skills like Pavise from doing so, making his already tanky self even tankier. I recommend that he go back to being a Great Knight in the end though. In that class, he's tanky, but faster than foot knights, and says fuck it to the weapon triangle and weapon training. He can use all three weapons in the weapon triangle and his Discipline skill lets him be able to wield the strongest weapons quickly. Freddy is also a good supporter in pair up and can offer great defensive bonuses there. Once he gets Dual Guard+, he'll gladly protect his partner over and over, especially his wife. Isn't he brave and sweet. :3

Anyway, Frederick's only real flaws are that he's a little slow and he has poopy resistance, characteristic of tanky walls like him. But if he's partnered up with someone that has/can have high res, he can be protected from magic attacks. And even then, Fred can take a hit or three from mages anyway. Just don't send him near a whole group of them, or he's doomed. And despite that he's not very fast, Freddy hardly needs speed with how much damage he can take and deal. However, the downside to training him is that since he's a pre-promote, he doesn't gain much exp in each battle, so it would take a lot of time to get him to his full potential. But the effort should be worth it in the end, and if trained to the max, Freddy Bear most often won't disappoint.


So to conclude, you all know I love Frederick to bits. He might be a little cold at times, but there's a reason I call him a tough wall on the outside and a big teddy bear on the inside (which I think is how the female Avatar came up with the nickname of Freddy Bear, hehe). He comes off as serious and strict and not afraid of anything, but deep down, he's a sensitive softie and a sweetheart that still has his own major fears as well. And even so, Frederick does his job as a knight very well. Any enemy that crosses this guy's path better pick a god and pray.

Up Next: Lissa! Chrom's cute and tomboyish little sister!

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we're trashing up your thread Anacybele, talking trash about Frederick and Ike and commenting on Micaiah's lord status :smug:

where's your evaluation of the Avatar, need two versions to cover male and female versions

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He's also required for hard and lunatic mode.

I haven't really needed him in hard. Heck, I didn't use him as much as I did in normal.

Also, I said I wouldn't be doing the Avatar. I didn't feel there was enough to say about him/her.

Bluh? Not enough? That...I don't know how to feel about that.

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+spd Avatar is capable of ORKOing everything when paired up with Chrom during the prologue on normal, dunno where Frederick comes in on that

he is needed on Lunatic though, so whatever

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