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I watched Iron Man 3 (spoiler alert)


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I guess. I've never liked Pepper as a character all that much but I thought she was better in the movies than she was in the comics. Still, I felt her Extremis transformation thing was really tacked on, especially since it was taken away like five seconds later. I mean I know in the comics it was removed from Tony for being way too OP and making him Superman wearing a suit, but that took quite awhile. It would have been nice to at least have a movie or two where they reference the fact that she's super strong now, like maybe she fends off an attack in the next Avengers movie or something. I liked that Iron Man 3 had a sense of continuity with the constant reference towards the first Avengers movie, it would be great for it to directly add towards the others like that.

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The others? From the ending I thought it was implied that Iron Man 3 would be an end to the Iron Man movies. Then again it is a cash cow, I might be wrong.

Edited by Donatello Hamato
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From what I've heard they're in negotiations about Avengers 2 and stuff and Robert's using his leverage to get the other actors pay raise (I've heard he's even trying to get his own pay lowered for it, but I don't have a concrete source for that) so everything's still up in the air about it.

God I hope it all works out because I love all the current Avengers actor/esses in their roles. RDJ is kinda perf for Iron Man and I just can't see anyone else doing it as well as he does.

also just read this but

Personally I enjoyed the mooks even though it really doesn't make sense that random people can mess up Stark's suit that badly when a GOD could not.

Thing with Thor is, if the comics are anything to go by he holds back significantly against mortals because he knows if he went his full power they would be crushed too easily. If you notice carefully in the Avengers right before Cap intervened Thor was starting to crush the suit with his bare hands just by squeezing on it. Thor is also not that fond of killing, even when he's really mad. There was a bit in the comics after the Civil War arc where Thor just came back from the dead and Tony had the nerve to ask him to register in his superhuman registration act thing AFTER using his genes to create a clone of him that killed some of Thor's old friends. Thor was REALLY pissed, and completely fried Tony's armour, but even in his rage he didn't kill Tony. Thor doesn't act with the intention to kill unless he really has to, he just want them to get out of his hair so he can take his brother home. The mooks on the other hand, they wanted him dead or at least badly messed up so they went all out on it.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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The others? From the ending I thought it was implied that Iron Man 3 would be an end to the Iron Man movies. Then again it is a cash cow, I might be wrong.

No way. I guarantee there will be another one. Although Tony does always work better in crossovers than by himself, so I wonder where they'd be going with the next one.

Thing with Thor is, if the comics are anything to go by he holds back significantly against mortals because he knows if he went his full power they would be crushed too easily. If you notice carefully in the Avengers right before Cap intervened Thor was starting to crush the suit with his bare hands just by squeezing on it. Thor is also not that fond of killing, even when he's really mad. There was a bit in the comics after the Civil War arc where Thor just came back from the dead and Tony had the nerve to ask him to register in his superhuman registration act thing AFTER using his genes to create a clone of him that killed some of Thor's old friends. Thor was REALLY pissed, and completely fried Tony's armour, but even in his rage he didn't kill Tony. Thor doesn't act with the intention to kill unless he really has to, he just want them to get out of his hair so he can take his brother home. The mooks on the other hand, they wanted him dead or at least badly messed up so they went all out on it.

I don't read Thor comic books, but I do remember that even using the Thorbuster Tony lost in a battle against Thor. I don't think anyone even dimly aware of the Marvel universe would suggest that in a 1-on-1 tango Tony would beat Thor, without being a bit heavy with choosing which versions were battling. But Tony is definitely up there on the "characters you don't want to fuck with" list.

In terms of the Avengers, I'd say in a straight fight using more recent evaluations of strength, as a general rule for characters so far seen in the Avengers it would be Thor > > Hulk > > > Iron Man > > Captain America > Hawkeye = Black Widow

Thor's generally unstoppable against non-God characters. Over the past several years Hulk's been more consistently powerful from everyone's point of view. At times Tony might be a bit closer, nearly his equal at times, but Hulk'll win out in a fight without extraneous plot devices. Cap can't beat Tony in a straight fight because Tony's the Batman of Marvel and made it so his suit has the power to kick Steve's ass in actual combat, so that's unquestionable.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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There's some really great moments in the film (Tony telling the kid to fuck off and driving away, his entire fight with the Homeland Security lady, Iron Patriot scenes) and I thought the whole Mandarin thing was pretty well done. It was incredibly unique for a superhero movie, at least. I still prefer Iron Man 1 over it, though, because Jeff Bridges is just a joy to watch, while Guy Pearce is eh. I didn't feel as satisfied with the ending as I did with Iron Man 1 for some reason, though the trilogy montage was a nice touch. Overall it's definitely a blast to watch and well worth your money.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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The whole time I was wondering, why didn't Jarvis send one of Tony's other suits to him when his was broken? I figured it must have been because he only had one working one at the time, but that one wasn't fully combat ready. Then at the end he has dozens of suits fly over :facepalm: Also at the, there were many moments where the suits could have helped him and could have rescued the president sooner. Whenever the shot was zoomed out, you could see multiple suits flying around, which could have saved Tony in many occasions.

I know it's all to make a great plot, but the writers could have that Tony couldn't be located when he had no suit and I think that there were way too many suits for him to be in so much danger in the end.

My only critiques are those little things - I actually thought it was a great movie :3:

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I think the only overpowered ability they have is to shut down the suits by overloading them. That wasn't in the comic and rightly so, that's a bullshit special power that shouldn't exist.

Just the idea of Iron Man being able to get hurt, let alone killed by the generic mooks...yeah, that seemed pretty BS. They could also cut through his suit like butter.

Is it bad I feel bad for all those suits in the end

Also Pepper you go girl

It was really cool indeed.

That was actually the only part of the movie I really didn't like. I thought the entire fight was great, the end for Killian using the suit was just amazing, a perfect end for a bad guy.

Tony should report Pepper she's a total kill stealer he needs that xp man

Now that you mention it, I do agree with that to some extent...the reason why I think Killian is overpowered is because he's incredibly strong and mainly because he just doesn't die when a ton of BS is thrown at him. Then Pepper comes over and steals the kill.

Thor > > Hulk > > > Iron Man > > Captain America > Hawkeye = Black Widow

But Hulk can pwn Thor. Hulk has apparently nearly infinite strength (if that is even possible) :x

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If you're referring to the Avengers movie, Hulk was in rage and Thor was trying to restrain him. It's a lot harder to restrain someone than to just beat the shit out of them. Thor was trying to not damage the Helicarrier too much and even tried to reason with Hulk in the beginning of their fight. Hulk didn't give a fuck.

There's plenty of instances in the comics where if you get Thor pissed enough for him to not hold back he defeats Hulk pretty easily. Hulk is still a mortal, so he'd fall under Thor's "don't use full strength against mortals" rule.

The difference between Hulk and Thor imo is the definition of Hulk is a lack or restraint, while Thor is mostly controlled.

Then you get to Thor's Hulk mode (Warriors's Madness for the comic fans) and shit hits the fan. Was a while since the last time that happened, though.

WRT suits getting torn apart easily:

I think another thing though with the suits after mark 7 is that Tony may not have made them as high quality as the first 7 since he's making so many of them since he just has so many ideas he might've rushed on their quality. If that premise is true then his good suits got blown up when his house got blown up. Maybe his ptsd-like symptoms also contributed to the lack of durability in the suits?

Though, I think I've caught a glimpse of the Asgardian Destroyer armour-based suit and a Hulkbuster, so maybe he just didn't summon the most durable ones to wear :B

Edited by Thor Odinson
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But Hulk can pwn Thor. Hulk has apparently nearly infinite strength (if that is even possible) :x

Non-god characters <<<< God characters

Hulk at his best in WWH would still get his ass kicked by Thor. Thor's invulnerable, has near limitless strength, and fast as fuck. He'd lay Hulk out on the canvas pretty quick in a straight fight.

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Am aware of that

Was more referring to extremis!Pepper beating the shit out of Killian at the end because yes

And then reverting and was like "well that was very violent"

Welp I forgot that most people here read manga.

I hope there's a hulkbuster suit in the next movie.

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Welp I forgot that most people here read manga.


I hope there's a hulkbuster suit in the next movie.

You and me both. Wanted to see one so bad this one. I wish he would've worn that big one that held up the support near the end.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man I don't even care that Meanface McOdinjerk beat me to the punch I'm still gonna answer it

What's the difference between the Thorbuster and the Hulkbuster?

Hulkbuster's a big ol' brute of a suit (rhyming! =D) Tony made to be better able to take Hulk in a fight. He hadn't used it very recently, but in World War Hulk tried taking him on with a new and improved version and got flattened in a few seconds and ripped out of it. Thorbuster's kind of like Hulkbuster but powered by an Asgardian crystal Thor gave to Tony. He still got whooped though.

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