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Ana Evaluates the Characters!


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Because L'arachel smacks undead with her staff in one of her supports iirc

It'd make sense for her to be able to smack things in game too

I...guess...it just...is such a contrast from what I'm used to.

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> Comparing an FE princess to Sheeda

Silly Ana, its alredy mindblowingly hard to find a character as badass as Sheeda(Jagen come close), let alone when you limit it into Princess or lover

Also need moar Rescue staff on Lissa review >_>

Also because Owain is Greil, Lissa is Ike's grandmother, which is pretty cool

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Also because Owain is Greil, Lissa is Ike's grandmother, which is pretty cool


I imagine you must be joking, since it's pretty much explicitly stated that this game takes place QUITE some time after Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, unless for some reason you've got some crazy time travel theory.

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What if I don't find Caeda very badass? xP

Also, I wasn't comparing Lissa to her, I was saying what makes her different from other princesses. That's all.

I forgot about Rescue staves though.

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Isn't Bolt Axe kind of rare, though? This may be because I don't have Infinite Regalia yet (nor can I get any new DLC right now), but I think there's only two Bolt Axes in the main game - one available only if you have the renown to get it.

I'm pretty sure one of the bosses had one... so at LEAST she should have seen it in the course of the main game.

The one in Castle Perezia/Plegia.

Right before Lucina confronts MU.

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I imagine you must be joking, since it's pretty much explicitly stated that this game takes place QUITE some time after Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, unless for some reason you've got some crazy time travel theory.

Maybe even in a different world. Priam's paralogue mentions the "Radiant Hero" came from another world.

But that's neither here nor there.

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I'm pretty sure one of the bosses had one... so at LEAST she should have seen it in the course of the main game.

The one in Castle Perezia/Plegia.

Right before Lucina confronts MU.

Yeah, the chapter 21 boss has it. I think that's the only one you see in the main game (excluding all wireless features and DLC).

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What if I don't find Caeda very badass? xP

I agree. I'd go a step farther to say that I don't find ANY pegasus knights to be that way, without grinding of course.

I think Lissa's a likeable character, like others have stated. I'm pretty sure that Dark Flier would be a better class for her, but I always turn her into a War Cleric just because I think the idea is really funny :lol:

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well to be fair, Caeda doesn't have that much personality in her games cause lolFE11

Caeda actually is a rare example of getting personality in FE11, at least compared to FE1(the other being Cain)

Also she recruited Jake, Lorenz, Roger, basically Ogma, and Navvare. Thats pretty badass

Also the Owain being Greil is a joke based on Cynthia support

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Caeda actually is a rare example of getting personality in FE11, at least compared to FE1(the other being Cain)

Also she recruited Jake, Lorenz, Roger, basically Ogma, and Navvare. Thats pretty badass

Also the Owain being Greil is a joke based on Cynthia support

it's still lolworthy, cause no supports

besides who cares about Lorenz and Roger

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it's still lolworthy, cause no supports

besides who cares about Lorenz and Roger

DAT no support

Lorenz is the Legendary exploding general, also epic recruitment speech is epic don't hate

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I'm actually a rather big fan of Peg knights though. All my favorite FE females ride Pegasi. Elincia, Marcia, Cordelia, and Fiora. lol

I'm still contemplating my evaluation for Sully. I'll do it soonish.

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I'm actually a rather big fan of Peg knights though. All my favorite FE females ride Pegasi. Elincia, Marcia, Cordelia, and Fiora. lol

I'm still contemplating my evaluation for Sully. I'll do it soonish.

I like Pegasus Knights too. I really wish they was a third one in Awakening so I can see the fabled triangle attack at work. Nope. Third pegasus knight is dead. Darn it all.

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I'm actually a rather big fan of Peg knights though. All my favorite FE females ride Pegasi. Elincia, Marcia, Cordelia, and Fiora. lol

I'm still contemplating my evaluation for Sully. I'll do it soonish.

you have good taste

ElinciaxGeoffrey is OTP though

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What's wrong with Fiora? I think she's really pretty and really brave. Though kinda reckless. But hey, everyone's gotta have flaws. I also like her cause she's like Kent, only not as boring. And her support with Sain is so cute. How she cares for him after he gets sick. ^^

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What's wrong with Fiora? I think she's really pretty and really brave. Though kinda reckless. But hey, everyone's gotta have flaws. I also like her cause she's like Kent, only not as boring. And her support with Sain is so cute. How she cares for him after he gets sick. ^^

I just haven't played FE7 :P:

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Oh snap, I actually forgot about this while waiting for another post so I didn't end up double posting... Guess I got no choice now if I'm to keep people from thinking I just randomly decided to abandon this already or something. xP

Anyway, don't worry, I'm still doing this! lol Time for some Sully!



Mkay, I'm just going to say this right now. I've never been a fan of really short hair on women. It's just not my thing. But Sully's design, imo, fits her really well. I mean. she's a toughass tomboy potty mouth. And she works well as a traditional red horse knight in FE too. It's also nice to see a female in either this role or the role of the green knight for the first time. I hope IS does this more often. Anyway, my only real beef is that the armor is weird in places. But this isn't just with Sully, it's with any cavalier. The neck thing is just stupid. And the hip guards are stupid too. The rest of it's pretty alright though.

What I don't get at all is why Sully doesn't seem to be wearing pants. In fact, there are other female knights in the series that don't wear pants or leggings or something either (Isadora comes to mind), except for Titania. Pegasus knights sometimes don't as well, but at least their tunics are long enough to where it's not really an issue. At least for me. So why is Sully, a manly tomboy woman, not wearing pants? I don't think this fits her at all, but I don't think it looks really bad either. Just unfitting.

Overall, pretty nice design and fitting for the character, just wish a few pieces of it had been designed better is all.


Haha, Sully is so badass. I think she has a pretty awesome character and her potty mouth is hilarious sometimes. She may not be real smart, but she doesn't take crap from anyone, this girl. She'll beat the shit out of you if you get her mad and that's what I like about her. I mean, she kicks Virion in the balls at the beginning of the freakin game! And what's more, did you know she's a noble? I never guessed it either, and I only found this out recently. It's amazing how characters can surprise you like that. I now wonder how Ike would react if he met Sully and she told him about her noble lineage due to his opinions of them. lol

Anyway, what also surprises me about Sully is that despite her huge amount of manliness, she can be kinda girly too. I mean, she's winking at the Avatar in her confession and she's standing in a rather girly pose in her official art. And she's kinda girly about revealing her romantic feelings for whomever she marries too. Yet, her manliness also shows because she's almost always the one proposing! Yep, that's Sully for you. Yet, she does seem to want to be a little girlier than she really is. She cares about her appearance and stuff, so yeah.

So yeah, I just find Sully awesomely badass, as I said.

Stats and Playability

Alright, I need to admit something here. For me, Sully isn't doing that great as a unit. In fact, she's sucking. But I'm pretty sure she isn't supposed to be this bad, so I won't say she is. Compared to her cavalier buddy Stahl as well as teacher Frederick, Sully is faster, more skillful, and luckier, but weaker and more fragile. So one must be careful when sending her where there's a lot of enemies. However, with a lot of speed, Sully will evade attacks more. But this is up to chance, so players must still be careful. Also, her speed and skill caps aren't much higher than Frederick's or Stahl's and both of these guys have higher caps in everything else, so if they're ground to the finish, they'd likely be better alternatives than Sully anyway. Still, if one likes speed and skill more than strength and defense, Sully's a great pick.

As for reclassing, it's really hit and miss for her. Myrmidon and Paladin are awesome for her because of the speed and all, but Great Knight and Wyvern Rider are crap. These are defensive classes and Sully would be terrible in them and lose some of her better stats. It's not recommended that she stay in these classes and she should only reclass to them to get skills such as Luna, Dual Guard+, and a couple of breaker skills (Lancebreaker and Swordbreaker to be exact) as well as to get strength. Otherwise, she should have Paladin, Swordmaster, or Assassin for her final class. And speaking of which, these classes can also get her great skills like Lethality, Astra, and Defender.

Overall, Sully would be a great addition to the player's team if they prefer to go for speedy and skillful hitters, but they'd be better off with Stahl, Frederick, or both if they want strong tanks instead (kinda like me, actually). When it comes to the cavalier knights, anyway.


I think Sully's a great character overall. Not one of my top favorites, but I find her pretty badass, and she'd be very useful on the field if I worked on her more and didn't love my Awakening Great Knight tanks so much. :P:

Up Next: Virion, our friendly neighborhood fancy pants womanizer! Florina's gonna enjoy this one. ^^

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Wyvern rider and its promotions are definitely not a bad reclass option for her since she gets a much appreciated attack boost from str stat+growth boosts and axes. Far better than lolmyrmidon, at least.

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