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Ana Evaluates the Characters!


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Lol, I dunno about her other supports, but from what I remember I think Stahl was the one who proposed in their supports surprisingly. :P

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Lol, I dunno about her other supports, but from what I remember I think Stahl was the one who proposed in their supports surprisingly. :P

Gregor and Donnel also propose to her and not the other way around.

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Oh snap, I actually forgot about this while waiting for another post so I didn't end up double posting...

fyi, you're perfectly fine on this since it's your project thread; you can double-(triple, quad,)-post as long as it's an update to the project

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Gregor and Donnel also propose to her and not the other way around.

Oh, I didn't know about that. All I ever heard was Sully proposed to the guys. Oops. xP

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She does propose to guys just not all of them

I mean if one person likes to take the initiative and the other person likes to take the initiative you can only get one person taking the initiative

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Sully...doesn't wear pants? Huh? I...never used her before because I hate her with a passion and I'll never use her. While I do prefer speedy units more, there are just more and better units than her when she joins and a little after she does. Not to mention I hate her. But that's my own personal bias... Still, then what exactly is on her? Or are you talking about her art or something? After checking the official art of her, I guess I see what you mean... but you could sorta take it as shorts and then leggings? I honestly don't know how she looks in the game if you reclassed her. Even in Hard mode, I appreciated Stahl's tankiness more than whatever Sully has.

And oh yes, Stahl does propose to Sully on his own. Was kinda sweet, but meh, lol. I'm not sure what to expect for Sumia's eval, since you don't seem to like her. :( Try not to be too biased with hers~

Edited by Cordelia
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Alright, I need to admit something here. For me, Sully isn't doing that great as a unit. In fact, she's sucking.

Agreed. She's not cutting it for me, so I took on Stahl instead. People flame me for it, but...whatever. I actually really like Wyvern Riders (CORMAG :wub: ), and Cherche turned out rather unfortunately for me, so I tried Sully reclassed, and...it didn't work. Perhaps for the reasons you stated earlier.

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Sully has strength issues at base class (and possibly myrm) so she makes a half decent wyvern rider. She usually never carries my team but can prove to be an ok member of my team with some tweaking.

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I've never had problems with using Sully, though it might be sometimes I just stick Frederick on her for a bit. I haven't actually done wyvern knight sully since either Panne or MU gets my first second seal to go wyvern or mercenary, but she's worked out reliably for me and often is second to promote.

There is the thing that she's one of my favs and I use a very small team, but I haven't had much trouble using her at all.

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Sully destroyed as a wyvern with a Chrom pairing on one of my runs. I suppose its all in the reclass. I should try Sully/Fred and see what happens. My latest run, she hasnt yet been paired.

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I actually swapped to SullyGregor at the last second (like, SullyFred was at an A and building their S) because I wanted Yarne to get the cav branch and Gregor gives easy Sol and I wanted Kjelle to have that, and they worked out well enough for me since Sully is a Paladin by that point and enemies don't have enough defense at the chapter where she promoted (I think it was right after 8 since I managed an Anna shop Master Seal for MU a chapter prior) for her to have attack problems

She ended up going through Paladin and swapped to Great Knight at the end and Discipline is nice to let her up her ranks really fast. While MU and Panne are better in terms of raw stats she wasn't behind them enough to not ORKO with a slightly higher ranked weapon. It just means no ORKOing generals with handaxes aka something only MU pulls off anyway.

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Sully is amazing as a Wyvern Rider/Lord, as those have growths that offset her slightly lacking Str and Def, have great mobility, and learn Lancebreaker, which can be very useful to Sully as a Paladin.

However, I don't use Sully much, nor do I like her a lot, simply because she reminds me of Shadow the Hedgehog (2005 video game) with her excessive, but relatively mild, cussing. "Crap! Crap! Damn it! Crap!" "I'm gonna kick the crap outta ya!" etc. It's not as bad as StH, in which Shadow would say either "Crap!" or "Damn it!" whether he tripped, or got hit by a bullet, or whatever, (which for me, was way too often; I was never very good at it, nor do I have particularly fond memories of that game). All the people I know would use much stronger expletives, even in everyday conversation, let alone for falling down some stairs or getting shot. Also, "I love the crap out of you" sounds pathetic.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate her character, but the whole "Potty Mouth" gimmick seems unconvincing and lame, and to me, it unnecessarily cheapens her character and makes it hard to take her seriously.

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Eh, well, each to their own, I guess. xP

Alrighty, Virion's evaluation! With magnificence!



Ah, Virion, our early game archer and the guy that shows up right after Sully, only to get his balls kicked by her. Is it just me, or is IS giving FE archers really awesome designs lately? I think Shinon and Rolf both have great ones, and now I really like Virion and Noire's. And this is saying something, because I'm usually not that fond of long hair on guys (and both Shinon and Virion have long hair). But somehow it works great with Virion. In fact, his design actually kind of looks like an older, fancier version of one of my OCs, just with less bright blue hair and his hair not tied back (Virion's hair is also a little longer).

I also think Virion's design fits perfectly with his character and French accent. I can't imagine him possibly speaking any other way. I also like how despite you can tell he's of a high class just by looking at him, you still can't tell exactly where he's from or anything, making his relevance to the plot later more surprising. I mean, he's got that neck lace thingy and is pretty well-dressed overall.


Florina's gonna love me for this part lol. Virion's one of my favorite characters in the game simply because of his character. He reminds me of Sain (whom I love to bits and is my favorite GBA FE character), only more fancy-pants and he's got an awesome French accent. I love French accents and the French language! So when I heard Virion's English voice, I was like "hot damn! French accent guy! Woohoo!" :D His womanizing habits make for some funny scenes too, like with Sully or Libra (omg that support).

Oh, also, Virion is just PRICELESS in his support with Nowi. The Duck Duck Dragon thing, omg. "Virion, away!" Just...friggin ace. Also, he's hilarious when protesting that he doesn't have any ill intentions. The guy can also be more serious than it seems (like Sain) and he still has a heart in there. He's kind of detached from the world, but he did just have to abandon his home after it got crushed by an invasion. Virion seems like a nutcase at first, but once you learn about his history, you can feel kinda bad for him and I do.

Stats and Playability

Okay, despite that I love Virion's character, I have to admit that like Sully, he's sucking for me. I realize he's supposed to be a glass cannon, basically. High strength, skill, and speed, but shit defenses. But he only ever got a lot of skill for me and nothing else. Still, I'm not saying I think he's a bad unit, he just got screwed for me like Sully did. Anyway, because he starts as an archer, Virion can only do ranged attacks, so you have to protect him closely and make sure enemies don't hit him too much. Because obviously, he can take few. However, this can change once you get your hands on a Second Seal.

Unfortunately, Virion's only reclass options are defensive and magical, meaning he'll lose his best stats if he reclasses. However, this could also be a blessing in disguise for him. As a mage or wyvern rider, Virion is no longer locked only to ranged weapons and he can get more skills. Plus, it could help his poor defenses (defense as a wyvern rider, res as a mage). Wouldn't do much for his other stats, but even so. Wyvern is better for him than mage though, due to his magic growth only getting as high as an average 50%. However, despite potentially being bow-locked, I recommend Virion stick to one of his bow classes in the end, either Sniper or Bow Knight (I prefer the latter for more movement and sword access). With a 70% skill growth, this guy can potentially critical the shit out of people, especially if you slap a killer bow in his hands later.

Don't underestimate Virion's sniping skills, man. They are a thing of beauty.


Virion's amazing, that's all I can say. He's got a great design, a hilariously awesome character, and he'd probably be obliterating things if he wasn't screwed for me right now. It's a shame he doesn't get much love, this guy! But for once, there's a character Florina and I actually agree on. lol

Next: Stahl, our green horse knight that loves to eat! (like a certain blue-haired mercenary I adore)

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Yes! I cannot wait for your evaluation on Stahl. I adore him to freaking pieces.

I truly do love Virion, but once I start Master Sealing/Second Sealing people, he gets overshadowed a bit. You've probably seen me mention this, but Chrom is seriously one of the best damn archers in the game, second only to Morgan. If you turn him into a bow knight he becomes a one-man wyvern rider demolition team.

His accent is beautiful, and I was a bit disappointed that Cherche didn't have a French accent either. And he reminds me so much of Miles Edgeworth it isn't even funny. Virion's support with Fem!Avatar enforced this even more: just look at the way he plays chess. I play like that too - I actually had to alter my playstyle for Awakening a LOT because I normally just take a deep breath and charge. Can't do that with the final death concept.

But yeah. Stahl. Can't wait~

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Heh, I like Stahl too! In fact, I've loved every recent green knight so far since FE7. Sain is my favorite of all of them though. But I still love Oscar, Stahl, and think Kyle is really cool too (and he's kinda hot).

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You didn't mention his bib... :P

But I didn't know he had a French accent... and I actually played with English voices in my very first playthrough where I used him to some point. Maybe I didn't pay that much attention to him or can't tell. I personally like English accents. I dunno what else to say about Virion.

...However... Stahl~!

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Yeah, I didn't notice his French Accent. It's not as pronounced as in other games actually...

He really remember me of Mid-Boss in Disgaea ever more now. I guess it makes me like him far moe than before

How, and I'm pretty sure his name is based on the viole de gambe (which english name is the same as the French world for rape as well... *sigh*), which is an instrument of the violin family (I also think that Virion is based on Violin...).

I should use him more, because he ended up benched in that playthrough...

Stahl ended up absolutely awfull in my first playthrough(At least equal, or worse than Sully in every way except Luck andn HP), while Sully was actually pretty good, but now he's doing just fine.

Well, I think him and Kellam will see an use in all my playthrough.

Also, 3 replies before I posted, wow, this topic sure is active....

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Yeah, I did. "neck lace thingy" xP



Hehe. Virion is a little too smart for his own good and that part of what burned him in his homeland. Choosing the "craven's" route. D: Only Cherche backed him. So sad. Even Panne gets in on the ice burns.

Something about Virion thats interesting is his strength growth is really nice. Even without reclassing, it gets high and its the most likely stat to cap first regardless. His skill wont take THAT big of a hit with a reclass to be honest. The stat Virion sometimes has trouble with is Speed. It can lag. D: (but he makes a fine Dread Fighter!) Magic can as well especially if you reclass him into a magic using class after promotion. Owwie. Dark Knight and Wyvern Lord make Virion a freaking tank though.

I am not surprised that some people struggle with Virion. His base class is butt and should feel bad. In fact, i was keeping him as a Sniper on my latest run and boy, it was not working. Smelly stats that smell smelly. So i reclassed him to Dark Knight for defense and passing down Lifetaker to Gerome. Hes better now but still having some issues. Tweakage awaits! Due to my overwhelming bias and favoritism, he usually ends up claiming the first Second Seal i get from Renown. :P:

Nice one Ranboom!

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